#god if you could get like. a romance version of the property guards.
vakarians-babe · 2 years
my brainrot is so bad I read stuff about the legendary items system on LOTRO and if someone writes it as ‘LI’ I’m like LOVE INTEREST? I GET TO SMOOCH NARMELETH AT LAST?
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umccall71 · 5 years
The Arrangement:Til you come back to me
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Book: The Royal Romance
Characters:King Liam x (mc) Queen Sexy
Disclaimer: All characters used are sole property of Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them for entertainment purposes.
Warning:The contents of this series includes nsfw, profanity, adult content, talk of sexual harassment and loss of a child. By reading this post, you acknowledged you are 18 +.
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The minutes seemed like hours trapped in the study with the two people that hated her most.Hana… “how the hell did Hana make it here, undetected?”,she internally thought to herself.Sexy felt lightheaded, but fought through it… she had to keep her wits about herself.
“Madeleine… I am really confused as to why you're here… with Hana of all people.”
The blonde bitch looked at her… or through her depending on the moment. Sexy could see a profound hatred when she skimmed Madeleine’s eyes. Maddie tried to mask her disdain for the former commoner turned Queen.Staring into her gaze, all the time from the moment she landed in Cordonia until Liam proposed flashed through her mind. In front of Sexy sat the epitome of all the torment, torture, feeling less than, the whispers, the smirks, the dismissing attitude all wrapped in a crusty green designer dress.
“You say your confused like that’s a hard feat to pull over your head.”, she smirked, “what’s confusing you dear?Perhaps sitting in the chair that should have been mine … in front of the two women you have wronged?”There was no way She could really believe this load of crap she was spewing.
Sexy felt her phone buzz,.. another text from Liam.
“Is that my king reaching out?Madeline was taking please in taunting Sexy .
“It’s nothing… it’s a little late, he’s probably wondering how soon I’ll be there.” Sexy felt her stomach tightening as if she had to retch.She breathed in deeply, composing herself trying to figure out how long before the guard returns.
Madeleine continued her symphony of her windbag concerto. Her voice was sounding a lot like an old phonograph playing at the wrong speed. She focused her attention on Hana playing with her braid by the French doors.
“ Hana… how are you holding up? I heard about your loss, I can only imagine what you must be feeling.” Sexy’s voice registered low and calming, which created the opposite effect on the manic woman that felt she had nothing to lose.
“What Do You know about loss?, she screeched like a banshee. “ you took everything I ever cared about from me.Madeline wouldn’t have cared if Liam and I were lovers, she would have welcomed it. Had you gotten on that plane, both of lives would be so different.” Sexy noticed that Hana’s face was devoid of any emotions. Her words did not match her features.
Madeline chimed in , bolstering a frantic, upset Hana to continue her version of the truth. “ Hana … tell how you know that she’s the reason everybody was tricked into believing the baby was not Liam’s.Tell her how you know she had the results changed in order to get you out of his life even though he loves you.”
Sexy heard a knock on her study door… security guard on the other side. How does she get him to help her without jeopardizing her safety? “ I’m okay… I still have quite a bit to do.” She uttered through the locked door. “ Why don’t you go get some coffee for yourself? I am still wrapped up in things.”
Sexy felt her heart racing although her voice didn’t betray her.She knew she had convinced him there was nothing out of the ordinary occurring.
“ Yes ma’am… I won’t be long.” She held her a breath she did not know she had inside praying that he would go… no questions asked.
“Bravo bitch… I guess your better at deception than I thought.”, Madeleine spit out.
Hana started approaching the desk with desperation in her eyes and disparities.
“Why couldn’t you just leave us be Sexy? Hana’s hands.. raw and skin peeling… her body draped with a T-shirt two sizes too big and jeans loosely fitting from the numerous meals that had been skipped. Sexy could help but notice a crimson stain on her jeans… blood. Blood that was purging from her body , evidence of the miscarriage. Hana was not focused on the here and now. She was fueled by delusions and anger fed to her like a eight course extravagant meal. Sexy’s heart broke for this fragile being detached from reality.
“ Hana… you were there when we worked together to clear my name of the false scandal… remember?” Sexy rose from the chair and slowly moved around the desk , nearing Hana clueless how she would make sense to the senseless.
