knightyoomyoui · 10 months
(G)I-DLE Miyeon x M & F Reader - “The Woman Of My Dreams”
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One of my longest one-shots ever made with 10,700+ word count! Enjoy... reading, I guess? Hehe...
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The weekend is about to end tomorrow, but that won't stop you from continuously spending all of the free time you have with whatever you want to do that would provide you entertainment or relaxation.
One of them is to play video games on his desktop computer. Currently, your cousins have offered you an invitation, which you eagerly accepted.
The longing and anticipation to interact with them, at least for today, is what compelled you to join them.
Sitting on his comfortable gaming chair, he focusedly monitored his movements on Valorant, the game that he's playing, underlying on the instincts and strategized aspect that would be handy on securing a victory for their group.
"There's the one, it's heading to B guys."
One of your male cousins spoke to the mic. You are the only one left on your squad, while the opposite still has two more left.
You traveled around on the paths that would lead you to Base B, but as you were about to arrive there, you were met by an update saying that the team had already done the most crucial part of the gameplay.
"They planted the spike now. Be careful, YN."
You slowly checked if there may be traces found that will got them obvious of guarding the spike. Having nothing, you began to formulate a plan on how you will infiltrate the base without getting killed.
You still do believe that they're inside and they're just really good at hiding.
"Damn it, I'm taking the risk now guys." You breathed deeply for a few seconds before you executed the action, invading the base with 15 seconds remaining before the rounds ends.
Looking back and forth, YN then heard footsteps right away. He/she saw the enemy hiding near the crates, and killed it with a sniper.
"Go, YN! Cmon hurry!"
You were startled when you noticed that a damage took hit by your character Phoenix after getting slightly shot on the back.
9 seconds remaining.
Holding the keys and some quick shifts of the mouse, you rotated Phoenix quickly and aimed it at the last one before firing a shotgun at the player.
All wiped out, the cousins elicited a mix of joy and panic as they simulteanously shouted for you to disattach the spike.
Thankfully, it was 1 second left where you successfully did it. You won the game and all of you celebrated while sending their praises for YN's smart play.
"Nice game, YN. That was very close."
"Yeah, I actually thought I wouldn't make it." you chuckled.
"Nice clutch. The luck was on us, so let's just be grateful with it."
All of you agreed with it. Back at the lobby, you decided to fix your settings for a bit while waiting for them since there's one of them haven't pressed the ready button yet.
Chatting along with them about some randomized topics, your cousin returned and spoke on the mic to alert the rest.
"Sorry guys, just did a bathroom break. We can go-"
"Loveee, do you want some sandwiches?", a certain feminine person spoke in the background which could be clearly heard by all of you who are now smirking and having teaseful faces.
"Wait, what?"
"Sandwiches. I made some for us."
"Woah really?"
"Mmmhhmm go get some."
It was a brief silence for a while before that woman unexpectedly spoke for all of you.
"Oh, I'm sorry guys. I know you are playing with Beomgyu here. I didn't mean to interrupt of whatsoever."
"No, it's okay Shuhua. We get it." Taehyun said, who is one of your male cousins you are currently playing with.
"Hi, Shuhua!" you and Minnie who is your other cousin greeted.
"Hey guys!"
"Apology accepted only if you make us some sandwiches too next time we meet, okay?"
"Oh you guys." Shuhua laughed. "Come here anytime you guys want, that's a note taken."
"Thanks for this, love. It was so good."
You were listening to their conversation and couldn't help but alter your emotions in order to feel less happy of hearing the sweet sentiments they exchanged with one another.
You became curious again about what it truly feels like to be in your cousin's position and have a loving girlfriend accompany you with anything you may want to receive that would probably satisfy your needs and desires.
You couldn't help but be little envious of your cousin for already dating someone great. Knowing the issues you're facing, it appears that some fixation is still needed for you to become like him. Nevertheless, you still wanted to become like him one day.
"Glad you liked it. I'm going back there, continue playing with your cousins. Love you!"
"Thanks again for this, love you too!"
A sound of a door shutting close was heard. you closed the loadout and stopped your thoughts about that to focus back in the game.
"Damnit, Beomgyu. What's with the sudden slap of reality that we wouldn't be that lucky as you." Kai said, earning a hilarious response from the rest.
"It wasn't intentional, okay? And cmon guys, just find somebody around. Who knows, maybe you guys can be as blessed as I am now too. I don't want to be the only one left being like this from all of us, ya know." Beomgyu advised.
You wondered about that. It's not as easy as it looks, especially for a guy/girl like you who not a social person.
After another hour of playing with them, you cut off the call and ended the game. Thinking of wanting to get some rest, you head to the bedroom and slumped your body on the bed lazily, where you slowly fell asleep.
"Why are you crying? Tell me, please."
"You keep on ignoring me these past few days like I've done something wrong that I don't even recall doing one. Did I really do one?"
"N-No, you don't okay? I-"
"Then what is it? Everytime I see you away I can tell that there's something wrong. You don't even lay an eye on me if you wanted to or speak fluently if I try you to. Do you hate me now, YN?"
"Please, don't say it like that."
"You're making me feel lonely, YN. When I made myself to be youf friend, I thought that we would be nothing but happy with everything. But now, it feels like there's something changing again and I'm confused what to do to keep you from me. Are you gonna leave me, YN?"
"N-No, I don't! Please, listen to me-"
You sprung your eyes up in a state of shock and petrified as you rose your body from the bed.
Looking around the room and at your clock, you noticed that it was still 2 o'clock early in the morning. The sky is still dark, with moonlight shining through the posts on the streets, illuminating your window.
For the nth time, you had this dream again of being with somebody you didn't even know or couldn't even identify. But judging by her appearance, she looks like a girl. She wears this dress that has different colors in every dream you have with her.
Everything is describable except for her face. Imagine it being blocked by strong sunlight. It was blank, but you knew that you had to do something to fill it up and reveal the answer.
The question though, is... how?
Anyway, you still feel sleepy, so you don't mind it that much for now. You considered it just one of your strange nights that bothered you. Returning back to your bed, you closed your eyes and proceeded with your peaceful slumber to doze off into the remaining hours ahead.
