#garage door service Niagara Falls
haydnfleury · 4 years
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Who: William Nylander, Zach Hyman
Type: Dark Fic
Word Count: 2.4K
Addendum: Title is from the song Flatline off the Hotline Miami soundtrack.
~AO3 Version
 The next morning seemed like any other winter morning in Toronto. Frost forming on the windows from the dropping temperatures, the sound of early morning traffic on the streets below, and the alarm blaring its usual tone. Except, something’s different. Wrong.
 “I love you Zachy.”
 “I love you too Willy.”
 They kissed and held each other closely under the covers, beginning to fall asleep.
 The next morning seemed like any other winter morning in Toronto. Frost forming on the windows from the dropping temperatures, the sound of early morning traffic on the streets below, and the alarm blaring its usual tone. Except, something’s different. Wrong. Zach is usually the first one to get out of bed anyway, but Willy doesn’t seem to have woken up like he always has when the alarm went off before practice- in fact he doesn’t seem to have moved at all from where he was the night prior.
 “Honey?” Zach asks trying to shake him awake.
 Nothing. A little louder and harder this time- nothing. Starting to panic, Zach bursts into the closet digging around for their travel suitcases. After having thrown half of the clothes out, he finds them, and grabs a small hand-held mirror from the toiletries bag. Holding it under Willy’s nose the glass starts to fog up. Good, he’s not dead at least.
 Zach hurriedly throws on some clothes and phones up emergency services, as well as the new coach and several teammates. EMT’s arrive within five minutes of him calling, and rush Willy out to the ambulance, constantly monitoring his dangerously low vitals on the way to the emergency room.
 By the time he was stabilized and Zach was let into the room, the entire team had arrived, bleary-eyed from sleep but still quite visibly concerned. The doctor began to explain that he suffered from a stroke sometime in the early hours of the morning, and that he was stuck in a coma. The rest started to become a blur as Zach got lost in his own thoughts, How did he get a stroke? We’re both too young for-- When is he going to wake up-- Is-- is he going to wake up? Please don’t leave me like this. I don’t--
 The thoughts are interrupted by Mitchy’s hand on his shoulder.
 “Hey, are you okay?”
 When he looks up the doctor had already left, and everyone was looking at him, all with the same question on their face.
 “I. I don’t know,” is all he can manage to say, he doesn’t really know the answer to that himself yet.
 “In light of events this morning, we’ll move practice to tomorrow,” Keefe decides and everyone nods in agreement, “Hyman, take the week off if you need it, I won’t think any less of you if you need more time off.”
 Outside in the ward, they start to hear a growing chatter, and the clattering of equipment. The Media.
 “Oh boy, already? I need to go take care of this. John? Do me a favour and call Kyle, have him restrict the media for injury protocol.”
 And with that the coach goes out and closes the door behind him, and Tavey steps into the bathroom to make his phone call. Zach pulls a chair over to the bedside and sits down, grabbing Willy’s hand. At this point he can’t hold back, lowering his head onto his hand and bed underneath it, as the tears start to break through.
 Mo makes his way over and puts his arm around Zach. Mitchy is suddenly reminded of his own boyfriend, Marty, being suddenly taken away from him when his plane crashed on his way back from the off-season, and starts tearing up. Tys pulls him into a hug and lets him cry into his shoulder. Everyone else in the crowded room just looks on solemnly.
 Zach stays at the hospital for three days. Initially Tavey steps up as captain and visits them first, bringing Zach food each day so he’d remember to actually eat. Everyone else visits in their own time.
 After the third day Zach returns to practice, something to hopefully take his mind off of what’s going on. It works well enough, returning to drills and playing on the first line for games. Focus. Focus on something else. The team. The game. Getting that puck into the net. Focus.
 It’s been three weeks since that cold morning. Zach’s thoughts are composed enough now, and they’re in the middle of a game at home. He’s in a face-off when he sees Kyle entering the player bench on the phone, they’ve been discussing different trade opportunities lately- a Marlie or two for a player from one of the other teams- so he doesn’t think much of it. When the play ends though to an off-side, he calls a timeout. Yeah, they’re losing 5-2, but they’re still in the second period, so they shouldn’t need it yet right?
 But when they all come together, there’s no whiteboards, no iPads, no talk of plays or strategies. Keefe seems to have lost his tongue, shuffling in place, so Kyle speaks up.
 “He’s gone. William. He’s gone.”
 It’s dead silent on the bench, aside from the few who had dropped what they were holding, and Zach’s world seemed to be crashing down along with them.
 “It was about four minutes ago, I had just got off the phone with the doctors. We um, we’ve decided to forfeit the game; I don’t think any of you wants to continue playing now.”
 Nobody seems to have the strength to respond. But they all stand up and make their way down the tunnel to the locker room while Kyle radios to the staff to forfeit, and block all media personnel from the Leafs’ sections of the building. When they’ve all dressed and make their way to the parking garage Zach is the first person to even say a word since Kyle told them.
 “Morgan, can you drive me home? I can’t really think straight.”
 He agrees and, and he’s not exactly wrong. At the moment everything is just noise, bright and blurry colours, and the cold air; he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between 60 km/h or 150 km/h, or a red light on an intersection with a car coming from the other direction. Not to mention the fact he couldn’t bring himself to drive in their car, knowing Willy would never be in the passenger seat again.