“Hana … you know perfectly well she stole Liam from me and then from you. He has always saw both of us as kindred spirits and perfect candidates for Queen. Do not let her convince you otherwise.” Watching Madeline manipulating Hana was surreal. Sexy had a lot experience with this woman twisting scenarios to suit her own purpose. “ I will give you some privacy to make damn sure she understands what she has done. Sexy feels she entitled to king Liam, but she must learn her place.
Madeleine stood up from the chair and walked over to Hana giving her a fake hug and smiled wickedly st Sexy. “Ta Ta ladies, I will show myself out and I will be waiting for you Hana once your done.” Madeleine disappeared behind a false wall that had been installed years ago. This was how she managed to get into the palace… unseen. Her years spent at social functions and being engaged formerly to Leo, afforded her free movement around the majestic building.She orchestrated her and Hana movement in and out of Cordonia and Shanghai. “ I’m sure there’s a trail bribes from here to Shanghai allowing her to get a mental patient out so easily.”, she thought to herself watching Hana as three women , became two.
Sexy steadies her breathing and tries to collect her thoughts.She paces back and forth landing in a lean against the front of her desk.Sexy grips the desk edge so tightly, her knuckles turn white.The room is illuminated with a Tiffany desk lamp and moonlight breaking through the doors leading to the balcony. She scans the room and notices the light from her screensaver flashing a notification from Liam. She focuses on the photo locked in her phone of her loving husband holding their son and daughter flashing his crooked smile when he’s up to mischief.Her mind goes to them….God how much she loves them … needs them.. they are her world.Sexy takes her lead from the unstable woman standing in front of her hoping that reason will win out… sanity will win out.She watches Hana pacing the room… anger flashing in her eyes.
“You didn’t want me to give Liam a child… our child. He loves me, but denies it because of you. We were bred to have similar lifestyles and duties. But YOU…. you turned him against me and against our baby. I know… I know you had them kill my baby… you bitch!” Hana frantically rubbed her head, rubbing her forearm as if trying to rid her skin of a poison and fire.
“ Hana… in your heart of hearts you know that not true. You’ve been fed lies to make you feel I was against you. We were friends… once upon a time.I realize you have a lot of emotions floating in your head and it’s hard to make sense of it all.”Sexy tries to coax her to sit together on the couch. She feels if she stops talking, things will go south … fast. Keep talking Sexy, distract her, take her mind off of the lies Madeleine fed her.Sexy’s thoughts are running a hundred miles a minute. She thinks of all the methods she will take advantage of to make the blonde , desperate bitch pay. She knows she has built this powder keg.
Outside the door the guard receives a call from his majesty inquiring about the whereabouts of his queen.
“Sir… her majesty is still inside working and wishes not to be disturbed.”
“ I’m fairly that does not apply to her king.”Suddenly there was a sound of glass crashing to the floor. “What was that!” Liam has a panic stricken voice choking to come out. He knew that the guard was mere feet away from his Queen.
“Sir… I’m going to check on the disturbance now.” The line goes silent and Liam’s heart races not knowing what’s going on. Fear is something his wife spoke so eloquently about weeks ago when the news of Hana was delivered. He promised her that they indeed… they have each other. Fear would no longer dictate his actions. He needed to focus on staying calm and trusting his guards. He knew in his gut that the men and women that protect his family.. do so at great peril to themselves. Liam found himself rooted in the nursery staring down at his children, whispering to them how much he loves them and their mama. He slides his tall stature frame to the floor zoning out waiting to hear back from the guard, better yet his wife.
Back in the queens study, Sexy tries to get through to Hana.The queen failed to get Hana to be seated , but she was jumpy.. this scared Sexy a bit.
Hana moves closer to Sexy’s face glaring… fear flashing before her eyes.
“ You stole my life Sexy.. you stole my child!”, she grimaced and locked her jaw speaking through gritted teeth. Hana out of the blue smiles .. diabolically,” Perhaps… I should become mommy to the twins and join Liam every night in bed… making love all night long. I would ravish him into the early morning hours.” She laughs as she grips sexy hair pulling her head backwards.
