#fright night 2011 jerry dandridge x reader
socheckitout-mikey · 23 days
i really love fright night 2011 so here's some much needed jerry dandridge hc's! i hope you enjoyed these. lemme know what you thought of them! - mae
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Dating Jerry Dandridge (2011) Hc's:
° "Dating" is a very stretched word when it comes to Jerry. Being a vampire makes it impossible for him to love like a human would, because of his dark nature having warped him greatly over the years. It's more probable for him to "possess" you as he views you more like a human pet than an actual partner. After all, he is much stronger, faster and possesses far more superior abilities.
° However, just because he can't love like a human, doesn't mean he won't have the outside world believing he can't. To everyone else you seem like a normal, happy and loved up couple. But truthfully,- behind closed doors -, you're anything but that. Jerry is excellent at deceiving, almost to the point that when you're in public, you seem to forget yourself. Even now he takes pleasure in deceiving you, but truthfully it's more for the necessity of keeping up appearances: Your gullible nature is just an added bonus.
° Jerry most likely had the intention of turning you to replenish his ranks, but he found you more resourceful alive... for now that is.
° For instance, you probably will fall into the role of being a daytime protector of sorts for Jerry. Your job is to ensure that pesky nosed neighbours (particularly teenage brats like Charlie) don't go digging where they shouldn't. You need to take your job seriously, otherwise it puts Jerry at risk; and when Jerry is at risk, he gets extra grouchy.
° But you're good to him - usually -. Now where that at first was out of necessity, currently it is due to some strange culmination of love and fear. Jerry rewards you plentifully in many ways (usually with his boundless sex appeal), but he also knows how to punish you. You long ago stopped attempting to escape him, accepting your fate that you're stuck with Jerry. You know only two outcomes will come from this: Death or Rebirth.
° However he does like to spice things up a bit. He doesn't like you always being a goody-goody.
° Even though Jerry is a cruel creature of the night, and where he is dark and terrifying, there are also good things about him. He can make you feel on top of the world, like you're the only person that matters - so long as you never interfere with his quest to form and expand his tribe of vampires.
° With that I will add that Jerry also does not allow his fledgling vampires to go anywhere near you. Fraternizing with you of any accord is prohibited, because (for now) you are worth more to him alive than dead or immortal. This is solely why you're never allowed in the basement or in the home yourself. In all honesty, Jerry has really grown fond of you. The thought of you dying no longer appeases him. He wants you safe and sound... Well as safe and sound as you can be whilst in his clutches. He does like to have fun with you.
° Following off that point, Jerry is actually extremely protective of you. Anyone dumb enough to mess with you (even mildly) will be dealt with accordingly (and my friend, it gets very messy indeed).
° God forbid if any of his fledgling tribe members are dumb enough to attack you (particularly if they have escaped without his knowledge). They're given the special treatment of being catapulted into the fiery pits of Hell much sooner than he would have originally wanted. But that's what they get for defying his rules.
° We also know already that Jerry is possessive of you. You're his, no one else's. So lets say a clueless person tries to flirt with you - you know they're not going to live much longer. Hell, after Jerry has grown fond of you, he may struggle to understand harmless small talk for genuine romantic interest. Where he can happily dish out all of the flirtatious charm to his female prey, he does not appreciate if someone else showers you in the same treatment. God forbid if you reciprocate it too when he hasn't asked you to. You know, for the means of strategy to bring more people into his immortal club.
° In public, Jerry is very hands on with his PDA. Almost to the point where it can become gross and somewhat sleazy (depending on what role he is playing in the new town or city). It never fails to make you laugh, though as he flirts with you. He makes you feel forever alive.
° One thing is for certain, you never have to fear anyone or anything when Jerry is in your life. The only danger you really need to worry about is him - so you have more than a healthy dose of fear. Not that he would harm you, but Jerry has quite the temper - one that you'd much prefer to steer clear of. So when he's in one of his moods when things aren't going to plan, you stick to another area of the house or tend to the garden out back when the rays of sunshine prohibit him from going outside.
° Your relationship is going to be mainly physical, but that's only because that's how Jerry's able to show his "love" for you. His fondness is shown through sex and there's a lot of it. There's just something about the way you attempt to swat him away, but yet you beg for more shortly after that stirs up something crazy in him. He has to remember to pace himself so he doesn't break you - no matter how tempting the latter is.
° With all of his sleazy charm and physicality, he does have some soft moments. Those are more reserved for special moments or times where you're both alone - safe from the nosy eyes and ears of others. It's not that they're impossible to manifest, but that it usually takes something for them to occur. Examples could be; after a dangerous moment that you both narrowly missed, you have been very good for him for an extended period of time, etc.
° He much prefers to tease you though. He's very good at it, and is awfully witty. He also likes it when you tease him back about the persona he shows the outside world. He likes the banter you share - even for a human you've got some spice to you, and Jerry likes his partner spicy.
