kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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notes: a request from @redeemer46 'some down and dirty Alucard smut would be equally appreciated. One shot if you have the time.' My love for fangs really jumped out in this one AHAHA and I'm glad to have the chance to write a chase scene with him - who would pass up the opportunity to be disadvantaged in a chase with a vampire? Not me <3
pairing: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x Reader
word count: 5.7k
warnings: NSFW content, smut, fang kink, hand kink, praise kink, riding, missionary
A chase through the castle
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The idea had originally come from a friendly competition between the two of you. Both of you had left to forage together that day but had been caught in the rain, having to run back through the trees as the heavens opened up above you. 
“Race you there!” You had called with a playful grin before sprinting out of the treeline and towards the castle steps. You had pushed the door open and held it there while Alucard stepped in after you, making you scowl at him. “You didn’t even try!” You protested. 
“No, you just won.” He replied with a little smirk and the flash of his fangs made your heart soar. Alucard, no, Adrian – you were still getting used to using his name as opposed to his title, something he had insisted you do after you remained with him at Dracula’s Castle and the Belmont Hold to help him mourn – had confided in you that he was insecure of his smile for the fangs that reminded him of the man he came from: Vlad Dracula Tepes. You had pushed his hair away from his face in the light of the fireplace and told him how you adored his smile all the more for his fangs. He had not fallen victim to the oppressive power that many of half his race came to abuse, he had used his vampiric abilities in a heart-shattering fight to protect humanity. Likewise, he was not prone to the selfishness of the other half of his race and had killed his own father to prevent a genocide. He was the best of the two worlds he came from and his fangs were a reminder of that, not a testimony to his father’s cruelty. You had been wiping tears from his golden eyes shortly after those words tumbled from your mouth. 
It wasn’t too difficult for him to see your feelings for him after such a heartfelt confession of how you viewed him. You felt beyond blessed to find out that he returned them. 
“I want a serious race next time!” You poked his chest as the doors closed behind the two of you – would you ever get used to the castle’s mysterious balance of science and magic? 
“You would lose every time in a serious race.” He quipped, heading for the stairs, and you frowned as you followed him towards the kitchen. 
“I might just surprise you.” You threw back, tilting your chin upwards. 
“We shall see.” He hummed and you could tell he was trying to dismiss your claim. 
“Indeed, we shall.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
That evening, after a long day of boarding up shattered windows in the castle and after the two of you worked together to make dinner, Alucard had insisted on doing the dishes and you decided to run him a bath. You poured a soothing lavender oil into the hot water and lit various candles around the room, casting the bathroom in a warm glow. By the time Adrian entered the bedroom that the two of you had come to share in the past few weeks, everything was prepared for him and you insisted on sitting on a stool behind the copper tub to lather his golden hair in a honey-scented soap. Your hands worked the muscles of his neck, shoulders and upper arms, soothing out any knots and watching his body melt further into the hot water in relaxation. You left him to enjoy the remaining heat, planting a sweet kiss on his forehead as you announced you would be getting changed for bed. 
It’s not a complete lie. You thought as you hung up your clothes from that day and slipped on a sheer white nightdress that hugged your breasts and flowed freely around the rest of your body. The straps over your shoulders tied together with ribbons in little bows, slits in the lace-cuffed sleeves revealing your shoulders and the neckline dipped low over your breasts. The skirt began beneath your bust and wrapped around your body once and then half way, the split in the material not revealing the skin beneath unless you were to reach into the folds of the fabric and push it open from the front. The skirt stopped just above your knee and had a dainty lace trim, much like the socks which you kept on, not wanting your feet to get cold. 
A part of you was tempted to put on some alluring perfume but it would only make it easier for Adrian, who would already have many advantages, so you opted against it. You took out a note that you had hidden at the back of the desk drawer, placing it upon his pillow with a mischievous grin as you pulled the ribbon from your hair, letting your locks tumble about your face. The letter read as follows:
Dearest Adrian, 
We said that we would see who would win in a serious race and I have decided to propose a more interesting offer: a chase. There are a few rules: the chase cannot leave the castle, hiding places are permitted, vampiric abilities are not prohibited but are also not to be abused. The winner decides what they would like as a prize, within reason, of course. Good luck. 
–Your Y/n. 
