#flying is actually a capable fighter and incredible focused its terrifying
mysticalskunk · 6 months
you know that feeling when you really like a character but you cannot find any good content for them because people just ... don't really get them.
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officialleehadan · 5 years
Carrier Pacifica
The Pacifica is, as all the carriers are, named after one of Earth’s Seven Seas. She is the largest, and most powerful of all seven Carriers, and is very nearly the size of Old-Earth’s moon.
She is also home to the Imperial Family, and houses both the Senate of Worlds, and the Imperial Parliament. Although she was originally designed to be a ship of war, the Pacifica is rarely called upon to perform to her more violent capabilities.
More often, she is a floating sign of the Imperial Will, traveling between worlds on a continuing circuit so that, if needed, she can come to the aid of any world that needs her immense power.
This circuit is managed by a selection of the best precognitive talents, and tactical geniuses in the Empire’s employ. Seeming to be random, the Pacifica’s travels are carefully curated to place her precisely where she is needed most.
This is also to prevent the possibility of an attack, and has been Imperial policy ever since the Uprising, a period in which three of the other Carriers, the India, the Mediterranean, and the Adriatic, were hijacked by an attempted coup. They were recovered, but at significant cost.
Inside, the Pacifica is a world unto herself. A titanic floating colony, the Pacifica carries nearly fourteen million humans and human-others, and nearly eight million more alien and full-blood Others. At full capacity, she is capable of carrying nearly three times that number, but rarely has been called to do so.
Inside there is, of course, the Core, which includes her massive hyperspace Jump drive, and also the system needed to power all of her many functions. Like all Carriers, the Pacifica’s Core is powered by a truly remarkable pice of engineering, said to be the creation of a dragon (likely Lord Petros) a Djinn, (possibly Sheik Al’Mudhib), and a god. (Possibly Poseidon).
At her heart, there is an eternal flame, ignited by dragon fire, and sustained by great magic. In the centuries in which the Pacifica, and the other Carriers, have been aflight, these eternal flames have never wavered, and produce a truly staggering amount of power, sufficient to keep the Pacifica and her sisters aloft with no need for fuel.
Pacifica City, which houses most of the current population, is focused towards the surface of the Carrier, where many millions of windows, protected by retractable plating, allow for incredible views of the stars and planets as the Pacifica travels. There are, of course, thoroughfares for vehicles, gardens, recreational events and schools of all sorts.
The weapons of the Pacifica are truly impressive. Capable of destroying a moon, or a planet, the Pacifica is a terrifying symbol of military power, even without the swarms of fighters she carries within her vast space-ports, ready to fly at the defense of their home.
Her armor is nearly as impressive as her weapons. Made of faerie silver, nearly indestructible in itself, the armor plating is actually shed dragons scales, mostly those of Lord Petros, by their size, and covered in sheets of the silver. This armor can withstand nearly everything except a blast from another Carrier, even without the particle shields that are layered over her great bulk.
Truly, the biggest of the Carriers is a sight to behold, so large she produces her own gravity to supplement the artificial. So powerful that nothing but another Carrier could face her. In the light, she is glowing and silver, bright against the black of space. In the shadow of a planet, she vanished, marked only by her own great lights, guiding her sailors home.
HGE - The Carriers
The Fleet of the Human Galactic Empire is as diverse as its people, but none of the Imperial Fleet make an entrance like the Carriers.
Carrier Pacifica
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