#five good reasons to learn data science in 2023
cloudestoreshop-blog · 10 months
5 أسباب جيدة لتعلم علوم البيانات في عام 2023
في السنوات الأخيرة ، برز علم البيانات كواحد من أكثر التخصصات المرغوبة ، ومن المرجح أن تتوسع أهميته فقط في عام 2023. مع تزايد الرقمنة للمؤسسات وتوافر كميات كبيرة من البيانات ، لم يكن هناك طلب أكبر على الأشخاص الذين يمكنهم فهم هذه البيانات واستخلاص رؤى مهمة. لاستخراج معلومات مفيدة من البيانات ودفع عملية صنع القرار المستندة إلى البيانات ، يجمع علم البيانات بين تخصصات متعددة مثل الإحصاء والرياضيات…
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thebourisbox · 1 year
Start preparing for “THE SINGULARITY” – it will be here soon enough...
See on Scoop.it - Design, Science and Technology
The Singularity, often referred to as the Technological Singularity, is a hypothetical point in the near future at which artificial intelligence (AI) becomes so incredibly advanced that it surpasses human intelligence, leading to rapid, unforeseeable changes in society and technology, life as we know it. The term was popularized by mathematician and computer scientist Vernor Vinge and futurist Ray Kurzweil.
  At the Singularity, AI systems would possess the ability to autonomously learn, self-improve, and create new AI systems with very advanced capabilities and more intelligent than themselves, resulting in an exponential increase in intelligence. This self-improvement cycle could lead to AI systems that are vastly more capable and sophisticated than human minds and anything humans can even imagine.
  The Singularity is often associated with the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is an AI system that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can do. AGI is distinct from narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks and lacks the broad cognitive abilities and adaptability of human intelligence.
  The implications of the Singularity are the subject of much speculation and debate today. Most people who have thought about it agree that the Singularity would be a decisive turning point in human history. Some view this with awe and trepidation, almost like a religious event that will lead to everlasting life and happiness. Many believe it will bring about tremendous breakthroughs in medicine, energy, and space exploration. Others are more cautious, expressing concerns about the ethical, societal, and existential risks associated with super-intelligent AI systems. Some predict doom and gloom. Others think it is all but impossible.
    Predicting the Singularity Start Date
The general caveat to this question given by all experts is that predicting when the Singularity might occur is highly uncertain, as it depends on the pace of AI research, breakthroughs in understanding human cognition, and the development of advanced hardware and software systems. Still, ChatGPT-4 has predicted a 5%-10% chance that the singularity will happen within five years, 2028.  Chat GPT-4 did so without knowledge of what has happened since September 2021, when it was last fed data.
  We know what has happened since September 2021, we know the pace of change, even though the ChatGPT model does not. We know that when ChatGPT-3.5 was released in November 2022, it scored in the bottom 10% of the multi-state Bar exam. But just five months later, when 4.0 was released in March 2023, it scored in the top 10%. Let that sink in and remember no new data was provided. There was only improvement in reasoning ability. As lawyers who have all taken this test, we know better than anyone the significance of a jump from the bottom to the top 10% of this challenging test. Yes, it is getting pretty smart, fast. How much longer until its intelligence exceeds our own?
    Opportunities and Challenges Presented by the Singularity
The three opportunities listed here, all good, are generally thought to be possible in a time of technological Singularity, a time where AI intelligence and capacities accelerate at an exponential rate.
Accelerated Technological Progress: The Singularity could lead to rapid advancements in various fields, as super-intelligent AI systems develop new technologies and solve complex problems that were previously beyond human reach.
Economic Growth: With Ai systems handling tasks more efficiently and effectively than humans, productivity and economic growth could increase dramatically, potentially leading to higher standards of living and reduced global inequality.
Scientific Discoveries: The Singularity might enable breakthroughs in areas such as healthcare, environmental sustainability, and space exploration, as Ai systems analyze vast amounts of data, simulate complex phenomena, and generate innovative solutions to pressing challenges.
  Conversely, as usual, their is a flip side to opportunities, the generally accepted challenges, some might say threats, presented by the Singularity:
Ethical Concerns: As Ai systems surpass human intelligence, ethical considerations become paramount. Ensuring that Ai systems behave ethically, adhere to human values, and respect individual rights will be crucial.
