#first time i've fully drawn their regular designs
titaniumions · 15 days
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Yeah he is not really excited about this like bro stop looking at me like that [joke]. Okay time to yap about how I landed on this design specifically. My Squid fan-design went through a few iterations [most of them stuck to rot in my brain because they low-key suck] I was debating for a while whether he should have two legs or four and decided on four, he went from having a Howie coat, a long coat [which that design was actually drawn albeit literally just for a crappost] to the current trench coat. I was also debating whether his head should be just a regular screen or a hologram.
When I was designing Squid's body, I made these mental notes:
It should give off cartoon villain vibes [specifically the kind that uses some cool looking evil technology or similar stuff.]
Must have some sort of squid-like features, even if they're kinda vague.
This one is later on, but there should also be some military vibes sprinkled on.
This is also later on, there should be yellow accents because of the game's color palette on the first chapter.
NO broken heart imagery [don't worry, just a personal pet peeve of mine cuz I don't think Squid will design a body and even consider that but you do you]
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Base by @/mlpbases on Twitter
So i was thinking of making a fake generation of my little pony, honestly i simply drew them at first to make a good background for my school laptop however I've actually have written down stuff on them so i figured I'd make a post about it
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Here's their designs i think they're really cute, most are based on gen 3 ponies and the blue one is twilight, pinky pie is pink toola roola is the orange one the green one is minty the white one is star catcher and the purple one is sky wishes, i also have sketches of pinky's niece and twilight's little sister but nothing concrete yet in terms of design
I also have their cutie marks fully designed, i will explain their reasoning for having them right now
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Pinky is obviously a party planner, although in my version I'd feel she'd also be able to plan formal events and that would be her main income, i imagine she's really good at public speaking, however i also think she wouldn't be able to bake or cook so she'd delegate it to another pony
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This is sky wishes cutie mark, i feel her job is ran outside her house, she reads tarot cards to people and tells them their fate, i also imagine she likes astrology and is obsessed with star signs i also imagine she lets pinky's niece, love letter, run her business stand outside her house under her watch i also imagine she'd have difficulty flying for more than a few seconds or even walking in others
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Pinky often delegates her catering to minty, she can cook a variety of meals and probably writes her own recipes but specializes in sweet treats and makes those the most, also pinky and minty live together in mintys bakery
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Twilights talent is still magic and she works in demolition, i imagine she is powerful enough to levitate herself or another pony, I'd see her being confident and also a bit emo, i imagine her and her sister raspberry popper would talk in 'horse code' (mlp sign language, it would literally just be morse code) I've looked at how the hearing aids are typically drawn on ponys however i don't know how i like them drawn on twilight
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Here is star catchers cutie mark, she leads the towns weather team to make sure the right weather is in the right place, i also imagine they'd be trying to prevent or stop attacks or natural disasters in the town, i feel like she'd be pretty busy a lot of the time, although she wouldn't have to actively be setting up weather a lot of the time she'd still have to be there on the lookout or be giving training to new workers
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And toola roola obviously is talented in art, i feel her house has either a ton of her paintings or even paintings by artist she likes, i feel like there would purposefully not be much if any self portraits of herself and she'd also probably live in her head quite a bit, i feel she'd be the "twilight" of my made up generation, i could also see her reading a ton of comic books but probably not regular novels
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Since the 2023 Record Collection Jam has been announced (go see the post here!), I wanna talk a bit about the games I've made for past editions of the jam a little bit.
The first full, published game I ever made was for the 2019 jam, and is what really started my path down game design! Before that, I'd dabbled in what a lot of people call "homebrew", making some playbooks and classes for other games, but honestly, that was still game design I just didn't realize it yet.
Anyways, the first game I made was Reaching in the Dark, inspired by High as Hope by Florence + The Machine, which is still one of my favorite albums.
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This is going to be a smidge on the longer side, so the rest is under the cut!