° Another thing he likes to do is scare you. Typically in the jump scare fashion. You never know when it'll happen, but it never fails to scare the hell right out of you. He also enjoys chasing you too. There's just something about psychological terror that turns him on endlessly. He has a naturally high prey drive, but attached to that is also a sexual appetite unlike any other. Your specific brand of fear exhibits a scent he's grown both used to and extremely fond of. He never gets bored of it though. That's most likely because he savours it, providing a game of how long he can keep himself from quenching his thirst the traditional way. You're almost too good not to eat.
° Following from that point, it really is true that he doesn't feed from you in a traditional sense. It's hard for him to control himself, but driving his fangs into your flesh, placing his lips on your wounds or simply licking said wounds can turn you. Vampirism is spread through his saliva in open wounds, much like a parasite infecting someone. This makes it hard when he gets your blood pumping or when you have clumsy moments like when you accidentally get cut, etc. He's grown better at fighting the urge - even though your eyes beg him to bite you.
° Instead he settles for blood letting. He pours it right into a crystal glass. It almost amuses you how he devours it, licking the rim of the glass clean before sticking his finger inside the glass to get to those hard to reach places. You don't really get why he does it, but that's just a testament to your mortality and aversion for consuming blood.
° Speaking of your blood, it doesn't disappoint. It's a treat he enjoys savouring as he doesn't get it often - when he isn't being greedy. Bonus points if you were frightened just before he consumed it. He just has to repay the favour… over and over again. Fear is the greatest flavour to a vampire.
° After he tends to any of your wounds. If he has taken too much, then there's that softer part of him that will take care of you. Your diet is rich in iron and other vitamins that help keep your blood and health strong. Where this first came from a necessity to keep you alive, he now does so out of fondness. You may not understand it much, protesting that you can take care of yourself, Jerry won't hear of it. It's his ritual after all, one of the only moments where he can show a softer part of him to you. To convey that in his strange way he might actually love you.
° Jerry is four hundred years old. He knows many things and if you're willing, he passes his knowledge onto you. He's a bored immortal though, so he likes to mess with you, but over time you become less gullible. In his eyes, if you wanted to know more about these things then you should have come into his life when he wasn't bored and so twisted. He knows though that one day he'll mellow out again and by that time, you'll be immortal; so he has all the time in the world to teach you things.
° I think with you around, Jerry is more likely to actually sleep throughout the day. You find it strange that he heads to the basement, but you just think he has a coffin down there since there's no bed upstairs. That is until you realise he sleeps in the literal ground when he rises with dirt covering him head to toe.
° There is absolutely no digging your pesky, mortal nose in the basement or in his private room of his tribes knowledge. He only let's you see the latter when he trusts you enough not to run and tell the entire world. The former isn't until he's ready to turn you into a vampire. So in this case, curiosity would definitely kill the cat - the cat being you. It's best to remain in your jurisdiction.
° If he finds you digging, he considers that meddling and he's not privy to nosy people. If you haven't angered him enough, then he won't kill you, but he may punish you. Especially if you rise up against him with the likes of Charlie...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: open!
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milaeryn · 2 years
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I was rewatching Fright Night and did some Jerry Dandridge sketches!
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3d-wifey · 6 months
I will singlehandedly reblog a jerry dandrige story 100 times omg PLEASE
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Thank you, at least I have one person who's in my corner
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 6
The ride back to your neighborhood is silent. Your mind is surprisingly quiet given the circumstances. You figure it stems from being so comfortable around Jerry. It should worry you, honestly. How can you feel so at peace with a man you barely know? You can’t help but wonder if he feels the same.
He pulls up into his driveway before long, pressing a discreet button on his visor that opens the garage door, allowing him to pull in and close it behind you. As he turns off the truck, you notice that the garage is full of construction materials. Splattered paint cans, plastic sheeting and dusty sawhorses are on all three sides of the solid garage walls.
The door to the truck is swung open and you jump a bit in your seat, finding Jerry standing before you with that smirk of his. You grab your bag and hop out, standing there awkwardly for a moment as he closes the door and leads you up the short steps to the door of the house with his hand on the small of your back. He presses close enough that you can feel his warmth through your shirt as he opens the door and lets you in.
You both make your way to the kitchen, and you peer around the house. It looks like he’s been making good progress on renovations. There’s new drywall and plaster on most of the walls, and some of the stairs leading to the upper floor are a different color than the rest, indicating that some have been replaced.
“Sorry about the mess. I keep getting distracted from my renovations.” He leads you to the small couch in the living room, adjacent to a single recliner that’s facing the mall tv in the corner.
“Make yourself at home. Do you want some wine?” You nod and smile at him, taking a seat on the couch and watching as he makes his way to the kitchen. He’s out of sight behind the wall for a moment and you hear the sound of several cupboard doors slam shut before he’s back in view, carrying a bottle of red wine and two stemmed glasses.
Jerry pours two full glasses before setting the bottle on the side table on the right side of the couch and taking a seat, kicking his leg up so his ankle of one leg rests on his knee and tossing his arm across the back of the couch. You both sip your wine for a moment, with you still looking around the house, and him watching you heavily.