Job Displacement: The widespread adoption of super-intelligent Ai systems could result in job displacement across various industries, as human workers are replaced by more efficient Ai. This raises concerns about unemployment, workforce retraining, and social safety nets.
Existential Risks: The Singularity poses potential existential risks, as super-intelligent Ai might act in ways that are harmful to humanity, either intentionally or unintentionally. Ensuring Ai safety and robustness is essential to mitigate these risks.
Read the full article at: e-discoveryteam.com
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paidant · 2 years
10 reasons to hire a python developer in 2023
Demand is high for Python and other programming languages.Over the past ten years, the world has become increasingly digital.Hiring a full-stack Python developer may give you a competitive edge in today's market.This is because Python succeeds at a wide variety of programming improvement tasks.Even in 2023, there will be a high demand for Python developers.
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In the 2022 Developer Survey, 50.24 percent of developers preferred Python over other programming languages.It has remained the most sought-after programming language for more than five years.
In 2023, it makes sense to hire a full-stack Python developer for the following reasons:
Integration ease It doesn't matter if you're a full-stack or backend developer; knowing Python is extremely useful. Python is extremely easy to learn in terms of syntax and behavior. Your company may benefit from full-stack Python development for software deployment and web application development. The backend, or server-side, of an application is typically where a full-stack Python developer works. The integration of programming languages is one important aspect. Python can be used by full-stack developers to develop new projects and improve ones they already have. Database management and the seamless integration of front-end and back-end technologies are both manageable by full-stack developers. Organizations frequently hire Python engineers because they save time and come up with novel solutions. These programmers are also capable of dealing with any level of complexity by integrating third-party services.So, hiring a Python full-stack developer will be good for your business.
Flexibility One of their greatest advantages is their adaptability. Python full-stack developers they are able to develop data science and software engineering applications that are both straightforward and complex using Python.They are also skilled in mobile app development, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.Python is currently the programming language with the greatest adaptability.With little effort, Python programs can be easily modified by adding functionality. 3. Scalability A company's scalability is crucial to its survival in a competitive market.Python is a great option for dealing with this problem.His full-stack Python developer is working on scalable applications that businesses have found to be extremely beneficial.With this programming language, websites can be built quickly and efficiently.Python simplifies cross-platform software development, information security solutions, and DevOps.Developers with extensive Python knowledge can collaborate on these projects due to their scope. For ongoing projects, expansion or contraction is frequently required.The help of Python-smart software engineers has been extremely valuable.This kind of programmer can accomplish more with less code thanks to the Python development stack.You can achieve the highest levels of scalability in Python by working with Full-Stack Techies, who are experts in full-stack development. 4. Front-end and back-end development can be effectively managed by full-stack Python developers. Data analyst, software engineer, or web developer are all possible careers for a full-stack Python developer.For this reason, most businesses will typically save money by hiring such developers as internal resources.When working on new software projects with Python developers, deployment is required.The project can be completed by a single programmer, saving money and time, by eliminating the need for multiple people to communicate.Consequently, you receive a single solution to accelerate your company's expansion. 5. Maintenance is made simpler by Python's full-stack development capabilities.Programmers who make use of the entire Python stack are aware of the capabilities of the language as well as the latest developments.They will be able to create novel applications and properly maintain them as a result.The company's applications can be easily maintained and even updated by his full-stack Python developer. To run on different platforms, many programming languages, like C and C++, require modifications to the code.In Python, however, this is not the case.Because of its straightforward syntax, Python code is simple to read and comprehend.Furthermore, Python code can be executed from anywhere.The language partakes in a basic high ground over various vernaculars along these lines.Engineers who have worked with the entire Python stack can easily scale a business. 6. Reusability is one of code's many advantages.Additionally, it accelerates growth.Full-stack Python programmers, on the other hand, completely control software development management.Factors and the types of information they contain are not required to be disclosed by engineers.In addition, it is a source code language that can be customized and is freely available.Consequently, development time is greatly reduced. The project as a whole and its progress are in the hands of Python developers.Hiring a Python full-stack developer will significantly speed up the process of integrating various components created by various developers.Therefore, organizations can create merchandise all the more rapidly.As a result, hiring a full-stack Python developer might be a good idea.