Mechanically, it's loosely derived from PbtA (though I don't think I can rightly call it fully PbtA since it lacks full moves), and shares the 2d6+stat and success/mixed success/miss result distribution. There are four different classes/playbooks to pick from, each with their own special abilities. As a Form grows, they can gain new abilities or moves.
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Players take on the roll of Forms, set adrift in the mist-filled Land, with the GM roll being the Choir, the guiding voice that determines how the Land responds to the Forms' journey of recollection, memory, and identity.
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The game has a very airy, floaty feel, which was directly channeled from the album that inspired the game! There's a "bestiary" of different Denizens one can encounter in the Land, each one directly inspired by one song off the album.
After release, I created a Revised Edition, which gave the game a little more structure, which is the text currently available. A couple years later, I also gave the game a layout refresh, which is what you see in the images above. Here's the first page from all three versions side-by-side so you can see how the game grew over time. Starting with the initial jam version, the Revised Edition, and the new layout;
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I think its important to highlight what a first game can look like! You don't have to go overboard to make something that resonates with people!
The second game (more of a setting with a small game bolted onto it) was for the 2020 jam, A Stroll Through the Patchwork Kingdom. This was inspired by the album Designer by Aldous Harding. The source album is this, folksy and esoteric jaunt, and I wanted to capture the surreal nature of the lyrics in the game.
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Stroll ended up being a very loose "hexploration" of the titular Patchwork Kingdom, where each song off the album inspires one location-hex.
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The final game is compact, surreal, and a bit "Alice in Wonderland-sy". Each location is a character in its own right, and comes with two different random tables to help the table fill out their version of that location and their own Patchwork Kingdom. I specifically left hexes on the map unlabeled so that the table could fill in their own unique locations as they explored.
I ended up tossing together a simple Blades/Forged in the Dark inspired attribute system for use with the setting, but the setting itself remains system-neutral.
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All in all, Stroll is very compact, but still contains some of my favorite nuggets of writing. It could be fun to revisit that setting down the road, and expand it somewhat.
The last Record Collection game I've made was for the 2021 jam (I sadly didn't have the time for 2022's jam), and that was Fractal Romance inspired by the album Swimmer by Tennis. Which remains one of my all-time favorite albums.
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Fractal Romance is built using some core elements found in Belonging Outside Belonging games, namely evocative playbook moves and a token system. It's also somewhat of a spiritual sibling to Reaching in the Dark, exploring some similar themes of identity.
Players take on the role of Forms drawn into the endless Fractal Palace, where you just sort of, chill and explore. Locations and NOCs are randomly generated using regular playing cards (which are the tokens in this game). You also gain and spend cards by using different kinds of playbook moves, or you can play cards from your hand to change the situation at hand.
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I call the game a hangout, because the "objectives" of the game are purposefully loose. Its really just about exploring the spaces you create with your friends.
The game has a hazy, vaporwave-adjacent vibe, and has been compared to Paradise Killer (which I only played after I ended up making this game lmao). Legitimately, I think Fractal Romance is one of the coolest games I've made.
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Anyway, that wraps up my own personal Record Collection! Hopefully I can get something together for this year's jam. If anyone reading this has ever considered making their own game, I encourage you to try it out for this jam! Just pick your favorite album and have some fun.
Also, if any of these games interest you, I'm planning on putting them on sale and in a bundle while this year's jam is running, so keep an eye out for that next month.
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insecateur · 1 year
Lysandre is most averse to taking from others, but he wears a leather suit and wears fur on his collar. In other words, he is indirectly taking the life of a Pokémon in order to be fashionable.