You’ve just taken a sip of wine and are about to open your mouth to ask what kind of plans he has for the house when he grabs your glass from you and set’s it down in one smooth motion. He grabs you by your hips and pulls you toward him on the couch and kisses you hard.
You make a noise of surprise before you return the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He picks you up like you weigh nothing, and settles you on his lap. He tastes delicious, like a mix of the red wine you had been having and something earthy. You pant against his mouth, and he runs his hands under your shirt and up and down your back, leaving a scorching trail with his touch.
You don’t even realize it, but you’re grinding down on his, swirling your hips into his as you kiss. Jerry pulls away for a moment, before his lips are blazing a trail down your neck. He gets to one particular spot that makes you moan softly and he licks at it, before sucking hard. Then, he’s back to his kisses, working his way to your collarbone.
You toss your head back and moan, biting your lip as he tastes your skin. You can feel just how wet you are getting against your pants. He stands up suddenly, causing you to gasp in surprise and hold onto him tighter. Without even moving from his task of painting your skin with his marks, he makes his way up the stairs, never even straining from carrying you.
Before you can even blink, he’s laying you on your back on the giant bed in the master bedroom. He pulls away from you finally and you open your eyes to look at him as he hovers over you. His pupils are blown wide with lust as he looks at you hungrily. He grasps the edge of your shirt before pausing, giving you time to tell him no, giving you time to stop. While you appreciate it, you have no intention of doing so.
You sit up and let him rip your shirt from you, exposing your bare stomach and bra clad chest to the cool air of his bedroom. He lets out an appreciative sound before pulling your torso toward him and working his tongue across the parts of your breasts that your bra isn’t covering.
Your panting and moaning is getting ever louder. He finally pulls the cups of your bra down, exposing your pebbling nipples to the cool air. He sucks hard on your right nipple, grinding his growing cock against your heat. He reaches one hand around and finally undoes your bra, tossing it to the floor once your arms are free.
Jerry pushes you until your back is flat against the bed, and removes your shoes and socks, slipping his attention to your other nipple. Your clit is practically singing against the seam of your jeans, and you squirm against him.
He finally undoes your pants, grabbing at the hem of both your pants and panties before slowly working them down your legs. You’re hit with a wave of insecurity as he tosses the clothes onto the floor. What if he didn’t like what he sees? You hold your legs together for a moment, before he makes direct eye contact with you and pushes your legs open at the knees. He slots himself between your thighs and trails his eyes down your body, before coming to rest on your glistening and swollen folds.
“You are” Jerry starts, tearing his own shirt from his body, “so unbelievably beautiful.”
You lift yourself onto your elbows as he starts to remove his own shoes and pants, keeping heavy eye contact the whole time. Once he is as bare as you, you trail your eyes down his body, coming to rest on his gorgeous cock. Then he’s moving again, this time situating himself so his face is flush with your heat, resting his cheek on your thigh and inhaling your scent.
You’ve never felt so exposed or aroused in your whole life.
He kisses from your thigh to directly on your clit, making you jump as he makes contact. He licks and sucks at your clit before licking from your entrance to just above your folds.
You know you are being incredibly loud with your moans but you can’t find it in you to care at the moment. This goes on for a few more minutes, each lick and suck bringing you closer to where you desperately want to be. Jerry takes two fingers and thrusts them roughly into your entrance, and you come on the spot, gushing against his fingers and face with a yelp.
He licks you softly as you come down, and when you squirm away from the over stimulation he finally relents, moving away from your quivering thighs and up to your sweaty and flushed face. He seems to get off on eye contact during your more vulnerable moments, and he licks his fingers clean as you watch on and squirm.
He rests his palms by your head, and your hands automatically come up to rest on his forearms to ground yourself. He lines his cock up with your entrance and pauses, once again waiting for you to give the ok. You bite your lip before nodding once.
He grins at you, suddenly seeming toothier than he was before and - wait what’s up with his eyes?
“I have waited a looooooong time for this.” He snaps his hips and bottoms out in your heat in one fluid motion. It drives all the air from your lungs and you gasp, digging your nails into his arms. Jerry doesn’t seem to care, and growls deep in his chest before retreating and thrusting into you again. Each thrust makes you gasp out, and the bedroom is filled with the sound of your panting and moaning, the growling he’s making in pleasure and the squelch of his cock driving into you.
When you come again, it’s in the same moment he does, and your body locks up as he grabs you and holds you to his chest, thrusting once more before spilling into you. As he comes, he locks his teeth into your neck, sending a spark of pain through your body that only adds to the heat from your orgasm. You sit there gasping for air as he withdraws his teeth, licking at the spot.
Jerry holds you close as you both come down, resting his face against the skin of your throat, murmuring about how good you were. The sex has taken a lot out of you and you can barely keep your eyes open. You shut them gently, and the last thing you remember before slipping into unconsciousness is Jerry’s face before your’s, with his eyes dark and chin covered in your blood.
