ankitaacadereality · 7 months
The Science and Art of a Game Development Firm
A game development companys art and science combine technical know-how, creativity, and design to provide immersive and captivating interactive experiences. Game development is a special kind of creative technology fusion that involves artistic vision, storytelling, code, and game mechanics.
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toyandtee · 1 year
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Angry Birds – The First Mass Game
It was around the year 2010! It was considered a pride to have an iPhone and that was the time when iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS were slowly creeping into the outer markets like India and China. As it is widely known, these two countries are known to be quite populous and there is a proportional population of Young technology enthusiasts who are bound to get hooked to any innovation.
All these young tech enthusiasts were seen popping out their iPhones and swiping down and to the left of their screen while intently staring into the screens of their devices. This simple swipe of their screens had to be attributed to one of the greatest smartphone video games ever built!
What started off as a simple concept of flightless birds being catapulted to destroy a fort of green pigs revolutionized the world of mobile gaming period it showed how immersive games do not have to be back by complex stories and graphics. It also showed how simple physics can be used to build an effective game that is good enough to run on mobile devices without consuming a lot of memory and processing power.
We are talking about the legendary game called Angry Birds!
The story and the History
Angry Birds was created by rovio entertainment, a Finnish technology gaming company. The game started as a simple concept drawing in 2009 and it was the time in physics-based games where is slowly gaining popularity. The epidemic outbreak of swine flu inspired the green pigs as the enemy. It took 52 trials for the team to reach the perfection that they wanted with respect to the game.
In fact, it did not take off quite well and did not see many copies. However, when it reached the number one spot in the United Kingdom on the Apple App Store, it started to gain prominence. It soon reached the number one spot on the US App Store charts and it remained there for 275 days. To this day, it remains a record still to be broken as the app that state longest on the number one position on the Apple App Store.
The Diversification
Just like Instagram and Prisma, even Angry Birds started with iOS and the now-defunct Maemo. However, the popularity and demand was so high that they had to release a version for android, for personal computers and for Facebook. It grew so much and popularity that they had to make a full-length animated film and also had to ship quite a lot of merchandise.
In short, Angry Birds had created a legacy like no other game had. It had also spawned a lot of games with the central theme being that of Angry Birds including but not limited to Angry Birds space, Angry Birds Rio and a few others. The game was aptly revert it in the 2011 webby awards for being the best game for handheld devices.
Games like Angry Birds should be given the credit for creating the aura that games like Candy crush Saga enjoyed once and PUBG enjoys today. They showed how light games can create a magic of impulsiveness and addictive this without being too imposing on the device memory, processing power and performance.
Angry Birds and Rovio give a good lesson for mobile app development companies to uphold the principles of minimalism and effective utilization of phone resources.
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gamerocky · 3 years
Live the game with Sony PlayStation VR and explore the amazing virtual reality moments. Gamerocky provides you with all the latest gaming technology. Check out at - www.gamerocky.com Phone: (703)344-1402
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sushantsk · 4 years
Casino gaming equipment: The major driver boosting the growth
Casio gaming equipment are the gaming machines utilized in casinos, and various other places of entertainment. These equipment are manufactured in a way that allows casino operations to be conducted in secure, auditable, and reliable manner. Several games are played at the casinos; each game has its own kind of casino gaming equipment. Some gaming equipment are capable to analyze and authenticate original or fake currency notes. Further, the development in casino gaming equipment has transformed casinos into high technology arcades, wherein, most of the equipment operate electronically.
The major driver boosting the growth of casino gaming equipment market is the rise in disposable income and increase in middle class population. Moreover, the rising number of live casinos, increasing demand for mass-market gaming equipment, the high adoption of AR and VR in gambling, and rising innovations in slot machines are expected to drive the growth of casino gaming equipment market in the coming years.
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The key development
Abbiati Casino Equipment S.r.l., AGS LLC (PlayAGS), Ainsworth Game Technology Ltd., APEX Gaming Technology, Aruze Gaming America, Inc., Eclipse Gaming Systems LLC, International Game Technology PLC (IGT), Konami Holdings Corporation, Scientific Games Corporation, Universal Entertainment Corporation
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droommedia-blog · 5 years
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Innovation has never neglected to baffle us and in the present computerized age has just prompted cooler creations every day.
But still, people may not have the slightest clue about the newest innovation that can change their lives towards a better future.
This is where the influencers come in light. The influencers are the best entity to connect with for awareness, because of their conduct & their higher userbase
Benefits of Influencer Marketing in today’s scenario-
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Learn how your business can grow with the speeding technology.
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With an increase in technology and less of awareness and knowledge, most people are not at all “tech-friendly”, they avoid engaging in using the latest technology.
This is where introducing a tech-influencer to the team will not only help to market the invention but will also help to make large people understand the benefits and advancements of the product in layman terms.