What do you think about this?
i've been thinking about this question since you sent it bc i have like two answers which are not actually related to each other
to begin with i'll preface this by saying that i usually tend to not touch too much on this in fic and otherwise bc it's just such a nightmare to think about imo - i write lysandre as not eating meat but the like. ethics of eating meat or wearing leather in the pokémon world are side-stepped so weirdly by canon i'm reluctant to get into it myself i guess. which actually brings me to my first answer which doesn't actually have much to do with your question--
i feel like where meat and "animal" products come from is becoming so muddled in pokémon gameverse canon at this point LMFAO, they added sandwiches in scavio and as the ingredients you can pick (which were also a curry ingredient in swsh actually if i remember right) there are like. regular, real life sized eggs? like who tf is laying those? pokémon eggs are fucking yoshi eggs those are wholeass CHICKEN EGGS. WHO IS LAYING THE CHICKEN EGGS. i know it's pokémon they just don't care about it making sense but it's keeping me up at night. at the same time they do reference eating pokémons clearly in canon so you know. anyway this is a tangent but this ask reminded me and sent me down this nightmare mode rabbit hole again
i think lysandre's hypocrisy is a big component of his character, actually! he's even sometimes self-aware about it - in pokémas he has a line of dialogue that references this:
"I have no intention of believing that what I do is always for the sake of absolute justice. If that were the case, Pokémon would never have to go through what we put them through."
he's usually too self-righteous to be fully honest with himself that he only compromises in ways that fit his worldview, though. when you face him in his hq in xy he even admits outright that he's decided that he has to take from others in the end because he's the only one who can make things right. (note that he's also unilaterally decided that things have to be made right by him in the first place.) a lot of his character is about appearances, too, so in that respect it makes sense that some of this characteristic would be reflected in his choice of attire.
...in reality though i'm not even sure it was taken into account when designing him LOL. the fur on his collar is clearly meant to evoke yveltal, and you could argue there's no proof his outfit is actually leather, just drawn in a way that makes it look like it is (for the record i am #TeamLeather though.) i also genuinely am not sure tpc even think about how fucking weird this is in the context of the pokémon world, especially considering how they've been in recent games irt food...
BUT... i do like it as a way to highlight the disconnect between him and his ideals, similarly to what i've already pointed out regarding the team flare grunts. i think it's interesting and i do enjoy seeing it explored 👍
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archfeyworkshop · 11 months
So if I've scheduled this correctly, this should go out a short ways into the stream where the model I'm going to talk about here is debuted. I'm absolutely a novice both in art and in animating and vtubing, but this seemed like a good place to share some thoughts about it.
Before I get into any of it, there are two major steps in making one of these: The model and the rig. And that is already a gross oversimplification. People have already made plenty of tutorials and such about how to make these, no point going into that. But suffice to say I made a few mistakes and learned from them.
Building the model for rigging wasn't actually that difficult in comparison to my regular artwork. Especially as a front on, which I already had some experience in. But the piece was more...complete, for want of a better word. All the things, even parts I wasn't expecting to ever see, were drawn just in case I had miscalculated how far things would flex. And I did miscalculate! Lots of bits of leg showed in ways I didn't intend, and I still never quite got the tail worked out how I wanted.
The textures were I think the biggest hurdle I ran into. I knew that using the free version of Live2D I would be limited by the texture size, parameters, deformers etc, but I completely overestimated what that meant. The wings! They took up so much space on the limited texture map - somehow I hadn't thought about how much texture data they'd occupy. Actually fitting the texture map properly involved a lot of compromises - deciding which textures I could afford to run at lower quality and which ones (the facial features and front-face pieces mostly) needed to be at their best resolution. My time learning game development actually helped here - you can fit a lot more into a texture map than an automatic texture map will give you, so it just took some wiggling to make something I was pleased with.
