#go through 13 layers of hell chetney. do it now.
finncakes · 1 year
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barking and screaming and crying i cannot believe i have to wait like three weeks to see bells hells again
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it looks so nice!! I love it <3
"between the realms of the gods" what does that mean? astral sea? dark parallel astral sea??
Chetney can smell the necromancy in the air.
"she might be being held in a location that these folks might know about that we don't." she's in the fucking ziggurat. I can feel it in my bones
oooooh interesting. when one of their trusted companions rolls a nat20, FCG gets advantage on the next d20 roll they make.
"like it's been in disrepair for hundreds of years." the entire cityscape is twisted and warped, like a mockery of what the city used to be. I'm imagining the houses from Nightmare Before Christmas. "there's a disjointed skyline, like there was some seismic activity."
the Roofs are Moving
orym, fcg, and ashton are trying to open a door. ashton goes to find a window. time is a flat fucking circle.
BONES??? erupting out of the ground in twisted masses of ribs and spines that are too big for the creatures they look like they belong to.
oh god the sun tree is gonna be made of bone isn't it?
this is so fucking cool. this entire landscape is insane. like, fuck. the heirloom sphere was cool, cognouza was cool, but this is such a different vibe and it's so new and different.
"Unlike the city you went to, where all the roadways were built for the ease of people walking through, this is a tangled mess."
the bones have marrow and blood in them. they are not made of stone. so where the fuck did they come from?
they hear a voice of a young boy from down an alleyway. Imogen reaches out and senses "presences, but they're not singular minds that you can connect with. It's odd. You feel they're there, but when you try and connect, it's like it's empty, not fully material. 'I've been noticing you following me lately, Matilda. Why is that? It's okay. Do you wanna play a game with me?'"
There's a young boy with red hair, wearing standard clothing, 12 or 13... across from him, a flickering shadow, a feminine form, like a young girl with a small purple glow in the chest. Imogen reaches out to her. "'I don't know if I should say yes. I like him, though.' [Don't trust him, Laudna.] 'Why? He's inviting me to play a game. That's nice, right?' [Tell us how to find you. Come home.] 'But I like him.' 'I found something I think you would like, and I wanna give it to you, but you have to tell me a secret first.' [Laudna, don't trust him.] 'Well, go on, take it!'" and the kid throws a handful of dirt at Laudna, who dissipates.
With know your enemy, the little boy has an AC less than Orym's, but more hit points. When he goes back into the city he vanishes into an ethereal form.
Orym spots a big red barn with lantern light inside, while everywhere else is lifeless, gray, and dark.
again. this is so fucking interesting. Laudna's memories are colorful and accurate to life — the kid's hair, the barn, the lantern light — while everything else is just dead. and that itself would be cool. but layered on top of that you have Delilah's will, causing bones to erupt from the ground and 15-foot-tall skulls to be embedded inside shark fin towers of stone that chase the Hells around. the city is trying to keep them out and Laudna's bright, colorful memories are guiding them through this maze.
they get to the hayloft and find a bunch of scavenged and hand-made dolls, drawings. and an even younger girl, no more than 3 years old, still with the flickering purple flame in her chest.
she won't talk to Orym, but she'll respond to Imogen talking in her head. "Is there a mean woman around here?" "Yeah. She won't let me leave." and she points to the Sun Tree.
some drawings are of a family of 3. one looks like a dragon or a snake with wings, something traveling over the sun. one shows a little girl like her with a very sad expression. and one is just black, dark scribbles. "that's what's beyond the city. that's how everything is now." "have you tried to leave?" "the tree won't let me... the tree won't let me."
......I don't think these are actually Laudna's memories. I think these are Matilda's memories that Laudna is inhabiting, because somewhere in the Outer Planes, Matilda is doing just fine while Laudna is trapped inside a body etched with trauma.
"I don't know if threats work here, but I'm gonna make one!"
Orym spots another flicker of firelight. Imogen uses her connection again— "I'm Imogen. I'm a friend." "I'm sorry, I'm very busy right now, I'm getting dressed."
Ashton removes the necklace from the doll, and the doll crumbles into ash but the necklace remains.
In the firelit house, two people sit on chairs — a woman in a soft green dress and a man in an ill-fitting suit. Laudna, a flickering shadow, stands in the middle of the room. They give her a nice shawl and a dark skirt.
The descriptions of the parents match Delilah and Sylas, which tracks with them being shades of the two. So this is our Laudna, reliving the memories of Matilda, struggling to remember things she experienced but that Matilda never did. Maybe?
