#gildedguy story 8
voroxziiart · 16 days
Contains Gildedguy Story 8 Spoilers!
Consider checking out Gildedguy & The Dragon of Mar on YouTube!
Song is Gila Monster by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
A compilation of work I did for Gildedguy & The Dragon of Mar (Story 8)! Majority of which being clean-up & color work. However, I did get to work on the occasional rough animation, as well as backgrounds! (Below the line.)
Some of the background work I completed for the project! A lot of which are spoilers, hence the line.
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moonlitcomet · 18 days
Gildedguy and the Dragon of Mar - Mar character thoughts
First off, what a HELL of a goddamn story. Easily my new favorite Gildedguy animation. it's much more emotionally grounded and serious than all of his previous ones have been, combined, even with that absolute gut punch of a third act.
So, go watch it first.
That being said, I have a lot of thoughts on Mar as a character and what he means to me. They'll be under the cut, so SPOILERS BELOW if you haven't watched the animation.
Starting off, I have to say a lot of these thoughts have been kickstarted by my buddy @malelovemail. Conversation with others in the sense of this story has helped build up my own thoughts on the animation and of this character.
That being said,
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This guy. This fucking man.
To put it shortly, he is an allegory for abuse, isolation, and resignation.
Throughout the animation, you can see him refusing help - you can see him keeping to himself, even with him inviting gildedguy into his home. He recoils from the sight of himself in reflections. That, for one, is a sign of someone who has done something horrible- and knows what he's done.
And that leads into the Dragon, which so delightfully mislead us into believing it was something he was trying to hide. No, it's something much more nuanced than that. The dragon is a defense mechanism.
Not once does Mar try to hide the dragon, he doesn't keep it away from Gildedguy or anyone else. The first thing his body goes to when he feels stressed- when he is in pain- is to turn into the dragon. It's a relapse into horrible and violent behaviors because he can't be forced to come to terms with who or what he is.
Throughout the entire story, Gildedguy tries to help mar. he tries to pull him out of the abuse cycle. He hides the stellapen when he sees it brings mar pain, he tries to help him out of the nerve throne inside of the dragon. Even when it comes time to fight the dragon in Gilded Mecha form, he is trying to HELP HIM. After the dragon is dead, he tries to help him. But every time, he gets turned away. Mar sees what he is in the eyes of the people, he refuses to attempt to overcome it. He refuses to accept what he's done. He just falls further into his violence and lets his dragon hurt more and more people.
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In the end, gildedguy resigns himself to the fact that he cannot save this man, because Mar does not want to be saved. When Mar dies, he just watches it happen. He doesn't stop Sable. He doesn't help him up.
He just watches.
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Something I find very interesting is that the first thing mar does when the dragon dies and the fight is over is mourn it, and pay respects. he pays no attention to anybody else. he doesn't care about them. To him the dragon, his defense mechanism and his output for violence, has been his only companion in life for as long as he can remember.
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This was never going to be a story with a happy ending, because Mar refused to accept one for himself. And the people he's hurt refused to accept that too.
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Sable is an interesting character in the context of both the story, and the allegory that Mar represents. She is shown worshiping the dragon at the start of the story, playing in gold while inside the dragon, and overall being disconnected from the plot. But she's a good representation of what you can ignore in someone you admire while they hurt other people, until you come face to face with what it is they've done.
And in the end, she becomes disillusioned from all that has happened, because of the sight of everything the dragon has done to everyone else.
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Sable was the best choice to end Mar's life as opposed to Gildedguy. She had much more direct contact with him, she had been directly hurt by him for who knows how long.
And I feel like she's an allegory for the people that Barthimo has hurt. A sort of retribution and catharsis, seeing the one that has hurt her for so long be taken down and killed by her own hands. She was the one who could finally end Mar's reign of terror, not just the dragon he hid behind.
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rgbfall · 1 year
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Vote Gildedguy in @the-stickman-ever-comp!!!! Do it now*!!
*note: stickman ever comp round 2 has not started at the time of posting
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teemhaunts · 16 days
so i watched the new gildedguy story at school .something very comedic happened where i was saying a deez nuts joke and then someone just straight up died
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rayo-rojo · 19 days
ya no se por que estar mas emocionada
I don't know why I should be more excited.