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fortnight-dream · 3 years
Jerry Dandridge - Fright Night (2011)
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Ed Thompson (Fright Night 2011 version only)
Herbert West (Re-animator)
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's body)
Jerry Dandridge (Fright Night)
Kanduu (Goosbumps 2023)
Norman Bates (Bates Motel or Psycho (1998 Version))
Pinhead (Hellraiser)
Sydney Prescott (Scream)
The Auditor (Hellraiser: Judgement)
The Man (Hush)
The Stranger (When a stranger calls)
(Other Movies)
Abernathy Darwin Dunlap (Accepted)
Aro Volturi (Twilight)
Ben Hanscom (IT 1990 Only)
Bishop (Aliens)
Caius Volturi (Twilight)
Colin Gray (Jennifers body)
Dennis Rafkin (Thirteen Ghosts)
Dr. Vannacutt (House on Haunted Hill (1999-2007)
Eugene Tooms (X-Files)
Jonathan (The Evil Clergyman)
John Reilly (Castle Freak)
Julian Lambrick (Would You Rather)
Mike Norris (Childs Play)
Milton Dammers (The Frighteners)
Nathan Bratt (Goosbumps 2023)
Shepard Lambrick (Would You Rather)
Venus Van Dam (Sons of Anarchy)
Walter Stans (Predator 3)
Willing/Not willing to write
 Any gender
Any sexuality
 Any “body” preference
 Most of it will be gender neutral though
 NSFW (For both headcanons and fics)
Not willing:
Self Harm
Reader death
Polyamorous relationships (I'm sorry)
Religions (I'm not familiar with a lot of them)
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3d-wifey · 2 months
Hi! I just found your blog, and I wanted to say I would also absolutely want a Jerry Dandridge fic!! I may be new, but I love your writing and I think you’d do a great job writing him (plus this fandom is starved for content 😩). Anyway, have a great day, you’re amazing!!
HEEHEEHEE first i have a nsfw alphabet lined up for him, and then a chaptered story!!!!
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 7
When you wake up the next morning, you feel warm and comfortable. You open your eyes to the large master bedroom of Jerry’s house. Rolling onto your back, you spread your arms out and pause curiously when your hand hits a piece of paper and not a warm body. Turning your head, you see that it’s a single sheet of folded paper with your name on the front.
You grab it and sit up, moving your body up toward the headboard. Surprisingly, you’re not even a little bit sore from last night. No pain in your abdomen or neck. Shaking away the thought, you begin reading the note that Jerry had left you.
Sorry that I won’t be there when you wake up. I got called into work at the last minute this morning and you looked too peaceful to wake. You’re more than welcome to hang out at my house until I get home, but I’m sure you’ll want to see your mom and brother so they won’t worry. I’ll call you once I’m off. Maybe we can have a repeat of last night.
P.S. You look gorgeous in my bed with nothing on.
You grin to yourself as you set the paper down. You have to admit, you’re already falling pretty hard for the guy. He treats you like royalty, and you feel so at peace with him.
Looking at the clock, you realize that it’s still early. Since it’s a weekend your mom and brother will be home for the whole day which means… you’ll have to do a walk of shame to get back into the house. Oh well, you shrug to yourself. It’s worth it.
You slide out from under the comforter and stand up from the bed. It looks like Jerry has folded all of your clothes and set them on the dresser adjacent to the bed. Time to get dressed.
You decide to be as quiet as possible as you step into your own house. Slowly turning the key, you push open the door so as not to make a sound. The house is still dark, as the sun has just started to rise so you have to use your muscle memory to make your way through the house.
As you pass the kitchen, a voice suddenly startles you so much that you drop your purse.
“Oooh walk of shame alert!” Charley is standing there in the dark kitchen, his silhouette just barely visible against the white of the cabinetry.
“Charley, you bitch!” You hiss at him. “What the hell are you doing skulking around in the dark?” You bend down to pick up your spilled belongings as he snickers at you.
“I was thirsty!” You roll your eyes at him as he places his glass in the sink. “What’s got you so pent up? I thought chicks were supposed to be nicer after getting dicked down.” He smartly ducks before your purse can collide with his face.
“Ugh you’re the worst.” You say, even though you’re smiling. You both make your way upstairs, and Charley stops before his opened bedroom door as you continue down the hallway toward your own.
“Hey, mom wants to take us to lunch later, so be up by ten.”
“Sounds good, thanks. Bitch.” You had that last part for your own amusement.
“You’re welcome. Jerk”. You both snicker at each other and retire to your rooms. Setting your purse on the chair near your door, you turn around at the foot of the bed and flop dramatically onto your back, closing your eyes and relaxing into the sheets. They suddenly don’t feel as soft as Jerry’s are. Even though it is still super early in the morning, you’re not even the least bit tired. You feel like your body is thrumming with pent up energy. You feel great, like you’ve taken the best nap of your life.
You definitely won’t be able to sleep, you might as well do something to pass the time. Sitting up, you kick off your shoes and grab the remote to the small smart tv in the corner of your room. This should kill a few hours.
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter Two
You’ve been off all day since that meeting at the front door. I mean, sure the guy was hot as hell, but there was something weird about him that wouldn’t leave your mind.
Your mom must have noticed that you were a bit quieter than usual that night at dinner.