You went to school without much help again with your parents, with your mom and dad both away from work. This is where you mostly learn how to be dependable to yourself and mature in your actions and mindset to support yourself on your own.
Fortunately, you have your grandmother with you, but as a request, you didn't want her to assist you too much because you feel like you will never learn how to stand up for yourself.
Additionally, you didn't want her to be disturbed or get tired just to do things for you that you could even do easily by yourself.
Despite the hesitation, she just agreed and didn't take it with hard feelings. She understood that you just wanted to be thoughtful of hers, so the only thing she can repay you for is to do the same for you as she monitors you around silently, just in case you struggled and there you will finally need some for her to do.
Back at the scene, you went to class early since it's Monday and there's a flag ceremony being held whenever it's the start of the school week again.
After that, you endured lengthy lectures from every professor about your three different subjects slated for the first half of your class schedule. The bell rang just in time for the instructor to distribute the required assignment.
Bringing your own lunch box to avoid spending most of your money, especially when you are saving up to buy a precious thing, you looked for a vacant spot and sat there.
As usual, you were all alone, just like you wanted, so you opened up your lunch box and prayed before scooping a spoonful and having your first munch.
While you were eating silently as you disregarded the numerous people in the same room as yours, you became oblivious enough not to be aware of this random girl suddenly appearing in front of you.
"That's a nice looking cooked lunch you have there." A girly voice spoke near at you. You paused your hand in mid-air when you heard that.
Looking upwards, you met a figure of a random schoolgirl with her tray filled with her orders being holded in her hands. "Uhh, I'm sorry?"
"Chicken nuggets with bacon and egg, that's a must win for sure!" The girl lets out one of the cheerful and mellow giggle you've ever heard in your entire life, but you didn't made it obvious because you still are trying to figure this out:
"May I know your concern why did you appear in my spot?"
"Correction: OUR spot." The girl placed her tray on the table and sat on the empty chair in front of you.
"What the- hey!"
"Thanks for the seat!"
Your face crumpled in confusion at the guts of this girl to just came up with her own doing without permission of somebody else. "Miss, I didn't even allowed you to seat with me. Leave."
"Aww that's sad of you, but don't you ever get bored of being alone?" The girl frowned. You look at her closely now that she's very near in front of you. Awe-struck and dumbfounded, you recognized this girl's beauty and adorable features.
She has pearly white skin, her cheeks are pinkish enough to be misintepreted that she always blushes at certain reasons, her black long hair organized neatly and that shiny smile she has displayed over you.
"I'm not. I've been doing this for a long time now and I got pretty used to it."
"Yeah, I know. I've been seeing you here every week, nothing but yourself eating on your own. I could tell that exactly that you ain't bothered anymore of being alone." The girl replied. You were quite surprised that she's already noticing you every day. It didn't crossed your mind that other would care about it as less as you do.
"You do?"
"Mmhmmm. I'm not being a stalker or what, huh! Just look around, you're the only one who doesn't have any classmates to eat with. I mean... no offense but, why didn't you just eat at the classroom?"
"My classmates always steal my food from me." You answered. "And my patience is thin so... I found the perfect place for me not to get interrupted."
"Ohhh... but still it doesn't look right that you are different than every one here." The girl began to take out the orders laid on the tray.
"I'm sorry, miss. I barely even know you, why does it bother you that much?"
.... I want to be your friend."
"You heard me." The girl smugged. "I've been wanting to do this but now that I've seeing you frequently without having change was enough for me to do it so... I took the move now then."
"Sorry, miss. I appreciate the concern but I'm truly fine, really. You can have some other students there as your friend. They'll need it more." You said with a forced apologetic smile as you start comsuming the last remaining portions you have in your plate. "Please, leave."
"Oh... okay then. If that's what you want." The girl pouted and brought her orders back on the tray and she stands up on her seat. "I didn't meant to be rude but... hey, my names Miyeon. How about you?"
"I won't gonna tell, please just go away." You avoided her look as you continued to focus on your food.
"Fine. I might failed today but I'm getting it soon anyway." The girl whose name is Miyeon shrugged. "But take this as my word, mister. I won't going to stop! As much as you like or not, Cho Miyeon is going to be your friend from now on!"
She raised her fist to the sky and left joyfully, returning to her original position. You were left gawking and furrowing your eyebrows as you were astonished at how authoritarian this Miyeon is.
You may be skilled at pretending, but you couldn't lie deep within yourself that Miyeon successfully had you built a fascination for her.
The bell chimes again to signify that class resumes. Recess is over, so you left your spot and walked through the hallway. You noticed that Miyeon speedily walked ahead of you, watching her skip and hum softly as she entered her classroom. You realized that hers was just next to you.
When the class ended, it was bad timing that the heavy rainfall advisory that was announced earlier in the news arrived at noontime. You forgot to bring an umbrella, so you cursed under your breath and defeatedly watched the other students freely escape the campus with their belongings.
"How am I going to get home early with this? Should I call grandma? Nah... I don't want her to get sick. Ugh, now I'm going to stay here for I don't know how long. I'm pretty tired now; I want to rest already," You muttered to yourself.
As you kept on watching the rain fall hardly to the wet and soaked ground, you were startled when an umbrella opened beside you. You look it up to see who owns that hand that holds it, and to your surprise, it was Miyeon who is smiling again at you just like she did earlier.
"Forgot to bring yours huh."
"W-what are you doing here?"
"Uhh, going home?" Miyeon replied, it sounded sarcastic so you couldn't help but to begun doubting her.
"Are you stalking me, Miyeon?"
"Oooh now calling me with my name huh, that's better." Miyeon giggled. You almost get lost again by that soothing sound. "And what did I say back in the recess, I wasn't intentionally stalking you. It happens that we have this... great timing between us to caught up with one another."
"Ugh, whatever you say." You shook your head.
"Don't believe me? I was just late because I had to help my professor check our tests today. You can ask hin if y-"
"Yeah yeah, alright fine. I believe you now. No need."