With that laid out, you ran out of the bedroom and through the corridors, up winding staircases and into a hidden passageway you had found recently in a study. You would wait here until you were sure Alucard was looking for you. There was a large grin on your face that you couldn’t bite back, no matter how hard you tried, and you sat on the floor with your back to the wall as you waited, knowing you should give it at least 10-15 minutes before assuming that the chase had begun. 
You left the door to the passage just slightly ajar so that you could glimpse at the old grandfather clock on the opposite wall, keeping track of the time. You felt as though you suddenly had the impatience of a child who was being made to wait for dessert. But it would be worth it, you just knew that, regardless of who won, this would be beyond thrilling. 
The time passed by and you decided that now would be appropriate to start wandering around. The waiting had only been to preserve your energy, after all. 
Dracula’s castle was beautiful in your eyes. It was extravagant and gothic and imposing, much like its creator. Did it suit Alucard? Perhaps not but maybe the combination of the castle and the hold would suit him once the two of you got things running in better shape. 
The doorways arched above you and there was rarely a corridor without an intricately carved ceiling, statues and paintings lining the walls, tapestries hanging from rails, heavy velvet curtains framing leaded windows. More often than not, the floors were covered in patterned carpets and you were thankful for them as it would be easier to run on carpet in just socks than it would be to run on stone or a polished wooden floor. There were the occasional bloodstains that you were dreading having to scrub out with vinegar, like you had done to so many other fabrics in this castle, or the deep stain causing you to have to throw out such finery altogether. 
You kept an ear out for Adrian’s footsteps wherever you went, not wanting to just accidentally run into him and ruin the chase before it could even begin. You paused for a while to gaze out of two big French style doors which led out to a balcony, enjoying the view of the tranquil spring night. There were only a few clouds sparsely dotted across the sky that was twinkling with stars, light from a not-quite-full moon pouring in through the doors and bathing you in its silvery glow. 
“Y/n, we both know I’m going to catch you!” Adrian’s voice called in the distance from your right and your face lit up with that childish grin once more as you took off in the opposite direction, your lack of shoes making you all the quieter as you traversed through the halls. 
Alucard’s vampiric abilities weren’t off the table in this chase, he also had the advantage of growing up here but you were a strategic thinker and already had various ways of throwing him off. 
“Don’t be so sure of yourself!” You called back before slipping behind a tapestry and pushing the hidden door behind it, silently shutting it behind you and using what you assumed had once been servant’s passages to make your way down a floor. Perfect! Now he would be looking for you in an entirely different location! You had to withhold an excited squeal as you made your way to the dance hall. The ceiling was a brilliant glass dome and the floor was decorated with various constellations that Adrian had told you all about one night. You, however, were much more interested in the harpsichord. There were many entrances to hidden passages in this room, once more you assumed for the servants who would wait on the guests of whatever dances were held here. You would play a melody, knowing that the instrument would be loud enough for Alucard to hear, and then make your way through one of the passages. 
You kept the song short and sweet, knowing that it would put you at a disadvantage to not be able to hear him coming over the loud music. You shot up from the stool when you thought you had given him ample time to hear you playing before one of the doors creaked open just as you were slipping into a passage. Adrian’s golden eyes landed on you and a surge of adrenaline rushed through your body. He was dressed in loose cotton trousers and a night shirt to match, the front of it mostly unlaced to reveal his toned chest and the pink scar that slashed across it. 
“You’ve been using the passageways.” He narrowed his eyes at you, both an accusation and a praise for your creativity. He hadn’t even known that you were aware of them. 
“I never said they were against the rules.” You quipped back before slamming the door shut and sliding the little bolt across the door, running through the dim passageway, glad for the candles along the walls which seemed to light themselves: again, magic or science? You could never tell the difference or where the lines blurred between this place. It was easier to accept Adrian’s philosophy of them being two sides of the same coin at times like this. 
Enough about self-lighting candles, you needed to plan out your route. There was a slight rush of cold air in the passage and you knew that it meant another one of the doors would have been opened somewhere. Again: he had the advantage of knowing this place better than you, he likely thought that you had no idea where you were going– 
And you would let him believe that. 
