#fenumin inahwen
sezja · 1 year
He's not a WoL, but Fenumin is objectively the funniest character to put through the end of 2.x.
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fanficsbyjay · 6 years
Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: T? sex mention but nothing graphic Ship: Dacien/random oc, Dacien/Halan hinting Summary: Dacien contemplates some of his life decisions pt 2
Dacien slips from the aravel as discreetly as possible, rolling his shoulders and stretching as his feet touch the ground. He intends to go find Halan, or perhaps go to his own aravel for a nap and let Halan find him later as his injuries are minor and mostly just sore muscles, but his feet take him in neither direction, instead finding himself sat on a crate some distance between his two destinations.
He kicks his feet to feel and hear the soft thud of his heels as they swing back against the crate and he stares at his hands in his lap. What was he doing? The entire clan knew he was following Fenumin’s footsteps and sleeping his way through anyone willing. And likely everyone knew that it was almost a direct result to Fenumin settling down. So what was he doing? Was he trying to find himself in others’ beds? Or was he trying to lose himself?
He hadn’t stopped to think about it, hadn’t thought the first time he propositioned someone, nor any of the times he was naked for anyone. He didn’t want to think, didn’t want to think about how Fenumin had used him, wakened a need he didn’t know he had and then left him. Didn’t want to think about how he knew it was going to happen and never braced for it. Didn’t want to think about any repercussions of his own actions. And wasn’t that the very definition of losing himself in others?
But was he going to stop? The very thought left him feeling as empty as he did the moment he knew Fenumin would never again pin him to his lap, no longer kiss him fiercely and tell him how he wasn’t anything but a go to in between fucks. That he wasn’t more than someone to kiss to take the edge off. Sleeping with others never made him feel complete the way part of him did held tight and kissed hard by someone he knew didn’t care about him.
Was that the problem then? Did he need to find someone who wanted nothing more than sex from him? Someone who would kick him out and disregard him when they were done? Was there even anyone in the clan capable of such? Was that even what he truly wanted?
Dacien catches his gaze drifting to Halan, speaking with Sulahn. Halan, who had been his friend ever since he could remember, Halan who was the First for the clan and would be Keeper after Sulahn. If he wanted someone who didn’t care, then why was he always drawn to Halan who obviously cared deeply for him?
Frustrated, Dacien aggressively rubs his hands over his face. He didn’t feel used when he left any of his bedmates the same way he always did when Fenumin had been finished with him. Likely because he was the one doing the pursuit, always the one doing the propositions, always the one who left once done, never truly kicked out. And a part of him he could feel craving that same sensation, craving someone to come to him, to use him, not simply to offer himself up like a sacrifice to anyone willing to take him. But also another part of him was drawn to Halan’s gentleness, their care. He wasn’t sure what that meant.
With a sigh, he slides off the crate and deciding he was done thinking about this for the moment, instead continuing to Halan’s aravel for a nap, not wanting to interrupt them and Sulahn, but wanting them to know he was done should they wish to look him over for bruises or other injuries they deemed in need of healing. It would hardly be the first time he slept in their bed.
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felandaristhorns · 4 years
Clan Inahwen
A Primer
a.k.a. @dalishunter literally asked for it
Clan Inahwen is a very large clan - and a very diverse one, well-known for taking in elves of all walks of life. Their members include those born among the Dalish, of course, but also alienage-born former city elves, former Tevinter slaves, former servants, elf-blooded humans, elves cast out of other clans for any number of reasons, and more. They may not be the largest of all the Dalish clans, but they’re certainly up there; their numbers are always growing.
To protect themselves, Clan Inahwen maintains professional relationships with many human towns among their migratory route: they trade goods in exchange for allowing the clan to remain a safe distance away from the towns. It isn’t a perfect system; there have, over the years, been scuffles between the clan and the nearby humans, but there remains an uneasy truce in place.
They do not limit their clan to only three mages, and never have... but if humans ask, then yes, of course there are only the three of them.
At present (as of Inquisition/Trespasser) the clan is traveling alongside Clan Mathalin (as written by @dryadalismagicae), and relations between the two clans are... tense, but manageable, as long as everyone keeps to their own side of the encampment.
Notable clan members:
Sulahn: Keeper
Halan: Chief healer; Sulahn’s First. Dacien’s lover.
Fenumin: Herbalist, apothecary, trader. Technically Sulahn’s Second, but never claims the title and expects a younger mage to take it up.