"See, that was easy." Miyeon smirked. "Don't try to be arrogant, YN. If that works with others, that won't be the same for me."
"I-I'm not..." you gritted your teeth and grunted. "Argh, you're annoying. I didn't even asked for you to come here, act like my friend and accompany me."
"You sure you don't want to?" Miyeon looked at you before she side-eyed the heavy rain outside while she wiggles her umbrella.
"N-No." You looked away from her.
"Are you sure? Huhhh okay then, I'm going now. I hope you finally get home after 3 hours of waiting, I heard that the rain will s-"
She was about to step on the staircase when you quickly made her halt.
"No, wait! Stop, f-fine! C-can I join you under your umbrella?"
Miyeon grinned and raised it above her head. "There you go. Now get on my side!"
You embarassingly went beside her and tried to adjust your weight at Miyeon's level of holding the umbrella. "I-I just don't have any other choice, okay? Don't take this like I still accept your initiation."
"Yeah yeah whatever you say, YN." Miyeon rolled her eyes and mischieviously smickered at you. "You're welcome, by the way."
You shook your head at her mockery as a payback for what you did to her.
As you and Miyeon started to walk through the middle of the rain, you can feel the coldness through your skins and your socks and shoes getting soaked.
You sensed Miyeon's hand starting to be challenged with the force of the heavy rainfall dripping down to the surface of the umbrella that causes it to be pressed down and sway unsteadily.
You didn't want the girl to bring you both into a much difficult situation by possibly dropping or slipping down the umbrella in her hold that could cause you both getting bathed in the rain so you did what it had to be done and possibly get sick.
You don't want her to be sick and cost her attendance.
"Let me." You patted Miyeon's hand on the handle. She looked upon you as she felt that slight touches of your fingers to her skin.
"I'll be holding it. You can't take this longer. Just... hold on to me if you want, don't stay out and wet yourself from the rain."
Miyeon slowly lends the umbrella to you, listening to your suggestion. Being the one holding it, you strengthened your arm so that it can handle the pressure of the raindrops.
Feeling a bit shy and grateful at the same time, Miyeon slowly moves her hands on the arm you are using and gripped it with just a right tightness.
"Thank you, YN. I didn't know you were this gentleman too, huh."
"Stop teasing me Miyeon. I'm just doing this because I don't want us to get sick because you accidentally let go of the umbrella with your shaky hand." You said while you remain your glance on the direction you both are heading too.
"So, we'll be going to your house first then."
"Ofcourse, you own the umbrella."
"Yay, so I get to see your house also today? Woah, isn't that cool that we just became friends today and now I'm here with you on the way to your place?!"
"Again, I'm not your friend, Miyeon. I'm just letting you do the favor because I needed it."
"Heh. He's still in denial" Miyeon blurted in her mind.
"Sure, YN. You don't really sound exactly like you're approaching a friend for that." Miyeon winked and nuzzled her head at your arm which taken you aback and confusingly get flustered at her action.
All you have to do is sigh and endure this new company you're having with Miyeon.
Despite all of your stubborn remarks that went against Miyeon's desire to be friends with you, those engagement that you did along with her conversations she had with you along your trails beneath the rain that slowly builds the closeness between you and her says otherwise.
Then few days later, you had to finally submit as you admitted to Miyeon that you acknowledge her now as your friend. Your very first official friend around the campus.
She's just too irresistable and "annoying", that's why.
Your friendship with Miyeon became broad as it developed over time with your daily interactions with each other. Ever since you finally decided to be her friend, she couldn't leave you alone unattended with her attention.
You could tell it was exaggerated now, but you don't really mind at all at the same time. In fact, she was helping you in some other way. It's not a big deal to you because, at some point, you needed her presence, whether physically or maybe through some social media where you two stay connected with each other.
At least she knows what to do and how to adjust if she observes. If you were in a bad mood, she just let you burst out whatever you wanted to release from this uncomfy feeling that you'd been containing inside of you. Miyeon has become the trustworthy person to whom you can open up about your personal troubles.
If you needed entertainment, she was just right there, all ready to join your fun, whatever you wanted, which was playing video games. It was even better to know that she's a gamer girl and loves anime. Both of you correlate with each other, and that's impressive to think about.
Sometimes, it makes you wonder if meeting someone like her was a coincidence or meant to happen. It was like meeting yourself but in the form of another person, and you can't even describe how compatible you feel because of Miyeon.
With all that, it's safe to say that you've actually grown to like all of these things that you're having with Miyeon. This annoying, playful, bubbly girl who just invaded your space turns out to be a blessing in disguise in your life.
Today was an event currently being held on your campus. This requires all the students to participate, so that being said, it allowed everyone to be free from their class. Technically speaking, it was just like you went to school today only to hang out with your classmates... and of course, that unescapable friend of yours who has been nowhere to be seen for 3 hours now after you last saw each other in the locker area.
"You could've sold some of your collections, man" your classmate named Yeonjun said to your other classmate named Soobin. You three were sitting at the kiosk, doing a multiplayer game for the third and final round.
"I know, but it's hard if I'm not fully decided to do it. I know some were just a waste of space in my room, but at the same time I couldn't let it go because it was too special to me. Those were original qualities, guys" Soobin replied while moving his thumbs around the screen of his phone.
"Man, if only I have that much of a money I would've bought yours right away. Your One Piece figurines were sick man." Yeonjun said. "We're friends anyway, Bin. Can you just give it to me if you al-"
"Hep hep! Nah, that's the line there. Yes, I can borrow it to you though but giving it away... I can't waste that much of a money by just giving it away." Yeonjun declined. "No offense, man."
"It's fine I was just kidding anyways." Soobin rippled his lower lip. You were still listening to their conversation while your concentration remains intact to the game which was effective to bring yourselves into victory.
"Nice one, YN! Good game guys."
"Well that was easy."
"Good thing their team wasn't that skilled, haha." You said before turning off your phone.
"Hey, lets go visit those booths there. I'm getting invested to see what they have in store for the students to buy. Lets go?" Soobin suggested. You and Yeonjun agreed, leaving the kiosk and walking your way towards the open ground in front of the accountancy building.