You quickly pivoted on your foot and began running back the way you came, unbolting the door and closing it behind you before running across the dance hall and making your way through the door that Adrian had left open. Where to now? You could head towards the library, lurk around in the shelter that the various aisles of books provided you for a while. There were various entrances and exits so it seemed like a wise choice. You could take a little breather there and continue on. What you didn’t know, though, was where all of the passage entrances were in that room. You would need to be cautious if Adrian was still roaming around between the walls. 
You made your way into the library through one of the more discreet doorways, as opposed to the grand ones with a carved image of what appeared to be classic scholars engaged in debate. You let yourself finally slow to a walk, allowing yourself to catch your breath and calm down, running your fingertips silently along the spines of books on the ground floor before something felt off. You weren’t tired, so why did your footsteps sound so heavy? You paused, took five steps. Two steps. Too heavy. 
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you turned around and looked up to see Adrian walking upon the shelf you were running your fingers along, mere paces behind you. He held up his boots in his hand to show that he had noticed your quiet trick of foregoing shoes, flashing that gorgeous fanged smile. You let out a squeal that melted into a laugh as you hurried off, dropping to the ground to slide under a table just as a wind rushed past you in a flash of red. You spun straight around to vault back over the table and made your way out of the nearest door, fleeing down the corridor and grabbing onto door frames to swing yourself around them, taking the most nonsensical route to try and throw him off. Where had he come from? Another hidden passage most likely. 
Where to next? Where wouldn’t he suspect? You bit your lip in thought as you continued running. 
“No!” You exclaimed, a grin across your lips when he appeared at the end of the next corridor that you threw yourself into and you had little choice but to turn back. Think! Where could you go? You considered the lab for a moment before remembering all of the broken glass that was yet to be cleaned up with all the shattered windows having been your priority to keep out any roaming night creatures. He could have caught you by now, snatched you up in a blur of red but he wasn’t using his special abilities. He seemed to be enjoying this just as much as you were. You were coming up on the end of a balcony that ran along the edge of the upper floor of a hall and there was a floor-to-ceiling window up ahead which caused the separation in the balconies. 
Oh, you hoped that this didn’t end badly. No longer hearing Adrian’s running footsteps behind you, you threw yourself over the edge and caught onto the heavy curtain, quickly letting yourself down and trying to still the fabric before running across the room to hide behind a suit of armour, watching where you had just taken your little leap of faith. 
Alucard skidded to a halt in the doorway before pursing his lips and turning back around, likely assuming that you had gone in a different direction. You smiled triumphantly. Where to now? 
The guest room that you had originally stayed in when the four of you – you, Adrian, Trevor and Sypha – had all been living in the castle at once before the other two set off on their monster hunting honeymoon. You could catch another breather there after such an intense burst in your little chase. Just as you made your way up the stairs that would take you to the floor you had just descended from, your eyes caught a flash of gold and you turned to see Adrian standing in the doorway that you thought he had long since passed through when you last saw him. 
Gasping, you burst into another sprint, beginning to feel all this running take a toll on you; this castle was big! You ran for what felt like 10 minutes, panting after running down just about every other hall you came across, before you realised you could no longer hear him behind you. When had those footsteps stopped? You spun around to look behind you but there was no one on your trail. 
Then there was a light tug on your hair. 
You spun around but no one was there either. This castle had always felt haunted, was that true? 
Another tug. 
You tilted your head back, looking up to find Alucard floating upside down above you, a lock of your hair tangled around one of his slender fingers. 
“Boo.” Before you could react, he fell upon you and you were pushed to the floor under his weight, straddling your hips to pin you down. You tried to squirm out of his grasp but he merely grabbed your wrists, holding them together and pinning them to your chest with just one hand as he leaned down over you, golden hair falling around the both of you like a curtain. “I do believe I’ve won.” He smiled and you admittedly felt more thrilled than you did upset. His eyes were blown wide, pupils eclipsing his golden irises, his free hand stroking some hair away from your face as he took in your flushed appearance, panting from so much running, fuelled by the excitement of knowing he was chasing you. 
“And?” You raised a brow, fully aware of the terms that you had laid down. 
“And?” He raised a blonde brow in return, his expression exaggerated enough to let you know that he was teasing you before confusion was replaced with realisation, “Ah, yes, I do believe that the winner gets a prize of their choosing. Now… what do I want?” He leaned back, sitting up and tilting his head to the side in thought, biting down on his lower lip which made you want to pull him down to kiss you. “Perhaps my lover, pinned underneath me in a very appealing negligee–” His eyes fell back on you, “Oh! How convenient.” 
