#flatliners 1990 synopsis
Let's Revisit 1990's FLATLINERS, Shall We?
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Let's Revisit 1990's FLATLINERS, Shall We?
The upcoming sequel/reboot to Flatliners is due in theatres any day now. Despite not being a huge sequel buff, we’ll likely be front-and-center opening weekend; covering the film for an upcoming episode of our podcast; Nightmare on Film Street.
Before we dive headfirst into reboot territory, I always try to re-visit the original film beforehand. This time around, I figured I’d invite you all to join me. So, while we wait for Ellen Page to give us her best Julia Roberts impression, let’s head back to 1990, with Flatliners OG!
  Meet Cute
Flatliners is a hybrid of sub-genres. It sits nestled between psychological Horror and Science Fiction. The film is directed by Joel Schumacher (The Lost Boys, Phonebooth, The Number 23), and written by Peter Filardi (The Craft).  The film boasts a pretty all-star cast by the 90’s standards, including many up-and-comers on their way to becoming household names. Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, William Baldwin, Oliver Platt, and Kevin Bacon make up the core death-defying team.
The film was shot in Chicago in 1989 and released theatrically on August 10, 1990, by Columbia Pictures. It received one Academy Award nomination for Best Sound Editing in 1990 (Charles L. Campbell and Richard C. Franklin). The film currently holds a 49% Not-So-Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
An edgy, eerie supernatural thriller about medical students using their skills to try crossing over to the “other side.” After they’re revived, the students are haunted and consumed by what they’ve seen, as their fears, guilt and old memories take root in the physical world. This star-studded film may be remembered more for the tabloid frenzy, upon the film’s release, surrounding actors Julia Roberts and ditched beau Kiefer Sutherland.
  Assembling the Team
Flatliners opens with Nelson Wright (portrayed by a mostly post-mulleted Kiefer Sutherland a la Lost Boys) bellowing the haunting first word of the film;
Today is a good day to die.
Hello trailer soundbite. Oozing a kind-of-threatening cool, Nelson convinces his team of fellow medical students to try some Frankenstein worthy experiments; causing medically induced brain death and reviving the lifeless candidate. For some reason, Joe Hurley (William Baldwin), David Labraccio (Kevin Bacon), Randall ‘Randy’ Steckle (Oliver Platt), and Rachel Manus (Julia Roberts) are all on board after some mild protesting.
These grave experiments intend to prove one thing; the existence of life after death. With Randy as their comedic videographer, they intend to replicate first-hand accounts of auditory and visual hallucinations of those that experienced a more naturally induced temporary state of death.
We as the audience are asked to suspend our disbelief a bit. We can either disregard the fact that an official scientific study requires thousands upon thousands of case studies and examples to even be remotely considered worthy of publishing as verifiable evidence.. Or, the film may intend us to be completely aware what they are doing is only under the guise of a ‘science experiment’. An experiment that serves as an umbrella for which they may hide the death-defying stroking of several young egos. I’m in the camp of the latter.
  Flatiners Flatline
One after another, our smart-enough-to-induce-death but dumb-enough-to-try heroes all invoke a taste of the afterlife. Each experience something unique and personal to their characters. Nelson sees the vision of a boy he bullied as a child, Billy Mahoney. Joe experiences a more erotic afterlife. David sees Winnie Hicks, who he also bullied when younger. Each time they flatline, our team of medical students get more brazen. They increase the time before they attempt revival. The thrill of the task becomes almost an addiction. The more they defy death, the less they care of the consequences; increased chances for brain damage, expulsion from school, and oh yeah – DEATH.
New candidates hit the gurney. All the while, the previously flatlined begin experiencing very real paranormal encounters. Still a impossibly a child, Billy Mahoney taunts Nelson; finding him in street corners, appearing in his car. He grows more and more real each encounter, able to physically assault and attack him. Joe has an affinity for sexually assaulting women by videotaping them without their consent. His punishment is those very women from his past appearing in impossible places, taunting him while his Fiance remains unawares.
The men opt to keep these strange after-effects to themselves, and Rachel decides to go next. Because they’ve decided to set up shop in what is practically an abandoned warehouse; the power surges. They are unable to revive Rachel with the defibrillators. Time ticks by, and she heads dangerously close towards definitive brain damage. At the last moment they are able to bring back a heartbeat and Rachel survives.  Her near-death experience is the most intimately personal. She experiences a vague re-enactment of witnessing her father’s suicide. These visions continue to haunt her even after she leaves the table.