 When they get to Zach’s apartment, he fumbles with the keys to get the door open. But seeing their home, *his* home now, makes his stomach churn. He bolts nearly through the bathroom door and pukes his guts out in the toilet. Composing himself, he gets himself back up and washes his mouth out in the sink, as his mind becomes a tempest of emotions: anger, frustration, despair, guilt.
 As he looks in the mirror, the anger takes over and he punches the glass with his hand, cracking it, and drawing blood from his knuckles before he collapses against the wall, bending his legs towards him and crying. The sound of breaking glass had Mo rushing over to see what happened, only to see the shattered reflections, and his teammate in tears on the floor.
 “Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay,” he bends down and then notices the blood, “shit, we better fix that.”
 Having been to their place enough times, Mo knew his way around, and so he dug through the cabinet to find the first aid kit. First examining the hand, then grabbing the tweezers to pull out the remnant shards of glass. Switching to a piece of cloth and wetting it with alcohol, he cleans the wound. It draws a sharp, pained breath from Zach.
 “Sorry, I know this probably hurts like hell,” once it’s cleaned, he wraps it tightly.
 He manages to get Zach ready enough for bed and sits on the couch, figuring he should probably stay and keep an eye on him for a while. Meanwhile Zach tries to sleep, but his thoughts are racing. He’s gone. William. He’s gone. - I love you Zachy. That’s the last thing I ever heard him say… and I can’t ever hear his voice again, or see that smile of his, the deepness of his eyes, his- his- his fucking laugh that could brighten an entire room. - Why wasn’t I there… Why- why him? Why do bad things happen to good people? It- it should’ve been me, not him, never him. I- I can’t- I’ll never be able to feel his touch again, never be able to hold him- I- I-… his thoughts trail off, and he’s whisked away to sleep.
 In the morning the tears are gone. There aren’t any left. Period. In its wake is just emptiness. A void which can’t be filled. Mo had made breakfast for them by the time Zach got out of the bedroom. They eat in near silence, Mo tries several times to say something, but can’t find the right words to say. All he can think of is “I’m sorry,” which the only response he gets is Zach looking up at him before looking back at the food.
 That night, he tries drinking his problems away. Forget. Just forget. It works for a while, but it always comes flooding back in the morning. The time they visited Niagara Falls with the team, when they were on the Ferris wheel together, the first time they kissed literally during a game, moving in together when his lease on the last place ended, all their date nights, the stroke-- he stopped. What was the point if it was only temporary.
 The funeral services had been arranged by Tavey and Kyle, it was an extremely private ceremony, attended by teammates and the bereaved family. Zach was quite visibly a wreck, but no one was really much better. It had shaken up everyone, he was more important to everyone than they had even realized. Zach managed to speak in basic Swedish that he learned from Willy to his family. David [Pastrnak] also showed up to mourn, on the verge of quitting his career in hockey- he just lost one of his oldest friends.
 Within the week, a joint statement was released by Kyle and Keefe about the death, to a shocked nation. Everywhere, from Los Angeles to Halifax, or Vancouver to Miami, almost every major city in Canada was pouring in support and remembrance. Everywhere Zach went, he would see some calibre of remembrance on a poster, billboard, or bus- a constant reminder, He’s gone.
 Cigarettes was the next thing he tried, but to no avail. He had felt the exact same as before after one, and so he threw the rest back into a drawer to be forgotten.
 The team had taken nearly a month away from playing, but had gotten back to it. But it wasn’t the same. You lose a player they’re usually either traded or retired. Their place in the lineup or their stall in the locker room would be changed out, but they’d still be around, just not under the same colours. Not this time. No team would ever have him again. The players just keep moving forward, it’s all they can do, but the thought always lingers in the back of their minds.
 Mo didn’t intend to, but he effectively moved in with Zach until he thought it was fine for him to be alone, besides Gards would keep their place up until then. It never really improved though. Zach would just go through the motions. Get up, eat, practice, sleep. Get up, eat, play, sleep. Repeat. He could definitely still score, and help the team, but the celebrations never had the same feeling. There was always someone missing that would never come back, and be on the ice, be on the lineup. Life had started to lose it’s luster, and nothing changed that. Get up, eat, practice, sleep. Get up, eat, play, sleep. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
 Time didn’t seem to have a meaning anymore either. It could be seconds, days, weeks, or months, Zach couldn’t tell the difference. It was always the same cold, dark world that it was yesterday. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. He’s gone. He’s fucking gone.
 Was there any emotion left? No one knew. Everyone was consoling each other, but Mo, he didn’t know how to help. He’d never lost someone that close to him, Gards was there and waiting for him to come home. He did what he could, but even before starting to talk to a therapist he could see Zach was a husk of what he used to be. Everything was cold. Cold and dark, all of it a blur.
 Mo was already asleep on the couch, and Zach in bed when the city’s power grid failed and plunged the Greater Toronto Area into darkness. Zach walked out of the bedroom and through to the veranda, and sat on the railing. He looked up. Stars. It felt like eons since he last saw them. There’s something. A memory. Faint, but still there. Willy. When they both joined the Leafs in 2016, Zach was lost. It was a new place, new people, new everything. Willy was one of the first people he met. Willy had been to and from Toronto so many times as a kid with his father, he knew the area well. One of the first things they did together was drive out to a spot Willy would always go to. Since he was a kid, there was always this one place outside the city he would go to. It was a secluded little clearing where at night you could see the stars above. They had become friends quickly after that. It felt like centuries ago now though.