7. The language's emphasis on problem-solving makes it possible for developers to run their own programs and generate custom output.Additionally, the Python code is adaptable to the requirements of your company.Individualized Python development can be anticipated if professional engineers with full-stack development experience are hired. Full-stack Python developers approach a large number of capabilities for redo yield. Full-stack engineers provide straightforward updates and keep programming development in line with current trends.You can create a website for her that is user-friendly and will keep her current clients satisfied.Problems with traditional development can be resolved by hiring a Python full-stack developer.
Software development is incomplete without data handling.This includes safely disposing of research data when it is no longer needed for a project or storing it for later use.For working with data, Python is one of the best programming languages.The full stack developers of Python shouldn't have any issues dealing with any kind of file or data.Developers can utilize built-in types like dictionaries, sets, classes, and others with the appropriate libraries. Developers now have the ability to manipulate data and resolve a variety of data-related issues thanks to the success of Python full-stack development.Particularly, the information's security is ensured by the fact that it is overseen by a full-stack engineer rather than multiple designers.As a result, hiring a Python developer can help educate students about data management. 9. A broader perspective Onboarding a full-stack Python developer can provide access to numerous new opportunities. Python programmers come up with novel concepts that can help your company reach a larger audience.The full-stack Python programmer also provides a one-stop solution and a lot of project responsibility. These programmers are able to create a one-of-a-kind final product due to their extensive knowledge and experience with Python full-stack development.To broaden your horizons and fill every position on your development team, hire a Full-Stack Techies Python developer within your organization. 10.Effective Troubleshooting The majority of businesses favor Python full-stack developers because of their adaptability and expertise in everything from application development fundamentals to troubleshooting. We comprehend the code at every level of your app or software.You will be able to correct the error in this manner.Applications or software that are about to launch or have already launched may contain errors.Experts in Python are able to correct syntax, indentation, type, name, and logic errors. Because Python's code is easy to read, finding errors in your code is easier.To find these errors, developers use tools that are already included in the Python library.After finding the error, skilled programmers can set breakpoints and examine the code.Next, improve the user experience by carrying out the troubleshooting procedure. In conclusion, full-stack Python developers excel not only in software development but also in coding, problem-solving, software design, and other skills.Even in 2023, they can offer something novel. In a world that is changing so quickly, this is a necessary component. The availability of Python programmers with the full stack is proving to be an extremely useful resource for any business. In addition to being extremely useful, they are creative, adaptable, and simple to use. Python programmers excel at integration and provide a wide range of scalability options. Combine data processing and troubleshooting for prompt, individualized solutions. The most important benefit is that in-house hiring of a Python developer can significantly reduce overall software development costs.Therefore, employing competent full-stack Python developers from full-stack engineers whenever necessary is the most effective strategy for achieving success with Python full-stack development.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
“I did a little dance,” said New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, when asked how she reacted after she learned that her country had essentially banished COVID-19 from its leafy shores on June 8. She added that her young daughter, Neve, somewhat confused, eventually joined her. It was a classic Ardern moment, slyly funny, a dollop of humanity within a large serving of gravity.
Ardern’s comment was also a soft power mic-drop. Her style of leadership, which emphasizes authenticity, the importance of trust, and the priority of the common good, seems to have been well-suited to the pandemic: New Zealand only ever had 1,154 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, which led to 22 lost lives. In fewer than 100 days, however, New Zealanders will get to decide at the polls whether it’s also the right style for the nation’s next challenge—overcoming the economic bludgeoning it has taken.
International admiration of the leader of the Pacific island nation with few strategic resources and only 5 million people has been outsized ever since Ardern came to power in an unlikely election in 2017, becoming at 37 the youngest female world leader at the time. It grew as she deftly handled several crises, including a mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch. And it keeps growing. U.S. political scientist Joseph Nye used her as an exemplar at a June 11 Ditchley Foundation webinar, noting her crisis leadership was in strong contrast to that undertaken both in the U.S. and much of Europe. “She’s been a powerful unifying force,” he said. “She talked about ‘our [team] of five million.’”
Few in New Zealand would quarrel with Ardern’s handling of the pandemic. She gave updates nearly every day at lunch, reminiscent of old wartime radio broadcasts, but via social media. Her messaging was clear: she laid out four phases of lockdown and the conditions that had to be met to proceed from one to the next. She leaned heavily on the scientific experts around her and deferred to their knowledge. She let New Zealanders know that she was talking to leaders from all over the world, seeking the best possible data. If her compassion-led response to the Christchurch massacre showed that she was in touch with her heart, her science-led response to the virus telegraphed that she also knew when to trust her brain.
