spiritcc · 6 years
War In Piss 1956 Grand Stream
The Soviet Movie Club(tm) is entering a very grand time: Mosfilm, bless their souls, have remastered Bondarchuk’s War and Peace ‘65-67 in full HD, a great masterpiece and a fantastic adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel. Just a basic frame-to-frame comparison with the old version made us lose our fuckin minds, so we thought it’d be great to do a re-run of this truly fantastic show and appreciate the amazing work Mosfilm had done. 
BUT BEFORE THAT, I insisted that all of you who want to join us in appreciating bond’s masterpiece, check out THIS AMAZING version first, that was made a good decade earlier, by our beloved Hollyweed, an won an Oscar. The fuckin epic War and Peace 1956. 
So none of us and yall fucks will never complain about any movie adaptation ever again.
This monstrosity, of a great adaptation, stars many amazing actors who deliver their best, wooden, performances and truly bring the tragedy, of the story, out on the big screen. A fantastingly horrid catch for all Granada fans as well, as this movie even sucked poor Jeremy Brett into this honour of a movie. Tolstoy’s story gets everything it doesn’t deserve with this film and its take at literally every aspect of the book: you will be just as amazed as all atla fans were when Shyamalan’s adaptation of the Avatar came out. Best quality cardboard backgrounds, amazing costumes from fifty different historic periods, unbelievable chemistry that only a bag compost and a green carpet would have. When this movie ends, you will be dead inside, from realising you’ll never see a movie this good ever again. An absolute must watch that should, and must be, appreciated, to see what a truly great movie does not look like. 
It is a Grand Stream since this epic is a whooping three and a half hours long, and nobody besides us idiots could actually sit through all this in one go without completely losing their mind from the brilliance seen on screen. Therefore it will be split over both weekend days, 22-23th September Saturday and Sunday respectively. As the video doesn’t show on rabbit normally, I will have to stream it through their extension, with my internet ensuring that the video quality will vary from 480-144p, which is exactly the visual it deserves. 
If you want to celebrate the rebirth of War and Peace fully starting from this amazing event, join us for the first ~1h40mins of the movie on rabbit this Saturday, 22nd of September, at 9pm GMT+1. 
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