 Zach can’t feel anything anymore. He could be falling, but he doesn’t know. He swears he could hear someone calling his name, but it seems so far away and distorted. He doesn’t bother opening his eyes to check, everything is cold and dark, and the world around him is the same, there’s no point to. I love you Zachy. I love you too Willy. He feels like he hears that being said again, but it’s coming from everywhere, and nowhere. Then, nothing. Oddly, it becomes warm, warmth he hasn’t felt in who knows how long it’s been now. He feels something touch him. It’s familiar, yet completely foreign.
 Willy. Zach actually has the willpower to open his eyes now. Willy is pulling him up. He feels oddly weightless, and disorientated. He’s on the sidewalk. He tries to look behind to where he was but Willy holds his head with his hand and stops him.
 He stops. By now he notices they’re both hovering off the ground.
 “Are we dead?”
 “Afraid so.”
 Willy moves over to the side of Zach and holds his hand as they both float away.
 “Where are we going?”
 “I don’t know, but I waited for you. Wherever it is, we’ll find out together.”
 “I love you honey.”
 “I love you too, forever and always.”
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Garage Door Service Niagara Falls
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a1garagedoors1 · 4 years
Theft of guns from Niagara Bass Pro Shops leads to arrest
New Post has been published on https://a1garagedoors.ca/theft-of-guns-from-niagara-bass-pro-shops-leads-to-arrest/
Theft of guns from Niagara Bass Pro Shops leads to arrest
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A Niagara Falls man has been arrested following a break-in at the Bass Pro Shops store in Niagara-on-the-Lake this week.
Niagara Regional Police said a man smashed a glass window out of a garage door Monday at the Taylor Road store, next to the Outlet Collection at Niagara mall, then left in a Ford pickup truck without entering the store.
The suspect returned early Tuesday morning and forced his way into the store. He fled the scene in the same pickup after grabbing five firearms and other merchandise.
Investigation revealed the truck had been stolen from a Ford dealership in Toronto while it was awaiting service.
At about 9:20 a.m. Tuesday, detectives located the stolen truck at a Dixon Street residence in Niagara Falls. A man who lived in the home was subsequently arrested and police seized the truck. After detectives got a search warrant, the five stolen firearms and other Bass Pro items were recovered from the home.
Detectives also discovered property believed stolen from a Niagara Falls chiropractor’s office on March 17.
Facing a combined 17 charges is 27-year-old Jason Persaud.
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gslocksmith · 4 years
All You Wanted to Know About Locks
Do you think the code to unlock your garage door has been hacked? You can change the locking code of your garage. Hire Brookvale locksmiths to make sure that your garage is safe from the hands of burglars. Garage doors are sometimes the easiest path to the interior of your homes. Therefore, you should make sure that the doors have a proper locking arrangement and are always locked. This article teaches you about operating a keypad lock and about the different types of locks used by locksmiths.
How to Operate a Keypad Lock?
You can use an electronic keypad to protect your garage door. But, in case the lock gets hacked you can change the code.
Mentioned below is the process to change the code of the lock with a keypad.
Keypads have a button which stops functioning, if you switch it off. There is a light corresponding to the button's functions. The light turns off when you switch off the button. Once the light goes out, you can remove the code from the system's memory.
Next, you should switch on the button. The light is turned on as a result of your action. You need to enter the new code into the keypad. When the light blinks you can understand that the keypad has accepted the new code.
You should now press the button again and press the button on the remote to reprogram the new code.
Digital Locks
Digital locks are mechanical locks and therefore, offer high security to your household. As the name suggests, the locks do not have a key, but you should enter a correct digital code to open it. Brookvale locksmiths suggest their clients to use this type of locks for the safety of their garages and household.
There are many manufacturing companies of digital locks that offer lifetime warranty to their clients.
Electronic Locks
These locks are opened by fingerprints. The locks have memories to save fingerprints. They can save many fingerprints to allow multiple users to get entry. You can use electronic locks for your garage doors.
They are one of the most expensive locking devices available.
In case you do not have a digital or an electronic lock, you can use other types of locking systems like the following.
Side-mounted Bolts
They are fashioned like deadbolts and are fixed on the door track. Burglars cannot break these locks, even if they use high-end tools. If you cannot afford an expensive lock, the side mounted bolt can be very useful to protect your garage.
Garage Door Deadbolts
Deadbolt locks are useful to protect your garages from thieves.
These deadbolts have two variations. They are double cylinder and single cylinder.
Double cylinder - In this type of lock, a key is required to open the lock from both sides.
Single cylinder - In this type of lock, a key can open the door from outside while a knob is used to open it from inside.
Now that you know how to use locks with keypad and the different types of locks available, opt for the services of Brookvale locksmiths to lock your garage doors.
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gsgaragedoors1 · 4 years
Easy Garage Door Repair Tips to Help You Save Money
Doing a garage door repair is one of the most difficult things to face especially if you are not familiar with technical DIY home repairs. Because garage doors are a combination of complicated electronics, hard-to-understand mechanical workings and hard-to-handle materials, most people shy away from doing these repairs and just leave it to a door technician to fix the job. The problem is, repairing of the doors in your garage might cost you a lot of money. A simple garage door installation already costs close to a thousand dollars, Hiring technicians to repair your door's simple problems will only add up to your expenses.
Major repairs such as panel and door spring replacements will usually call for the help of expert technicians. But as much as possible, you must first try and see if you can fix the problems on your own before you go out and look for help. In the case that you have a screeching garage metal door that causes a lot of noise when opened or closed, the first things that you have to check are rusty hardware and old door screws. People do not realize it but half of the time, it is the combination of rusty hardware and old screws that serves as the culprit when it comes to the problem of screeching garage doors. If you are able to check these little issues first before calling out the technician to do the minor repair, you might be able to save a lot of money.