This also wasn't...really my first attempt. Just the first one that worked. My first attempt at this model didn't have a proper file structure, I didn't fully understand why there were eight brow parameters, or how to organise deformers. I worked at that for two weeks on and off and in the end was left with a clunky mess that I scrapped and restarted this week. In much less time things were much more complete and actually culminated in the results here. Things moved properly, and bounced right~
Well, right enough. Another limitation I had to work around was the parameter limit on free Live2D. That came down to seeing which parameters I could ignore (not many). The wings taking up so much space was a problem...so I needed a parameter to toggle their opacity, and that inadvertently taught me about how vtubers with more advanced movement made limbs work the way they do. And this model still doesn't quite work the way intended - I had to compromise when warping certain objects because they warped in...unexpected ways.
But regardless of all that, with the amount of movement and detail I put into this one, it was always going to be an upgrade to my PNG. PNGs are perfectly acceptable and there are some vtubers with some incredible talent who make PNGs that are more expressive in the ways they want than could be achieved in 3D or Live2D. My PNG though...it was one of the first things I did and it suffered for it. And given that I wanted to learn this in the first place...well, it seemed more productive a task to work on this than making just the PNG poses.
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If you're just here for thicker than a snicker that's fine, I know how I've designed my look. But I wanted to ramble about things for a bit.
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thedeviousdo · 3 years
Just As Usual..A Space Saga
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Part Seven
Minseok, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Jongin appeared in the middle of the main desk. Jongin let go of the others' hands and instantly collapsed into Kyungsoo’s side, body no longer able to hold him up. 
"Woah Jongin!" Kyungsoo quickly wrapped his arms around him, gently bringing him down to the ground. 
"T-too much too fast." He whispered. 
“Baekhyun, get us as far away from here as you can… fast.” Minseok ordered.
Baekhyun’s eyes were wide as he whirled around to his controls, and within moments the ship started off towards a chosen destination. “Min what the fu- Chanyeol!" Baekhyun yelled, jumping up from his seat as Chanyeol fell to his knees, hands pressed next to the hilt of a blade sticking out from under his ribs. 
Minseok got to Chanyeol just as Baekhyun did, both helping him lay on his back before he collapsed instead. He barely let out a pained groan, his eyes fluttering to stay open. 
"We have to take it out." Baekhyun said, removing his jacket to press at Chanyeol’s growing red wound. 
"N-no...don't. Too m-much blood loss." Jongin tried to stand but his legs gave out after rising only a few inches. He ignored the grumbled curse from Kyungsoo to stay still. "Get us...to the med-medic station."
"I've got the stretchers!" Sehun ran up to them, two stretchers floating behind him. 
"Help them, b-be careful, do it smoothly." Jongin nodded towards Chanyeol, sighing when Kyungsoo went over to help lift him on the stretcher. 
"On three." Minseok watched for everyone to nod before he started his countdown. 
They lifted Chanyeol onto the stretcher swiftly, Baekhyun keeping pressure on the wound the whole time. Kyungsoo came back to Jongin’s side, lifting him effortlessly onto the second stretcher. 
Jongin listed off the few things to prepare for Chanyeol to Sehun so he could run ahead, the others going as fast as the hover stretchers allowed, followed behind. They entered the medic station shortly after Sehun, Yixing instantly getting up from his bed.
"What happened?" Yixing asked.
"Detain him." Minseok said, as they walked Chanyeol’s stretcher to the operating table. 
"What?" Sehun asked as he turned around to look at Minseok. 
Minseok looked up from Chanyeol’s side, "I said detain him. Now. It's an order." His voice was low and clipped. He kept his stare on Sehun before he moved into action.
Yixing didn't say a word as he silently put his wrists out to Sehun when he pulled a hidden set of cuffs from a nearby drawer. 
"Sit on your bed until we get things under control." Minseok watched Yixing nod and sit down before he turned to Jongin. "What do you need so that you can help Chanyeol?"
Jongin looked up from his own patient bed that Kyungsoo got him on. "Sehun, th-the yellow needle, give that to Minseok. Use... it anywhere in his up-upper arm, Min. Then use those scissors… and cut away his shirt. Kyungsoo... get the antiseptics and b-bandage supplies." He waited as everyone did as they were told, taking deep breaths as some of his energy slowly started to come back to him. 
