#fred the grouchy lizard
voidbears-oc-stash · 10 months
Grey: well- SORTA? its so far seems to be only ONE person! doing it! and they've been breaking into, TWO types of establishments! Butcher shops/delis! and small super markets! and they've only been taking ONE thing specifically- meat products! like dang near CLEARED whole isles! of EVERY type of meat! its extremely strange-
Luna thinks. "Well either they're a carnivore, or they need the meat for something. Is it specifically certain types of meat? Like from certain animals, or is it just meat in general? And that raises the question if vegan meat is also taken..."
Fred, from the background, yells "Vegan meat is my line! I use it to insult plant people!"
"Can it, Fred!" Luna barks back.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Phantom: yeah! tho Ultra's awake- we could have him repair the portal network- bye mister lizard! i hope ya feel better!! *Phantom waved goodbye! so genuinely- its shocking- *
Fred looked back. Even though it is very light and barely noticeable, he does smile. He's not all grouch.
Raider wasn't looking to notice Fred's light smile. "Yeah, I trust Ultra more anyways."
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Phantom: oh i know! there's this cave under my house! real dark and quiet! only sound's the bubbling of a Lazarus pit! *turns to Raider and bursts into tears!* RAIDER!!! I'M SO SORRY I STABBED YOU! I CAN'T STOP IT! *he Hugs Raider like a gosh dang VICE! *
Fred growls "Whatever, machine kid and shady sabretooth."
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
*Phantom comes in!* Phantom: sorry mister lizard! but my friend here is right! *Phantom proceeds to to Explain in computer pin point detail Fred's EXACT colors and the road's colors! explaining that most eyes can not tell the exact difference in shades and also that laying/sleeping in the middle of a road and not expecting to be disturbed let alone stepped on is VERY unlikely and illogical! and that he's sure Raider had initially apologized for the step! and that if its caused any injury he's more then willing to help fix it! all in a very polite and innocent way! *
Fred rolls his eyes. "Fine. I need to find a new quiet place now." he says before trotting off.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
*Phantom listens in! concerned! *
Some not-very kid-friendly words were said by Fred.
Raider growls "Be quiet I was just looking around"
"You stepped on me!" Fred barked
"You were in the middle of the road that matches your colors, how was I supposed to know you were there?"
"With your (bleeping) eyes."
"I could argue that you should've seen me first. I, unlike you, am kinda hard to miss in the daylight."
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Ultra: oh boy- *meanwhile! Phantom's searching for raider- panicked boy- *
Raider has found Fred. They're arguing.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Rush:... you... need therapy- i think... Hero: *whines* (second that- )
"You don't need to act like I'm the only one." Luna says, coldly
Expo nodded "A lot of us do. But it's kinda hard for some people to take us seriously. We're still just a huge bunch of misfits who showed up one day all traumatized. Even the ones who don't act like it are."
"Like Fred?" Luna says semi teasingly
"Especially Fred, the guy acts like he hates everyone and everything yet still came with us with the evacuation. And not even all of us ended up in the same world, we were kinda lucky most of us did." Expo says. "Haven't seen Swifty or Quinton, to name a few, since the whole thing but I know they left with us."
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