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A lot of things that we can normalise. What I feel is there are thousands of issues happening around the world every day, it's hard to get a detailed information on every single topic so why to make unnecessary opinions when we dosent know the whole situation. We can't just see a post of social media and believe that it's a whole story taht will more or less be someone's opinion not an information. Get your information right before getting an opinion is my whole point. Even I was a person who had quick opinions but slowly I learned to get my information right. . . #portraitphotography #portraitsofhyderabadofficial #selfportrait #socialmedianews #selfportraitsofhyderabad #moody #hair #hairgoals #opinions #socialissues #worldissues #myopinion #gettheinformationcorrect #artist #quotes #hairislove #artistofhyderabad #hyderabadartists #minimalportrait #minimalism . . #treasureitwithjo #voiceoftreasure #30photosinseptember https://www.instagram.com/p/CFRZ0FgAh_0/?igshid=12u12sh0489qr
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