You've seen the products from those student entrepreneurs that indeed holds up various reasons on why these should be bought and gain and income to this idea they had.
From milkshakes, to old clothes, to jewelries and many more... the students have many to choose.
There were some other booths that only provides entertainment service for students to try, and the example you were seeing at is this booth that gives everyone an opportunity to do a-
"Wedding pictorial?" Yeonjun reads the placard. "So... does this mean-"
"They need two students, one each for boys and girls that can act as two wedding couples for a pictorial."
"Oh I see, so this is simply for students who wants to take a chance to have a pictures with their crushes but in a daring way, huh." You elaborated.
"Like that."
The three of you saw a female student and a male dressed in a tuxedo and a wedding gown with flowers on their hands. They went to a stand that shows a background suited for a wedding.
All of the students cheered and screamed in flattery as they witnessed the two seem to like each other mutually and finally have a picture with each other.
As they were finished, they removed the props, and you followed the sight of the girls, and you figured out that it was one of Miyeon's classmates who was also at the booth with you.
"Both of us had our picture now, come on Miyeon you can't be the only one left behind!" one of her classmates named Soyeon shook her arm.
"B-but I don't have a crush-"
"Then just fake it out and look for somebody! We should all be fair with each other so you better find one for you too, Miyeon."  her other classmate who just previously tried the pictorial named Yuqi insisted.
While there's other students who are having a picture in the booth, that gave Miyeon a few more time to find. Fortunately, as she roamed her eyes, it landed on a perfect option that she had.
Actually, it was pretty stupid that she didn't think of this guy knowing that he's the only boy she's close with.
Miyeon ran and tugged your arm while you are observing the toys displayed from the other booth.
"W-what the- Miyeon?"
"Follow me!"
"Eh? W-where are you taking me you crazy girl! Get your hands away!"
You tried to remove her arm but despite of this girl's thin physique, her grip is actually strong and unescapable.
You concede defeat as she pushed you to the booth where the same wedding concept is being done.
"Oh no." You immediately answered and tried to leave but Miyeon blocked your way.
"Pleaseee~ just one, YN." Miyeon looked up at you and pleaded.
"Miyeon we could have a picture but not in this?!"
"My classmates wants me to try it too, I'm the only one in the group who doesn't have one yet. Can you help me?"
"Miyeon, I said no. Where are they? I'll talk with them."
"Pleaseee, YN? Just once, promise! Let's try this."
"Miyeon, this is just for people who have feeli-"
"Hey, are you two gonna take the turn or what?" One of the student entrepreneurs asked irritably, interrupting your conversation.
"I'll make it up to you, I swear." Miyeon quickly whispered. "For now, let's get married and be my groom."
"We'll take it!" Miyeon yelled and the crowd cheered, including your respective classmates who are very intrigued and supportive with this.
"Look what you did." You hissed as you dressed yourself up
"Hehe, oops." Miyeon fakely made herself accountable.
You and she walked outside the backroom and stepped out with your props. The photographer directed you both to stick at each other very close and pretend like you two just married each other today.
Miyeon cuddled your arm, and you slowly pressed the side of your head against hers. Everyone was just shrieking and howling in madness at how unaware they were that you both looked incredible together.
You glanced Miyeon aside for a moment, and you saw her large grin on her face and her supple touch on your arms as you viewed her in a wedding-like attire. She was undeniably magnificent and gorgeous. How much more if you saw her up close with you in a real wedding gown, having her married with you?
Your eyes widened and then blinked rapidly as you sweeped away that thought. You began asking yourself mentally why did you even had that kind of idea? She's your friend, damnit. That was a curse directed for yourself.
"Kid, are you good now?" The photographer asked for clarification.
"Y-yes, sir."
"Alright, on three. One, two, three!"
The camera flashed as the photographer captured an image of you and Miyeon together. You were confused about why the screams went louder after that.
You both removed the props before you joined Miyeon to look at the picture.
In your bewilderment, you saw a result far from what you were expecting.
Miyeon changed her pose in the last second, where she faced you and pursed her lips while closing her eyes, almost touching your cheek.
As you looked back at Miyeon. She nodded and hummed in satisfaction.
"Well, that worked." She gave you a thumbs up before she immediately ran back to her classmates who began to tease her more. You just stared as she disappeared in your eyes, not minding Yeonjun and Soobin teasing you also, as you were so preoccupied with what just Miyeon did to you.
When you two walk yourselves on the way home, you and her would just talk again at each other about some topics that would have yourselves get related with.
"Wait, can you wait here for a second? I'll just have to buy a medicine." She excused herself as she went through the pharmacy store where you two just stopped in front of.
You waited for her like she told you to, gradually browsing at your phone for a while before she returns back to your side and continue walking along with her.
Reaching the roads where you and her would be seperating ways, she faced you as you led yourselves at the corner of the sidewalk.
She reached for her pocket and opened her wallet where she reached and placed on her hand the fake wedding picture you two had earlier and lend it to you.
You felt a bit awkward facing her after what happened earlier. You thought she won't gonna make a reference of it during your talk with her so you decided to just go with the flow instead but here you two are and there's no dodging it now.
"About earlier, I'm sorry for what I did." Miyeon said as you reached the picture from her. "I thought that it will make it realistic so I tried, but ofc I know that would be entirely against you so... I just pretended like I would give you a kiss. But still, thanks for joining me despite how I humiliated ourselves earlier."
You looked at the picture again then at her. "I wasn't angry about it, Miyeon. Don't overthink about it. I do like it though. Atleast in ours, we put a little twist so yeah... I like it."
Miyeon nodded and smiled in relief. "That's good. Okay, well let's go home now. See you tomorrow! Bye, YN!"
"Bye, Miyeon. Be safe." You smiled and waved back at her as you two went to your directions.
After Miyeon enters her house, she smiled and was overwhelmed that you also share the same approval of that moment you two just shared.
You and Miyeon just finished your third year in college. Only a year remains before you and she finally finish your studies and achieve that master's degree that will help you both further label yourselves as professionals in your chosen specialization.