Of course, she had some help. New Zealand is small and reasonably affluent. As an island nation, its borders are comparatively simple to close. Its citizens are largely comfortable with government-led health initiatives and the use of the public purse to spread wealth around. In January of 2020, the economy was in surplus. Her right-hand man at the briefings, Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield happened to be an expert in public health (and telegenic enough to inspire lovestruck music videos).
But is she the right person to clean up the economic aftermath of a global pandemic? In order to survive in lockdown, New Zealanders were given a percentage of their normal wage by the government, at a cost of $14 billion. That, along with other programs designed to rebuild the economy, means that the government plans to borrow an extra $50 billion in the next two years. This could see debt reach 53.6% of GDP by 2023. “The government has entered a program to borrow literally billions of dollars to support wages subsidies, corporate welfare and normal welfare, hoping for a recovery if or when a vaccine is found,” says James Kellow, a property financier who was a cautious supporter of Ardern before the crisis.
In an attempt to make some headway, the main opposition party, the Nationals, replaced their Oxford-educated leader Simon Bridges with Todd Muller, a Kiwi out of central casting — he’s built like an All Black rugby forward, and has a background in agri-business, specifically kiwifruit (he’s also the lawmaker to whom the phrase “OK Boomer” was originally directed, launching a million memes.)
In speeches so far, Muller has conceded that the Ardern government’s management of the crisis was impressive, but opined that it’s time for the fiscal conservatives to come and do their thing. “This election will be about the economy,” Muller said in one of his first public speeches as leader, but stressed to voters it was not the boring old economy that nobody can quite understand but “your job, your main street, your tourism business.”
This message may resonate in a country where tourism is the most lucrative export industry. “There’s a lot of small businesses in tourism that will be hurting or already closed,” says economist, academic and former MP Dame Marilyn Waring. “If I was the National Party and casting about for where might we make the best inroads in the shortest amount of time, small business is probably it. We can all see the shops that haven’t opened.”
Adding an extra wrinkle is that Ardern needs a much bigger win than in 2017. New Zealand has a representative system and Ardern only came to power when she formed an alliance with the Greens and the conservative New Zealand First party. Its colorful leader, Winston Peters, who is the Deputy Prime Minister, has been caught up in several controversies and Ardern has not been able to persuade him to support some of her more ambitious anti-poverty and pro-climate policies. She needs an outright victory for her Labour party to make real change.
Both her detractors and her supporters seem to believe she can pull it off and the polls agree, putting Labour a stunning 26 percentage points ahead of the Nationals, possibly popular enough to form a government without NZ First or even the Greens. Her detractors think people will overlook the national debt — “she is an excellent communicator handing out large amounts of money, this has camouflaged any policy failures,” says Kellow. Her supporters think she’s earned a second term. “I think probably a significant number of New Zealanders across the board have noticed her anew,” says Waring. “There’s a new level of respect.” In a gesture of empathy with the sacrifices New Zealanders are being asked to make, Ardern and her cabinet members all took a 25% pay cut.
For now, the Prime Minister is focusing solely on domestic affairs (her office declined an interview request from TIME). The issues that plagued New Zealand before the pandemic still remain: child poverty, unequal treatment of Maori and Pacific island people by the criminal justice system, widespread homelessness, a high rate of youth suicide. It very much looks like having dispatched the coronavirus, Ardern will get a chance to take on problems for which there will never be a vaccine.
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rohitkoluguri-blog · 6 years
A Peek At The Immediate Future of the South America Bakery Market
The bakery industry is in the growth stage of its life cycle. The bakery industry has overtook the wider food service segment over the past decade and has spurred over the past five years. Bakery Industry profitability will improve at an average rate over the next years as the cost of primary ingredients stabilizes.
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Brazil, Argentina and Chile witnessing with strongest growth in the South America Bakery Market:
With a market share of 40%, the European region is the largest market concerning in bakery products consumption market. The survey on individual regions states that South America is currently growing in the market, the countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Chile are the most attractive entry markets. The growing population is a vital reason behind the huge adoption of bakery products in the countries mentioned above. The multiple channels and the popularity of various flavoured baked foods are expected to help the market grow at a good pace. The products launch and acquirements with small players have been strong business strategies in these regions.  