“Just that?” You quizzed, trying to reach up to pull him down to you but to no avail with the way his hand was pinning yours down, “No activities to follow?”
“What a brilliant suggestion…” The fingertips of his freehand skimmed across the pulse in your neck, “Yes, I suppose I could think of a few.”
“You suppose?” You arched a brow, a teasing smile on your lips, chest still heaving from so much running. 
“Yes…” He murmured in reply as he leaned down once more, breath fanning across your lips. Up close like this, he smelled of the lavender and honey that you had scented his bath with and it made you inhale deeply through your nose before his lips were gently pressing to yours, feeling his palm splay across your throat and then slide along your jaw before pausing over your cheek, cupping it as he kissed you with utmost tenderness and affection. You kissed him back deeply, trying to pour all of your passion that he so wholly deserved into the exchange, tongue swiping along his lower lip in a silent request. As always, you took extra care to delicately run your tongue over his sharp fangs, wanting him to love them just as much as you did. 
You squirmed under him as he took more control of the kiss, wanting to wrap your legs around his waist and pull him impossibly close to your body but he still had you pinned to the ground and a big part of you certainly didn’t mind that at all, no matter what you wanted to do. You tried to free your wrists so that you might run your hands through his hair, knowing how much he loved it, however he would not release you. Instead, you reached up with your fingers and curled them into the material of his nightshirt, using it to pull him down closer to you. 
“Adrian,” You sighed against his mouth, earning a soft groan in response, “I want to touch you, please.” He released your hands, not breaking the kiss as his palm lay flat against your chest instead, your hands firing up to tangle in his golden hair and gently tug at it as he continued to kiss you, pressing his weight further into your body. 
Both you and Alucard had very little experience outside of what you shared together and – despite your previous fantasies of being with someone more experienced with you – you wouldn’t want it any other way. The two of you got to explore yourselves and each other together, there was little embarrassment when one of you was unsure of the other’s body – the pacing that you two had stumbled into was perfect, in your eyes. 
His palm against your chest slid upwards to cup the softness of one of your breasts, causing him to moan slightly into your mouth and you couldn’t help but gasp when he began teasing one of your hardened nipples through the thin fabric of your negligee. You pressed your thighs together in search of some friction to sate the ache that was pooling at your core, feeling the material of your panties stuck to your skin already. Trying to buck your hips up to hint that you wanted to get up only made your lover moan softly as his lips peppered a trail down your neck. 
Typically, Adrian was very careful to not let his fangs touch your skin when he kissed you like this, but now they grazed against your skin and it sent a pleasurable shiver down your spine, air leaving your lungs in a moan. He froze for a moment, feeling his hands tense on your body and you opened your mouth to assure him that it was alright before he was kissing along your neck, fangs delicately scraping across your skin. It almost made your head feel foggy to know that those fangs were there for the sake of killing, to tear out the throats of prey like you, and yet he chose to use them to bring you pleasure instead of death. 
“You would let a vampire so close to your throat?” His voice rumbled against your flesh and your hands retreated from his hair to cup his face, pulling him upwards to press a sweet kiss to his lips. He gazed down at you as you pushed golden tresses behind his ears. 
“This one? Yes, I trust him with my life.” A kiss to the tip of his nose and a playful smile, “Though, perhaps not with my comfort if he intends to keep me on the floor like this.” He let out a little laugh in an exhale and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. 
“Of course.” You were no longer pinned to the ground by his weight, instead he was hoisting you in his arms and you wrapped your legs around his waist, a hand on the back of your head pressing your face to the crook of his neck. In a flash of red, you found yourself being pressed to the bed that the two of you had come to share as of late. Alucard wasted no time in continuing to kiss along your throat, gently nipping at your skin – not enough to break it – now that he knew you trusted him to do so. If he ever did learn to balance and embrace the two worlds that he came from, he knew that you would be the bridge to doing just that. 
His lips ran across the tops of your breasts, teeth oh so carefully nipping at your collarbones until he took the ribbon of the bow at your shoulder in his teeth and pulled back, slender fingers sliding along your skin to slip under the silky material and pull back, untying it entirely. The same was repeated with the little bow on your other shoulder. It seemed as though he was determined to cover every inch of your chest in kisses as he pressed his lips to your newly revealed skin as he slid the sheer material down past your breasts. 
