#fuck i cant believe my country i cant believe this hellscape
purplegori · 2 years
FUUUUUCCKKK lalayas na ako talaga, parang walang hope na sa pilipinas
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catbountry · 7 years
i think the problem i have with the "punching them is what they want" is its already giving people like Richard Spencer and his ilk too much credit and dignity. they aren't republicans with disagreeable views, they are full on "this is a white mans country" white supremacists. you cant debate them because they have all the little arguments to counter, you cant protest them cause they just say they will say "they aren't hurting anyone!" and in fact doing these things gives them legitimacy -cont-
but in fact their views are harmful, that advocate for removing POC and others who don't align with their views and turning blind eye to anything "unfortunate" unless it can be spun to their advantage. Spencer relies on his well spoken, well dressed, and well coifed demeanor to give his radical views that legitimacy. and his fellows follow suit. the fact is you need to treat them like any other skin head covered in swastikas. and sometimes that means slugging him in the head when he spews trash.
I’m not saying they aren’t hurting anybody. They’re harmful views, but I feel like the definition of “violence” has become so ambiguous among the left that it can be used both to accuse opponents of being violent when they’re not, and justifying actual physical violence when it’s the “right” person landing the first blow. Re-defining words, justifying actions because they’re done by the “right” people... all of this shit was used by the Bush administration and their supporters. I feel like I took a very different lesson away from Bush’s presidency than the new Leftists, because I knew I never wanted to stoop to their level. The new Leftists learned, apparently, that those tactics were effective and could be used if THEY were the ones doing it.
And I think that’s what got us to the point where Richard Spencer was brazen enough to be spewing this trash in the first place; because tactics like those do a great job of emboldening the opposition and convincing them that they’re fighting the good fight... and with the Right, who already think they’re the last guardians of morality and decency in society, you start telling them that their RACE is the problem? That’s how you get Nazis.
When all the shit with the Tea Party was going down, actual Nazis, blatant Nazis, were extremely rare. There were racists, but for the most part, they were easily dismissed (like the “GET A BRAIN, MORANS!” sign guy). Something happened in between then and now that I’m still trying to wrap my brain around, but people like Spencer were able to convince people that yes, there is a white genocide and they are being oppressed. A punch in the face feels like too little, too late.
Richard Spencer is well-dressed and well spoken, which gives him legitimacy, he gets punched in the face, but he remains well-dressed and well-spoken, unlike that hoodlum that punched him in the face, which gives him legitimacy among his followers, because it just proves they don’t have anything of substance but violence, so they can keep on hurting people...
People like this aren’t brought down by punches. They’ll keep on doing what they’re doing. They won’t learn their lesson. No, you have drag them, figuratively. If there’s anything I’ve learned from watching internet people, it’s that the best way to bring down fuckers like these is to pull out each and every skeleton in their closet and make them a political leper. For a guy who’s proud to be a white supremacist, that’s fucking hard. This is where the media should step in, do some fucking journalism, and rake some fucking muck on this motherfucker. He has the freedom of speech to say hateful, vile shit? Well, he’s a public figure now, so the freedom of the press ensures that they can expose just how slimy this bastard is. At least, that’s what they should be doing. At this point, news outlets are so divided that you could dig up proof of somebody being a pedophile and there will be people who will refuse to believe you because it came from the wrong side.
... Honestly, there’s not really many winning moves at this point, so I can understand your point, since it never should have gotten here in the first place. But here we are. And we’re fucked.
Boy, is it ever trying for me to try and stick by my principles in this fucking hellscape.
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With luck, Trump’ll get impeached somehow.
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whiskey-nips · 3 years
 Basically I am not gonna throw energy at the capital shit show, but I have pent up energy none the less, so here I spew. Fuck picking apart sides, I think the whole government should just be thrown away. Yes I could label myself to a certain way of political thinking, but I am also one who knows it’s not safe, practical or even necessary for me to speak on it. I don’t agree all the time, a lot of the time with other people who consider themselves the label that I use. Here’s some things that I do know about discussing politics... I believe that ambuigity has power. You are very privledged If I openly talk about my “political” beliefs, not everyone should or does have access to that part of me. I love the fact that a lot of my family and friends dont know where I stand and dont know my label. That way I am not immediently dismissed or judged, because I’ve chosen to that not everyone is entitled to know all of my beliefs and opinions. If you’re visably angry while talking to someone who doesnt hold the same beliefs as you, you are a discredit to your cause, you’re never going to change their mind, and you are giving that person more ammo to stereotype and hate you and your cause. Maybe you should take a step back and figure out if you are really trying to educate or help this person, or do you just want to be angry and reactive? have someone to blame? Do you want to feel smart while belittling someone to feel in power or control? Are you “pokin the bear” to avoid your own insecurities, fears, and subconicous issues? If you cant stand to be around people who have different political beliefs than you, can you claim to be a tolerant person? What does tolerance mean to you? Do you believe that people are mult-deminisional? That there are more to people, than who they vote for or what party they associate with? Do you believe that people who have different beliefs on politics than you dont deserve to be humanized? Do you believe yourself to be more superior? Are these people less than you, your party, or less than human? More importantly what does someone have to say, for you to be completely done with them? what are your boundaries? where is the line drawn?