However, this may be a thrilling and more encouraging year for the both of you. But bad luck made its entrance into your lives when things started to transform into a difficult situation for you two.
"You got it?" You asked Miyeon and shown her the registration form in your hand which you will receive after filling up the enrollment form that will be presented to you after reaching your turn in the line.
"Yeah, I have it." Miyeon softly waves the piece of paper in her hand.
"Let's go, where do you want to eat first?" You asked her as you joined her side as you leave the building.
"At the-" Miyeon lets out heavy breaths before continuing, but it was still uncomplete when she elicited another batch of heavy breaths in between. Her speaking has gone low because of her volume either.
"Miyeon, are you okay?" You asked her worriedly. Based on your observation she looks so exhausted, dried up and lame. Her face just shows pale expression and no sign of uplift at all.
"I'm good. I'm good, thanks for as-"
"Miyeon? MIYEON!" You suddenly exclaimed when Miyeon collapsed beside your leg. You kneeled and inspected her, her eyes are still open but barely moving.
Raising up her arms and gently tapped at her face, you asked her once again. "Miyeon, hey. Stay awake, okay? Here, drink some water."
You offered your tumbler which still has coldness on the water inside. You helped Miyeon to drink, lifting the container and hold it in place to support her mouth.
Carrying her with ease, you brought her down in one of the benches which you helped her fix her sitting position. You wiped the sweat around her neck, head and arms and used the folder of your documents as a handfan to give her more air.
"You okay? How are you feeling, Miyeon?"
"I-I don't know, I just got tired... again.' Miyeon unenergetically responded. You probably guessed that she was very nervous and the hot atmosphere of this sunny afternoon wasn't contributing well to her state that's why she got drained immediately from the amount of heat and stress she had to endure.
"I'm going to take you home, okay? Let's just go out some other day. You have to rest for now." Miyeon just nodded understandably. You crouched in front of her, your back facing her.
"Hold onto me, I'll piggyback you."
"But YN, I can walk-...."
"Don't make me repeat again, Miyeon."
Miyeon placed her arms around your neck and you tightened its lock before you placed your hands underneath her thighs as you carried her body until you got both of you grab a ride on a bus.
Knocking in her house, her mother answered the call. She became very concerned just when she saw you having her daughter who looks very unwell.
"What happened to her?!"
"She just collapsed when we are about to exit the school, Mrs. Cho. I figured she was very dizzy and intensely tired. Have she eaten already?"
"She did took a lunch but I don't know she got weak. Oh, no. Could it be... a-anyways I'll take care of this here. Thank you for escorting my daughter, YN."
"You're welcome, Mrs. Cho." You gently bowed before you slowly lowered down Miyeon on your back with her mother helping her.
"I-I'm sorry, YN..."
"No, get well soon Miyeon. Take care of your health for now. We can have it again next time." You patted her head before you left her with her mother.
As a commitment to your promise for her, you went out in the weekend just a day after Miyeon had a proper rest. You enjoyed your free time with her through strolling outside and explore new places where both made more moments together.
While you and her were taking a break after hours of shopping at the grass outside the mall where the playground for kids were also located, you were just watching videos on Facebook while eating your ice cream when you felt a weight on your shoulder.
You glanced to the side, witnessing Miyeon who already fell asleep with her head laying atop of your shoulder.
Her phone was left open in her phone, displaying her home screen, but what struck you the most is that the wallpaper she's using was a picture of you and her from the recognition day of your classes, holding your respective medals hanging around your neck.
You were touched that she's making reasons to express how proud she is to see you as her beloved friend, but you can't depict if that's the same reason brought by the happiness you were feeling after seeing your photo with her.
Your hand reached up to her newly dyed pink hair and gently stroked it, swaying some strands that were blocking her face and there she was, her full beauty exposed only reserved for you to be seen up close.
Here you are again, secretly praising how beautiful and unreal features. If only you could tell this to her straightforward without sounding suspicious, you would've done it right away.
Because she earns it. She deserves every compliments for a nice girl like her.
Even in her asleep, she still manages to look breathtaking. Everything she does is already exceptional for you, and it was just plain insane to think about it.
As you were about to remove the phone from her hand, your hand paused on its movement and just stayed on top of it. It came to your attention that your heartbeat increased, your skin shivered, blood rushed aggressively, and your cheeks were numbing at the red tint forming that you couldn't even see.
Looking back at Miyeon, you created questions inside your head about whether this feeling you're still having isn't mutual to each other's friendship anymore. This time, you are the only one who's starting to grow a deeper admiration and love for her than the friendly relationship you have with her.
You quickly removed your hand from her and placed her phone away for safety. Looking away at her and staring up at the night sky, you gulped and released a heavy sigh at the thoughts forming in your head.
Days later, Miyeon gets to notice that you are beginning to avoid her, either making up excuses not to participate with her, acting cold, or pretending like you don't know her.
It was worse than the attitude he was trying to pull off when she first met you and offered her welcoming friendship to you. She knows that she was just trying to keep your walls up as you think about the decision to let her be close to you because you never experienced having an actual friend to get along with.
But this time, it was just like you were forcing yourself for no particular or obvious reason. Miyeon was completely clueless as to what drives you to act differently again toward her.
That's why when you joined her after days of not being around her like you always used to do, she couldn't hold her worry and frustration anymore.
You were still silent because you've been sensing Miyeon's unusual blank demeanor. You couldn't able to have her engage in a conversation especially that you are the introverted one. As much as you wanted to talk with her, you instead decided to give her some space as it seems like she's not in a good mood.
"Goodbye, Miyeon. Let's play later if you don't have assignments like me, alright?" You said to her.
Before you're about to continue walking, you heard Miyeon calling your name from behind.
You turned around, and it surprised you to see her eyes with pool of tears, one just dropped across her face.
"Miyeon? What's wrong?" You stepped forward, inching your gap with her.
"What did I do, YN?" She asked you sadly.
"Why are you crying? Tell me, please."
"You keep on ignoring me these past few days like I've done something wrong that I don't even recall doing one. Did I really do one?" She sulked, removing her view as she couldn't bear to stare at you after what you've done to her.