@LINUSTECH one of the famous tech-influencer on Instagram, sharing his valuable feedback on the product.
“On YouTube, around 60% of spectators are impacted by influencers in their buys”
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Influencers are born with great oratory skills that help them to convince and make people around them help understand from anything easy to complex.
This will help to improve the user experience of the tech much faster as the feedback will be coming directly from the influencer because of his/her large reach.
“A nearby online social networking influencer like a performer or a photographer is an influential and have an important approach to build brand permeability”
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The introduction of high-tech gadgets and gaming equipment has given a boom in the technology industry than any other inventions and discoveries.
The devices have gone really smaller, from a desktop, tablet, phone and now the watch.
Apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc can be accessed, no matter how small the device is.
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Picking which influencers to work with is critical. Influencer advertising receives incredible benefits. Be that as it may, these prizes possibly come when you execute the influencer advertising effort well.
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You have to concentrate on influencers that are important to the portable gaming specialty, what your versatile game is about.
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Ways by which influencer can help the brands-
Before-Launch Promotions
Getting pre-enlistments by advancing the game before it is propelled.
Making a buzz around a game before the dispatch.
Game Launches
Acquainting the game with their group of spectators by playing it just because.
Making supported video content for the dispatch.
After-Launch Promotions
Elevating an old game to restore its fame.
Presenting new highlights, game modes, and so on.
Advertisers feel sure about influencer promoting as a channel
80% of advertisers discover influencer promoting compelling
89% state ROI from influencer showcasing is similar to or superior to anything other advertising channels
Influencer promoting spending will increase for coming years
Almost 66% of advertisers are expanding their influencer showcasing spending plans in the coming years.
17% of organizations will spend over a large portion of their promoting spending plan on influencer showcasing
Most advertisers concur that the nature of guests and clients from influencer promoting is better than different channels, and 18% of advertisers emphatically concur with this notion — just 5% oppose this idea.
With DROOM MEDIA you can, leverage the influencer marketing for your industry, through Word-Of-Mouth marketing strategy.
Find a correct influencer for your niche with Droom Media, and get amazing results on your ROI and Brand Awareness.
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spectralwarrior · 7 years
Something I programmed a while back using OpenGL
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wallpaperdroidhd · 4 years
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🌐 MediaTek Helio G95 Launched with Support for 90Hz Displays, HyperEngine Game Technology. 🌐 MediaTek has today launched its latest mid-range gaming chipset, the Helio G95. 🌐 The new processor is an upgrade to the MediaTek Helio G90T which was a fairly powerful processor itself. #mediatek #meditekheliog95 #hyperengine #gametechnology #mediatekhelio #processor #midrange #gaming #chipset #heliog95 #newprocessor #heliog90t #launched #android #androidjungles #androidjunglesblog — view on Instagram https://bit.ly/3lLmVhR
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agamein · 4 years
Game Development Game DevelopmentThe rapidly growing popularity of games nowadays, game development is the engineering to craft the game concept into playable software. It is quite unlike a software development process.GameIN briefing the game development process into 4 phase that is –Concept overview – This is the core phase of any game development. In this phase, the craft concept of game and draft brief documentation. It contains fundamental elements-
Game mechanics describe a set of rules a game on how to play a game, how players will win, rewards, etc.The setting is divided into 2 parts –
PreProduction – After the game concept overview, the concept will be deciphered with programming language and stages. Game development team follows techniques like composing the storyline, building up the storyboard, making the structures, specifying ongoing interaction mechanics and so forth. In this phase a team involving producer, graphic designer, content writers, digital artists, and programmers to create a prototype.