But that outfit that they gave her — a nice dark shawl, dark skirt, blue blouse — matches the description of the person in TLoVM we know is Laudna.
The roofs have stopped, but the tree is moving.
A failed skill check, Laudna goes back up the stairs, and the two parents attack Imogen and Fearne. The rest of the party sees tendrils of black smoke as their bodies become ethereal.
Shades defeated, and we go to the Sun Tree.
Imogen and Chetney drink a potion of possibility.
the description of the sun tree's branches reaching like hundreds and hundreds of arms searching for solace and finding none...... ow
Tendrils of purple ichor swirl into a torrent, forming the visage of Delilah Briarwood.
Orym sees Laudna not on a noose but up in the branches of the tree. Embedded deep into the tree's canopy boughs. Inside a cage made of branches, wrapping tightly around her, forming a boundary around the glimmer of purple energy within.
like evandrin.
"You know not of the eternity that awaits him, me, and all others that walk in his shadow."
Delilah reminds me so much of Trent Ikithon.
"This is not a place of my making... I've certainly exhibited an influence, yes. [Does that mean Laudna trapped you here, as much as you've trapped her?] It is not the most beneficial arrangement for one such as I, but you do what makes the most sense."
Ooooh Delilah failed a deception check against Chetney's insight
When Imogen tries to reach out to Laudna, there's a blockage. In the presence of Delilah, she can't get through to her.
Delilah's AC in her immaterial form is less than Orym's, and her strength is less than 10.
"We are not two beings cohabiting a form, we are one being... some children have a gift. I found I had a gift for learning. Her? She was one of the lucky to be born with something. But I didn't see that at the outset. She was... useful. I had to prove a point. And she was in the right place at the right time. Fate, or whatever you might call it, deemed that we meet at that time, and because of that, here we are. So she is special, because she is a part of my destiny."
this is also super interesting because the Hells can't just resort to punching this out. if they do, they risk the whole thing — they won't die, they'll just bamf back to their bodies (if Delilah can't do anything to sever their cords), and they know that.
"You're fading." "Do you know where I'm fading to?" "Best not to spill all my secrets." she's going to the MOOOOOOON
Chet out-bullshits the bullshitter!
Marsha takes Matt's seat??? WHAT IS HAPPENING??
I wonder how much stuff Matt had to remove from the back of the screen lmao
"You have to fight her... you have to fight her."
hey can someone make a count of how many initiatives Imogen has started? that's gotta be like, 4 at least
I don't think I've seen such a beautiful map since the Cathedral in C2
(this is not relevant whatsoever but essek mention essek mention)
belilah driarwood
Liam sitting next to Tal is such a good pairing for difficult combats like this. Ashton and Orym are so synergistic, their abilities work great together, and
Ashton rage build update: 4 is possibility. That's probably the best thing they could've gotten, since it gives everyone within range a good bonus to their rolls.
"ʷᵉ'ʳᵉ ᶠᶦᵍʰᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᴰᵉˡᶦˡᵃʰ ᵇʳᶦᵃʳʷᵒᵒᵈ ᵃᵗ ˡᵉᵛᵉˡ ⁷"
ok, okokok, negative energy flood is a 5th-level spell
first use of brand of castigation by a PC! Chetney knows the direction of Delilah as long as she's on the same plane as him, and whenever she deals damage to him or a creature within 5 feet of him, she takes 2 damage.
turn undead time! "you kill to live, you don't live to kill, right?"
Imogen's using her ability!
Call Ruidus: she takes a certain amount of damage (looks like a number of d6 equal to something), and deals double that number of d6s to a target of her choice
....oh no
FCG is out. They wake up in Pike's house.
Hurting the tree hurts Delilah, it either takes double damage from fire or is veeeery susceptible to burning, and the Hells have a wildfire druid. I'm thinking that it's the source of Delilah's lair and legendary actions.
Imogen and Laudna both rolling nat1s on the Ruidus die....... Orym rolling two nat20s in a row on the Catha die...... this shit writes itself, man
that "get out" had huuuuge "because I was right" energy
and then Orym's out.
I still really wanna know why Chetney has the Shadow Touched feat.
.....Fearne should be adding 1d8 to all of these scorching ray attacks.
there sure is something about Imogen, Ruidus-born, infused with power she can't hope to understand, getting the HDYWTDT on an ashen, corrupted version of the Sun Tree, sacred tree of Pelor, with a lightning bolt drawn from the power of the Blightstar
"there's so much room to go fetal down here!" talisein continues to be an absolute mood.
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