If you have a door in your garage that does not fully go down when it is closed and it springs right back up before even reaching the ground, the main culprit is usually a misplaced door sensor. A door sensor that is not placed properly will most certainly cause your garage door to do unwarranted acts such as not closing down 100%. To fix this, just place your door sensors a little lower than your current placement. You might also want to check if there are objects and hindrances blocking the sensor because it can also contribute to the said problem.
Doing a door repair for your garage is not an easy task especially if you are not an "electronics" or "mechanics" kind of person. But you must also put in mind that doing simple DIY door repairs will not hurt especially if the problems are too trivial to even call a door technician. Sometimes, a non-working door might even be fixed by simply replacing the batteries of your door opener. If you want to be frugal and save more money in the bank, learning simple DIY repairs of your garage is a must.
Do you want to learn how you can save thousands of dollars? If you want to keep more money in the bank, learning how to do a simple garage door repair is a must!
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stargategarage123 · 4 years
Tips On Garage Door Repair
If your garage door has seen better days, then you may be looking for garage door repair in Portland. If you understand a little about what is needed, you will be able to make sure that the company that is servicing your door is doing a thorough job.
First, you need to understand that there are two different parts that make up the complete garage door. First, is the door itself, and second is the opening mechanism or opener. By understanding which component is malfunctioning, you can get a more accurate estimate on what it will take to make the repair. You will also know what your specialist on garage door repair in Portland should be doing for you.
Whether your overhead garage door swings up in one piece or has sections that roll up, it operates on spring tension. There are metal tracks on the garage walls or on the ceiling and one or more heavy springs provide the power. One of the first things you can do is check the metal tracks to determine whether they are loose. A loose track may simply need to have the screws or bolts tightened. Your repairman should close the garage door and check for crimps, dents, or flat spots in the track and repair any damaged spots. If the tracks have a lot of damage and can't be repaired, they should be replaced.
Be sure to ask your repairman if he checked the track alignment with a level and verified that they are at the same height on each side. He should also clean the tracks to eliminate old dirt or grease and then lubricate them so that the doors can move smoothly on the tracks. Your specialist for garage door repair in Portland should check for loose hardware, particularly at the hinges and the springs. On a swing-up door, you want to check where the spring is mounted to the plates and make sure that the screws are tight, and on the roll-up doors, you should make sure the hinges that hold each section of the door are tight and not damaged.
It is also important that he check the garage door opener for problems and repair or replace it as needed. He should verify that the drive mechanism is properly attached as well as looking at the radio receiver to be sure it is connecting properly.
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stargaragedoors · 4 years
On Fixing The Important Garage Door Issues
Garage doors have two main components; namely the garage door itself and the garage door opener. Garage doors are part of most buildings and it is advisable that the property owners stay informed of little things that can go wrong with their garage doors and the art of fixing them so that they are not left strangled with a faulty door during a crucially important hour. Though you need to call professionals to inspect and set right the garage door issues, there is nothing wrong in knowing about these most obvious problems to be able to do something from your end during emergency.
The main technology behind overhead garage doors is the spring tension. Using this principle, either they roll up in sections or swing up as one piece. There are metal tracks fixed to the garage walls and the doors move on these tracks. The power for the movement is duly provided by the spring or set of springs. When you detect some fault in the doors, you may need to check a few things given below.
First and foremost, inspect the metal tracks inside the garage. Survey the mounting brackets that hold the tracks firmly to the walls. If you find them loose, you can tighten the bolts and screws. When you work inside the garage with the door in closed position, check whether there are any dents, crimps or flat spots. If you happen to notice them you can use a rubber mallet to pound them. You may also use a hammer or a block of scrap wood. If you find the tracks damaged badly, then it might be the time to replace them for new ones.
Check the alignment of the tracks. Understand that the horizontal tracks need to slant slightly down towards the back side of the garage. In case of roll up doors, the vertical section of the tracks needs to be precisely plump. When you notice the tracks on the walls, both the tracks must be at the same height. If there is something wrong with the track alignment, then loosen the screws and bolts and tap in a way the tracks come to position. Once again check the tracks with level. Finally tighten the screws and blots.
You may use a concentrated household cleaner to clean the tracks in order to clear the debris collection and the accumulation of hardened grease application.
Inspect to see whether there are any loose hardware and tighten them. In case of swing up doors, check the plates at the point where the springs are mounted to ensure the screws hold tightly. In case of roll up doors, inspect to check whether the hinges are holding the sections of the door together. If you find the hinges damaged, replace them and if you find screws loose, tighten them. If you see the door sagging at one side, then you may probably need to service the hinges. If you find the screws hole enlarged, then replace the screw with new ones that are longer with the same diameter. While fixing the new screw, you might as well use a hollow fibre plug dipped in carpenter's glue. If the wood near the hinges is cracked, then remove the screws, fill the crack with wood filler and let it dry before fixing the screws once again. These little maintenance tasks can be tried from your side if you have the necessary implements and interest before you call a professional.
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Often there is no food preparation included at all, and also there is virtually no preliminary expense either.This can be a lucrative service if you live on a primary road, or can hang an indication that can be seen that states, 'Bed and also Morning meal'. Do you have a Vacationer Details in your location - they offer out details concerning bed and also breakfast accommodation, usually for free.Years ago it utilized to be intrusive on your individual life to run a Bed and Breakfast.
