ghostputty ยท 2 years
hi! a while ago we spoke in the comments on your post about retaking the cc making community back (my name was joeyplumbob but i've changed it since then!)
i was wondering if you have any go-to tutorials for beginners? as in, i know absolutely nothing and would like to start from scratch with the basics, haha. all the tutorials i've found are great i'm sure but they talk so fast and my neurodivergent brain cannot keep up!
i've downloaded the programs needed, just need a little push in the right direction if you please don't mind helping! thank you x
hi !! yeah i can point you in the right direction !!
i highly recommend starting with recoloring since it's pretty simple to do and you can apply what you learn to making your own clothes in the future (if you want to ofc) here's a great tutorial for that!
thefoxburyinstitute here on tumblr has loads of tutorials all organized by difficulty and is a great resource to have on hand.
i also recommend the sims 4 studio tutorials and the forums !! ESPECIALLY the forums if you come across a problem, you'd be surprised how many times i managed to fix my problem by looking in there !!
i'm not entirely certain with what you want to make, but for hairs i learned a lot from watching others speed meshes !! i know a lot of people start with franken-meshing hair and that's how i started as well! here are a couple of vids that helped me out in a lot early on 1 / 2 / 3
alternatively, if u have a specific question u need answered my inbox is always open to help w whatever ur working on and i can help you to the best of my abilities !! i know there's plenty of other ppl on here as well that have great advice and wouldn't mind helping, so if i can't help you they might be able to offer advice in the comments !!
good luck !! i hope this could help <33
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