nagaino · 14 days
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mykawaiiromance · 25 days
MY GASTERALOE HAD A BABY !!! YIPPIE !!! i got to spend the morning putting a little baby into a nice new pot so she can grow as big as her mama :) 🌱
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thegreenxplace · 9 months
19 Aug 23 Update
It's time for an updateeeeeeee!
So the first thing I'd like to say is that the number of plants I have has decreased almost drastically.
The oldest plant I have is Saturn, my Aloe Vera, and he's doing really well. Over the summer, I gave him to my assistant manager to babysit because he is one of my biggest plants, and I thought it would be a hassle to bring him back and forth between home and school.
The next biggest plant I have is my Pothos, who doesn't have a name at the moment, but I'm working on it. He's doing well, and I have two leaves of his propagating in water. I am undecided as to whether I will add them back to his pot or create an entire new plant.
My Jade plant, Aphrodite, is doing pretty well. I have to do some research about which direction they're facing in terms of the sun, but she's right against the window. I have her facing away from it right now, so that her stems can start to grow straight up.
My Gasteraloe, Athena, is doing pretty good as well. I've had little to no problems with her at all over the summer. However, because if the sun's direction at home, she has started growing lopsided. So I have her next to Aphrodite and she's facing the opposite way to promote the correct way of growth again.
I posted a picture of Lucifer's, my snake plant, growth. And it has gotten a lottttt bigger, which is great for me. I watered him about 4 days ago, and before that, I think it's been 2-3 months since he last had water.
Today, I trimmed back Jupiter, my cobweb tradescantia. A few of her stems were really long and had almost no leaves, so I cut it and stuck it back into the soil. Another stem broke off in that process, so I also stuck that back into the soil. I also had a baby that was propagated from Jupiter and earlier in the week, I added it back to her because I wanted her to be fuller. She was also in a 6 inch pot and I reduced the pot size back down to 4 inches.
My Purple Heart tradescantia, Callisto, is doing pretty good. Last month, he had two main stems and I cut them back and stuck them back into the soil. For one, to make it fuller, and second, Callisto gets really top-heavy. If he hasn't been water in a while, he will start to tip over, so I decided that was the best course of action for him at the moment.
I have a propagated Hoya in an egg-shaped cloche. I have yet to name this plant, but I have decided that her pronouns are she/her. She really likes the humid because she had around 3 full leaves, 1 small one, and 1 barely there. Now, all of the leaves are near the same size. When I propagated her, she only had two fully grown leaves.
Rumplestiltskin, or Mr. Gold, my string of turtles, is doing okay. He's also in a cloche. It's not that he's doing bad and he's still producing growth, but it's not as fast as it used to be. I don't know if I should be worried about that or not.
Helios, my air plant, is okay. He has a few browning tips and some of them are going really far down, but I am attesting that to not being consistent with my misting.
Neptune, my lemon lime Dracaena, is doing okay. I watered him with a lot of others on the 14th, I think. I'm concerned that his soil might be compacted, but when I lift him up, the pot also lifts this time. I find this to be a good sign because initially, only him and the soil would lift as one directly out of the pot.
Around a week ago, before moving back to school, I switched Hermes's, my bamboo, jar. He is now in a bearology jar with no rocks, and I think it suits him really well. In the larger container, his roots were turning right, and it was becoming a hassle for me to tend to him. Having him in the smaller jar looks better because it fits the amount of bamboo stalks that I have. However, a lot of his tips are yellowing, and I think that has something to do with sun placement. Whether it's too much or too little sun, I'm not sure yet. I have him on a table where he has access to the windows but he's not anywhere near them.
Next to Hermes is Zeus, my Zebra Haworthia. Last school year, I kind of kept him out of the sun a little bit and he thrived. However, now his tips are turning yellow and I'm not sure if it has to do with his pot or anything. I'm trying to stop getting trigger happy with repotting my plants so frequently.