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synthebiser-blog · 5 years
5 actions to a tidy garage workshop
garage door smart lock to a tidy garage workshopYou park your cars and truck in the driveway and you still have to service yourprojects in the backyard. If www.garage door company don't utilize your garage forits developed objective, why not turn it right into a clean workshop?
Here are 5 actions to turn your garage in an ideal small homeworkshop:1) Develop your own workbench from an old door, s omesawhorses or scrap wood.2) Mount a pegboard on the wall to keep your tools. garage door niagara falls ny would bea wonderful suggestion to install it over your workbench. Strategicallyplace fixes according to the type of devices you will be putting onthe board. After hanging your tools, trace around them with amarker so you will certainly understand where each one goes.3) Usage old containers for holding nails, nuts, screws and also screws.4) Make a storage space box for the dustcloths since they have a tendency to accumulatein the workspace.5) Use a tiny deal with box for carrying items such as screws andnails as you walk around the shop.
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manaraservices-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Manara Services crashing your Halloween party 👻🧟‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♀️ Unless of course you crashed into your garage door... then in that case we are just there to help! #halloween, #halloween2018, #halloweenincanada2018, #halloweeninontario, #halloween🎃👻, #halloweendecorations, #crashingtheparty, #dontcrashthecar, #oncallduringholidays, #niagarafalls, #niagarafallscanada🇨🇦, #niagarafallshomes, #halloweeninniagara, #garagedoorcompany, #garagedoorservice (at Niagara Falls, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpm7HDEg7hV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nqkca2empbl1
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followingsite-blog · 6 years
Travel Tips For Consultants
New Post has been published on http://followingsite.com/2018/03/31/travel-tips-for-consultants/
Travel Tips For Consultants
Travel is a fact of life for most consultants. Many spend 45 weeks on the road every year, and some say they wouldn’t want it any other way.
We know one married couple where both are traveling consultants. They often joke that they should write a book called «Marriage on Three Days a Week» because they only see each other from Thursday night to Sunday night most weeks. Of course, they take great vacations with all the frequent flier miles and hotel points, and neither one is left at home to manage the household while the other dines in restaurants every night and comes home expecting all the chores to be done.
Like many others, they have learned how to be comfortable on the road so that their travel schedules are a source of new experiences and great stories instead of a hardship. If you learn how to be comfortable in your environment, you’ll do better work and last longer in this demanding field.
There are two types of consulting roles, from a travel schedule perspective. One type of consultant is the real Road Warrior who is in a different city each week, often visiting two or three different clients and staying only a couple of days each place. The other type travels to the same destination every week to work on a long-term engagement over several months. Which type of travel schedule you end up with depends as much on your personality as on your skill set.
No matter which type of travel schedule you have, there are some seemingly small things you can do to make yourself significantly more comfortable on the road.
Enroll in every frequent flier and hotel points program you can. The biggest perks in business travel come when you get a free family vacation later. All those trips to Pittsburgh might buy you a trip to Honolulu or Prague or wherever your heart leads you.
Whenever possible, use the same airline and hotel chain for every city. This helps you rack up the points faster, and it also establishes a level of comfort and familiarity for you from the moment you arrive in the city. Not every Marriott is exactly like every other Marriott, but there are enough similarities between them that you will begin to feel at home quickly.
Packing for Travel
Develop a routine for packing. Make a checklist that includes everything that you know you’ll need for any trip, including items like toothbrush and cell-phone charger. Go over the checklist every single time you pack a suitcase.
If you don’t follow this advice, you will eventually end up spending $200 on a «charge everything» device and using a hotel toothbrush that will rip your gums out.
Always assume you will have to carry your luggage yourself. If you aren’t sure you will need it, don’t take it. You can always buy one there. (Don’t accept engagements in locations that don’t have stores.)
Pack something comfortable to wear in your hotel room and clothes you can wear to work out.
Plan to sleep in something you don’t mind being seen wearing in public. In the event of a fire, hotels will evacuate two floors above and two floors below, even if it’s just a small fire in a trash basket. That’s what that loudspeaker above the bed is for.
All luggage looks alike. Make your bag easy to spot on the carousel and less likely to be stolen with a few strategically placed strips of duct tape or a big pink bow.
The military knows that rolled clothing does not wrinkle. Don’t fold it, roll it. Turn jackets inside out, fold the collar up and press one shoulder inside the other.
Think about what you pack from the perspective of Customs and Airport Security. For example, many airlines will not allow you to carry steel-tipped darts in your carry-on luggage. (Yes, one of us learned this the hard way. Not the one you think.) Carry all medication in the original packages, particularly prescription medication.
Purchase two of everything you use daily, like cosmetics, razors, toothbrush, etc. Leave one set at home. Pack toiletries once and leave them packed. This way, you don’t have to worry that you forgot something essential and will not notice until the middle of the night in a strange hotel room. When you run out of something on the road, replace it. (This is easier if you use common brands that are sold nationally.)
After only a few weeks of travel, you’ll know exactly what you need to pack and what you don’t.
Hotel Living
If you are traveling to the same city every week, pick a hotel that you are comfortable in and make friends with the people at the front desk and in Housekeeping. If you can commit to a certain number of weeks, they might even give you a break on the room rate, which is also good for your customer.