Selected Type and Distribution Channel Analysis Done in the Full Report
With regard to product type the bakery market is classified into baked goods, breakfast cereals, and biscuits. Baked goods are further classified into breads and rolls, basked deserts, pastries and pizzas, where the bread rolls have occupied the largest share for around 45% of the demand. Morning goods otherwise known as breakfast cereals are the followed market continuing to grow at an average pace. The distribution channel is divided into catering and industrial, retail and artisan bakers. The retail segment is divided into convenience stores, in-stores bakeries and supermarkets & hypermarkets. The finding say retail market accounted for the maximum share in 2017, and is estimated to continue throughout the forecasting period. Talk to one of our sales representatives about the full report by providing your details in the link below:
Excerpts on Market Growth Factors:
Low fats, organic baked and multigrain products are the innovative product changes that are expected to deliver wide range of products to drive the whole food industry. The bakery industry is heating up as consumers become more involved in moderately priced and high quality offerings. The market is expected to surge ahead and outperform the overall food service sector, driven largely by changing consumer preferences. Growing demand for change of taste for food, has created opportunity for operators to add more stores and consumer awareness of this moderately new segment increased within the food sector, industry revenue is expected to rise. To access/purchase the full report, click the link below:
https://industryarc.com/Report/8523/south-america-bakery-market.html Key players of the South America Bakery Market:
Fabrica Nacional de Grasas S.A., General Mills Inc., Europastry, S.A., Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. De C.V., Aryzta AG, Kellogg Company are the companies analyzed to the leading player in the South America Bakery Market. These companies hold significant share in the industry, where as the rest of the market shares are held by the regional and local manufacturers. General Mills Inc., is known for its innovative products and brands like Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Green Giant, Nature Valley, and Haagen-Dazs. Grupo Bimbo is an important player in snacks having strong acquisitions with brands like The Rusktik Bakery, Tia Rosa, Sanissimo, Little Bites, Marinela and Oroweat. The rapid expansion and introduction of new bakery products and strategic acquisitions will complete the ideal sales equations.
The South America Bakery Market report is segmented as below:
A. South America Bakery Market: By Type
1.Baked Goods
I.Baked Desserts II.Breads & Rolls III.Cakes & Pastries IV.Pizzas
2.Breakfast Cereals
I.Hot Cereals II.Ready-to-Eat Cereals
I.Savory Biscuits & Crackers II.Sweet Biscuits III.Others
B. South America Bakery Market – By Category
1.Fresh Bakery Products 2.Frozen Bakery Products
C. South America Bakery Market: By Distribution Channel
1. Retail
I.Supermarkets II.Convenience Stores III.Discounters IV.Bakery outlets
2. Artisan Bakers 3. Catering
D.South America Bakery Market by Geography (covers 10+ countries) E.South America Bakery Market Entropy F.Manufacturers  Citied/Interviewed
1.Europastry, S.A. 2.Aryzta AG 3.Kellogg Company 4.Associated British Foods PLC 5.Conagra Brands, Inc. 6.Vandemoortele NV 7.Lantmannen Unibake International 8.Company 8 9.Company 9 10.Company 10
Related Report:
A.Food Colors Market https://industryarc.com/Report/7486/food-colors-market.html
B.Food Inclusion Market https://industryarc.com/Report/7464/food-inclusions-market.html
What can you expect from the report? The South America Bakery Market Report is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points:
1. Market Size by Product Categories & Application          11. Demand Analysis (Revenue & Volume) 2. Market trends & Relevant Market Data 12. Country level Analysis 3. Manufacturer Landscape 13. Competitor Analysis 4. Distributor Landscape 14. Market Shares Analysis 5. Pricing Analysis 15. Value Chain Analysis 6. Top 10 End user Analysis 16. Supply Chain Analysis 7. Product Benchmarking 17. Strategic Analysis 8. Product Developments 18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis 9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis 19. Opportunity Analysis 10. Patent Analysis 20. Revenue and Volume Analysis
Does IndustryARC publish country or application based reports in South America Bakery Market segment? Yes, we do have separate reports as mentioned below:
1.South America Bakery Market (2018–2023) 2.Type South America Bakery Market (2018–2023) 3.Category South America Bakery Market (2018–2023) 4.Distribution Channel South America Bakery Market (2018–2023)
Does IndustryARC customize these reports and charge additionally for limited customization? Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization: 1. Increase the level of data in application or end user industry. 2. Increase the number of countries in geography chapter. 3. Find out market shares for other smaller companies or companies which are of interest to you. 4. Company profiles can be requested based on your interests. 5. Patent analysis, pricing, product analysis, product benchmarking, value and supply chain analysis can be requested for a country or end use segment.
