judgedeadpan · 10 years
the hunt//closed
The first thing Dredd noticed when he came to was the familiar nausea that came with a dimension-jump. The second thing was that although he was laying on the floor of what was apparently a cell, his Lawgiver was still strapped in its holster on his thigh. In fact, all of his gear seemed to be exactly where it belonged. Why toss him in and leave him with the tools for escape? Slowly he began collecting details from his surroundings; sounds, smells... even the strange texture of the cell wall. It wasn't something used for construction in Mega City One, that was for certain. After a few moments he slid his back to the wall, content to wait to make his move until he knew what was beyond this area. 
Movement caught his attention within minutes of settling to watch. To his left and right must have been others; one cell was dead quiet, the other a string of hissed curses in a language he didn't recognize. Although the lighting was dim he could see a large shape stirring. It wasn't long before whatever it was threw its body towards the front of its cage, thrashing at the bars. They held fast. Just as he had assumed.
Down the hall, the sound of a door or two opening and closing carried their way, followed by voices too distant to truly make out. Their captors, perhaps. Once he got a feel for their strength and numbers... then he'd make his move.
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lordmarshalvaako · 10 years
Continued from HERE.
As if he hasn't before, and the clothes he's wearing are probably from a dead man as well. Vaako's clouded green eyes narrowed when Riddick tossed about what he thought was an insult about warming his sheets. But instead of blustering as he had about the collar, the First Commander simply smirked and bowed his head slightly. 
"The Dame has been taken to our chambers." Vaako stood taller, meeting those shining eyes when Riddick tried to make him cower once more, but he refused to back down completely. There was a difference to serving and being a servant.
"She is a fragile creature." Who was not to be trusted, and she would slither into Riddick's bead to try to control him if she had the chance, and that was something Vaako could not allow. It was her due time, and Vaako would be the one to send her to her death once he had the chance. "I will explain our faith to you if you like, perhaps while I'm warming your sheets." 
Lord and Master - Vaako and Riddick
"You really think I’m gonna sleep on some dead guy’s sheets?"  He would, and had, but bein’ in charge of the tin-can army meant he had benefits.  Riddick grinned.  "You gonna come warm those sheets for me too?  Or do I get to watch you walkin’ around all hang-dog ‘cause you ain’t gettin’ any from the missus?  Noticed she wasn’t too happy ‘bout my sendin’ ol’ Whatshisface to an early grave."
He caught the bitterness.  You keep what you kill.  V’d been vying for the throne.  The thought made Riddick grin wickedly.  ”So tell me, V.. how’s it feel to get beat out by.. what was it you called me?  A breeder?”  He chuckled and sauntered closer.  “‘Fraid I’m gonna drive your ship into the sun or somethin’?”  Oh, this was gonna be fun!
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judgedeadpan · 10 years
furyan-animal-side (starter x1)
lordmarshalvaako (starter x1)
judge-c-anderson (replies x4)
That's all I have down in my drafts and etc, if I'm missing anyone please drop me an ask! c: I'll be tackling these tomorrow afternoon and Tuesday.
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