Once you’ve tried two or three different rooms in different parts of the hotel, you’ll begin to identify specific things you like or dislike. Within a few weeks, you’ll probably have a favorite room. Don’t be afraid to ask for it every week. Staying in the same room every week can increase your sense of comfort and it’s easier to remember what room you are in. Every one of us has been frustrated at least once by trying to open a hotel room door, only to realize that the key doesn’t work because this is the room we were in last week, and we have no idea what room we have been assigned this week.
If you followed our instructions for packing and bought duplicates of all your toiletries and travel needs, you can check a suitcase with the bellman over the weekend instead of carrying it home with you. Leave your laundry with a dry cleaner over the weekend and come back on Monday to a fresh wardrobe without carrying a bag with you to the airport. That’s freedom!
Make friends with the people who have control of the food. If you are eating all your meals off the Room Service menu, you will soon get bored with the choices. Encourage the person who answers the Room Service line to give you suggestions.
When Christine was working in one city where it wasn’t considered safe to leave the hotel and wander around at night, she called the Room Service number one night and said, in the most pitiful voice she could muster, «I’m hungry and nothing on the menu looks good tonight. Help me!»
The Room Service voice laughed and said, «Miss Lambden, don’t you worry. After all these months, I know what you like. Let me surprise you.»
In addition to the best steak and the freshest salad ever served by Room Service, the waiter brought a glass of red wine and said, «The chef said to tell you that he knows you don’t like red wine, but this is special. Try it with the steak. Alternate one bite of steak with one sip of wine.»
She still talks about that steak. After that night, she never had to look at the Room Service menu again. When she called, she would say, «Maybe a fish tonight?» or «I’m in the mood for something chocolate.»
Remember, if you are tired of the hotel menu, just imagine how the chef feels.
Since you can’t eat all the time, here are some other ways to fill an evening in a hotel room:
Call your mother.
Go to a movie.
College libraries are often open late. Learn something.
Work out. Remember the Freshman Fifteen in college? The life of a consultant includes too many meals in restaurants and too few long walks in the park.
If you exercise at home, try to exercise the same way when you are traveling. Find out if it’s safe to walk/run outside near the hotel. This is also a great way to find the neighborhood restaurants and pubs that the travel books don’t know about.
If you exercise in a gym at home, stay in a hotel with a gym and use it. If there is no gym available in the hotel, remember that many national chains have memberships that allow you to work out in any city. Like national hotel and restaurant chains, gyms are a great way to find familiar surroundings in an unfamiliar place.
Exploring new cities is a great way to get exercise and enjoy your time on the road. See the sights. Shop. Ask the people at the hotel and at work what you should be sure to see while you are in town.
We know one consultant who managed, in one year, to see Niagara Falls (working in Buffalo), the Arch in St. Louis, the Napa Valley wine country, six shows on Broadway, and Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break.
Did you know that Kansas City is the City of Fountains? In the winter, the city slowly freezes some of the fountains so you see frozen ice where water flows in the summer. Just beautiful.
Did you know that you can visit the Budweiser Clydesdales at Grant’s Farm in St. Louis? If you think they are fun to watch on Super Bowl commercials, just imagine how magnificent they are up close.
These opportunities may not present themselves again. Don’t spend every evening in your hotel room.
Every city has something unique to offer and the people who live there will be happy to help you discover what is wonderful about their hometown.
Single Life on the Road
The constant-travel lifestyle is often more appealing to single people who do not have a family at home waiting for them each week. For these consultants, the only challenge is finding a way to maintain a home when you aren’t there during the week.
Here are some tips:
Ask a friend or neighbor to pick up your mail once or twice during the week.
Install automatic light timers in your house. Install motion sensor lights outside. This makes it look like someone is home and protects your stuff. (It also makes bats and possums find another yard to live in, but that might just be an Austin thing.)
Hide valuables. Burglars know all about looking in the freezer for your jewelry, but would they think to look in that bag of potting soil in the garage? Hint: Tell someone you trust where you hid them…you’ll remember all the great spots you considered, and you’ll forget the one you picked.
Splurge a little with all that money you are making as a consultant and hire a maid service to come in and clean your house while you are gone. If you have a lawn, hire a yard service, too. The last thing you are going to feel like doing when you finally get home is housework, and you’ll be happier in this job if you don’t feel that you are neglecting chores.
If possible, have a trusted house-sitter stay in your house. Then you won’t have to worry at all.
In addition to maintaining your house, a single person on the road has to maintain a social life. When you are out of town all week, it’s easy to find yourself excluded from your friends’ conversations about plans for the weekend. You have to work harder to maintain those friendships at home, especially if you are also forming new friendships in the city where you are working.
It’s not totally unheard of for consultants assigned to the same client week after week to form friendships, or even romantic attachments, in the city where they work. Having bonds with people all over the country can be a huge advantage professionally because your network is expanded to include all of their colleagues, as well.
Don’t date someone in the client company. This can get messy. (Yeah, we know. Your situation is different. You’ll handle it like grownups. We’d like to believe this, but in our experience it rarely works out that way. Even so, this is still good advice for everyone else.)
Married With Children
Life on the road is harder for those who have a family at home. You miss them and you feel guilty about leaving them behind, and even more guilty when you’re having fun without them.
The same tourist attractions that enliven a single person’s travel can make you miss your family even more. You find yourself thinking, «The kids would love this,» or «Niagara Falls by myself? I don’t think so!»
Here are some tips for making travel easier when you miss your family:
Write long letters saying all the stuff you would have said if you were at home. Buy a fax machine for the house so you can send them before you go to bed and the family can read them with breakfast. (We know. Email works just as well. Except it doesn’t. Handwritten letters mean more. They just do.)
