#get them out of those damn dolls don mancini
kittykat940 · 1 month
We better get s4 I can't accept s3 as the end for our terror trio damnit 😭
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Chucky season 2 premiere ....
Spoiler alert...
Read after this....
Sorry not sorry don’t even looking it up if you hate spoilers 8B, haha.
Soooo first part a mix. Mostly it was the moving Chuckys, I mean if I had to be honest the three looked wonky... were they CGI? I’m not saying “OMG this is a piece of shit” more of its obvious a bit off. But still whatever budget Mancini was given not bad.
Story itself, pretty good. Not on edge of my seat. Just more questions than answers. Is Andy dead? Is Kyle REALLY dead? I feel like Jake bringing that up is for a reason. Why has Lexy literally LEARNED nothing. Yes we can say she’s a kid. Yes we could say she got traumatized.
Not being the homophobic bully, Lexy hasn’t really changed. Her paranoia’s made her worse even as a sister which I didn’t think was possible. I mean lord surprised her mother didn’t send her to mental facility for giving Caroline that knife. I mean yes we could say Caroline didn’t tell. But its a freakin’ knife those are HARD to miss.
Kinda hoping this season is her getting better character development.
Uhhh more of question why or which Chucky keeps his memories... cause I’m so confused how some didn’t remember Tiffany/or Andy but some did(aka the bomber). In addition while I’m not shocked he’s pissed about Tiffany’s two-timing... he does know to a degree that she still followed his plan? I mean I’m sure/or hoping that’ll get explained later. But for the next series of “Oh I don’t need Chucky” etc.... why did Tiffany get so pissed Andy ruined their plan? If she was done with Chuck then she really didn’t care if the plan worked. Plus why would her own doll help? In addition... how did that doll get her memories (human body one) unless she was there? 
Although it was an okay episode. I do admit it had me on the edge a bit. But then it made me think “God these kids are a mess BD;; “... or that they get dumber? Again yes know its a horror show, know they’re just kids. But yeesh Gary’s death felt avoidable BD;... as did for that matter Chucky getting into Lexy’s home. Not the point, I’m not expecting these kids to go “Hey watch out KILLER doll”. But I mean yeesh Jake and Devon were missing for two days. And even if Gary was... I dunno a kid? most people teach these kids “Don’t go off with strangers”. 
I dunno felt like the writers dumbed this kid down extra or the storyline for that scene’s sake. I kinda would had liked Jake to have a foster sibling. Like a nice ref to Kyle & Andy.
Hmmm guess time to reinstate what I want for this series. For Andy and Kyle to be alive, I won’t lie I will be super pissed at Don Mancini if he kills off both. From what I hear Mancini gets along with the actors, so I don’t see it being “behind the scenes” reason to kill them off. And Hollywood does not give older actors much love unless they’re like the Beyonce of acting. Sooo if he just wants to retire them and go “Jake take the wheel we’re tired”. Than fine but I don’t want them killed off.
Like I said last season I honestly would like Andy to adopt or foster Jake. Be the family both need. Even if its bonding over a crazed killer doll 8B.
FREE NICA. FREE HER DAMN IT. I don’t wanna hear these crazed shippers, Tiffany’s not a victim. She’s just as much a guilty party as Chucky. She LITERALLY amputated her. Either get Chucky out of her head and I’m sorry to say this but kill Tiffany off. I love Tilly I do but her character’s despicable. If he still wants the Tiffany doll then just let her inhabit that doll again. Which I’m not gonna lie feels like they’re foreshadowing that a LOT in this first ep.
I want the kids to be okay but that goes without saying.
I’m curious where Tilly is to end in this series. Its not that Mancini doesn’t love her, everybody LOVES Tiffany. But depending on if Mancini wants (or plans) for another season... I just don’t see him killing her off completely.... I’m sorry to say or not sorry to say. I just honestly see her going back to Chucky. Question is as what....
A rival only depends on if he can write a story for it. And I’m sorry if this offends people, but I just honestly see back as Chucky’s partner. Again I GET why Mancini broke them up... AGAIN. He did not want bad press or want to be seen as the “Joker/Harley” toxicity.  And if Tiff had Harley possibilities I’d say “yeah go with it”. But Tiff only had that one possibility in Bride. From Seed on up, Tiffany’s been a killer. She enjoys killing, she’s never stopped killing and she’s had (depending on their twins ages) years to AVOID Chucky. Literally what she did to Nica does not scream “Victim” or “Hivy”, it screams a deranged sociopath.
 My bigger question is.. what does Mancini have planned for Glenn and Glenda? Note to LGBT readers, the writing left me confused on their preferred pronouns. So until their debut not gonna use them for this one. From what we saw in Seed, Glenn is literally the “good angel” while Glenda followed their father’s steps. Even as a child, its clear Glenda enjoys killing and Tiffany either encourages or helped as much. I wanna know more about them... is Glenda still a killer... do they both know about their father? 
