#friesian horses reference back at ya
boundlesshart · 2 years
insert pegasus joke here
*steals @blaydiud’s pegasus and runs*
When Claude first met a pegasus, it should have been in Fódlan. Creatures hailing from the coldest reaches of Faerghus are out of place where he grew up, the dry plains of Almyra that few wyverns even nest in. But his mother had been a pegasus knight in a previous life. While she was determined to leave her old life behind in Leicester, her pegasus Risey was one of the few exceptions. 
He was three or four when he first met that pegasus, to him a beast as massive as a wyvern when she stretched her wings. Claude remembers her most by how she felt in his small toddler hands: dense winter fur that came off in clumps in the spring, then shaved smooth in the summer. 
That pegasus is long-dead now, and her Almyran-blooded descendants live in luxury back in Maragheh. Still, the flock back home are lean and athletic, better suited for the climate they were born in. Claude sees an echo of Risey in Grimbelle: stocky and thick-coated, ideal for Faerghus winters and cold nights in Fodlan’s Throat. “She’s a beautiful animal,” he tells Dimitri warmly, already extending an open palm for her to sniff. “I hope the pegasus I end up with is half as stunning as her.”
Claude’s heart will always remain with wyverns—he admires their fierceness, their independence, their passionate loyalty to their riders. Risey, beloved as she is, casts a long shadow over every other pegasus he’s ever met. None were as bold as her, as unflappable. A wyvern in pegasus’ clothing, his father called her once. Every other pegasus seems skittish and weak-tempered in comparison. “Does she spook easily?” Claude asks. “I’m experienced with flying, but pegasi seem high-strung compared to some of the wyverns I’ve ridden.”
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