#god I was so mad when I first saw the movie and they killed Carlisle don’t even get me started
quietbeauty · 4 years
MIDN.IGHT SUN bullet point thoughts under the read more in no sensible order. 
Edward’s stalking vibes are even worse this time around. Like it’s som real Joe Goldberg B.S. happening there. 
Emmett and Jasper are the only good characters 
Rose is also one of the best characters. And her feelings are completely justified. 
I really liked the extra Rose content. I hate that Edward still views her as vapid, especially since he can read her mind, but what else do we expect from 17 year old hetro men? 
Honestly, I would’ve behaved just as Rose did
Edward and Alice both saw what leaving would do to Bella. They both saw how depressed she would become, and they both thought it would be okay, that it was something that Bella could come back from. I hate that, I hate that Edward saw how broken Bella was and still thought it was better than seeing her happy as a vampire. 
I also HATE how he waited for something else to happen (see: New Moon birthday party) for him to leave. He didn’t leave when he was better, but convinced himself and blames Jasper for putting her in danger. Jasper literally does not deserve that blame, and honestly he deserves better. 
Did anyone else pick up on Jacob noticing Edwards smell as a vampire? Because I did and I loved it
I hate how genuine Jacob’s thoughts were and that Edward admits they might have been friends and knowing that a love triangle is about to happen, and like that scene with them talking in Eclipse in the tent? If that love triangle wasn’t there and it was just a species thing? How great would that have been. 
When is Carlisle going to diagnoses Edward with fucking depression or even anxiety?? 
Emmett and Jasper have a multi-board chess game. Alice helping Jasper cheat. That’s good 
I love all the little family things that happen
Vapid, beauty obsessed Rose? Working on cars? as a hobby and stress relief? God I love her. 
Edward gets  one ( 1 ) point for not sharing Rose’s thoughts and keeping that to himself.
Jaspers powers, making himself uninteresting. Using that all the time until the main fight? Using that to help during the baseball scene? I love him !!
I hated the car chases scene and all the damages they caused. But Emmett and Japser working as side-mirrors after the get knocked of the car? Alice using her visions to help navigate? That was nice. 
The instant brotherly love Emmett has for Bella.
How much Charlie loves Bella 
I’m MAD that Edward not being able to read his mind is never mentioned, but for some reason Edward can read his mind in the movies??? 
Renee sucks as a mother. She’s a bad parent. And no, you can’t change my mind
How people’s automatic need to help Renee and do things for her reads the same as people wanting to do that for Nessie? Are powers a genetic thing? Does Bella have some of this with how obviously Emmett loved her as a sister? The boys as school had a crush on her? 
Bella not being able to have a pet that would tie her mom down and killing 3 fish. Anyway I hate Renee
Bella working at a plant nursery just gives me life. I love green thumb animal killing Bella. 
Post accident, Charlise and Charlie phone conversation, I honestly just love that so much, and maybe I’m biased because I love Charlie, but I love every part with him in it. 
Honestly, I still love Japser and Rose just wanting to kill Edward, and Alice being the first one to realize/see that Edward will fall in love with Bella. 
Renee comparing Bella to Charlie the way Bella always compares herself to her dad, I love a father-daughter duo.
Edward not killing Bella when he’s drinking the venom out of her by only just barely because she said his name? The amount of power Bella holds over Edward without even realizing it, it’s fucking beautiful. 
I’ve talked about Japser with his powers, but I like the visual of Alice powers being strings, all ties together and that certain choices bring certain fates. It kind of feels like the tapestry of bright colors bella talks about in the Breaking Dawn back after she’s turned. 
Edward hating Bella’s dark the same way she hates his stupid shiney volvo. 
Anyway, i still stan Jasper, Rose, and Emmett.
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edwardamcullen · 7 years
okay what are your favorite edward moments from the books?
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Edward and the lemonade bottle cap
Any reaction to people’s thoughts
“Stop it mom, you’re making me blush.”
“Do I … dazzle you?” Because he deadass didn’t know and thought it just for some reason did not work on Bella and his heart “swelled” when he found out he did dazzle her
any Mike Newton slander
his and Alice’s “both freaks” alliance. Like the time in Midnight Sun where Edward had to pretend Alice was telling the truth when she told Jasper he wasn’t going to do anything meanwhile Jasper was literally visualizing sucking the life out of this one student. “We had to stick together, Alice and I. It wasn’t easy, hearing voices or seeing visions of the future. Both freaks among those who were already freaks. We protected each other’s secrets.”
His and Alice’s siblingship in general. Seriously like any time one looked out for the other.
Every Boo Boo The Fool moment he had during Midnight Sun when he felt emotions and was like ??? what??? what is this??? am i.. FEELING??? is this… ENVY??/ ALL OVER… A HUMAN ???A HUMAN GIRL? SHE’S JUST A GIRL
“Love her too?” I whispered, incredulous.
His what is she thinking now? and now? now what? now what’s she thinking?  little kid “are we there yet” kind of questions
I saw her life as I had before-college, career…love, marriage. I saw her on her father’s arm again, dressed in gauzy white, her face flushed with happiness as she moved to the sound of Wagner’s march. The pain was more than anything I’d felt before.