“Honey, are you okay? You seem a little off.” She asked, and you could see a bit of worry in her eyes.
You smile at her, trying to calm her a bit.
“Yeah, I’m good, mom. Just a little tired I guess.”
She nods and gets back to her meal as Charley snorts to himself, not even looking up from his phone.
“Maybe you just need to get laid.”
“CHARLEY!” You and your mom yell in unison as you all fall into a bout of laughter.
“What? She does!” Charley exclaims.
“I mean, he does kind of have a point, Cam. You haven’t had a boyfriend since that douche cheated on you. I think you should at least start thinking about it.” She points at you with her fork as she speaks, as if trying to make sure her point really hit home.
You hummed to yourself as you push your food around your plate.
She was right. Your last long term boyfriend was about a year and a half ago, and you left him when you found out he had been cheating on you with a mutual friend for the whole relationship. You felt like such an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
Deciding you needed to change the conversation, you decide to let her know about your interaction with Jerry that morning.
“Speaking of boyfriends, I met yours this morning, mom.” You wink at her as she gives you a confused look. “Jerry came by and introduced himself this morning.”
She rolls her eyes and gives you a little smirk. “Aaaaaand?”
“And nothing. Do you get weird vibes from him?”
She looks at you strangely. “No? Why, did he say something?”
You shake your head at her, as Charley looks between both of you.
“No, he was perfectly pleasant. I don’t know how to explain it, he just has a strange… aura or whatever.”
Charley nods and tells you he agrees. Your mom just rolls her eyes.
“You sure it’s not because he’s attractive? I know he’s your type.” She says teasingly. You laugh along with her and decide to just drop it for now.
Later that night, you’re lying in bed trying to fall asleep, when you hear a tapping, no- a knocking, at the window. Startled, you sit bolt upright and gasp pulling your blanket up to your chest. You listen for a moment. The only sound in your room is your heavy breathing.
You cautiously get up, the air cold on your tank top clad shoulder and floor cold on your bare feet. You creep to your window and pull the curtain slowly to the side. There’s nothing there. You open the window latch and swing the window out, peeking your head outside. You peer left and right, but don’t find anything that may have caused the sound. Shrugging to yourself, you swing the window closed and latch it. Maybe you are just overly tired.
You rub a hand down your face, and shuffle back to bed, not even noticing the dark figure in the corner of your room.
You’re panting, and your body feels like it’s melting. His lips are on your neck, and his hands are everywhere. You gasp as you feel him grazing his teeth along your neck as he grinds his body into yours. He makes his way up , your mouth, licking a stripe as he goes.
Kissing his way to your mouth, he finally attaches his lips to yours, kissing hard. You gasp, and he takes this chance to force his tongue into your mouth, sliding it along yours until you feel like you can’t breathe. Your eyes are still closed as he stops kissing you, and he presses your foreheads together as you lay there panting.
“Keep dreaming of me.” He whispers into your ear.
Jerry sits at the foot of your bed, watching you squirm and gasp in your sleep, grinning to himself. He may have influenced you to dream about him, but the rest is all you. He gives you one last lingering glance before he’s gone, leaving you to continue your fantasy alone.
When you wake up a few hours later, your skin is sticky with sweat, and your blanket has been pushed to the floor. Damn, that was one hell of a dream. You can remember the intimacy but… can’t remember seeing the man’s face. You rub your hands along your face as you decide to get out of bed and start your day. You don’t realize that your window is open until after you’re dressed.
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 5
You were pacing around your room, trying to calm your nerves about tonight. You had opted to go with an outfit that was casual and cute, but you were worried about how you looked. You know you shouldn’t, he had already expressed interest even after seeing you in a ratty old t-shirt. You still couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. Jerry is an attractive and easy going guy. Why would he want a nerdy guy like you?
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a text coming through. Checking it, you see that it’s Jerry letting you know that he’s outside if you’re ready to go. You take one final look at yourself in the tall mirror behind your door, and grab your things before heading downstairs.
You pass by Charley’s room on the way, seeing his door wide open and peeking in. He’s playing an XBox game with some friends and shouts at them down the headset every so often. You smile to yourself and head down, finding your mother on the couch with a glass of wine. She turns toward you as you get close and nods appreciatively at your outfit.
“You look great! I hope you have fun. And use protection, please.” She smirks at you as you roll your eyes, bending down to give her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thanks, mom, I’ll see you in the morning. I don’t intend to stay the night with him, by the way.”
She gives you a skeptical glance as you head to the front door. As you shut it, you can hear her shout “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You laugh to yourself as you lock the door, and turn to face Jerry in his truck. It’s a big silver pickup that shines in the moonlight as he idles at the end of your driveway.
He’s smiling at you as you open the door and hop in.
“Hi, gorgeous. You look great.”
You flush and mutter out a thanks as you busy yourself with your seatbelt. He’s still looking at you with an unknown emotion in his eyes when you look back at him. You stare at each other for a moment before he turns his attention to the front windshield and puts that car in drive.
“So, where are we going?” You ask, settling yourself in for the drive.