There is always going to be this omnipresent “OTHER” who is different than you and demonized in a sense that this other wants to kill their neighbors, destroy for no reason, hurt you and your family. no matter which side. politics will always prey on fear of the the “OTHER”. I used to be afraid of the other, especially only interacting with them via the internet. In real life, they arent monsters. I started asking them questions on why they believed the things they did and from there I could dissect and humanize them. I realized that most of their beliefs come out of place of fear of change, the unknown, the different. Some were not used to or uncomfortable not being in control or in power and lashed out because they have insecurities and control issues. Some have truamas they cant admit and acknowledge and it shows itself in unrational thoughts and beliefs that make them feel comfortable in their bias.  I mean who doesnt have trust issues? Lots of people have gone overboard with not acknowledging their trust issues and ended up believing weird shit because they desperately want anything but the norm to believe. Some people just want to fit in or are a product of their enviroment and aren’t interested in journeying outside their comfort zone. Regardless, I think it’s important to humanize people, if we want to coexist together. Maybe you dont want to coexist with these others. That’s fine but realize that if you do choose that route, you’re not any different than communes, religious organizations and compounds, rich gated neighborhoods, and various other secular communities that come together to seperate themselves and live in a bubble, in their own world, and are sheltered from what they want to be sheltered from. Not coexisting with people who are different from you in any way political or otherwise always comes out of a place of privledge. Shaming others who have to try and get along, coexist, tolerate for need of survival in a capitalistic hellscape is not helpful, productive and what does it accomplish? further alienation, ignorance and more fuel for both sides to be combative and fearful towards each other? probably... Maybe younger generations that get shit for “caring too much about feelings” focus on feelings and healthy ways to accept and love themselves, because they can see effects of not being introspective and practicing self care. the mental health issues plaging the generations ahead of them are so blatent.
Take for instance and into your consideration, this simple situation. you live on some beautiful acreage in a rural county and there’s a snow storm, your electricity goes out, your phone battery dies and the temperature is dropping, you are a liberal or whatever left oriented...you go to your neighbors house for help and you see they have a trump flag flying, you’re nervous, but need help. turns out its an older couple, man and his wife and they feed you, let you use their phone, let you stay the night. Are you going to leave and tell them how you really feel about trump and his supporters? Is this a once time occurance and you plan to never talk or look at them again? What do you do when someone you claim you dont want to tolerate or someone you cant stand helps you? On the other hand when people give into fear of each other this could be a scary situation. As some people on this side, when scared, immediately pull guns on people on their property. Ok flip the script What happens if a camoflague wearing bubba needs help because of this snow storm. He goes to his staunch liberal rich neighbors. Hopefully that neighbor lets them in and helps them out just as the conservative trumpers did, and he would have to face those same questions as the leftists would. but again, when people are fearful of each other this also could turn into a shitty situation, where those frightened liberals pretend they are not home, don’t answer the door and call the cops on the struggling bubba. How the hell are we supposed to help each other, claim we are community oriented, claim we are the bigger person, claim that we care about our country, claim we are pro life, claim we are caring, kind and tolerant, if we fail to help our own damn neighbor. Fear is something to overcome. We need to overcome this fear of eachother. The enemy is not your neighbor, ya’ll need each other a lot more than you need a shitshow of a government. 
My moral compass is... I dont give a shit what you believe, would you help your neighbor in a snow storm if they were cold and powerless? If the answer is yes, then you’re ok in my book. The government as of lately is having trouble putting the fear of it’s self imposed supreme power in it’s citizens. (per the mass amount of protests and civil unrest, how laughable and ignorant the president was. despite worrying, I believe the mass majority as well as the rest of the world couldn’t take 45 seriously) the next best thing for the powers at be to do to save their butts, is make us afraid of each other. The government can continue to go about their business, fill their pockets, work 4 months of the year, live their privledged lifestyles while seperating themselves from the rest of society. All the while, we, regular ass people that count on, depend on, and are most affected by the decisions the people in government make, are too busy and distracted by blaming and hating eachother to uprise against career politicans and their disconnect and detatchment to anyone who doesnt own a yaht or multiple vaction homes in the french countryside.
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