#gaps between my answer dumps are a lot only cos i forget |D
darqx · 4 years
You stayed at home and it was awesome
Sometimes i forget i have things in my drafts |D In which Rire is also like ugh at this pandemic. Yes that title is a reference to BTD2 lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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He would actually be annoyed cos believe it or not social/physical distancing is not conducive to his modus operandi lol.
Rire during this time like:
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But just think how fun things like Rire’s chase scene would be! \o/
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Nope there are no plans for a BTD3, everyone is busy working on their own personal projects now.
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There has been a misunderstanding here (which ok, fair XD) - human!Rire and DemonKing!Rire are separate Rires, they’re not the same person. To be quite specific human!Rire is actually the original and the Demon King version is an AU version. It’s briefly explained in my FAQ under the heading “WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SAME CHARACTERS?“ |D
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I was gonna draw Lady Rire’s hair in a plait for this, but then i realised i didn’t want to draw that much plait |D
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Technically yes but they wouldnt have any definition/texture so they’d literally just look like weirdly pluffy shaped tentacles XD
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Sometimes you guys ask me questions like this and i dont think anyone’s yet cottoned on to the fact that i’m not a gamer XD;
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Yes, although courting another Royal can be a bit of a minefield (even if each Royal happened to love the other very much) due to political agendas. Most of the time if a Royal marries, their spouse is not a Royal as this keeps a preferable unbalance of power.
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Is anything in the BTDverses ever really canon lol, considering all the integrated elements it’s made up of XD As i didn’t work on BTD2 with Gato and EP, that’s one way we threw a Rire cameo in.
That being said i do think with any meetups Rire would’ve had some kind of interest in his BTD1 cohorts, they are both interesting in their own ways after all >:]
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I havent decided yet if this is a Rire reaction, or my reaction to this question.
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Something like this:
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Which is how i draw his hairstyle for his younger years
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Hmm, piano; most likely picked up from his sojourns in the upper echelons of human society over the centuries
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[from a previous answer dump]; this is v specific and generally i try not to answer this kind of specific OC stuff because i’d rather people like…have fun and use their imagination :d
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ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I really enjoy seeing fanart and fanfics so i wouldnt mind! Though you’d have to send them off anon, as i dont tend to click on links in asks from anon users or dodgy looking accounts. Another thing to consider is that i treat asks like that as private ones, so if you’d rather plug to more people i’d recommend making a post for it on your tumblr (if you have one) as opposed to just sending it to me!
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Go on then 😏 Dont let your dreams be dreams! XD
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Oh that’s a good one! Lessee you’d have to have the usual app stuff obviously (i’m not going to be too specific in most cases just substitute an app you think is pretty good for the generics haha)
like a good calendar app (for all those soul stealing appointments one has to keep)
world clock (maybe one thats a bit more involved than the default lol)
a beautiful weather app
google maps
spotify (listen to some nice jazz as you murder someone perhaps)
news app
a VPN and possibly Tor / Onion browser
one of those apps that tells you where good bars/club/eating places etc are
a few puzzle / strategy games, like Plague inc
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For science hmm -insert SURE SURE face lol-
Tumblr is actually the place i usually throw stuff like that (thanks Tumblr, for being less useful at one thing now). I’ve kinda been toeing the nsfw line for a while anyway so there’s a lot of VERY suggestive nudity and stuff but not enough to get me in trouble atm |D
I’ve been thinking about maybe doing like a doodle account on Twitter but idk about their nsfw policies either...
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Thank you! In my writings there are different made up species of demons with their own defining traits (eg Rire’s species are called Sollicio demons), so meeting another of your species would not be too unusual.
However as demons tend to recognise each other as being demons (according to my world law anyway, YMMV), a demon MC bringing Rire home would’ve been a REALLY stupid decision on their part cos they really should’ve figured out he was a pretty powerful one too much earlier XD
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Rire: Like my status if you think i’m sexy
Ren: Like my status if you like Japanese shit
Lawrence: Like my status if you dont give a fuck
Strade: Like my status if you love to film yourself!
Cain: Do you like this booty? Like my status
Sano: If you like my serious face like my status
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