  Confront Your Demons
David decides to confront his demons in an effort to put an end to the hallucinations. He tracks down a grown Winnie Hicks and musters up a long overdue apology. David is freed from the taunting visions, a weight lifted. Joe is forced to come clean about his perversions to his fiance Anne, after she comes across his disgusting stash of videotapes. After Anne leaves him, Joe too is freed from his macabre visions. Rachel, consumed by visions of her father’s death, discovers he was addicted to heroin. She is then also freed in learning she wasn’t at fault in some way.
We learn Billy Mahone died as a child. It was directly a result of Nelson’s bullying; he and his chums chased Billy up a tree, where he accidentally fell to his death. In order to make his amends, Nelson flatlines for a second time. He has to apologize to Billy Mahone in the afterlife, for there is no other way to contact him. Alone, Nelson flatlines for 9 minutes as the team race to revive him. In one final attempt, David shocks Nelson – and the machines beep to life. Nelson’s eyes flutter, and he utters “Today wasn’t a good day to die.”
  Thoughts on the Film
Flatliners is enjoyable in the nostalgic sense. We don’t get movies like quite like this anymore. (disregard the sequel, people.) The gritty, silly genre-warping films of the 1990’s soon made way for Action Adventure epics like Superhero films and ..are Transformers superheroes? Can they just be lumped into that category? Whatever, point made. Moving on.
Though a successfully executed story from beginning to end, the film has never been among my favorites. It straddles too close to the line of teasing something dark, and being lighthearted and funny. The tone is muddled. And because of that, this film never rose to cult status. It was as if after seeing David Cronenburg’s The Fly, the studio threw The Lost Boys into Telepod 3. Flatliners is the Brundlefly that came out.
Still, after not seeing this film for twenty years, the re-watch was enjoyable. All of the budding actors are climbing to the top of their game, and it’s a role unlike any other Julia Roberts has ever portrayed. Kevin Bacon is also surprisingly not an asshole in it? Which is a nice change after growing up with the weird and slightly-rapey Hollow Man.
  A New Generation of Death Defy-ers
In just a few days, a new team will hit the cold slab of death. They will be joined by Kiefer Sutherland, lucidly reprising his role as a doctor – probably providing the young medical students with some ominous (and unheaded) warnings about playing with death. He may even utter an iconic phrase, should the franchise want to retain its iconic level of cheese.
The official synopsis reads:
In Flatliners, five medical students, obsessed by the mystery of what lies beyond the confines of life, embark on a daring and dangerous experiment: by stopping their hearts for short periods of time, each triggers a near-death experience — giving them a firsthand account of the afterlife. But as their experiments become increasingly dangerous, they are each haunted by the sins of their pasts, brought on by the paranormal consequences of trespassing to the other side.
Does that synopsis sound like it could be for the 1990 film to you? It sure does to me. I’ll be interested to see what more they bring to the operating table this go around. They’re going to need to pull something original out of that magician’s cap if this film is going to survive long enough to hit DVD shelves. Without seeing the film, it’s currently sitting on my 2nd most unwarranted film of 2017 list (behind The Mummy, of course). It’ll have to pull some major stunts to top my not-so-negative charts.
But, I wouldn’t hold my breath. (I seriously hope you’re getting all of the Flatline puns in this article.) My best guess is this film is designed with a younger generation in mind. They’re aiming to fill the seats with an audience that has heard of the original, but never watched it. It is likely the studios will throw those of us ‘Loyalists’ a bone with updated CGI effects during the lucid afterlife and the creepy, paranormal spooks afterwards. At it’s core though, I’m expecting the plot to repeat beat for beat. Lets all plan for a bit of a snoozer.
Flatliners, the sequel/reboot stars Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons . It opens wide in theaters on September 29th.
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dfbfgntynrt · 3 years
Read (PDF/Epub) IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon - James W. Cortada
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  Read/Download Visit :
Book Details :
Author : James W. Cortada
Pages : 752 pages
Publisher : MIT Press
Language : eng
ISBN-10 : 0262039443
ISBN-13 : 9780262039444
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon .A history of one of the most influential American companies of the last century.For decades, IBM shaped the way the world did business. IBM products were in every large organization, and IBM corporate culture established a management style that was imitated by companies around the globe. It was "Big Blue, " an icon. And yet over the years, IBM has gone through both failure and success, surviving flatlining revenue and forced reinvention. The company almost went out of business in the early 1990s, then came back strong with new business strategies and an emphasis on artificial intelligence. In this authoritative, monumental history, James Cortada tells the story of one of the most influential American companies of the last century.Cortada, a historian who worked at IBM for many years, describes IBM's technology breakthroughs, including the development of the punch card (used for automatic tabulation in the 1890 census), the calculation and printing of the first Social Security checks .
James W. Cortada book IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon.