His hands went up to cup and squeeze your soft flesh, making you moan quietly at his touch before his head dipped down once more and he was painting your skin in his hot kisses, tongue lapping at your skin every now and then before taking one of your hardened buds into his mouth and gently sucking down, making you tangle your hands in his golden hair once more, running your fingers through the long tresses to gently hold it back from his face. His one hand teased your other nipple while the other ran across your stomach, gliding over the satiny material of your dress. 
His hand worked into that slit in the material and he pushed it aside, sweeping his hand under the other side of the material to push it in the other direction, revealing your pale pink panties that were now visibly damp. Alucard’s mouth skimmed over the remaining fabric that wrapped around you just under your breasts to kiss a line down your stomach, turning his head to press yet another kiss atop your thigh. 
“I just want to get my mouth all over you…” He sighed, lightly nipping at one of your hips as he pushed the waistline of your panties down slightly. “Can I? Please can I?” There was a desperation to his voice and you quickly nodded your head, wanting nothing more – scratch that, actually–
“One condition!” You exclaimed, hands curling around his biceps to pull him up. Your fingers reached under his shirt and pulled it over his head, palms splaying over his chest to take in all of the definition that it had to offer. You stopped to pay particular attention to the pink scar that cut across his alabaster skin in a thick, jagged line. Your heart bled for his past, for all the pain that it held and you hoped only to steer him towards a happier future. You leaned up to press a kiss to where it began at his collarbone, following the scarred flesh with devoted lips to show him just how much you adored him. You kissed as far down as this position would allow you until hands on your sides gently eased you back down. 
“I thought we agreed I would be the one getting to do that.” He spoke with a soft smile. 
“I can't help myself, you’re so pretty, Adrian.” Your hands slid over his pectoral muscles – which all of his shirts happened to brilliantly show off, lucky you – and up over his slender neck, cupping his face, “So pretty…” A blush stained his cheeks and it made you smile at knowing he enjoyed the praise. You wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer and he responded by pressing his hips down against you, feeling his hard cock straining against his cotton leggings. The well-needed friction made you whine and his lips were attacking your skin once more, no doubt leaving a constellation of marks in his wake. 
He had slid his body down to kiss a trail between your hips and you found yourself grinding down against him regardless, desperate to have him inside you. You reached down and hooked your thumbs into the pale pink fabric, intent on shoving them down your legs, but Alucard’s hands covered yours, golden eyes meeting yours in a silent exchange: ‘Let me do it.’
You brought your hands back up, letting your arms rest on either side of your head, and he slowly slid them down your legs, making you blush furiously when you saw the string of your wetness that stretched out between the soaked material and your needy cunt. The moment they were tossed aside, you hooked your leg around his hip and pushed with all your weight to send him onto his back, now straddling his hips as he had done to you when you lost your playful little chase. Your hand reached down to palm his cock through his clothes, reaching for the string keeping them up to pull on it, tugging the clothing downwards with the assistance of him lifting his hips slightly. 
You bit your lip at the sight of his free cock, long and slender with such a flushed tip. Acting before you could feel shy or embarrassed, you swiped two fingers through your slit to collect some of your wetness there and then wrapped your hand around his cock, beginning to pump his length with your slickness. His head fell back against the pillows with a moan, golden hair fanned out around him as one of his hands curled into your hip. Just hearing his pleasured moans turned you on to no end and you found your patience thinning. Raising your hips up, you pressed him to your entrance before slowly sinking down on him, only stopping once you had taken all of him within you. 
Your hands clenched around the material of your nightdress before you tentatively raised your hips up and snapped them back down, whimpering at the force that brought you so much pleasure and building up on that pace with more confidence, feeling Adrian’s hands cup the softness of your ass, strong arms beginning to guide you. As the coil in your abdomen began to tighten, heat pooling heavily between your thighs, you pressed your hands to his Adonis’ belt, supporting yourself as your thighs began to tremble. His hands worked into the sheer material of the negligee once more, pushing it aside and holding it there as his hands curled firmly around your hips. You adored Adrian’s hands, pale, slender fingers that remind you of a musician’s, but had yet to worked up the courage to tell him just how sexually appealing they were. A part of you was sure he already knew, especially with the way you would react to him using them on you. 