"What happened? How did you get here? What happened to those two? And why the hell did he have to lock up Yixing?" Baekhyun asked as he watched Minseok inject Chanyeol’s arm, saying sorry when he groaned. 
"Later, once we get these two patched up." Minseok gave a hard look to Baekhyun when he started to object then turned back to Jongin. "What now?" He asked before starting on cutting away Chanyeol’s shirt. 
"I need a half dose... of adrenaline, then I c-can take over."
Kyungsoo looked away from Minseok and the others towards Jongin. "You need rest." he said sternly, ignoring the eye roll from Jongin.
"I will, after." Jongin sat straighter in the bed, "the blue capped needle in that dr-drawer."  He pointed to the long set of cabinets along the far wall. Baekhyun rummaged through the drawer before bringing the syringe to him. "Soo, you know where it goes… I can't do it… myself."
Kyungsoo gave him a pointed look before taking the syringe from Baekhyun. He waited for Jongin to pull aside his shirt above his heart before he brought the needle down hard on Jongin’s chest. 
"Oh shit that hurts more than I was expecting." Jongin gasped, rubbing his chest once Kyungsoo took the needle away. He felt the drug work its way through his system, taking several deep breaths he got to his feet. 
Jongin helped Chanyeol sit up, moving the back of the bed up to a reasonable position that wouldn’t hurt his injury. “It will heal by tonight, but for now you need to stay in bed. No major movements. Let the meds work."
Chanyeol nodded, color was returning to his face and lips, though he still looked drawn and tired. “Thanks, Nini.” 
Baekhyun sat at the end of Chanyeol’s bed, looking between all of them and Yixing, who had been sitting silently on his bed for the last hour. “Some explanation would be great.” He looked towards Minseok, “You two went down to see Junmyeon and Jongdae and twenty minutes later the four of you are on the main deck. This one nearly dying from over exerting himself and this one having a freaking dagger stabbed into his body.”
“We noticed the comms were down and went to look for Kyungsoo but couldn’t find him or Jongin.” Sehun added, still standing his guard next to Yixing’s bed. 
“I was able to teleport down to the planet to grab them.” Jongin said calmly as he took a seat on the bed he used earlier. 
“Bullshit.” Baekhyun and Sehun both said at the same time.
“We don’t have our powers...not anymore.” Baekhyun said, obvious hurt in his voice. 
“It’s true, Jongin was able to use his and so was I.” Kyungsoo said from his spot against the wall next to Jongin’s bed. “Yixing was able to give it back to us.”
All eyes turned slowly to Yixing, he hadn’t moved or said a word since Sehun had to put the cuffs on him. He looked at all of them in turn before stopping at Minseok.
Minseok took a few steps until he was standing in front of him. “Time for some answers.”
“It’s true… I was able to heal them.”
“How? Start from the beginning.” Minseok said as he crossed his arms. 
Yixing looked down at his hands, taking a few breaths he said, “The Red Force is behind all of this." He slowly looked back up, "I was on Harmaa, I had found some wildlife and decided to follow them, maybe find more of their kind. But I found a hidden building instead, it was built into a giant black mountain. If I hadn’t followed those animals I probably wouldn’t have seen it. I found a way in, at first I thought it was abandoned but then I saw him.”
“Who?” Sehun asked, he had let his hands fall to his side, no longer near the weapon that hung from his belt. 
“Junmyeon. But… he looked different, even walked differently.” Yixing shook his head, “I shouldn’t have called after him but I was shocked to see him there and yelled his name before I really thought it through. He gave me this smile… and I knew at that moment I wasn’t walking out of that building. He tapped something on his wrist and that’s when Jongin appeared. He looked different too, he had me thrown to the ground in a blink of an eye, laughing as he pushed my face into the floor.” Yixing paused, taking another few breaths as a few of the others cursed under their own. “I don’t remember much from those first few days or weeks, they kept me drugged or-.”