Give the hotel’s fax number to your family or set up a personal e-fax number. Encourage letters from home. Also drawings and report cards and anything else that will make you feel closer. Almost all children could benefit from the occasional writing exercise, and most of them already know how to operate a computer.
Buy a small digital camera or use your cell phone to take pictures and make a «Day in the Life» slide show for the kids. Take pictures of your day from the time you wake up to the time you prepare for bed — pictures of your hotel room, your breakfast plate, your cubicle and co-workers, the bookstore you stop at after work, the restaurants you like — everything! (Trust us, they’ll love it.)
Driving in Strange (translation: «New To You») Places
Weather conditions and driver courtesy rules vary from city to city. In some cities, driving is a brutal competition, and it’s considered rude or suicidal to slow down for a yellow light. Someone will honk at you or run into you. In others, you’ll get dirty looks if you don’t yield and let a waiting car merge in front of you. On most country roads, failure to wave at passing drivers marks you as an outsider.
No matter where you are, these tips will help lessen the impact of driving during your travels:
Get a map when you arrive. If you know where you are going, you are much less likely to end up in the wrong place.
If you rear-end a car on the freeway, your first move should be to hang up the phone. Better yet, go hands-free when you are driving. Best of all, hang up and drive.
Rent your car from the same agency every week and be extra nice. Usually, the same agents are on duty every Monday morning, so eventually they’ll know you and may offer you the cool convertible or the Jag for a week at no extra charge.
Not every state or city has a «right on red» law. Check with the car rental agency or look for a «No right on red» sign before you assume it’s legal in any intersection where you are.
If you are stopped for speeding, running a red light, driving the wrong way, or, worst of all, hitting something, be very polite to everyone involved. Of course, this is true when you aren’t traveling, too, but you have a better chance of making your meeting or flight if you deal with the situation nicely.
In New York or Boston (or London or Beijing), take a cab or public transportation. Some warnings say «Don’t try this at home.» With regard to driving in these places, the rule is «Don’t try this on the road.» In other words, ask someone at your destination or consult a travel guide to find out whether it’s advisable to drive yourself around.
If you are facing your first winter in a snowy climate, ask someone to teach you how to drive in icy conditions before the first blizzard. You may feel foolish, and they will definitely laugh at you, but the first time you feel your car start to slide, you’ll be glad you did.
For us, just saying «I’m from Texas» is often enough to have our clients offer free driving lessons, icy conditions or not.
Air Travel Tips
Since 9/11, keeping track of the rules for air travel and getting through Security checkpoints has become more of a challenge, but the airlines have made a sincere effort to help.
Every airline and airport website has information about security requirements and how much time will be required to get to your gate. Experienced travelers quickly learn to avoid the busiest times of the day and week. In fact, we don’t know a single traveling consulting who would consider flying on the day before Thanksgiving under any circumstances.
Airport websites will also give you information about other amenities that are available in the terminals. For instance, did you know that the Hong Kong airport has showers and rooms where you can take a nap? After a long flight across the Pacific ocean, a shower is a wonderful way to spend your three-hour layover between connecting flights.
The airport in Portland, Oregon, has a great mall. You can get all your Christmas shopping done between flights and have the items you bought shipped home. Oh, and did we mention that Oregon doesn’t have sales tax?
The San Francisco airport has twenty different museum galleries that rotate art, culture and science exhibitions on a regular schedule. At SFO, you can’t avoid being entertained and educated while you travel.
Here are some other tips for making air travel easier:
When you make your reservations, ask for a seat near the front of the plane. Airlines assign seats back-to-front and families traveling with children tend to plan further ahead than business travelers, so the shrieking three year-olds are usually in the back of the plane.
Always request the Exit Row. Children aren’t permitted, and you get more legroom.
Wear earplugs or invest in some good noise-canceling headphones if you plan to sleep. People talk louder on airplanes.
Planes have only 3% humidity, so you get dehydrated quickly. Carry a bottle of water on board. (This will also keep your feet from swelling.) To keep costs and carryon weight low, carry an empty bottle and ask the flight attendant to fill it for you. On international flights, there is usually a water fountain available for passengers to serve themselves.
When they say, «Limit two carry-on bags,» assume they really mean it and be prepared to check everything but your purse, briefcase and laptop. A good alternative if you are in a hurry is to «gate check» your bags. Especially with smaller commuter flights, this means you get your bags immediately when you get off the plane with no stop at baggage claim.
Pay attention to the safety speech every once in a while. Like washing your car to make it rain, it’s just good karma. We’ve asked, and yes, most flight attendants feel just as silly giving the speech as you do listening to it, but the fact that no one is listening just makes their job harder.
To prevent a stiff neck from sleeping on a plane, ask the flight attendant for a blanket, roll it up and wrap it around your neck before you fall asleep. Your head won’t roll from side-to-side, you won’t snore and you won’t look nearly as ridiculous as those people drooling on their neighbor’s shoulder. They make C-shaped pillows that do this, but that’s just one more thing to carry with you. We prefer to travel light.
While you are traveling, do everything you can to make your life easier. When you are enjoying yourself, you are better prepared to perform at work, and you’ll be more successful.
Cubicles and conference rooms are the same everywhere. The work won’t change, but taking the time to make friends with the people around you, at work and at the hotel, will make all the difference in the world to how well you do it.
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gslocksmith · 4 years
Get The Smart Locks Installed by a Trusted Locksmith Near You!