"N-No, you don't okay? I-"
"Then what is it? Everytime I see you away I can tell that there's something wrong. You don't even lay an eye on me if you wanted to or speak fluently if I try you to. Do you hate me now, YN?" Her voice cracked, painfully cracking your heart a bit.
"Please, don't say it like that."
"You're making me feel lonely, YN. When I made myself to be your friend, I thought that we would be nothing but happy with everything. But now, it feels like there's something changing again and I'm confused what to do to keep you from me. Are you gonna leave me, YN?"
"N-No, I don't! Please, listen to me." You hold both of her arms and caressed it. "I just had a trouble about figuring myself. It's in me, you don't have anything to do with it, Miyeon. That's it, and I needed some alone time to figure and settle it on my own."
"Why couldn't you just tell me that you do, YN? You know I would be willing to adjust for you while I wait when you need me fir help. Have you forgot?"
To be honest, you did and that's where it hit the spot of your guilt.
"I'm sorry, Miyeon." You bowed your head.
Miyeon sighed and placed her hand on your shoulder. "Are you being insecure, discouraged of yourself again?"
"W-what?" You asked her, a glimpse of shock was evident when she described accurately what you've been hiding from her.
You just joined her today after you calmed down and solved your problem of making convulsive and negative insights and possibilities of why a girl like Miyeon would never fall in love with you as you are.
This has been the issue why you couldn't find a friend easily. and preventing yourself from getting attached to somebody who marks everything that will win over your interest.
All of it was shattered by Miyeon, and I don't know what to do with this feeling. You had to compose yourself again so that you wouldn't make any slight mistakes that would reveal your admiration for Miyeon and make all of your worries manifest into reality.
"Even if I wouldn't know the reason I can see it through your eyes, YN." Miyeon said. "I told you before and it will remain similar. No matter how much you look down at yourself, it will be nothing to me. I will stay because I wanted to... and you needed it, YN. I've seen you improve and everybody around us could see it. I made myself to be your friend because it was a choice that I never regretted to do."
Miyeon holds your hand and locked it on her hold. Your heartbeat quickened at the touch and her appreciating look she's been giving at you.
"So please, don't regret yourself or me that we met, okay? Be happy and just be free like me, like the time and world is in our hands." Miyeon patted your hand and smiled sweetly.
You nodded and formed an upright curve in your lips in return. "I will."
Miyeon pulled you into a hug, pressing her head on your chest as you snuggled your chin on the crook of her neck. You let yourself be subdued by the warmth of her comforting embrace, and with your grateful prayers and wishes being sent above in heaven, you let a wonderful person like Miyeon enter your life.
That peaceful understanding and make-up that you two had brought back the liveliness and the effects of the dynamics that Miyeon has instilled in you
You proceeded to catch up those few days ago when you separated yourself from Miyeon just so you could get rid again of all these negativities and overthinking that you've been getting ever since that night when you felt different touching Miyeon's hand and how your perspective altered about her beauty.
Treating her to wherever she wants the both of you to try, going around to such places, and even tutoring her about some subjects that she's struggling with.
It was just like what you two always do together, and it was always nice. Something you can't ruin.
However, those good times didn't last much longer when both of you encountered another problem to take seriously, and this might have been the most frightened and anxious you've ever been for Miyeon.
Right as you exited the campus after the class ended, without having your best friend with you, you received a phone call from her mother.
You were notified by bad news that Miyeon was just sent to a hospital today, and she knows you will definitely be coming for her once you know, so she didn't waste more time to inform you.
That's exactly what you did. For the first time, you've never been this panicked after leaving the class. You hurriedly ran and traveled all the way into the hospital that was mentioned to you.
Searching for the rooms, you finally united with her mother, who was waiting outside.
"What happened to her?"
"YN...." Mrs. Cho squeezed your wrists as she cried. You just stared at her as you waited for the next words to come out. "I don't know what to do. I'm scared, I don't want to lose my daughter too."
"Why? Is Miyeon sick? What's her condition?" You asked frantically.
"She is. But I think it's better if you hear it from her and discuss it." Mrs. Cho said. Your chest felt tightened as your body goes weaker at hearing that information. It's been a prediction of yours that there's something wrong with Miyeon ever since she collapsed back in the enrollment day, but you didn't expect that this would've gone worse and that will have you to see her in such inappopriate place for you.
"She's currently resting after the doctors took a check up on her. She'll wake up soon." Mrs. Cho then urges you to go inside the room where she excused herself to buy some food on the convenience store.
As what she said, more than 10 minutes later Miyeon shortly woke up from the hospital bed. You saw her eyes blink carefully and you rushed to her side.
"Miyeon. Hey, buddy. I'm here." You said, placing your hand atop of her torso.
"Y-YN?" Miyeon called your name lamely. "You came..."
"Yeah ofcourse I do, I worried so much about you after your mom called me that you're confined." You kneeled beside her. "She told me that you were sick, Miyeon. Of what? May I know, please? Cause truly, I hate to see you being like this."
"So she already mentioned to you about it." Miyeon sighed and closed her eyes. "Alright, YN. I'll give you the answer. I don't have any more time left to hide this from you."
"What haven't you telling me yet?"
"I'm sorry, YN." Miyeon said, reaching for your hand which you grabbed it and locked it on your hold. "I'm sorry if I'm... going to make you sad."
"I don't care about it, Miyeon. It's just a part of our life. Happiness isn't the only mood that exists, we also go through dark times in our phase. And I believe it's better to be sad at something I know than assuming something that is not." you said to her.
Miyeon smiled at you. "You really are okay now..."
"I always think of you, that's why. It wouldn't be possible if it's not because of you, Miyeon. You inspire me to be better."
Miyeon's teardrop fell from her eye as she nodded. "I know, and you encourage me to fight for what's right. That's why I'm still trying to take care of myself on battling my heart condition."
Your whole senses felt like it zoomed away from your conscience as you intepreted the enormous state of shock that ever striked on you after learning what Miyeon just revealed to you.
"A what?"
"My heart... it isn't what you think, YN." Miyeon tightlipped. "Even my lifeline."