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y a ustedes cuál les emociona más?
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selemina · 18 days
Nobody talk to me, Gildedguy Story #8.
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chewwypepsicola · 1 year
so whats gildedguy :) ?
Well am i glad you ask :)
GildedGuy is an animated stickfigure created by a guy under the same name, do not confuse Gilded Guy the character w the creator (it can be messy i know but stick w me) (pun intended)
So the series has a total of 7 episodes (8 if we count episode 0) Which follows this silly little stickman adventures as he traverses through the world of Hyun's Dojo and/or RHG (Rock Hard Gladiators) These two thing in name dropping are communities of stickfigure animators that have been collaborating and posting their stcikfigure fights animation on the youtube channel of hyuns dojo as a way to gather more attention to their original content, all of this has been going on since flash was alive and well so there’s videos as old as 12 years old! (with some outdated things for sure…) BUT, after that small history tangent, GildedGuy is a modern generation Rock Hard Gladiator, the story makes a lot of references and homages to these communities for the inspiration they were to guys like GildedGuy the creator and many more, he features constantly other characters popular in these times in his series and it’s honestly to charming and heartwarming cause, at least for me, even thought i didn’t experience these communities first hand, you can tell how much they mean to this creator and his team !! and that’s very pretty :)
I highly encourage anyone to give the show a try and maybe after they could get more interested in all of these other characters the community has loved and keeps living years after !! i’m fairly new but honestly they are pretty charming and the animations are very entrancing too hahah
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soppleboble · 1 year
Where have I been?!
Hello everyone, I apologize on behalf of myself for not writing anything down. My sense of time has been a bit foggy lately, and the projects that I've prioritized have taken a big chunk of my energy. My workflow, which consists of me doing absolutely everything on a whim, can be best described as expertly balancing on a tightrope while half asleep. Let's just say, I fall a lot.
Now that I have finally gotten into the task of writing things down for you all, here's some of what I've been working on:
Gildedguy's Story no. 8 -- I have the great opportunity to work with Gildedguy on his story once again. Although I cannot say much due to spoilers, I can say that it has been pretty fun animating and colouring so far for this project. You can watch progress from Gildedguy himself at https://twitch.tv/gildedguy
SHOMEN -- I've started a Hyun's Dojo Newsletter. Currently it has been taking up most of my time, and I am real excited about it. It is about what is happening in the stickman community, and I made worked hard to make it super interactive. If you want to check it out, head to https://shomen.art
A Collab -- I am doing a G-Stick (Glorified Stickman) collab hosted by Nasro. Currently, I have been procrastinating on it. So I better finish it soon...
The Next Skid Story -- I've been conceptualizing my next duel out completely in my head. I've got a banger story planned, or at least I think I do. The next duel will be vs Ghost (character by MicroMist). I have great ideas using the concept of his character, so please look forward to its eventual, more official announcement.
So yeah, that's where I've been. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
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moonlitcomet · 18 days
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rgbfall · 1 year
(I have not been watching any animation livestreams so this is my first exposure to any story 8 stuff) I just watched the demo reel and HELLO???? IS THAT???? 3D BACKGROUND????
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moonlitcomet · 18 days
I think what makes gildedguy and the dragon of mar such an interesting and wonderful story to me is the intense emotional depth within it. It is, without a doubt, a tragedy - the main antagonist is tragic, he's a character you connect to personally before the end of the animation. He's a character you want to help, but is doomed by his existence and his past.
[spoilers and lots of disconnected thoughts below]
And he's a character who our MC tries to help - but gets refused every single time, from the day they meet to moments before Mar dies. Mar is a sympathetic character but has lost himself in his own evil, and refuses to accept that he could change for the better.
He isolates himself - and seems to accept Gildedguy into his life as a potential new friend. Maybe the only friend he's had in decades. The amount of time they spend together, and the amount of time Gildedguy spends trying to help this man, is really what makes Mar's end such a huge gut punch.
A lot of people are criticizing the ending of story 8 as Sable killing Mar "for no reason", which is not only tone deaf but also completely misreading the entire story presented to them. This story was never going to have a good ending, but with the story being told from Gildedguy's perspective, we were given a twinge of hope that maybe just maybe he could send Mar on the path to self-improvement.
