#ferb knowing is also a strong possibility for obvious reasons but it's harder to gauge what he does or doesn't know
Based on the Wizard of Odd dream, and Candace's reaction in At2D, I am like 99% sure Candace knows that Perry is a secret agent subconciously, but I don't think Candace truly comprehends Perry is an agent. But she has been shown to actually think about Perry's activities such as in "Where's Perry" when she's the only one trying to figure out how he got there, or in "Happy Birthday Isabella" when Candace genuinely seemed contemplative about where Perry goes.
What makes it really fun is that she's friends with Vanessa, Stacy and is dating Jeremy, who probably doesn't know Perry is a secret agent but sure got rambled to a lot by both Doof and Monogram about their Perry related work. And she had personal interest in Dennis the Rabbit and the Where's Perry incident. I think the only thing holding the whole facade up is that Candace does not want to believe Perry is a secret agent unless she absolutely has to. She's already got enough stuff to deal with. But that doesn't mean she's not suspicious.
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