At the moment, I have a ZZ plant propagating in soil. I have a leaf that I just added probably 2-3 weeks ago. Then I have a lone baby potato (you know what I'm talking about) that I found at Lowes in the dirt. It's been in there since probably March maybe. And I thought nothing was happening but the potato has tiny roots coming out. SO I'm just trying to be really, really patient with that one.
Okay! Now I get to talk about my propagations! Like I said earlier, I have two Pothos leaves propagating. And I've heard that they stimulate root growth in other cuttings when placed together. In a tiny plastic jar, I have one small Pothos cutting that is growing pretty slowly and with it, I have four variegated Peperomia Obtusifolia leaves. These are from the pep that I had to dispose of a few weeks ago, due to pests. After treating all of my plants and propagations with water and hydrogen peroxide, I took the leaves to attempt at a new plant. This is really one plant I hope to not let go of. And two of the leaves have very tiny roots!
In a double shot glass with the other Pothos cutting, I have a cutting of an Umbrella plant. I don't know what I plan to do with this plant or if I even plan to keep it. It's just something I'm trying out. But it looked like this cutting also had a tiny root growing. However, since discovering this root (maybe), I have not seen any other changes.
This was a pretty long update, so to make it more enticing, I hope to include pictures of everyone I mentioned.
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caltraveler · 1 year
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My expanded plant collection after planting my gasteraloe’s pups (15!) I’m probably going to have to propagate my pickle plant because it’s growing awkwardly over one side of the pot. My money tree is back after temporarily vacationing in the kitchen where Milo didn’t find it.😼🪴#plantlife #succulents #gasteraloe #hawthoria #pickleplant #moneytree #growsomething #cantstopwontstop #plantlady https://www.instagram.com/p/Cogmjv3Ovv4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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planetdesert123 · 2 years
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Gasteraloe beguinii lizard tail
Gasteraloe Beguinii goes by the common name “Lizard Tail”. This succulent is rosette shaped and belongs to the family of Asphodelaceae. This summer-dormant succulent can grow up to a height of 10 inches.
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pereczke · 3 years
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Dear people with green hands, I got this cute plant, that I think is a Gasteraloe but I may be wrong. In the last 2 months it started to grow these huge light green leaves. Is it normal? I read somewhere that succulents do this when they don't get enough sunlight. Is it true? Help me out with some answers, I don't want to kill it.
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shikitsuka · 3 years
Plant updatees
One flowering, family picture for haworthias including new ones, and one of the new additions- it just plumped up insanely after watering. Water reserves? Full vfycddth. Then only the new additions.
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melobotanicsnursery · 4 years
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Gasteraloe 'Cosmo'.
This is a beautiful and prolific intergeneric hybrid between an Aloe and Gasteria. Reaching a great size when mature and always producing an impressive amount of offsets and flowers when happy.
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aloehoarder · 3 years
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Gasterhaworthia ‘Royal Highness’
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arks-kin-creations · 3 years
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My assorted bundle of 12 succulents.
The plants in this photograph are, in no particular order: E. Purpusorum, E. ‘Emerald Ripple’, E. ‘Lola’, E. parva, 2 E. agavoides, 2 Crassula ovata (Jade plants), Aloe reitzii, Gasteraloe ‘Flow’, an Echinopsis spachina (Golden Torch Cactus), and a Ferocactus glaucescens (Blue Barrel Cactus).
My favourites out of this random bundle are Echeveria parva, Aloe reitzii, and Ferocactus glaucescens. Though I did buy these with the intention of selling some, I’ve grown somewhat attached to all of these plants and I don’t really want to let any of them go.
-Mod Ark (Ark Shift)
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highoctanebrainpain · 4 years
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ghostlyfoliage · 4 years
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They're thirsty. 🙂
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thegreenxplace · 1 year
2 Jan 23
So this is the kind of updates I want to be putting out. I forget the last time I water some of my plants and I want to document everything: good and bad. And today, there’s kind of more bad.
