#for reference: cor is vio; dunn is shadow; the one on the phone is les (blue); irvine is green; and clancey (red) is the one observing
I’m so sorry to tell you all I had to cut this section out of Ch. 2 of Every Day is Christmas if the Vibes are Right:
“Ah, finally,” Cor said into the phone, his gaze shifting to one of his armrests as he spoke, “were you still in bed?”
The voice at the other end was not pleased.
Mildly, Cor said, “I thought you were a good driver.”
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say. Dunn looked like he was biting his tongue hard to keep from bursting into laughter.
“I understand you may be somewhat on edge this morning —”
Cor held the phone away from his ear. “Yes, yes. Try not to become too well acquainted with the hedges, and tell Irvine we’ve got good news.” He hung up before the other could answer.
Dunn buried his face in his arms and shook with laughter.
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