He smirks and glances at you from the corner of his eye. “It’s a surprise.”
You pout playfully and cross your arms as he laughs under his breath. After a few minutes of idle chatter, you realize that you’re heading to the edge of town, and not the center where the cinemas are located.
“Are you taking me out into the middle of nowhere to kill me?” You ask playfully. Jerry outright laughs at that and shakes his head. “No, I don’t think I could kill someone as beautiful as you.” You busy yourself playing with the window control so you don’t have to look at him.
“Hey.” He gets your attention and you look at him again. “He looks you in the eyes and says “You’re gonna need to start getting used to taking compliments.”
“Why?” You ask, wanting to change the subject. “You planning on staying around awhile?”
He nods, leaning back against the seat and throwing his right arm on the back of the bench. “As long as you’ll have me.” The lince that follows is… not awkward per say, but the air of the cab is full of something you can’t put your finger on.
Before you can say anything else, he turns down a lit road with a large lit up billboard that reads “Las Vegas Drive In! Now playing: The Mummy (1999) starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz”.
You gasp and turn toward him quickly. He just smirks to himself and pulls up to the attendant, paying and the kid directs him toward a more secluded spot in the field. He parks next to the speaker and rolls down his window, making sure you’re lined up properly. He turns toward you and raises an eyebrow as if asking “how’d I do”.
You’re so excited that he picked a movie unique to your interests that you unbuckle and are across the bench in a flash. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him hard. To his defense, he hardly seemed surprised and instantly returned the favor. You pull away and start to apologize when he kisses you again, long and sweet.
He settles you against his side with his arm around you as he looks down at your happy face. You look at each other for a minute before your stomach decides to rumble loudly. Jerry laughs and you flush. You were so anxious for the date that you forgot to eat anything during the day.
“I’ll grab you something to eat, you just sit tight.” He opens the door and exits the truck, closing the door before making his way to the concession stand at the back of the field.
You sit there by yourself, smiling happily. Now that you’re alone, you wonder if Jerry had heard about Seth. The thought makes your mood sour a bit, and you’re still thinking about it when Jerry comes back with your food. You startle when he opens the door and he looks at you strangely.
“You ok?” You nod, and grab the food bag from him. Peeking inside, you see that he got you two soft pretzels and a small container of warm cheese.
“Thanks! I was just thinking about something I saw on the news today… Do you remember that guy from the club that tried to…” You trail off and he seems to sense your discomfort, wrapping his right arm around you again. You snuggle into his side, getting comfy before continuing.
“I saw on the news this morning that he died. Some sort of animal attack or something? I don’t know.” He grins as you finish, rubbing your arm and looking thoughtfully out of the window.
“Good riddance if you ask me.”
Before you can say anything else, a voice comes across the speaker outside and lets you know that the movie is starting. You decide to leave it at that and tuck into your pretzels.
Jerry is wonderful. He listens when you ramble about things you know about the movie, asks questions when appropriate, and even gets you more food during the movie. When it’s over, he turns on the truck and you both head out, heading back toward town. You really don’t want the night to be over, so you ask if you can treat him to ice cream.
He laughs and you’re hurt for about ½ a second before he tells you you’re not spending any money because that’s his job.
You find yourself sitting in the same diner as before, picking away happily at a sundae. He didn’t want one himself, so he’s just watching you in comfortable silence for a bit before he decides to ask you something.
“If I asked if you wanted to come over to my house after this, would you?”
You pause, looking up at him suddenly, spoon held halfway between your mouth and ice cream. You swallow and put your spoon down, avoiding eye contact for a minute.
“I… want to, but I don’t want to… mess this up?” You’re not sure where you’re going with this rejection. You think this might be happening too fast, I mean hell, this is technically your first date. But you’re so comfortable with him…
He cups your cheek with his hand and tilts your face so you’re looking at him in the eye.
“Hey, it doesn’t have to mean anything. We could just sit and talk, or we can watch something. I’m just not ready for tonight to end yet.” He seems to know exactly what to say. You think about it for a moment before deciding.
“You know what? Yeah, we can go to yours after.”
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 3
After 3 consecutive days of wet dreams, your sleep schedule was pretty messed up. You found that you only had the dreams about your mystery man during the night, but naps were dream free. You had found yourself napping while home alone the last few days.
On day 4 of being cranky and bothered lol the time, you decided that it was finally time to do something about it. You told your mom you were going to be meeting some old friends at the club downtown, and she had graciously offered for you to take her car (but not without giving you a quick lecture about ‘staying safe’ on your night out) and you declined, knowing that you would be drinking. It would be safer to take a cab.
You’re wearing your best club outfit and leaning against the crowded bar, feeling the bass of the EDM music thumping in your chest. You get your drink from the bartender and are just taking a sip, when you get the strange feeling that you're being called to look up.
You glance into the mirror behind the bar, gazing through the haze and the light beams passing by the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. No one is paying attention to you at the moment. You’re sipping on your drink when someone appears next to you in the mirror. You startle, and turn towards the figure quickly.
The man before you is handsome, with sandy blonde hair, brown eyes and a striking jawline. He grins at you and extends his hand.