Mar has been evil, and has been pillaging and killing people for probably decades at this point, what with how huge his gold hoard and skeleton collection is. He is too far gone, in the sense that he has resigned himself to the idea that he could never improve. Us, the viewers, having an idealistic approach at a story that could only end in pain and suffering for at least some individuals involved, gives us more expectation and more pain when the realization hits you:
You can't save everyone.
Some crimes are just too severe to be forgiven, and even if they aren't, some people are just too lost in their own self-hate to accept your help. Mar's crimes have overtaken him to the point that he can hardly exist, or even look at himself, without retreating inside the dragon that protects him and is his vessel of violence.
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Having such little things - such tiny twinges of hope and beauty - set off such a deep evil in you that you resort to lashing out and violence, is a sign of someone filled with hurt, pain, and tragedy. It's a sign of someone who is past saving, despite how much you want to save them.
Gildedguy was the knight in shining armor, he spent four months building this massive machine to protect the people he cares about - Mar included. He opened himself up to this man, he tried to connect with him on a personal level in a moment of vulnerability, showing his face and trying to make himself seem like less of a threat.
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And yet, even to the end, Mar still refused him, which led to his demise.
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Gildedguy is a hopeful, whimsical person who wants to befriend and help just about everybody he comes across. He connected to Mar on a personal level the day they met, spending time together and sharing food. He could see a little of himself in Mar, they shared laughs and smiles, and a deep-seated regret and pain.
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And he feared a little bit, for who and what Mar is.
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But even still, he was willing to look past what he saw in himself, and continued being kind to Mar, in a rare act of genuine kindness that I doubt Mar has ever seen.
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This leads well into how much Gildedguy tries to help his new friend throughout the story, and how tragic it is that Mar had to die. Gildedguy related to him, but not in a way that could save his friend. And despite how Gildedguy saw himself in Mar, the same could not be said for Mar seeing himself in Gildedguy.
Ultimately, that is why Mar could not and would not accept the help. He couldn't think of anyone else who'd really, truly be able to handle the evil and pain that he goes through and inflicts upon others. He has no hope for himself. He has no life or color.
He is just a broken, tired, dead-inside man who knows nothing else aside from the dragon he hides inside.
And Gildedguy slowly came to this realization as the story went on. He didn't know what Mar had done when first meeting him. But he came across the hoards of gold, the skeletons, the stolen treasure, and the people he's stolen away and doomed to death and saw just how much harm Mar has done to the world around him.
In the end, he resigned himself to the fact that Mar did not want to be saved, as much as Gildedguy wanted to save Mar.
He accepted his death, as painful as it was in the moment.
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moonlitcomet · 17 days
Gildedguy and the Dragon of Mar is living proof that artists need to be allowed to create thought-provoking, controversial artwork without being forced to censor themselves.
This animation is a piece of cinema that is just oozing with emotion that has been poured into it by all of its contributors, but especially by Gildedguy himself. There's been discourse about why he chose Mar for this animation, what with the controversies behind his creator, but as he put it in his 2022 blog post about story 8:
"At this point, I’m just using his character to tell my story. Story #8 is, in a way, how I feel about this whole situation, and what I wish to say to him in animated form."
"Couldn’t you have picked someone else to duel?"
"It’s my right (and artistic duty) to express myself and create entertaining animations for my patrons, which I am very confident this will be – I would not be investing thousands of dollars producing it otherwise."
Story 8 is a tragedy, it was never going to have a happy ending even from the beginning of its production. Gildedguy knows exactly what he has done by creating this animation, he knows exactly how the public may react to said animation, and he's not going to censor himself for the sake of pushing controversy under the rug.
No, this animation is in part a direct response to it, and doing so in such an artistic fashion is beautiful. There's no glory in what he and others have gone through, and he has every right to be able to express his emotions in the way he's best known to do. He shouldn't have to censor himself for this.
Art should be controversial, and this story certainly is. It's forcing people to people challenge their perspectives and ways of thinking, approaching controversy and the environment of the public in a new light.
It's easily my new favorite Gildedguy story because of how real it feels. And if the artists working on it had censored themselves for the sake of avoiding the controversy, it wouldn't be the same. Directly confronting controversies and horrors makes for a much realer experience. A much more deep-hitting experience, and one that makes you feel emotions.
Please, go watch Story 8.
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