We are now living in an advanced era where each and everything from bathroom gadgets to garage equipments are getting technologically advanced then you must also think about upgrading your home security systems so that you can remain much more relaxed pertaining to your home security.
Maybe the first thing that will cross your mind would be "how to get a locksmith near me"? Well, we are here to guide you in finding the most trusted locksmith near you and here we go.
Use Recommendations: Ask the people in your circle if they know any locksmith service provider nearby or not. If you find one is working in the neighborhood, you can also ask the landowner about the whereabouts of the lock expert. Besides, trust your colleagues and friends to get recommendations about the service providers.
2. Try the Search Engines: Take the advantage of being in the era of internet. Try to find out the local locksmith service in the search engines. Try to get along with the top rankers in the search engines. Besides, don't forget to check the official websites where you will definitely get the thorough information about the services the company offers, the work they have handled so far in the portfolio section and of course, don't miss out the testimonial section from where you will know about the previous clients who often share their reviews of the services.
3. Visit the local locksmith shops: Try to visit few local locksmith shops. Talk to them and see how they work. Also check the rates of the packages they charge. You can visit the sites where they are working or have worked as samples of their expertise. Definitely you can take a look at the projects as specimens before bestowing your assignment of reframing the complete security system of your place.
How the professional locksmiths can help you?
The locksmiths near you are nowadays upgraded with latest technologies and they are thing more than just installing the so called latches. These days, they are also called as security experts who can install the video security systems, advanced locks with biometric facility, keyless locks that open only on finger impressions or passwords and many more. Besides, they can also redesign the old house with all new security systems. It is not only that that is only possible in the new houses.
Local locksmith service providers can also install pass work protected safes. Gone are the days when people used to keep their money, jewelry, property papers and other important documents in the normal safes that they used to lock by normal latches or numerical locks. But these days, you must install password protected and stronger safes for your valuables.
Try them to install the new window latches besides the doors. They are also good in fixing the garage and other door lockouts.
Besides, you can also keep a contact number of a locksmith for emergency lockouts or loosing of keys.
GS Locksmith Hyper Links
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gsgaragedoors1 · 4 years
Beauty of a Wooden Garage Door
Garage Door [GS Garage Door] is very popular for their modern designs and materials used. The material used by the garage door manufacturers is very cost effective and durable, thus a heavy demand for the garage door  in the market.
One of the most common materials used in the garage door [GS Garage Door] is steel and wrought iron. Apart from it many doors are also made used of fine quality wood. Steel and wrought iron made door are not expensive and come in reasonable price also they require less maintenance. Due to this they are also much in demand. Some artistic technology applied on steel can make it look similar to wood. Also they can be painted in different shades and given the appearance of panels. Due to the flexibility of steel, people prefer it as a trendy and cost effective option for garage doors.
One thing to be kept in mind, while finalizing the steel garage door [GS Garage Door], is that steel is a bad insulator and thus requires outside sources of insulation to keep the garages livable and thereby save energy consumption. Also, steel garage doors are very delicate and thus should be protected from any heavy load. Wrought iron garage door [GS Garage Door] are similar to steel but more durable and heavily built to absorb any heavy load or pressure.
Apart from steel and wrought iron garage doors, wooden garage doors are also available which look traditional and stylishly sophisticated? These doors are also available in varieties and fine finish and are priced high. The warmth in appearance and atmosphere of a wooden door cannot be beaten by any other material when it comes to comfort and sophistication. A touch of wood just gives a new life to any object in the house from a garage to kitchen.
Inspite of being a good insulator, wood requires more maintenance than any other materials it is inflammable and can get damaged in extreme weather conditions.
Every quality product comes with a price for maintenance and repair. Thus for the same, Garage Door Repair [GS Garage Door] offers customized repair solutions for the garage doors. Depending upon the need and material of garage doors.
For every kind of door Garage Door Repair [GS Garage Door] has customized solution with specific engineers and technicians. This saves the time of the customers as well as the company, when it comes to client servicing.
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stargategarage123 · 4 years
Having A Personalized Garage Door
Replacing your garage door Carlsbad should not be very difficult, but it can become problematic if you are not using the right company for this service. It takes a great deal of skill to do this job correctly, and you want to make sure you have done your homework.
There are ways that a homeowner can do this work on their own. I would take a little bit of research online, but it can be done. On the other hand, it might be wiser to simply look for a contractor who specializes in overhead doors. This will allow you a chance to get the work done well by a professional.
Since the industry does a lot of marketing, you will hear about many companies that you actually don't know that much about. You don't want to settle for the first commercial you hear on the radio. A much better plan is to start a broad search for the right company to help you get your door fixed.
When you do these searches, they will give you many different options in a metropolitan area. Because of this, you get to choose a company that has the best of everything for you. They might be a little bit farther from your home, but they are coming to you. You can read up on how they handle their business, how they treat customers, and you can get customer feedback from people who live near you.
Checking out websites of some of the companies you find will speed up the search process. You can read their references, customer feedback, and you can see pictures of the work they have done. This gives you a chance to see what the finished product can look like.
After you pick them out, you need to get a free quote on the books. Invite them out to your house so that you can get them to see the problem and offer you advice on what to do. You'll also get pricing information for the job so that you will be able to decide what you want to do.
All of problems that you could have with your garage doors can be solved by the right company. You must search the internet for options, see who is out there, and find out what they're going to charge for the work. Becoming informed will make this job much less painful.
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