“Hi there, Gorgeous. I’m Seth, how’s it going?” He shouts over the music.
You smile back and shake his hand. “I’m Camille.”
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” He leans his side against the bar while still facing you and sends you a wink.
You sigh and roll your eyes, not even believing he just dropped that cliche on you. “Has that ever worked for you before?” You ask him, arching an eyebrow.
He laughs awkwardly, and changes the subject quickly. “You live around here?”
You look him over for a minute and decide that he seems harmless enough. Nodding, you slide your drink between both hands on the counter top to stay busy. “Yeah, I live nearby.
“Cool, Cool… You uh, wanna get out of here?”
Just as you’re about to decline and get away from this guy, someone bumps into you from behind. Your drink sloshes as you turn to the super drunk girl that’s slurring apologies at you as she hurries away with a group of friends. You laugh lightly and turn back to Seth, who freezes where he is. You give him a questioning look.
“You alright there?”
He nods quickly, and looks around rapidly. “Uh yeah, yeah, I’m good. Do you want another drink?” You give him a questioning look and rattle your glass.
“I’m still working on this one.” You start to raise the glass to your lips when an arm is placed around your shoulders.
“This guy bothering you?”
You look up quickly and see that it’s Jerry. He’s glaring Seth down and Seth looks like he’s about to shit himself.
“Jerry?” Your heart thumps rapidly in your chest as you look him over. He’s wearing his signature white tank top underneath a red plaid shirt and he looks both delicious and dangerous right now.
He’s still staring Seth down as he grabs your glass from you and sets it down on the bar. “You wanna tell her, or should I?”
Seth waits for a beat and then turns tail and runs, quickly disappearing through the throngs of dancing bodies.
You turn to Jerry, still tucked under his arm. “What just happened?”
He releases your shoulder and steps in front of you, trailing his hand as he goes. You find that surprisingly, you don’t mind his touch all that much.
“Saw that guy drop something in your drink.” He says, eyes full of comfort. You gasp and sag against the bar a bit. What would have happened if Jerry wasn’t there? How could you be so careless. You wrap your arms around yourself in a comforting fashion.
“Wow, I… Thank you. I can’t believe…”
He rubs his hand on your arm to comfort you. “Hey, you’re alright. Nothing happened.”
You nod as he talks, till trying to get your head wrapped around what just happened. “I’m so glad you were there.” You look him in the eyes now. ‘Thank you.”
He grins at you and steps even closer, breathing your air now. “Glad I could help. Do you wanna get out of here? I know a nice little 24 hour diner about 20 minutes away that serves great pancakes.”
You look at him for a moment, thinking it over. You don’t get the same gross feeling from Jerry that you got from Seth when he asked the same question. You decide you’re feeling spontaneous tonight and think, what the hell.
“Sure.” You grin at him. “Let’s get some pancakes.”
30 minutes later, you’re sitting in a booth at the diner, opposite Jerry. You’re supposed to be looking at the menu but you can’t help but gaze at him over it. He looked good. Really good. You had seen the waitresses do a double take at him when you walked in, and the one that gave you your menus after you sat couldn’t stop stuttering and blushing.
He catches you staring and grins at you, making you avert your eyes quickly. He lays his menu down and rests an arm on the back of the booth, just looking at you. The waitress from before hurries over to get your orders. “You picked what you want yet?” Jerry asks.
You nod, still looking at the menu to avoid eye contact. “I’ll get the buttermilk pancakes with a side of hash browns and some water, please.”
Jerry doesn’t even look away from you to tell the waitress he wants just a black coffee.
She takes your menus and then is gone, and you have nothing to distract you from the gorgeous man in front of you.
It’s quiet for a moment, the sounds of clinking dishes and soft murmuring filling the air. You’re still avoiding looking directly at Jerry when he asks, “So, what do you study in school?”
You light up, looking at him for the first time since sitting down. You love talking about your major, and are very proud of it.
“I’m studying ancient civilizations and linguistics right now. I hope to someday be an archeologist.”
Jerry whistles under his breath. “Impressive. Beauty and brains.”
You flush, looking elsewhere once more, but smile to yourself. Deciding to come out of your shell a bit, you look at him once more and ask “So, where did you move from?”
You and Jerry are still sitting there hours later talking and laughing with each other. He has a similar sense of humor to you and surprisingly has similar interests, even though he’s older than you.
You don’t want the night to end, but all good things do. You eventually make your way home, both taking one cab since you live so close together. Your house is dark as he walks you to your door. You stand there looking at each other for a moment. He had really helped you come out of your shell and you now had no problem making direct eye contact with him.
“I had a good time tonight. Maybe we can do it again?” You ask. You try not to sound too hopeful, as you don’t even know what tonight would be considered. “He grins at you and nods.
“It’s a date. I’ll text you soon.” You nod, and unlock the front door after grabbing your keys from your bag. You give him one last smile before stepping through.
