#frannie Krueger
gashface · 1 year
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We chased a feeling, not a reality
Thank you for all the love on the recent episode! I'm just glad y'all are enjoying the series so far!!!
[A little gift for y'all of Clover and Frannie]
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- Buddy
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Slashers reacting to their Gender Bends
Jason: He would be a little weirded out seeing a woman that mirrored him in appearance. Jason would be a bit conflicted about potentially killing basically himself kinda? The fight might a bit longer than intended, however. Jason would be stronger, but Jackie would be much quicker. In the end they probably would wear themselves out and end up just silently going about their days/protecting the camp together.
Michael: Honestly, doesn't really react. Like Jason and Jackie, the fight might last a while. Each might be sporting their own wounds, and after a while Michael and Michele would make a silent agreement. They'd probably just go back to plotting how to finally kill their siblings.
Freddy: Two dream demons?? Imagine the terrible jokes, and total chaos they'd cause. God help anyone who's dreams involve the two of them going back and forth. Probably mostly just Freddy and Franny fucking around with each other.
Bubba: He gets pretty excited! Finally someone who understands him! It's like having a twin. Bubba and Angel become the best of friends. They chop meat together and stand up for one another. Matching chainsaws yay!
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frankpanioncube · 5 years
tag meme
Another tag meme!
                                                                      tag meme
tagged by: @glaciesdraco
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Name: Ash
Gender: Cis she/her 
Birthday: September 6
Relationship: Single. Fortunately I live a rich fantasy life.
Favorite colors: Turquoise, Red
Top 3 ships: I don’t really have any right now. 
Last song: Hellion / Electric Eye - Judas Priest (Living After Midnight Album)
Last movie: I watched Space Jam on Netflix! Wooo Nostalgia
And I tag... @ladyanatares, @student-on-the-run, @cracksandcraters, @icy-flake, @rainbow600, @ezra-blue, @franny-krueger, @xxtigerkeixx, @n-sani-tea
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magicalserendipity · 4 years
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1, 2, Franny’s coming for you. ❤️🥀🖤🔪 Happy Hallow’s Eve from a glammed up FRANNY Krueger. 😘 (at A Nightmare On Elm Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_bnYVgSO2/?igshid=c0x5zfrpsix4
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soothedcerberus · 7 years
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@rhiannon-langley @missdreamyhead @roseverdict @formsans96 @franny-krueger @theredjesterrebellion A bunch more sweet messages that I can’t reply to individually (^_^;) Thank you all!!
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