#foolsdeath. aerith gainborough.
frangiturastrum · 2 years
❛   despite everything, i believe that people are really good at heart.  ❜  ( aerith @ big bro seph!!! )
Blinking owlishly for a moment, Sephiroth allows himself a small smile, soft and fond and tender, the kind that only his sister (for even though they share no blood ties, she is his sister) is allowed to see. Standing next to her as they watch the business of midday Sector 5, he looms like a mostly silent bodyguard, knowing full well that, even if he did not go through with all of Hojo's plans for him, his strength is still enough to deter the Turks from trying to take Aerith away. But, the thought of Turks is far from his mind as he listens to his sisters words. The kindness within her forever staggering him.
Truly, she shone like a light in the darkness. It was no wonder really, why so many of those who lived in Sector 5 loved her so.
Bowing his head a little, his eyes slipped closed as a low hum rumbled out of him. "You are better than I am in that. I wish I could see the good in everyone as you do, but I am afraid I will always be looking over our shoulders, and especially yours." He knew Aerith could fight, but that didn't mean he wanted her to have to, which is why, if anyone came to steal her away to the labs again, he would take care of them quickly, and ideally without her knowing.
"Although," there's a short pause, almost like a cat waiting before pouncing on its prey, "I have found that it is easier to believe in the goodness of people here. Though I have yet to determine if that is because you brighten this sector like a light in the darkness, or if these people are always like this."
Turning to face her fully, he kept a cool mask with a small smile in place, even as he felt the wish to turn his face away, knowing she could read the emotions in his eyes as he, quietly and so softly, asked, "Perhaps you can help me learn to see, to believe, that there is good in peoples hearts?"
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frangiturastrum · 2 years
❛   i know so many last words. but i’ll never know hers.  ❜  ( HEAR ME OUT. aerith @ cloud talking about her mom, okay bye )
He wasn't certain how to react upon hearing Aerith's quite confession, though a wave of sorrow passed over him, old grief raising it's head like a hungry wolf to gnaw on his bones. Instead of leaning on words first, knowing that he wasn't good when it came to trying to offer verbal comfort, he gently tucked her against his chest, strong arms wrapping around her. "I'm sorry, Aerith."
He knew the pain of loosing your mother, but...Aerith's situation was so different from his own, and he didn't want to overstep, or put his foot in his mouth as he so often did. So, he gently rubbed her back with one hand and tried his best to silently reassure her.
Except...Aerith always seemed to know what to say, and he didn't want to...fail her(?) in this moment. "Would you...like to do something for her? Maybe we could gather some flowers for her?"
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frangiturastrum · 2 years
"Every single time I run into your arms, I feel like I exist for love." ( gives aerith to cloud )
when she spoke up from where she was nestled in his arms, cloud hadn't been expecting that from her. with his arms wrapped tightly around her middle, he let out a soft huff, not quite a laugh, and not quite a sigh, but something inbetween that ached with fondess and affection for the woman in his arms. coming from her, what felt like it might have a been a blunt statement instead felt like it was poetry. or perhaps that was just because aerith was always so radiant, even after battle those times when monsters got too close and she got dirty, she seemed like poetry itself in motion.
almost idly, he gently twirled a strand of her hair 'round his finger, a soft hum leaving him. "i...i'm lucky then. i never would have imagine that i could make someone feel like you do." that was more true than he wanted to admit, especially as he didn't want his lack of affection in his childhood to bring the mood down.
instead, his hold on her tightened just a bit for a few seconds before he relaxed, though he still kept her close, snug against his chest. "well...my arms are always open. and i'll always catch you. i promise." it wasn't poetry, his words rarely were, but they were honest and true, even when showing his emotions was difficult, he always tried. it was the least he could do for aerith.
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