Samahl*: Halla keeper. Sulahn’s lover.
Dacien*: Hunter, scout. Halan’s lover.
Mithra*: Craftsmaster. Typically always seen in the company of a friend.
Tamae*: Adopted former Tevinter slave. Blood mage. Sort of adopted by Mi’Enasalin.
Ailis: Apothecary-in-training, apprenticed to Fenumin. Mute.
Mi’Enasalin: Former hunter/scout. Exiled for endangering the clan. Fenumin’s... complication.
*written by @dirtharaxma
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dryadalismagicae · 5 years
I need some help with some poison.
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“If you are in need of healing from it then it would be beneficial for you to tell me what poison you have ingested so I may help-” But Lyrian finds himself pausing, skeptically; “But, if you are looking to use it, you are better off finding clan Inahwen and asking for a fellow named Fenumin - he’s a bit abrasive but he has the knowledge you need.” A smile crosses his features, his person turning his attention back to what it was he had been writing.
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yelonelysouls · 5 years
ovo (@ anyone? Everyone?? Andruil???)
Send me "ovo" and I will tell you what kind of relationship I could see our muses having.
Well, since you specified Andruil, I’ll start with her: complicated. She likes him well enough in the lead up to his rebellion, and honestly, she respects him for having the nerve to rally the People against the Evanuris - but she can’t let him win, naturally. She sort of regards him as a stubborn, problematic brother. Andruil loves him, but accepts the possibility that she may have to kill him to put an end to his uprising. (Her exact affection for him varies with her hold on lucidity, ranging from “This is my idiot brother who needs to be thrashed but I love him anyway” to “I have no idea who this is but he needs to die for non-specific reasons.”)Worth noting: I don’t believe she ever kept or meant to keep him as a sex slave. No. Ew.And for everyone else:
Neirin: I feel absolutely confident in saying that Solas would despise Neirin; he’s everything Solas hates - arrogant without the skill to back it up, selfish, narcissistic, destructive, narrow-minded. Add to this the fact that Neirin regards himself first and foremost as a mage, not an elf, and these two are a recipe for easy antagonism. At best, Solas might give Neirin some credit for being young, stupid, and naive, but that can only earn him so much leniency. There is a solid chance Neirin will remind him entirely too much of Falon’Din.
Kuja: On the other hand I can see Solas getting along incredibly well with the other half of this duo, because Kuja is quiet, inquisitive, and eager to listen and learn. He also isn’t likely to pry too deeply into Solas’s past or ask any personal questions, as he doesn’t want to answer any, himself - but he is deeply curious about what Solas knows of elven history and lore, magic, spirits, the Fade, etc. Kuja is a scholar of sorts, and maintains a hungry, open mind where knowledge is concerned - these two could have great conversations.
Sulahn: Well, we’ve already sort of poked at them vaguely in Dalish verse, enough to know they didn’t quite get off on the right foot - and that’s not likely to change. Keeper Sulahn regards Solas as a dangerous influence, and it’s almost a shame.Elvhenan verse... could get interesting. Sulahn is among Dirthamen’s few agents who are publicly known and recognized, so Fen’Harel would know precisely who and what she is. She’s also ancient, as old as Falon’Din and Dirthamen at least, and could have easily been among the Evanuris herself if she so chose - and I expect Fen’Harel is among the few people who know that. It also means she knows they aren’t gods. I feel like these two have some really intriguing potential, and it could be either friendly or tense; it could really go either way.
Sezja: Given Solas’s opinion of Grey Wardens, this is an interesting pair too. Sezja’s the first to admit she knew next to nothing about the Grey Wardens when she joined - and that she only joined because she really had no other choice. She’d find Solas strange even for a mage (and she finds all mages strange in one way or another - not necessarily in a bad way, but strange), and she wouldn’t quite know how to approach him. She’d figure it out, though: Sezja makes a point of getting to know everyone at least a little, even if they don’t like her much. Besides, Leliana respects him, and that counts for something! She just won’t bring up Grey Wardens. Or darkspawn. Or magic. Or demons. Or... you know what? Maybe they’ll just talk about his paintings. That’s safe, right?