Could a dead, frozen heart break? It felt like mine would….. She was dreaming of me……Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.
Oh, and also, I’m wretchedly in love with you.
how generally nervous he was around her not just the fact that he thirsted for her but the fact that he didn’t know what he was doing bc…like i said….he has no idea what the fuck feelings are
Blood Type
How long have you been seventeen? A while. (FUCKING KING OF COMEDY)
“It doesn’t Matter? / does it MATTER?” etc. basically the entire freak out and his mental debate of whether she was mentally sound and how he could probably arrange for Carlisle to set her up with the best medical care
“We match!”
“isn’t it supposed to be like this? the glory of first love and all that?” :D
Edward cooking for Bella on prom day and using Charlie as his taste tester.
I guess it wasn’t a favorite moment but it was ??? cute?? his stupid little tantrum about how if Bella was at Mike’s place on her birthday the worse thing that would happen was them not finding a bandage
Edward anonymously setting up a scholarship for Bella
DUDE HE’S SO FUCKGIN CHEESY….. Before you bella…my life was like a moonless night
“Amazing! Carlisle was right!” what a nerd
Edward breaking a tv set then storming back in the room and roaring nO NO when bella’s dumbass said “Okay alice where do you want to do this?
“Isabella Marie Swan,” he whispered, the strangest expression crossing his face. He almost looked mad. “Do you believe that I asked the Volturi to kill me because I felt guilty?”
Edward trying to convince Bella he was lying about not loving her
“I just proposed to you and you think it’s a joke.”
He and Bella winning an Oscar for their acting performance in their “I got accepted there too” bit in front of Charlie
Edward coming up with an entire blockbuster movie plot where he and Bella would be the luckiest plane crash survivors in history while they’re taking notes
No Bella you look…sexy
“Did you run over someone’s cat?”
How he could quite literally kill Jacob when his stupid ass told her he’d rather she was dead
Another thing…I’ll be fighting for her too. I’m a quick learner Jacob I don’t make the same mistake twice and I’m here until she orders me away
That sounds about right…pup
I prefer brunettes!
The “You’ll always be my Bella” speech
The entire proposal…………he is so cute…..i wanna cry he was so happy
The way he got his feelings hurt when Bella didn’t want to put the ring on and how happy his little face got when he saw the ring on her…… i’m crying
he told her to be nice before he proposed
Edward really took a crying bella who pulled over on the side of the road crying into his arms and held her the entire night while she cried over Jacob Black can i fucking die. Can i fucking die right nOW.
Just how honest he was in that tent scene tbh. I would die for him idk if you know that yet but in case you didn’t.
This is probably just a me thing but any time he gets protective over Bella or his family etc it’s so hot laksjdlakjdas i’m SO SORRY
The telling Charlie about their engagement he was so chillin. Bella: stressing pulling her hair leg shaking at 100mph Edward: :D charlie :D i know i should’ve told you but …. i proposed! :D
Edward in general wanting to give Bella the world is so cute like he would buy anything for her but the fucking cARs… i hate him. No i don’t. He’s just so cute he’s so excited and willing to do anything for her.
“By the way, I love you” “That’s why we’re here”
Taking Bella’s garter off with his teeth winking at Bella then throwing it at Mike Newton’s face
Edward’s entire reaction every time Jacob had any thoughts. Like the time Jacob was like they’re probably all fighting not to rip away the cup from bella’s hands and edward rolled his eyes. Or Jacob would be like “he owes me” and edward would mouth “I do.” Or jacob would fall into this self-pity i need love mood and edward tossed him his keys and told him to get out
Edward’s absolute love and pure JOY when he hears Renesmee’s thoughts for the first time
After the birth Edward ordering Jacob away after he clearly gave up and was over it and Edward refusing to give up on Bella
EDWARD’S LITERAL DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN HE COULDN’T HEAR BELLA’S THOUGHTS WHEN SHE “WOKE UP” poor baby he actually thought. what kind of boo boo the fool. 
Vampire Bella:                               Edward: oh my god. Incredible. You’re amazing. (what  a NERD)
Edward’s happy little voice every time he talked about Renesmee
“No I don’t care if you bite Jacob”
Just his overall protectiveness for his family. I’ve already talked about this but!!!!!!!!!
Him defending Alice always whether it be to Sam or wanting to rip Demitri to shreds specifically for her
Edward giving Renesmee a fucking ipod
“Caius you idiot the sun is out how are these children of the damn MOON”-an actual quote by Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
HE WAS SO EXCITED TO GET INTO BELLA’S MIND MY LITTLE BABY IT’S ALL HE’S WANTED IT WAS LIKE A FUCKING BIRTHDAY PRESENT OR SOMETHING. I feel like on his birthdays Bella is just like ok. For your present you’ll get my mind I’ll lift my shield today. He was just so excited so happy he told her to do it again
Edward loves. A lot. He loves so much oh my god. I wanna die.
maybe i should’ve just linked you to the edward cullen quotes good reads page. or like your nearest barnes and noble and the YA section where you can find the entire series because I can assure you everything he’s ever done is so cherished in my world. i’d die for him idk if you’ve picked up on that
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