Any other major customizations can be discussed with our team. We can also provide you with a separate quote based on your requirements. You can drop an e-mail to [email protected] to learn more about our consulting services.
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About IndustryARC: IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, and Life sciences & Healthcare.
IndustryARC primarily focuses on cutting-edge technologies and newer applications in a market. Our custom research services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply–demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client’s research needs at a rapid speed and with a variety of options. We look forward to helping the client address its customer needs effectively, stay ahead in the market, become the top competitor, and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.
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Global Data Science Platform Market-Growth, Trend and Forecasts (2018-2023)
The data science platform market is expected to witness a CAGR of 31.49 %, over the forecast period (2018 - 2023). The scope of the report is limited to solutions offered by various market players from various end-user sectors including IT & Telecommunication, healthcare, BFSI, retail, manufacturing, logistics & transportation. The regions considered under the scope of the report include North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Request sample copy of this report at: http://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/2287223
Data science platform implements real-time data streaming and with advanced data pipelines, which supports the redefine big data into different categories for actionable insights. The data science platform helps data scientists enhance their analysis by assisting them to run, track, reproduce, share and deploy analytical models faster. Usually, all these tasks require a lot of engineering effort and hassle to build and maintain analytical models, but a data science platform provides the extra power tools to speed up analysis, and ultimately the decision-making process. Moreover, this helps the organizations to prepare data, build models and operationalize analytics.
Healthcare Sector to Dominate the Market over the Forecast Period
The advancements in AI are revolutionizing healthcare and leading to breakthrough results in prediction and prevention. Recent advancements in computing power in AI technology across the data science platform have increased its potential to make health care professionals for diagnosing patients faster, more accurately, develop innovative new drugs, and treatments, reduce medical and diagnostic errors, predict adverse reactions, and lower the costs of healthcare delivery for both providers and patients.
Read details of the report at: http://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/global-data-science-platform-market-growth-trend-and-forecasts-2018-2023
North America to Appear as one of the Leading Region in the Data Science Platform Market
North America is expected to endure the largest share of the data science platform market, due to the presence of large operations, technical experts, and growing demands for data science platform in this region. The increasing demand for the public cloud with the adoption of artificial intelligence, along with explosive growth of the IoT applications and machine learning, revolution, and rise in demand data science platform in the North America region.
Notable Developments in Data Science Platform Market
·         May 2018: H2O.ai, the open leader in AI commitment to AI in Healthcare with a new focused initiative. It has been dedicated to AI for good H2O.ai’s AI in Healthcare initiative to improve the quality of life for people around the globe through AI and machine learning (ML).
·         November 2017: IBM integrates Watson Data Platform, including data cataloging and data refining, which is designed to make it easier for developers and data scientists to analyze and prepare enterprise data for AI applications, regardless of its structure or where it resides.
��Reasons to Purchase Data Science Platform Market Report
·         To understand the impact of data science platform in the healthcare sector.
·         Analyzing various perspectives of the market with the help of Porter’s five forces analysis
·         To understand the dominating technology in the market
·         The region that is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period
·         Identify the latest developments, market shares and strategies employed by the major market players
·         3 months analyst support along with the Market Estimate sheet (in Excel)
Customization of the Report
This report can be customized to meet your requirements. Please connect with our representative, who will ensure you to get a report that suits your needs.
Companies Mentioned:
Google, Inc., Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Cloudera, Inc., Dataiku, RapidMiner, Inc., Wolfram Research, SAS Institute, Inc., H2O.ai, TIBCO Software India Pvt. Ltd, Domino Data Lab, Inc., Anaconda, Inc, Alteryx, Inc., Teradata Corporation, WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd., KNIME AG, BRIDGEi2i Analytics Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Enquire more details of the report at: http://www.orbisresearch.com/contact/purchase/2287223
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