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jamesginortonblog · 7 years
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You’ll never want to experiment with the afterlife after looking at these “Flatliners” character posters
If you’re curious about the afterlife, you might want to proceed with caution. Sure, it may seem cool at first to get a taste of what lies beyond life. But ultimately, what lies beyond is less exciting and more frightening— at least, that’s what Flatliners warns.As the film’s synopsis goes:But as their experiments become increasingly dangerous, they are each haunted by the sins of their pasts, brought on by the paranormal consequences of trespassing to the other side.”Yep, it’s official: While we may be curious, we’re not about to take on any dangerous experiments.The film’s character posters, which are debuting on HelloGiggles, provide some insight into how the respective medical students feel about their foray into the afterlife. Some are more curious and excited, while others are more hesitant and afraid — and with good reason.
ELLEN PAGE “The only way to know is to see for yourself.” DIEGO LUNA “This experiment needs to end right now.” NINA DOBREV “What can I say, I’m competitive.” JAMES NORTON “I’m going next.” KIERSEY CLEMONS “It’s like her brain has been rewired.”
Yeah, that last one is *especially* disconcerting.
Flatliners is directed by Niels Arden Oplev, with a screenplay by Ben Ripley and story by Peter Filardi. It’s a reboot of the 1990 film of the same name, and lands in theaters on September 29th. Check it out, if you dare…
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brokehorrorfan · 7 years
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You haven't lived until you've died with the poster and trailer for Flatliners, a reboot of Joel Schumacher's 1990 sci-fi horror thriller. It hits theaters on September 29 via Sony.
Niels Arden Oplev (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) directs from a script by Ben Ripley (Source Code). Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, and Kiefer Sutherland star.
Read on for the trailer and synopsis.
Five medical students, obsessed by the mystery of what lies beyond the confines of life, embark on a daring and dangerous experiment: by stopping their hearts for short periods of time, each triggers a near-death experience – giving them a firsthand account of the afterlife. But as their experiments become increasingly dangerous, they are each haunted by the sins of their pasts, brought on by the paranormal consequences of trespassing to the other side.
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songedunenuitdete · 6 years
Bonjour à tous !  Comme nous nous approchons des fêtes de fin d’année, nous allons avoir beaucoup de grosses sorties dans les semaines à venir. Attendez-vous à quelques bonnes sélections. D’ailleurs, commençons par celle d’aujourd’hui !
Film réalisé par Niels Arden Oplev.  Avec Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev Remake du film de 1990 de  Joel Schumacher, c’est à voir s’il réussit à faire mieux ou pas
SYNOPSIS: Interdit aux moins de 12 ans Pour découvrir ce qui se passe après la mort, cinq étudiants en médecine se lancent dans une expérience aussi audacieuse que dangereuse. Sur eux-mêmes, volontairement, ils provoquent des arrêts cardiaques pendant de courtes périodes afin de vivre des expériences de mort imminente. En poussant le processus de plus en plus loin, ils vont devoir affronter non seulement leur part d’ombre et leur passé, mais plus effrayant encore, les phénomènes paranormaux liés au fait qu’ils sont revenus de l’au-delà…
Film réalisé par Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris. Avec Emma Stone, Steve Carell, Andrea Riseborough Inspiré d’un événement réel qui a eu un retentissement médiatique à l’époque et avec Emma Stone dans le rôle principal, il a des chances de vous plaire.
SYPNOPSIS: 1972. La championne de tennis Billie Jean King remporte trois titres du Grand Chelem. Mais loin de se satisfaire de son palmarès, elle s’engage dans un combat pour que les femmes soient aussi respectées que les hommes sur les courts de tennis. C’est alors que l’ancien numéro un mondial Bobby Riggs, profondément misogyne et provocateur, met Billie Jean au défi de l’affronter en match simple…
Film d’animation réalisé par Junji Shimizu. Avec Arnaud Ducret, Natsuki Hanae, Unshô Ishizuka Dans ce choix, une petite part de nostalgie. Peut-être sera t-il de même pour l’un d’entre vous
SYPNOPSIS: Dix ans sont passés depuis que Kôji Kabuto (Alcor), aux commandes du super robot Mazinger Z, créé par son grand-père, a ramené la paix en combattant l’Empire des Ténèbres et le maléfique Dr Hell. Aujourd’hui, Kôji Kabuto n’est plus pilote, il a pris le chemin de son père et grand-père en devenant scientifique. A l’occasion de ses recherches, il découvre une structure gigantesque profondément enterrée sous le mont Fuji. Il détecte de mystérieux signes de vie. Il s’en suit de nouvelles rencontres, de nouvelles menaces et bientôt, un nouveau destin pour l’humanité. Kôji Kabuto doit prendre une décision pour l’avenir : Dieu ou Démon, il lui faut choisir. Une nouvelle fois, c’est à MAZINGER Z que revient la lourde charge de sauver le monde.