Halan: This is going to depend strongly upon whether Halan is just an ordinary Dalish elf who happened to be marked by the Anchor... or an ancient elvhen agent of Dirthamen who woke from uthenera and stumbled into interrupting the Conclave. Ordinary Dalish Elf Halan will adore Solas: he’s quiet, he’s sensitive, and even if they remember his visit to Clan Inahwen (as Halan is in fact the First of Fenumin’s clan), they’re still not as likely to hold his “beliefs” against him. Whether Solas feels the same way about them is... doubtful, given the sour taste Clan Inahwen probably leaves in his mouth, but Halan is far more friendly and respectful about their differences than, say, Fenumin....And Agent of Dirthamen Halan will recognize Solas as Fen’Harel from the start, and will be wary and leery of him when they aren’t outright afraid of him. But since this may be easily explained as a typical Dalish elf disdaining a “flat-ear,” it’s likely no one notices this avoidance as particularly noteworthy.
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ofxelvhen · 5 years
Want me to gush about my OCs?
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!
Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
Tamae actually comes to adore Mi’Enasalin very quickly and she admires Fenumin in an odd way. She probably tries to have Fenumin teach her herbs and such but she proves to be a poor student given how spacey she is and she’s also not very good with plants. Really, if I had to choose a mage specialization that fits her best other than blood mage it’d likely be necromancer. She’s not good with living things in most capacities.
I think I’ve decided her parents die before she gets to clan Inahwen which means she kind of comes to think of Sulahn as a mother figure, which is why it hurts so much when she’s upset about the blood magic and why Tamae gets so upset upon being told practicing it will get her exiled. It’s also why she comes back after she travels researching it when she’s older. She loves Sulahn and comes to love Halan as her First too.
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skyheld · 6 years
@felandaristhorns cont from x.
The piece is old - Fenumin had been surprised the clan had been willing to part with it, allowing him to sell it on his own rather than under Clan Inahwen’s name. A sculpture of some sort. Avvar in nature, were he to speculate. “I believe one of my clan’s scouts found it in a cave,” he informs them, nudging it closer for their examination. “Though what the Avvar may have been doing so far south in the heart of the Dales, I cannot even begin to speculate.” 
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“ So it’s an Avvar....  thing?   What’s it for? “   It does look old,  and Missne can easily believe it’s been gathering dust in some cave for a while,  though of course it’s cleaned now.   It looks odd,  too.   It’s not hard to recognize Dalish craftsmanship on sight,  with its delicate spidery lines and all the leaf-and-vein patterns;  orlesian things are easy too,  colourful and pretty and sometimes made of gold.   Fereldan things are wooden,  literally and not-literally.   This... whatever it is,  is different from all of them.   “ Maybe someone took it from them and it ended up there.   Treasure hunters or the like.   Or traders.   There are clans who trade with the Avvar,  you know? “
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sezja · 1 year
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I was asked for screencaps of Fenumin in his new getup and ya girl does provide
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sezja · 2 years
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Ill-suited for snowy weather.
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sezja · 2 years
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I knew this set was gonna be perfect on everyone's favorite alchemist
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sezja · 2 years
Oc questions? For when you want them.
I’m asking because I care. Sorry too many questions maybe.
Is Sanaii around which height? Short or tall for her race?
What about Nerise and Marty?
Fenumin ever changes hairstyle?
Favorite fact about Erna?
Why did Sanaii Viera dad left his community?
Can Sanaii and Nerise swim?
If Sanaii and Nerise and Marty met how would they react and what would they think of the other?
Is Sanaii expressive with tail and ears?
Does Nerise makes peace with loosing everything she knew? What about dragon company with his different ways of perceiving time?
Marty and Tsihm have any other goals in life or plan on setting down where they are doing what they are doing?
Tsihm ever wishes she had formal teaching as botanist?
Marty ever regrets his crimes? Or thinks about them? Not in a way that would judge those he left behind, just his own actions and why they are considered wrong.
Tsihm ever talks to her family and friends again?
Any chance either would ever return to the Shroud?
Nerise opinions about Francel when she met him and later during Firmament? To make you struggle dragon company opinions?
Nerise explained the fact she had a dragon around for Haurchefant how?
Do you have any White Mage? Play healer?
Sanaii, Nerise and Marty deepest regrets?
I tried choosing the most recent ocs I remembered even if Sanaii is being ffxiv rebuilt.
Hopefully this is okay <3
<3 <3 <3
OC heights: Sanaii's sort of middling! Around the 55 marker on the height slider, I think. And while she's still young, I don't expect she'll get much taller, though she kind of hopes she will. Nerise and Marty are both max height. (Most of my OCs are max height, in fact.)