Technology stack explains what technology we are going to use for design & code the game.Interaction is also important. It tells how users of games ( player, admin, help support) can communicate in the game software.The story is about the game.The appearance of the game graphics look.Production – In this phase develop the game from developed pre-production prototype. In this phase use a prototype as a blueprint of the game. Designers make models, surfaces, animation, environment, and characters of various levels. After it, developers choose the game engine dependent on games’ designs frameworks or material science and compose the code on the game’s principles.Test & release – After production, for quality assurance, the testing team is involved to test, find bugs. If any bug is found then the tester will contact the developer to fix the bug. Once testing will pass, the game will be released over the internet.History of game development- We must know the interesting history of online games.First machine game recognized at the New York World’s Fair in 1940 Nuclear physicist Edward Condon, designed and protected an electromechanical machine called the Nimatron to play the antiquated scientific technique round of Nim. It was in display view with the computer supposedly winning over 90 percent of the games. This game was played by 50,000 players in 6 months.After that, a system game designed for commercial home by Ralph Baer and his team released his prototype, the “Brown Box,” in 1967. This could be modified to play a collection of games, including ping pong, checkers and 4 games. According to the National Museum of American History, The “Brown Box” was authorized to Magnavox, which released the system as the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972.This was the introduction of the computerized gaming we know today.Playing web-based games has become an extraordinary wellspring of fun and entertainment for all periods of people. There are numerous kinds of online games programmed by gaming companies. Here are the absolute most normal kinds of games by GameIn below:-Device-based –Mobile gameDesktop gameTV screenNetwork-Based Cloud-basedOffline gameTechnology-Based Unity real-time developmentAugmented Reality gameVirtual Reality based gameAndroid/iOS game developmentRole-based Live multiplayer games in which multiple players can play the same match on the same network.Offline multiplayer game in which multiple players play on digital devices without using the internet.Solo player which plays with a computer or system.Skilled based – This type of game, where players utilize their brain skills to win games.ChessRummyQuiz Fantasy game like Dream 11 Luck based – This type of game, players need to play games without any strategy. Here components would be number, dice, card, etc as per game storyline.LudoPokerBettingCard gameCasino etc.Below the list of most trendy game engine tools of 2020 as per recommended by gamer coder –UnityUnreal EngineAmazon LumberyardCorona SDK – The 2D Game EnginesGameMaker Studio 2SpriteKit – 2D sprite-based gamesBuildboxMarmalade SDKCocos2D-xAppGameKitConstruct 2MonoGameFusionGiderosCocoonJSHaxeAnd many other tools available, if you like to share with us, kindly mention in the comment section. Besides the above tool, there must be code storylines of the game concept by programming. I am sharing few best programming language for game coding are –C/C++C#Java.HTML5CSS3.JavaScript.Visual development toolPythonSwiftSQLHow can we develop a good game development project?This is a common question for entrepreneurs who start gaming projects but although designers and developers too. We all knew the game designing itself a complex task, but it simplifies whenever we followed fundamental approaches –Mechanics – We apply to get the answer to the question “What you do in the game?”. Here we have to identify what action would be taken in a game by a player. For example; jumping, running, climbing, hiding, shooting, etcSpace – Identify the space of the game. As per game mechanics, space should be designed. For example, if climbing is a game mechanic then space will be a mountain or stairs, wall, etc. Space helps designers and artists to make game engaging design structure.Goals – Design outline, when & how a player would be declared as the winner of a game. Along with the publisher, the game development team needs to discuss what circumstances would count for winning the game. There would be multiple-goal sets for solo games, a game with a computer, play with friends, live multiplayer, etc.Component – It defines the process of how the score will be added to the player’s account. For example, the most popular game named PubG, the number of killings is the component of PubG. A player who has the maximum number of kills in the match is the winner. While in another game such as Chess, the component is slightly different. The number of kills (exchanging pieces for the opponent’s similar pieces) is also a component, but to win, the player has to checkmate the opponent’s king.If you are designing an advance game architecture plan, here are some factors you need to focus on: Challenges – Customarily, we set win-states and lose-states, however, challenges are not just about dominating the match. Each impediment, each puzzle, each foe vanquished is a challenge. We will in general split challenges up:Badge challenges within the level of a game. (For example, bounce a pit, execute a miscreant, kill devil).A Game consists of multiple levels. Each expandable level is tougher than the prior level. Players have a challenge to complete an existing level then move to the next level.The heaviest challenge of the game is to complete all levels, score reward, badge, impossible achievements or win the overall game.What Is a Game Without a Challenge? A game without a good challenge is pointless. It’s basically a main element in any gameplay. A challenge adds excitement and motivates the player to learn and master new experiments. Without a challenge, games are simply not enjoyed as much. A challenge in a game can be achieved either by pushing the gamers physical limits or cognitive limits, and sometimes even both. In general, a challenge is perceived by the gamer and the reflection of the experience.What Happens When We Do Challenge Incorrectly? It’s enticing to consider “awful challenge” as making the game excessively simple or excessively hard. For most of the players, games are theoretical learning encounters. At the point when a player has mastered a game, it will never again be exciting as it was before. A player needs to be challenged continually to remain enthusiastic and passionate for the game.To make progressively fun and challenging, we need to make inconstant unforeseen circumstances in a game. This is an engaging factor that makes the player obsessed about completing the game.Investigate Reality-Based Technology for Your Game idea venture Create engaging and intuitive interpretations with virtual reality (VR) and expanded reality (AR) innovations.Ventures are utilizing reality-based interactive technology in gaming applications. There are some different applications like eLearning, showcasing, inside a structure, donning, surgery, land, designing, and friendliness, where AR and VR can improve venture level. Modify a reality-based answer for your endeavor business today with GameIN.In Dubai, Gamein.ae provides custom-made AR and VR games, hardware and installation for corporate occasions, public exhibitions, personal events and gatherings, meetings, and long haul establishments.Investigate Reality-Based technology with GameIN for your game idea venture with passionate gamers and creative minds that have great experience in game development and creating Virtual and Augmented Reality applications.
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spectralwarrior · 7 years
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A homework assignment gone wrong (or very right)
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