Sexy felt her scalp on fire from the location where her hair follicles were in distress. “How would you ...How could you take my place with my family, don’t you think they would notice I’m missing?”
“ Oh Sexy… you wouldn’t be missing, you would be gone… dead. Of course Liam would feign grief for awhile, but he will need a new queen to rule at his side. The twins are so young… they won’t miss you at all… I will be the mother they deserve.First… you have to go.”Sexy felt enraged by her words, she would never leave her family to the devices of a deranged woman.She felt Hana’s hand starting to grip at her throat.One hand soon joined by her second hand, squeezing, droplets of blood drawn oozing down her slender neck.
Sexy found difficulty in breathing, but knew she needed to focus on getting home to her family.. to keep them safe. Images of the time she’s shared with the love of her life and their babies flashed through her … driving a response to fight . Sexy reached for the lamp on her desk finding it hard to reach. Her body slid back on the desk knocking the lamp to the floor sending it to crashing splintered grace. “Damn… I can’t get to it.”, she uttered to herself. While fighting to hold on to consciousness she gripped at anything on her desk when her delicate, manicured fingers found their way to her letter opener. Suddenly fight or flight, Sexy slashes at Hana’s arms trying to free the grasp on her throat.
“ You bitch!”, Hana shouts but this motion creates a window to get away from her grip.
Sexy twist in a tenable position trying to make it to the door … to help.The letter opener falls to the floor.. Sexy’s head slams to the side of the desk incapacity has her momentarily. Hana manages to get ahold of the letter opener and jabs it into Sexy’s back shoulder, before she could lift bit to repeat the action the study door flew open and Hana was tackled by several members of the king’s guard.
Bastien flew into the room on the phone with an ambulance to get help for the Queen.The room was spinning and finally grew dark. Sexy had lost consciousness … she felt a coldness running through her head, blurring her vision.
“ We have to alert his majesty that the queen is in trouble and we are en route to the hospital.Get a staff member to the royal residence to watch the children while the king makes it to her side.
After about 15 minutes, Sexy was rushed through the entrance of the hospital where an urgent care staff waited for her arrival. They raced to get her into the building as quickly as possible avoiding any press. The staff worked in precisioned focus to get to the source of the blood and pinpoint the injuries.The doctor ordered blood test and matching In Case of transfusion necessity. A full battery of standard testing was ran on the Queen while liquid stitches were applied to seal the slight opened gash on the corner of her head. Within minutes the doctor had results in hand on order properly diagnose and care for the Queen.
The doctor’s eyes stretched slightly at the results, “ Are all of these results conclusive? These results here… the levels are elevated. I would like to get an ultrasound ordered immediately.”Medical staff flying around in a flurry tending to the VIP patient.
Liam’s SUV came to a jaunting stop in front of the private entrance that had been communicated prior to arrival by Bastien. The head of his King’s guard met his majesty outside the entrance. Bastien opened the rear door allowing quick exit .
“Where is she ?!Take me to her now!” Liam composes himself as he took long strides through the corridors to find his wife.The ever stoic king could not breathe until he laid eyes on his Queen.Panic setting in not knowing what happened and the status of the love of his life. Bastien ushered him into a private waiting room set aside for royalty and nobles. “ Bastien … tell me how the hell we ended up in the hospital when I had my Queen in her study working!”He ran his large hands over his head , finally allowing for his breath to escape. The door opened after a quiet knock, “ Your majesty, I am Dr. Ashton the attending physician caring for the Queen. We have managed to seal the wound on her head.”The doctor paused allowing Liam to process the information that was just conveyed. “Sir… May I speak to you in private regarding her majesty?”
Liam’s blue eyes darted between his personal guard and the doctor.Bastien bowed and exited the room allowing the two men to speak freely.After several moments the doctor continued with his train of thought.
“Sir… her majesty was bought in unconscious . She has not regained consciousness since being here. We are wanting to perform a cat scan on her head to check for internal injuries, but we first need to make sure there are no adverse risk to her.”
Alarm flits across Liam’s face at the nervousness to complete his thought. “ what is that.. what risk?”
