#fullsize pics for best viewing!
rhymesswith · 3 years
Hi, i was wandering... how do you do your sketches? I'm learning how to draw and sketching is particularly really hard for me! But, i love you art and, if it's okay, can you explain how is our drawing process? Or even: do you have any tips for beginners? 🙏🏼🥺💕
Hi!! I hope you don't mind if I post this publicly in case other people find it useful. And sorry I went a bit overboard I have always been long-winded. Anyway sketches haha! I don’t post em, so you don’t see em. But I do em! Hmm so what are sketches, as opposed to ‘drawings’? They’re the groundwork, the exploratory phase for an end goal drawing right? Sketches are cool because you’re basically laying down multiple options for yourself. By doing this you can figure out which the best option is, and use that one for your more polished layer. I often go through three phases for a piece, two sketches and then the final linework. Here’s an example:
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In sketch A I was just sussing out the vibe of the piece; the composition, rough poses, movement. I tend to use loose, heavy lines at this point, use long strokes, be a bit playful. Then in sketch B I get a bit more serious and tighten up, focusing more on proportion and anatomy. But still keep it playful, leave room for happy accidents. Often a flippant line in a sketch can become my favourite part of a piece. Then comes the 'drawing’ when I really just try work on the quality of the lines. B and C look more similar because I already pretty much figured out how I want everything to look in B, and C is mostly just cleaning it up. So basically you have A) exploring B) refining and C) polishing. 
Here are some more examples since, as I said, I never post my sketches:
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So yeah! Advice for sketching: Lay down lots of lines! Then pick your favourite! Figure out why that line or shape worked and try it again next time. Also sketch traditionally, good old fashioned pencil and paper (says the giant hypocrite) beacuse digital will never be quite as good for learning I don’t think. And when you’re just starting out, copy other artists. OBVIOUSLY don’t ever post copied art or ever claim it as your own! But everyone always talks about how important photo references are - and they are! But seeing how other artists draw a thing is really helpful when you’re trying to figure out how to draw the thing. 
Hope that helps!
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voyouducul · 7 years
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”No, I’d say the opportunities for fun are pretty much nil.”
Happy Halloween !! 
Halloween is one of my fave missions in the game, I love to stick the “kick me” sign, throw marbles and light the firework !! 
 Also, Pete is the real star in this mission.
please take note that i’m not a nazi or anything i do not support antisemitic activities, the original character is really dressed like that in the original game, i just tried to dress him like he is in the canon that’s all.
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