Before you can fully take the step however, he grabs your arm and pulls you back to face him, and kisses you hard. You gasp, and he pushes your body against the door frame. His hands land on your waist as he kisses you, and yours end up on his shoulders after a moment. He kisses you long and hard and then pulls away, resting his forehead on yours and looking you right in the eyes.
He grins and steps away from you. “I’ll see you soon.” And then he’s walking toward his own house, leaving you panting and yearning at your front door. You watch as he disappears through his door and then step into your own house, closing and leaching the door. You rest your back against it, feeling like his lips are still on yours. You smile to yourself and bite your lip.
You’re very much looking forward to ‘soon’.
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 4
You wake up the next morning feeling better than you had in awhile. You (thankfully) didn’t have any wild dreams last night and were well rested, even after only getting a few hours of sleep. After a shower, you join your mom and Charley downstairs for breakfast before they head out for the day.
Yawning, you pass your mom on the way to the cupboard to grab some cereal.
“Morning, Cam. You’re up early.”
You hum as you pour yourself a bowl. She looks at you until you make eye contact with her. She gives you a look and you turn your attention back to your cereal, grabbing milk out of the fridge to finish up before heading to the table.
“So did you finally get laid?” Charley asks as you sit down.
“Dude, why are you so obsessed with my love life? Amy not giving you any attention?” You grin as he throws some cereal at you.
“Gross! Just wanna make sure you’re not moping around anymore.” Your mom finally joins you with a cup of fresh coffee, and turns on the news on the large living room tv. You all tuck into your breakfast (or beverage) as a news report comes across the screen.
“This just in, a local man was found brutally maimed inside his home this morning after a neighbor found the front door cracked open and went inside to investigate.” The news anchor starts. She pauses for a moment for effect before continuing. “The man, 26 year old Seth Anders was found dead, with multiple wounds on his body.”
They show a picture of the man and you briefly glance up, before doing a double take and dropping your spoon, causing milk and cereal to splash onto the table. You can hear your mom and Charley expressing concern, but they sound like they are underwater as your eyes lock on the screen.
“Authorities say that there were no signs of forced entry, and think that this may have been some sort of animal attack, based on how the body was found.”
“Holy shit”, you breathe out, sinking back in your chair. It was Seth from the club. The same asshole who dropped something in your drink last night.
You turn to look at your mom and brother, who are both looking at you worriedly.
“Mill’s, do you know that guy?” Charley asks, looking at you between bites of cereal.
“Yes. Well, no. I sort of met him last night when he put something in my drink.” They both gasp and look furious.
“What the fuck?! I’m glad that asshole’s dead then.” Charley bites out.
“Charley! Watch your fucking mouth.” Your mom chastises him. She turns toward you again and reaches her hand out for you to take, as Charley scoffs. You take her hand and try to smile at her soothingly. “I’m ok, I promise. Jerry from next door was actually there and scared the guy off before I could even take a sip.”
“Jerry? God, sweetheart, I’m really glad he was there. Did you guys talk to the police?” Your mom asks. You shake your head.
“We had no idea who he was other than his name was Seth. I just wanted to get out of there. We went to get something to eat after.” Your mom’s face changed a bit and you paused. “Is… is that ok?” You were worried. You knew your mom thought Jerry was attractive, but you weren’t sure how far that went.
“What? Camille of course that’s ok. You’re a grown woman and if you want to date an older guy, you absolutely can. I’m not gonna be upset just because I like the way he looks in a tank top, baby.”
You sigh in relief. Admittedly you were a bit worried about how your mom would take your excursion last night. Charley looks between the both of you with raised eyebrows before getting up from the table and grabbing his empty bowl.
“Amy is not gonna believe this.”
Later that day when you have the house to yourself, you decide to get some chores done for your mom. You’ve already cleaned both bathrooms and are getting some laundry done when a ‘ping!’ interrupts your cleaning playlist, letting you know you got a text. You decide you need a break anyway, and finish loading the dryer with the wet clothes before starting it, and heading up to your room.
You collapse dramatically on your bed, before grabbing your phone and taking a look at the message. To your surprise, it’s Jerry, asking how you’re feeling. You grin and reply that you’re doing alright today. There’s a brief pause before he responds, asking you out to dinner and a movie tonight.
Holy shit! You sit up suddenly and will yourself not to respond right away, so as not to appear too eager. You let him know that you would love too, and that you would take a cab and meet him at the venue.
He tells you that there’s no need. He’ll pick you up at 8:00 pm in his truck. You thank him and tell him you’ll see him then. Smiling to yourself, you think that this would be a good way to get your mind even further off of the topic of Seth’s gruesome death. Now all you have to do is wait until 8.
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birdlungg · 2 years
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: Fright Night (2011)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jerry Dandridge/You, Jerry Dandridge/OC
Characters: Jerry Dandrige, Charley Brewster, Jane Brewster, Amy Peterson, You, Reader, OC!Reader, Named Reader - Character
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Smut, Vampires, Blood Drinking, Mates, Mating Bonds, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Attempted Sexual Assault
Summary: Jerry finds his mate in Charley’s sister, Camille (you) when she comes home from college. He’s been waiting a long time for her and will do anything to finally have her.
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