“ Sir we ran several test to determine blood type and possible mitigating factors that could complicate course of treatment.Your majesty...we need to perform an ultrasound to determine how far along her majesty is.”
Liam felt his heart race and the sound of the doctor’s voice fading away. “Did… I hear you correctly? We’re pregnant?” Liam smile was quickly replaced with concern, “ so you feel the scan can pose a risk to her and the baby?”
The doctor led Liam over to be seated while addressing his concerns… “ the scan will not be performed on her abdomen, so there is minimal exposure to radiation. We will first determine how far along the pregnancy progressed. If you join me in her room , we are about to do an ultrasound.”
“Let’s go… she hasn’t been feeling well , but we thought she had a bug.” Liam felt such a swell knowing that another child was created from their love. Here she was fighting her way back to him… and fighting for the life of their child he was unaware she was carrying. Liam and the doctor, followed by Bastien madd their way into the room holding the Queen setting up for an ultrasound.
“ Your majesty when her results came back, her HcG levels were extremely high.The ultrasound should give us an indication what’s going on.”Dr. Ashton moves the rolling table holding the machines around to the side of the bed exposing Sexy’s stomach.He squeezes a gel on her stomach to enhance the imaging.Liam took hold of her hand, thumb absentmindedly stroking her skin.within minutes of moving the probe over her abdomen… an image appeared on the screen.Liam was now eyes locked watching the first glimpse of his child, their child. His breath hitched in his throat knowing this blip was a manifestation of the love they share.
“Sir… right here is baby# 1… and here is baby # 2.” Liam’s fist flew to his lips trying to conceal a scream from escaping. His eyes glossy with tears threatening to spill over.He moves closer to the bed as the doctor continued to check measurements and approximate due date.He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to side of her head.Liam closes his eyes briefly taking in the moment of hearing that he would be a father again.
“ Your majesty, based on the measurements, I would say she is about 12 weeks pregnant with twins.Dr. Ashton smiled warmly, “ congratulation to you both.I am going to make arrangements for her scan right away.”, I will give you a minute alone with her majesty.
Liam smiles, “thank you, just make sure she’s okay… they’re okay. I’m trusting my extended family to you.Dr. Ashton nods and exits the room.
“Bastien…. please contact duchess Olivia and request she go to the palace to stay with the twins until morning when the nannies arrive. I don’t want just anyone with them. I need to make sure Sexy doesn’t have to worry about them when she wakes up.”
Bastien bends deeply at the waist and proceeds to satisfy his King’s request. Suddenly the room was eerily quiet, he leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“My love… there’s so much going through my mind, but first I need to see you open your beautiful eyes.”, he sniffs trying to hold back the tears again. “ I need to see the look in your eyes when you learn we are need to prepare for twins again. Did you know you we’re with child? That doesn’t matter now… I never thought I could be happier than the day you shared with me we would be starting our family. Sexy … you are my dreams personified. I need you… to wake up so we can plan the biggest celebration Cordonia has ever seen.I need to be able to hold you and thank you for everything you have given me , as a man. I remember you telling me titles are not important, it’s not the measure of the man. You were happy to love me… just Liam.”He felt his heart breaking and overflowing with love at the same time. “ You asked me what I desired for my birthday… there is no greater gift than to learn we are expecting again.”, he chuckles to himself quietly. Suddenly realization setting in.. twelve weeks… he grins thinking back to when they shared paradise. “ Elafonissi, we started anew and lord and behold… new additions to our family.”
Liam moves further down the bed , leans down and kisses her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet you two… welcome to the family my newest angels” He gazed up and silently prayed for his mother’s spirit to watch over his unborn children, her would be grandchildren. The door opened slowly… “ we are ready for her your majesty.”
He watched as his heart in human form is wheeled down the hall , “ Bastien… you all had damn well better make sure that crazy bitch doesn’t escape again. I tried showing compassion and where did that get me… with my Queen in a hospital fighting to protect our children.I need this handled… Now!”
Bastien quickly retreated outside to make calls and get the ball rolling to find out… what the fuck just happened.
“ Don’t worry my love.. I’m here and I’m not leaving without you.”Liam slumps in the chair awaiting her return … pondering where he failed her, he knew he had to make this right.
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