Fenumin's hairstyle: The only person who sees Fenumin with his hair down is his fuckbuddy, Mi'Enasalin. Other than that, he always wears it pulled into a bun, no exceptions.
Favorite Erna Fact: She's a surprisingly good cook! This really shouldn't be a surprise, with her father being a culinarian, but she's such a scatterbrain that most people are startled anyway. She's very good at making decent meals out of limited ingredients, and she keeps her party well-fed. (Silent Fox jokes that it's the only reason she keeps Erna around.)
Why Zephyr left: Lots of reasons, really, but it kind of boils down to just not wanting to be alone. Zephyr didn't like the isolation male viera were expected to endure - he did want a family, and didn't like the idea of rarely seeing them. He also wanted to see the world, to be a part of the world, rather than letting it slip past him. He's never regretted leaving.
Can the girls swim: Nerise actually had to learn to swim after her jump through time. She never had much cause to learn before, and only knew enough to keep herself afloat. She learns in La Noscea - she refuses to face Leviathan without knowing how to swim if she falls in the water! Swimming is one of the many skills Sanaii learns from her fathers; she's not sure if she knew how before her memory loss.
If they met: Marty would be great with both of them - much like his brother, Marty's very chill and laid-back. Nerise is a little less good with people, but as long as they're not rude to her right out of the gate, she's likely to be friendly enough, though I feel like she'd be absolutely baffled by Sanaii running around on her own - Nerise was getting into trouble at a young age, too, but she had a wyvern to watch her back! And Sanaii would... mostly be startled by the presence of Sohl Amh, honestly.
Is Sanaii expressive: Yes. She's more expressive with her ears and tail than she is with her face, most of the time.
Do Nerise and Sohl Amh make peace with their losses: Sort of. Nerise handles it by trying not to think about it, and trying not to blame herself for what happened to Ratatoskr - Ratatoskr died some hundred years or so after Nerise was pulled from her own time, after all; there's likely nothing she could have done, but the lingering "What If I could have changed things" stays with her. That and wishing she'd been brave enough to confess her feelings to Milla, and wondering what ever became of her in the end. Sohl Amh finds themself in the very strange position of being both older and younger than many dragons alive now. Even given that their own sense of time is far longer than Nerise's, the changes in the world are jarring. These are changes that should have only come to pass after a lengthy rest - but instead it feels as though they simply blinked and the world abruptly altered itself behind their eyelids.
Marty and Tsimh's plans: Neither of them had any particularly grand plans in mind before Marty's exile to La Noscea, and they haven't developed any since; they're content to settle down as farmers. They do get married once they're settled in, and start discussing the possibility of having or adopting kids.
Tsimh and botany: She does kind of wish she'd been properly trained as a botanist! It's not a deep regret, but it's there. She's happy enough to be taught by the other farmers in the area now, though. She feels like she's learning a lot.
Marty's regrets: Not really! He regrets not telling Tsimh, and on some level he regrets taking risks with the elementals and the like - but no, he doesn't really regret the life he lived, or the crimes he committed to live it. He understands why poaching is a crime, and he understands the dangers inherent in poaching in the Shroud, but it kept him alive and fed for most of his life.
Tsimh's friends and family: She writes letters to her family and friends... though her parents strongly disapprove of her relationship with Marty, and frequently beg her to come back home in their letters. When she tells them she's married him, they stop writing back to her for several moons.
Do they ever return to the Shroud: Not for a long time - Marty never does, content to meet his Redbelly friends in La Noscea, but Tsimh does eventually make short trips back home. She always comes back frustrated with her family. She's fairly sure they'd keep her in the Shroud by force if they could.
Nerise and Francel: Like most of the Ishgardians she meets, she's not impressed by Francel at first. She's in a very strange position, being what Ishgard considers a heretic herself, attempting to defend him against accusations of heresy - but defend him she does, to the best of her ability, with her limited understanding of how modern-day Ishgard works. On the advice of Alphinaud, Sohl Amh wisely stays well away from the proceedings in Coerthas, only turning up to aid Nerise in the fight against the false Inquisitor and his wyvern, departing before blades can be turned on them, instead.
She's far warmer toward Francel later, of course - and he remembers and thanks Sohl Amh for their contributions to saving his life, as well.