"W-what do you mean? Y-you... Miyeon, so this is..."
"I had it since I was born, YN. My father had it, and now you know why he wasn't around anymore with me and mom." You tilted away to avoid that truth. "I inherited his condition and it was passed through me YN and what happened to him, I can have it too. The doctors thought before that I won't be going to reach 20's... but it's a miracle that I'm still fine, yet again it happened to me again and now I'm thinking twice now if-"
"No, no. Miyeon, you say that your time is limited but like you said, look at you. You are 26 years old now. 6 years, you surpassed that supposed end of the line for you. That means, you can still handle it whenever it occurs, and you will be going to be fine in repeat." You said to her. "As long as you continue living, all you have to do is to enjoy the rest of it."
"About that, I was reminded of something that I can share to you too." Miyeon smiled at the recall while looking softly at you. "I knew I had to do it, when I learnt that it's bad for me to apply pressure on myself, I always remind myself to be joyful and calm. Until I saw you..."
Miyeon rubbed her hand on top of yours, soothing you. "Lonely, gloomy, bland. You were the opposite of me, and I hated to see the very thing that I am preventing myself to be at. Do you know the other reason why I became so interested to meet you, YN?
It's because you helped me realize how can I use my happiness and the remaining time I have with a purpose. That's why I pushed myself to become your friend, YN. I want to accomplish one last thing in my life, and that is to make you happy just as I did to myself.
So please, promise me. Once I'm gone, continue to put smile on other's faces, but don't ever forget about sparing one for yourself, YN. For now... stay, and continue to show me how I've changed you."
You shed your tears that you couldn't contains fron the emotions forcing to escape inside of you. It sucks so hard that you reached the point and such unlikeable scenario that you have to witness and listen to your friend sending her final wishes to you just in case her suffering conquers her.
"Can it still be saved through a surgery?"
"I think so. They did it on my dad, before... but I don't know if it will be successful on me unlike him." She shrugged.
"We don't quite sure, then." You understood. Miyeon wiped your tears with her hands, you curled it and laid your head on her knuckles. "It still doesn't matter to me. I'll never leave, Miyeon. I'll be here to support you anytime. That's what.... friends are for, right?"
You took a pause before saying the word. You've been wanting to improve more than that, but you had to remain cautious.
Both grinned at each other. You joined Miyeon to rest again until Mrs. Cho arrived back at the room with the packed foods in her hands.
A few days ago, you received news from her mother that she agreed with their relatives to bring Miyeon to the States to undergo her surgery after the recommendation that it was the perfect place with complete equipment to perform the surgery successfully and attain a higher chance of survival for Miyeon.
Although it's saddening that you won't be able to see Miyeon for how long it has to be, you just reminded to yourself that you don't have to be selfish and her health is the number one priority here. It was always been the important part after all this time, and it was so relieving that you were able to help her along despite without your knowledge, which was pretty impressive to realize.
You are now at the airport with your family, joining Miyeon and her family on their departure so that you both can say goodbye properly to each other.
You and Miyeon faced at each other. "I'm going to miss you, YN."
"Me too, Miyeon. Good luck on the surgery, okay? I'll be here waiting for you to come back."
"I am, and you will me better than ever before." Miyeon smiled.
"You should be, because I have a gift for you when you return."
"What could it be? You're making me excited already, YN!"
"It's unique, that's all I can say." You chuckled. Miyeon invites you to a hug and you reciprocated it.
"Goodbye for now, Miyeon-ah. You can do it, okay? Fighting!"
"HAHAHAHA, I'll fight for you, YN."
As she lets go from the embrace, you were dumbfounded when Miyeon performed a quick peck of a kiss to your cheek. Your chest throbs rapidly, mood blooms and ou felt more alive than ever today because of that heartfelt gesture.
"Goodbye, YN! I won't be away for long!"
She waves her hand at you while her mother nods also. Joining your parents, you watched them slowly disappear from your sights as your hopes grew stronger and bigger that she could endure and overcome this challenge she's currently facing personally.
A few weeks later, you were inserting your things into your locker while your classmates Yeonjun and Soobin narrated to you the entire plot of the new game they just bought.
They invited you to join them after you went to the mall to check out the new collectibles and arcade shop that is scheduled to open tomorrow, and you didn't hesitate to agree since you would also be craving to see it on your own.
While you three are conversing, you felt your phone vibrate. Upon checking, it was a phone call coming from your mother.
You answered it right away, excusing yourself to your classmates for a moment and they immediately understood.
"Hello, mom?"
You furrowed your eyebrows when you heard her shuddering breaths.
"Yes, mom. I'm here. Why did you call?"
"I'm sorry, honey." Her mother was stiffling a sob. "Listen to me first, okay? Don't engage once you hear it-"
"Mom, please. What is it? I'm getting nervous right now. Why are you being like this?" You said anxiously, your breathing starts to go heavy.
"It's about Miyeon, YN." Your mother said. Your fingers went stiff from grasping the phone. "Her mother called me few minutes ago and she told me that... Miyeon's gone."
Everything went blurry, awfully quiet and unresponsive to you as you suddenly crashed in the ground, slipping at the locker door on your back, dropping the phone in your hand. Your classmates and other students around the hallway were startled at what happened to you.
"Hey, YN? Yo, dude what happened?"
"YN, what's wrong man?"
Yeonjun and Soobin were taken aback when you punched the floor and screamed in agony as you let out the hardest cry you've ever released.
As you went home, you were greeted by a comforting hug from your mother as you let yourself weaken and pour out all the pain that you've felt.
That wasn't even the worst part, as you learned next from your mother the additional details of Miyeon's sudden death. She told you that Miyeon, Mrs. Cho, and her aunt were on their way to the hospital when they got involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver operating a truck.
Mrs. Cho and the aunt suffered injuries, but the large impact of the crash brought a shock to Miyeon that was unable for her enlargening heart to sustain, causing it to fail in functioning and pronounce it her cause of death just now.
A week later at Miyeon's burial, as you just stared brokenheartedly at her newly created grave, her mother approached to you.
