#gogokart 8 is def not mario kart
kkangkkangie · 2 years
Lloyd Headcanons
It’s ya favorite green dragon!
He has an identity crisis every other week. At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if some otherworldly creature told him he had some snek blood in him at this point. He’s asked Minne to detail his ancestry, so he’s not blindsided everytime but uh—he falls asleep 15 minutes in. 
He inherited the fangs that the Spinjitzu Siblings all have. Although, he doesn’t have their pointy ears (due to Misako being fully human), his eyes border that of Dragon/Oni (depending on his mood). 
Kai’s actually the one who cuts his hair, especially after he went to a hairdresser & ended up trauma dumping on him. The poor hairdresser had to go to therapy after that.
He has no clothes other than his gis and like one casual wear. If anyone else asks, it’s b/c his gis are more comfortable than regular clothes. Kai cries at that fashion sense. 
He’s not bad at drawing so when he’s with Nya—he actually helps with the blueprints. Some of the newer vehicles started from Lloyd’s blueprints with minor tweaking from Nya, Minne, & Jay (due to some measurement problems).
His GoGoKart 8 character is Gawser Jr. b/c it’s literally him. He’s a menace on that character. He has this thing where if it’s not this character—he will lose. Even when the developers added the ninjas for tribute, Lloyd would never play his character. 
He’s seriously empathetic. After Morro, he tried to shut out this part & he had to go through serious mood irritabilities before he could get this under control. All the ninjas had to pose an intervention with some of Wu’s magic tea. 
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