So I’d like to start this off by saying this morning, only 14 minutes after I closed my eyes to go to sleep, my sister tells me that our cat knocked over Eros, my pothos. He’s currently in a trenta iced Starbucks cup, propagating in water. So that was a great start to the day. But I did buy a pot for him today, and I plan to pot him when I go back to school in about two weeks.
Galaxy, my mother of many, has not been doing great. He’s losing leaves and I think it’s because his roots aren’t completely covered. So I need to add more dirt to the top of his pot, which I will do once I get back to school.
Aphrodite, my jade succulent, is living in a Starbucks sample cold cup. Her dirt wasn’t touching the sides of her cup anymore, so I had to make sure to maneuver the cup so the dirt could break up.
Hope, my peperomia hope, has been feeling both like she does and doesn’t need water. Some leaves were able to be bent and some were firm. So I didn’t know what to do.
I honestly cannot remember the last time I watered Pluto, my Irish bouquet, or Athena, my gasteraloe. I have plans for watering Athena, so I’m going to wait to water her until I go back to school. For some reason, I cannot find much of any information on Pluto. I saw one video that said that Irish bouquets are dormant in the warmer months and to water them less during that time. Well, now it’s cold and I don’t know what that means.
Lilith, my peperomia orba or peperomia lime, is doing okay partially. I got her from Etsy a few months ago. She has like four clusters (?) in a 6” pot, which is how she was shipped to me. And just recently, like yesterday, one of the clusters rotted. The other three are doing great, but I am terrified for what that means because it’s happened to me before, so I’m just going to let her be for right now.
Lately, Mercury, my peperomia frost, has not been doing that great. I would prune her for propagations and the stems would rot. After removing the rotted parts of the stems, the leaves are now all rooting. However, it does still make me worry about Mercury. I plan to look at her roots when I go back to school.
Jupiter, my tradescantia sillamontana, has been doing GREAT! That is all.
Jupiter’s baby, Callisto, who had just been named today, was not doing too well in my attempt of soil propagation. I cleaned him off, dipped him in cinnamon, and stuck him in some water. Now he looks so much better and I hope to see roots soon. Sometimes, I try not to name the propagations because my ultimate plan is to add them back to their mother plant. But he’s too cute not to name.
Hecate, my peperomia obtusifolia, has been just failing, to the point where I just wanted to toss her. But I procrastinated, and part of me is happy I did. I pulled her out of her pot to find her soil compacted only around her roots. I cleaned her off as best I could and placed her in water for the time being.
I picked up three things to propagate. I have a watermelon peperomia leaf, which is in water with Hecate. Some little succulent beans that I do not know the identity of at this moment. I am propagating them directly onto soil in Hecate’s old pot. And lastly, I have a singular Hoya leaf. It has no stem, so I don’t know what will come of it. Regardless, I added some cinnamon to the bottom of the leaf and threw it in my misc. propagations Starbucks cup.
I would like to say that my propagations aren’t usually in Starbucks cups, but I had to travel home somehow.
Plants that got watered today:
Galaxy (Mother of Many)
Aphrodite (Jade plant)
Hope (Peperomia Hope)
Pluto (Irish Bouquet)
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caltraveler · 1 year
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Repotted all my succulents tonight and harvested a bunch of pups from my gasteraloe. Cut the top off my echeveria so I can grow it on its own. Not sure where I’m going to put all the new gasteraloes. Guess I’ll be handing them out to friends and strangers like Oprah. 😂 #succulents #growsomething #houseplants #echeveria #gasteraloe #pickleplant #hawthoria #plantlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTVRvbuf-x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agavex · 5 years
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Gasteria amoena × Gasteria lutzii × Aloe aristata (hybrid from Abbey Brook Cactus Nursery). July 2019.
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markunsan · 5 years
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Gasteraloe ‘Green Ice’
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