"She gave this to me while we're staying at the hotel. Miyeon told me that if ever something bad happens to her, she wants to me to give this you." Mrs. Cho who is more devastated then you, losing both her husband and her only daughter with the same complication,  said as she hands you a white envelope.
You reached it from her and slowly opened it. It was a handwritten letter made by her. You read the contents of it silently.
Dear YN,
            Hey there, my number one buddy! I know I've said to you that I'll come back once this is all over, but still I have made a back up once the unfortunate has come to get me during this battle that I'm having with my vulnerable heart, and if you're reading this right now... I don't want to mention but I have to be clear. This only means that I failed you. I'm gone forever and I won't be back anymore, but whatever happens; it won't stop me for saying what I want to say all dedicated to my one true bestfriend, which is you.
         Thank you so much that even though my proposal of my friendship to you was forceful and a bit threatening, you still gave it an attempt. Look at where we are now, I told you that I would be real for you, and you did the same for me. I think that's the reason why our bond became stronger, because we discovered our flaws with each other and we helped each other to change all of that. As I said, all I want to for you to be better. And you were always a great guy in my eyes, YN. It's a no shocker that I fell in love with you. Tadaaa, now you know my secret. Well, that's one of the reasons why I made this letter, so that I could tell you what I actually feel for you once I couldn't come back and unable to say this to you in person.
        I like you a lot, YN. And I know you do. It's so obvious of you, you know? I find it funny and impressive how you still manage to endure all of that by showing this tough shell of yours. But I get it, I know there' a reason. You're just scared as me. That's why I couldn't confess to you earlier because I know you deserve better. And probably your own reason is that this boundaries and insecuries of yours are still present, maybe that's why you couldn't even face me because you're looking lowly of yourself while believing that you've already fallen for me. It's interesting right? We both share the same thought that we both deserve better. But anyway, I don't mind it. I still have this precious thing and that is called friendship, atleast... with this I could still prove and show to you how I love you with all my heart that will remain stuck on you.
       Before I end this letter, I just want you to do me one last favor, YN. Please visit her grave anytime you want and never forget me. That way, I could take it as an alternate way to see you from above that you love me too.
      Until we see each other again, buddy.
                                                                                                            Love,                                                                                                            Miyeon
You broke down in tears as you fell into the grassy land, just below her grave, filled with a mixture of bittersweet emotions, being delighted, grateful, and touched by her kind and heartwarming remarks about this whole awesome journey you two had been on, while on the other side, there's the guilt, grief, and torment that you didn't get to confess your true feelings to his only best friend and admirer before it was too late, unlike she did.
You are now currently working as an IT technician in one of the largest programming companies in South Korea.
You may be mostly busy in your professional life, but you still tried your best to allow and reserve free time to connect with your loved ones: your parents, your grandma, your friends Yeonjun and Soobin who now works as game developers, while Soyeon and Yuqi are now one of the most famous performers in SK, Mrs. Cho and her relatives and most importantly: her.
You always visit Miyeon's grave whenever you wanted to, just like her final request which you remember every single day.
Today is her birthday, you went to her grave last after all of her loved ones visited her earlier.
You looked down on her grave, the expensive tombstone standing on it with a lovely picture of her back in college placed on a frame.
                                                CHO MIYEON      Gone but never forgotten as she remains alive within our hearts forever.
                               January 31, 1997 - July 25, 2023
You placed the birthday cake and some balloons that you're bringing with you beside her tombstone.
"Happy birthday, Miyeon." You greeted her before lighting up the candles.
"10 years and counting now, huh. But I'm still here just like you asked me too. I stayed, and I'm still waiting patiently for my time to come where I can see you again someday." You said, your nose gets stingy as your eyes starts to become watery.
"Thank you for existing and having the pleasure to meet you, where you taught me how is it like to have a true friend... and to fall in love with you. It was all once in my imaginations, so thank you... for bringing it all to reality, even though... it didn't last longer as we expect to be."
You recalled all of the memories that you had with her, but what struck you the most was the necklace you're wearing.
You opened the locket, revealing that it was your fake wedding couple photo with her back in college, which was actually her last gift to you along with the letter she wrote from you inside the envelope given to you by Mrs. Cho 10 years ago. It's such a wasted wish that you won't be able to recreate this moment with her. If she ever did come back, you would've shown her the gift of your love for her, given her a chance to be your girlfriend, proposed to her, and married her without any pretend. Miyeon would be such a lovely wife to have, for sure.
As you looked at her appearance, you also remembered that time back at the mall where she slept on your shoulder. The picture she had on her wallpaper at that time was also the one you're using now.
It brought you back to your very first hug with her. Your eyes sprung up, and the familiarization hit you as you compared it to the same scenario you dreamt before, and up until now, it still is.
But what's even better now is that you can see the girl's face now. and it felt even more realistic than before. Same structure, same pinkish hair, same colorful dress.
Your eyes swelled before they broke down into tears, lowering your head as you cried in your palms.
It went on for minutes until you calmed down and ate the cake for her while watching your recorded moments with her on your phone.
You were so invested in all of those happy memories you were revisiting that you didn't notice a stranger peeking at you from behind.
"Awww your girl is so beautiful, dear." The old lady says with a soft smile. You looked above to see her figure.
"Thank you." You bowed your head.
"So that's her name?" She said as she reads Miyeon's tombstone.
"Yes, she's Miyeon." You politely answered.
She hummed and frowned. "It's unfortunate that she passed away too soon. She looks so young." You smiled through the pain as you wiped your tears. "We're just the same, I visited my late husband today on our wedding anniversary." She pointed at the direction where it is located.
"That's sweet grandma." "Are you okay now, dear? I know it hurts a lot to lose somebody we love, but trust me, it won't make us feel better if we don't practice how to let go." You nodded while trying to end your cries as the old lady is now caressing your arm to console you. "I am. I've already accepted her fate."
"You surely must have miss her so much, don't you? I bet you think about her anytime."
You looked at Miyeon's picture and smiled with pure confidence. "Yes, I do. She is and always will be on my mind... because Miyeon is the woman of my dreams."
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