#forgive the shoddy quality of the art and details - i have 0 knowledge on how to do things digitally so everything is done on paper :(
hopelesscounty · 1 year
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If you keep putting someone on the back burner, eventually they will go cold.
Name: Eleanora Jade Whittaker Nicknames: Nora, Nor, Ellie (her mom's way of naming her after Eli) Age: 27 Role: Gun For Hire, Eden's Gate reconnaissance for Eli/the Whitetail Militia
(See below cut for history!)
"Brief" Pre-P.E.G History: A result of parental neglect and abuse at the hands of her older brother, Nora learned to find solace in the forests of Hope County very young. By the time she turned 11, she was already considered a flight risk, taking what she had learned through her uncle Eli's survival lessons and applying it in order to keep herself safe. While she often found herself in Eli's care during her flights, particularly bad episodes found her disappearing into the woods for days at a time, leaving her with an intimate knowledge of the forests surrounding her home.
Whenever she was home, her primary focus was the farm. A staple of the community for decades, the Palmer-Whittaker farm in the Valley had been her mother's pride and joy, something Nora adopted from her. While primarily a crop farm, the family did keep a number of animals and when she was home, Nora would spend hours with them, preferring their company over her family's.
Her parent's focus on her brother - their Golden Boy - left Nora with a significant lack of self-worth, and an even bigger lack of self-preservation. Seeking adventure and danger became the most important thing to her throughout her teenage years, especially once Lilith, her neighbour and closest friend, moved away. It never truly went away, even as she matured.
"Brief" Post-P.E.G History: Nora's relationship with her mother was the best of her immediate family and although neglectful, she still loved her mother. Naturally, her mother's decision to leave the family and join the Project crushed Nora, doubly so when it was brought to light that her Pilgrimage had failed and resulted in her death. Her father followed suit, willingly joining the Project and leaving the farm and properties to his son.
While both Whittaker children were raised Christian, neither truly believe in the teachings, so when the opportunity to sell the farm to the Project and leave Hope County entirely reared its head, Nora's brother capitalized, selling the house out from under her and leaving her homeless. This began her work with Eli's militia, where she would spend her time learning her uncle's plans and doing Eden's Gate reconnaissance from the many hidden shelters she's built in the forests of the county.
Due to the way he took her home from him and turned it into one of the Project's farms, Nora's secondary objective after gathering intel is to make things difficult for the Project. Notably by making John's life a living hell. It began immediately after he purchased the farm from her brother: overnight she sabotaged the equipment, harvested what crops she could, burned the rest, and set their animals free. Since, she does everything she can to get under John's skin and piss him and the rest of his siblings off, including vandalizing and blowing up the many billboards with his stupid (handsome) face on them.
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