With the white material of your dress pushed aside, he had a clear view of his cock slipping in and out of your drenched cunt, his mouth falling open in a moan at the sight, hips jerking up to meet yours. 
“Look at how well you take me…” It seemed you were not immune to praise either as it only made you clench around him, wanting desperately to reach down and touch your clit but another part of you wanted to ride him until you came untouched. You followed the latter, bringing your hips down onto him with more force, aided by how he now snapped his hips up into you. You got off on his moans beneath you, his strong hands supporting your hips, coming around him and practically collapsing against his chest, gently grinding your hips down against him through the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
Capable arms wrapped around you and you found yourself on your back once more, your dhampir lover hovering over you. He peppered kisses across your face and reached up to stroke through your hair with one hand. He softly shushed you as you whimpered from the intensity of your orgasm, reaching up to run your hands along his shoulder blades when you no longer felt boneless. 
“You’re so beautiful when you come for me…” He murmured against your ear and your nails raked lightly against his skin. You had said those same words to him just the other night as you accidentally tipped him into overstimulation. Had he felt the same butterflies at such praise? 
His hips experimentally pulled away from yours before he thrust his cock back into you, long and slow movements making you truly feel every inch of him. You began to grind your hips into his thrusts, one hand set on his back while the other reached up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, gently tugging, knowing how much he adored when you touched his hair. You knew that getting you to a second orgasm wouldn’t take a lot and you were determined to get him to finish with you. 
“You’re so good to me, my love.” You sighed, pulling him down for a heated kiss, sucking his lower lip into your mouth before swiping your tongue along his fangs, “So pretty…” His pace faltered and he dropped his head to bury it in the crook of your neck, mouth open to let out his moans against your skin and for a moment you desperately wanted for him to bite you. “Come for me, Adrian, please.” You whispered against his golden hair, the last word coming out in a whine as you felt yourself teetering on the edge and it was feeling the last few hard, erratic jerks of his hips against yours, filling you with his cum, that sent you over that edge, wrapping your legs around him to keep him impossibly close as you panted, feeling the weight of him comfortably pinning you down as he collapsed on top of you. 
Both of your bodies were covered in a thin sheen of sweat and you held him tighter when he tried to pull away from you, though you allowed him to prop himself up on an elbow to look down at you. He took a moment to gaze upon your face before sweetly kissing your forehead. 
“I think that perhaps another bath is in order, for the both of us this time.” He murmured, brushing some damp hair away from your face and you gently shook your head. 
“I want to rest first.” Your voice came out in a whisper and he hummed lowly before resting back against you. 
“Alright, but you’ll let me clean you up after. Consider it an extension to my winner’s prize.” You could hear the smile in his voice and it only made you grin. 
“That was fun.” You spoke, a hand coming up to gently comb your fingers through his hair, “I think we should do that again at some point.” You felt his thumb caress your shoulder. 
“In all honesty, I thought it would be quite childish at first when I had no idea where to begin looking for you. But it did turn out to be very fun, yes.” He paused, “You won’t beat me though.”
“I didn’t use my magic this time, I won’t hold back on you next time.” You retorted, a playful pout on your lips. 
“Then it would only be fair if I did the same, no?” He asked in return. 
“No, it wouldn’t because I’m still a human at the end of the day and you’re a dhampir and technically the prince of fucking vampires. Cut me some slack.” Your hand massaged his scalp and you felt him laugh against your neck. 
“Always something to whine about.” There was the familiar banter that you adored.  “Well perhaps, during our bath, you can give me something else to whine about, my love.” You pressed a kiss to his head and he hummed in satisfaction at such a proposal.
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
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getglovesnow-blog · 6 years
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Custom Fan Gloves
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averoseart · 5 years
I got my silver fangs and I love them! Hit up @alligatorjesus this weekend to get your own! We’ll both be at the @odditiesfleamarket at the @globetheatre_la all weekend with many more mind blowing underground artists and vendors. @alligatorjesus will be in the balcony and I’ll be in the creepy basement! Get your tickets now! See you there! #averose #averoseart #fanglover #fangmaker #oddityartist #silverfangs #modernvampire https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KjEA5DylI/?igshid=18uvdj5174nza
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