Nerise and Haurchefant: As mentioned above, Sohl Amh stays away during most of the Coerthas arc. Haurchefant learns about Sohl Amh after the trial, when Nerise explains to him exactly why a dragon swooped in to their rescue - but she claims they're not from Dravania, and thus not part of Nidhogg's horde. This is the same story used to later explain how Sohl Amh comes to be admitted into Ishgard, though they wisely stay out of sight there as much as possible; not everyone believes the tale, and no one is pleased to have a dragon sheltering within Ishgard's walls, companion to the Champion of Eorzea or no.
Healers: Yep! Silent Fox (SCH), Halan Soilanteaux (WHM), Stephan Fletcher (WHM), Dirthamen Renan (AST), and Faine Thievenaix (WHM) are all healer mains.
Regrets: Sanaii: Not sure yet. She regrets losing her memory, but that isn't really her fault. Nerise: Not telling Milla how she felt before Hydaelyn yanked her through time. Marty: Not telling Tsimh the truth about his poaching sooner; not trusting that she wouldn't leave him for it.
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sezja · 2 years
OC questions 1, 15, 20, 38, and 43 for Steph and 11, 13, and 16 for Fenumin
OC Questions
Stephanivien isn't an OC but yes he is
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Ten seconds. And that's if he has something interesting to look at in the meantime.
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Oh, absolutely on the spot, the very first thing that comes to mind. He has a filter, of course, but by and large, he simply says what he's thinking, precisely how he's thinking it.
20: If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
By comparing it to a machine, of course. No, really - imagine a machine, a powerful machine, which can be customized to perform various tasks. You may add one part to allow the machine to repair some broken object, or another part to allow it to create some other object, and so on. Over and over. Our machine is infinite! What a magnificent device! It takes many forms, performs many tasks, but at the root of all these incredible feats is our singular machine, simply doing what it does best. And that, my friend, is love.
38: What memory do they revisit the most often? 
This is a three-way cross between the first time he visited the manufactory as a small child and realized he never wished to go anywhere else; the first time he placed a flintlock in Joye's hand; and the first time he kissed Haurchefant.
43: If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Oh, not at all. He certainly isn't troubling to examine it terribly closely; he loves whom he loves, and has no concern about what that may or may not say about him.
Fenumin time
11: How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
It depends on the situation - if imperfect understanding may prove dangerous, as is often the case in his duties, he will seek clarification. If it's simply a matter of his not needing to understand, he won't ask, presuming all that matters is that he plays his role correctly.
If it's not a matter of life or death, however, he most likely will just pretend he understands to save face, and look into it on his own later.
13: What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
He favors dark colors, the better to hide stains in his line of work. He believes he actually looks best in dark jewel tones - emerald greens, sapphire blues, etc. This is generally true; he looks terrible in bright colors.
16: What makes their stomach turn?
Realizing he genuinely cares about someone.
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sezja · 2 years
Fenumin is either "harmless botanist who may or may not manufacture drugs on the side" or "assassin and spy"
Fenumin comes in two flavors and they are both poisonous
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sezja · 2 years
Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower would symbolize them?
from the thematic asks for any of your ocs :0
Thematic OC Questions (still accepting!)
Oh man here we go:
Urha'to Nelhah: Ivy, for endurance and faithfulness (or bluebells for the same, but he's affiliated with vines... and morbols.)
Coeli Qoet: Black-Eyed Susans, for justice
Ernaswys Lubbloefwyn: Pink roses, for youth and energy
Fenumin Inahwen: Thistles. (For my Dragon Age followers: Felandaris is the plant Fenumin is most strongly tied to.)
Neirin Nelhah: Laurels, for ambition; marigolds for grief.
I wouldn't know how to begin to pick a flower for Tajna Ratyasch; she loves all flowers, and would probably feel like she'd be insulting all of the others to be associated with only one or two.
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sezja · 2 years
Fenumin Inahwen likes: Poisons, botany, a good book, quality alone time, alchemy
Fenumin Inahwen dislikes: Pretty much everything at some point Snow
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sezja · 2 years
Lawful Good: Coeli Qoet Lawful Neutral: Neirin Nelhah (though he tips into Chaotic Neutral at times) Lawful Evil: n/a
Neutral Good: Nerise the Dragonrider True Neutral: Urha'to Nelhah Neutral Evil: Fenumin Inahwen
Chaotic Good: Ernaswys Lubbloefwyn Chaotic Neutral: Darcy Chaotic Evil: Mi'Enasalin
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