Is Glenn still “no killing”... if so does that mean Glenda’s stopped or has Glenda/and their mother found better ways of hiding it from Glenn. I’m curious on their relationship. While I can see them both loving Tiffany... with Glenn being so anti-killing dunno how psychokiller Glenda gets along with Glenn.... I STILL wonder why Glenda hasn’t tried to seek out Chucky or “bond” like they normally do. I shouldn’t sound so casual about that. But its a horror show/and you can blame Seed/Bride for making a horror comedy.
For that matter how will the twins fit in this story? Will they be allies or enemies to the trio?
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biomic · 3 years
well i've now watched all the child's play movies (minus the remake because lol), clearly one of my finer achievements. here are my thots
child's play - didn't actually rewatch this one just bc i've seen it multiple times in the past and the major plot beats are still fresh in my mind. it's a classic, we know this
child's play 2 - was kinda blown away by how much i was nostalgic over this one. i've never thought of it as an iconic movie of my youth, i don't even know if i saw it more than once or twice, but i was remembering every scene super clearly. super fun movie to revisit, anchored by andy and kyle's genuinely sweet bond and brad dourif getting to chuck it up from the start. the final showdown in the toy factory? utterly iconic in the genuine sense of the word
child's play 3 - this movie was so aggressively nothing. apparently they rushed this whole production out in under a year and god does it show. it tries to differentiate itself by being set at a military school but those tropes bore me to tears. chucky's settled into more of a comedic character, but the story's still playing itself serious, so his one-liners just come off as corny and lame rather than campy fun. and my GOD do the kills suck complete ass in this one. half of them are chucky killing people indirectly, like replacing paint guns with real bullets. that'd be a scary idea if this were a normal military movie, but it's not the kind of the thing that keeps me on the edge of my seat in a killer doll flick. it's just a very uninspired sequel, the only one in the franchise i'd call stale
bride of chucky - MASTERPIECE. the screamification of late 90s horror did this one a lot of good, and jennifer tilly as tiffany is the best thing to happen to this franchise. i wasn't even annoyed by katherine heigl in this movie! a feat i thought impossible in a post-grey's anatomy world. it's definitely my favorite of the bunch, seeing chucky and tiffany bounce off each other as the world's most dysfunctional homicidal couple is just way too fun
seed of chucky - they literally named this movie Chucky's Cum. so this wasn't as bad as i was expecting, but i can't really say it's Good either. a big sticking point for a lot of fans is the portrayal of glen/da's genderfluidity, and while i get why people felt it was in bad taste, i wasn't personally bothered by it. i mean, for a gross-out horror comedy about killer dolls from 2004, certain parts felt almost progressive in a weird way. i dunno, depends on how much you can line up with this movie's wavelength i guess. still, i could've done without a lot of the piss gags and chucky jerking off. this movie's saving grace? jennifer tilly playing herself acting alongside tiffany as a doll. i was losing my shit the entire time they interacted, huge brained shit truly
curse of chucky - if bride is how to do a revamp, this is how to go back to basics. this was the first chucky movie i had never seen before (most of the other ones i caught on tv 15ish years ago), and damn was it refreshing. going back to a more suspenseful horror tone where chucky doesn't talk for the first half of the movie was a huge risk, but it really paid off. im not scared of dolls, but the redesign they gave him genuinely hits just the right level of uncanny valley to freak me out for the first time in the entire series. don mancini's skill as a director got a huge upgrade from last time, and the end result is a really cool gothic horror movie featuring chucky. loved it. nica pierce best final girl 2k13
cult of chucky - THEY MADE CHUCKY A HOT WOMAN :( this film is absolutely fucking BONKERS and i completely dug it. i was a bit hesitant about the movie being set in a psychiatric hospital, but aside from a few dodgy portrayals i think they managed to mostly avoid the whole "ooooh aren't mentally ill people ~scary~" deal. this one for sure had the gnarliest kills in the whole series, im not that affected by gore in horror movies but i was wincing and looking away multiple times in this one. by the time you get to the multiple chuckies and nica getting possessed, you can just tell they were having a blast making this one, and it's infectious
when i started going through these i didn't know how i'd feel about them, i just wanted to be caught up for the show, but the experience has been pleasantly surprising. with don mancini having creative control over every film since its inception, there's a level of consistency here that can't be said for, i don't know, whatever the hell texas chainsaw's been trying to do since the original. but he's also not afraid to experiment and try out new things, so the series is able to maintain its identity without getting stale. this was a great time, and im super excited for the show now!
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