“A few liked pain… I-I don’t need to give you details on that.” 
“Min… let me take the cuffs off.” Sehun turned to look at Minseok, eyes pleading.
Minseok gave a tiny shake of his head, “Not yet. I’m sorry.” He said the last part to Yixing when he caught his eye. 
Yixing gave him a knowing nod before he continued. “After that they finally started testing on me. Taking my blood mostly, but they hooked a wire behind my ear.” He lifted his hand, fingers grazing the tiny pinpricks hidden in his hair. “There was a doctor, someone I never saw before, named Burrs. He was the only one I saw for the majority of the time. He said I was special, not many of our kind are Healers… he was delighted I was there. At a point I guess he felt comfortable around me because he started to talk more, answer some of my questions. He said the Red Force was able to shut off our powers, he had designed a chemical they were able to deposit into the atmosphere and anyone on the planet for a certain timeframe would be affected.”
“Why though?” Chanyeol asked, voice barely a whisper. “Why take it?”
Yixing gave a small shrug, “Because they didn’t have any themselves and they wanted the upper hand. Apparently they had been making clones for years, that’s why it felt like no matter how many times we won against them there was always more.”
“That’s true, their planet is small compared to the armies they had always been able to assemble.” Kyungsoo said, rubbing his chin, “Even with the alliances they’ve been able to make. The numbers never made sense.”
“Okay, but how were they able to clone us?” Jongin asked. 
“Burrs said something about breaking into one of our command locations, they were able to steal some of our blood from records there.” Yixing looked around the room, “I don’t know which of you they were able to clone, I only saw some of us.”
“Baekhyun was on Leavale along with Jongin, JD and Junmyeon, so we know of four.” Minseok rubbed his neck. “Did you see anyone else?”
Yixing shook his head, “No.”
“How did our clones have powers?” Chanyeol asked, wincing when he took too deep of a breath. Baekhyun helped reposition his pillow before sitting back down beside him.
“I’m not fully sure, from what I gathered, they had a few of our people before that they tested on, when they first made they made the chemical to take it away. Burrs had said they had been trying on their regular clones to give them powers, a reversal of how they took them away but it didn’t work. They got lucky when they tried it on a clone from our planet, they used a Healer to keep that clone alive through the transfer of powers. I was able to get my hands on some of their records before Junmyeon caught me." Yixing paused as a shiver ran down his back. "But, powers have to stay in what the clone of the person had. So water to water, fire to fire etc and the Healer keeps them alive to make it work.”
Jongin gave him a long look, “What happened when you were caught?”
“He let a few have fun, only order was to keep me alive enough.” 
“How did you end up on Caldor? How did you get your power back?” Minseok asked quickly, not wanting Yixing to feel he needed to explain more. 
“Burrs said he needed to slowly bring it back so that they could use me to transfer powers to more clones. I acted like it wasn’t working, I was hoping that would trick them into giving it all back. I knew at a point I nearly had it all back and that’s when they said they needed me as bait for all of you. They need you for something. They drugged me… heavily and left me on Caldor for you all to find. They underestimated you guys though and we got away. But that also meant the drug was never lifted the way they had planned. Burrs said the drug basically was a virus and needed an antidote to reverse what it does. Coma like stasis and memory loss, just in case I woke up somehow I still couldn't tell anyone about anything. I think with how long I was on the planet and them never giving me the antidote, I would've died if I didn't have my power back."
Jongin nodded, "You had high levels of carbon dioxide and several others in your system when I got you back to the ship."
"And giving Jongin and Soo their powers back?" Baekhyun asked.
Yixing gave a tiny shrug, "It was a hypothesis I had, if a healer was used in the transfer of powers, to heal it as it goes, then they should be able to heal the powers that were there already."
Minseok took a small step toward Yixing. "And how do we know you're not a clone?"
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