Film réalisé par Joachim Trier. Avec Eili Harboe, Okay Kaya, Ellen Dorrit Petersen La bande-annonce intrigue beaucoup. Tentant, très tentant…
SYPNOPSIS: Avertissement : des scènes, des propos ou des images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des spectateurs Thelma, une jeune et timide étudiante, vient de quitter la maison de ses très dévots parents, située sur la côte ouest de Norvège, pour aller étudier dans une université d’Oslo. Là, elle se sent irrésistiblement et secrètement attirée par la très belle Anja. Tout semble se passer plutôt bien mais elle fait un jour à la bibliothèque une crise d’épilepsie d’une violence inouïe. Peu à peu, Thelma se sent submergée par l’intensité de ses sentiments pour Anja, qu’elle n’ose avouer – pas même à elle-même, et devient la proie de crises de plus en plus fréquentes et paroxystiques. Il devient bientôt évident que ces attaques sont en réalité le symptôme de facultés surnaturelles et dangereuses. Thelma se retrouve alors confrontée à son passé, lourd des tragiques implications de ces pouvoirs…
    Une sélection avec pas mal de potentiel !  Petite question avant de vous quitter: Pop corn salé ou Pop corn sucré ? C’est juste par curiosité 😁 . Bonnes séances et à la semaine prochaine !
  (Klolianebooks): Hello, hello ! Pile à l'heure, voici la sélection des sorties cinéma de la semaine. Bonjour à tous !  Comme nous nous approchons des fêtes de fin d'année, nous allons avoir beaucoup de grosses sorties dans les semaines à venir.
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thelowdownunder · 7 years
Flatliners (2017) Trailer
I have no idea where I stand with this. Flatliners was a bratpack classic of 1990 and being it so captured the spirit of the time, that brooding post 80s feel, revisiting it seems pointless. Yet there’s Ellen Page and Niels Arden Oplev involved which piques my curiosity. I’m torn, Lowdowners, I’m torn…
Synopsis: In FLATLINERS, five medical students, hoping to gain insight into the mystery of what…
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. WATCH: Freaky new trailer for Flatliners.
Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners. Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt.The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie.
Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake.The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons. WATCH: Freaky new trailer for Flatliners.
A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt. The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie.For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie.
Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film.The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt.
Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer.The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film.
Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev.Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer.
The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners. Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title.The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film.
Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope.Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev. Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death.
Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons.Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit.
Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners.Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer. The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt.
Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons.Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel.
Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev.Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer. WATCH: Freaky new trailer for Flatliners.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie.
Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt.Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners.
Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit.Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer. Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
WATCH: Freaky new trailer for Flatliners. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev.
Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie. The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel.Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences.
Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope.Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film. Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie. The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev. Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year.
Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. Sony has unleashed the first trailer for its heart-stopping remake of Flatliners, starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, James Norton and Kiersey Clemons.Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer.
Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope.Five medical students embark on a dangerous experiment of documenting afterlife experiences. A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt. Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake. WATCH: Freaky new trailer for Flatliners.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Hollywood Trailer Alert: Flatliners, a new psychological horror film is out, and it's fascinating! | Flatliners
A reboot of Flatliners, the 1990 thriller that starred Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Oliver Platt. Flatliners will be released in theaters September of this year. Nina Dobrev is hopeful that her new film, 'Flatliners' will be a box office hit. Make your own mind up, as the trailer, poster and official synopsis have arrived for the brand new Flatliners movie.
Based on the 1990 sci-fi Joel Schumacher film of the same name,. Sony's remake of Flatliners has had its first trailer released, teasing a flashy, very modern take on the creepy, cult 1990 film. Dobrev has revealed what she has to undergo for the upcoming Flatliners 2017 movie.Flatliners was one of the underrated horror thrillers of the '90s that had a really eclectic cast and an interesting premise. Remember FLATLINERS? Joel Schumaker's 1990 film is getting the remake/sequel treatment from Sony Pictures Releasing, who have sent over the latest trailer.
Now, she is one of the curious medical students who does imaginable things and challenges life and death. For Ellen Page gets to grips with shirtless James Norton in a saucy scene from the first trailer for the forthcoming Flatliners remake.Clemons has been making waves with star appeal following her breakout role in Dope. The cult 1990s psychological horror movie, Flatliners, has been brought back to life with a brand new trailer for its modern sequel. Move forward 27 years and we have a brand new sequel for a new generation, which is also titled Flatliners. The classic 90s thriller gets a creepy modern sequel. Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer of its latest thriller, Flatliners, a sequel to the 1990 movie of the same title. Columbia Pictures releases Flatliners trailer starring Ellen Page, Diego Luna, James Norton, Kiersey Clemons, Kiefer Sutherland and Nina Dobrev.
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