rosalie-winters · 2 years
The meek human trailed a few steps behind Rosalie. The sweet little thing hardly protest at all when Rosalie informed them that it would be a friend they were feeding this evening instead of Rose. To hear that it was the Overlord proved to be a great honor in the eyes of the feeder. She’d chosen carefully to ensure the highest quality blood, the most accommodating, and the most trusted of those whom she kept in contact with just for this purpose. Their little walk through the manor taking the less traveled halls. The last thing that she wished to hear was a sermon from Matias regarding bringing Kazimir someone to feed off of. This was simply a convenience rather than an attempt to replace the human. Still she doubted he would believe her should he find out. Best to avoid the conflict before it began.
Knocking on the door, Rose straightened the garments of the feeder, tucking strands of hair back into place. The packaging of the blood never truly mattered when it was simply a need for blood. Still her pride only allowed Rosalie to present the best to represent her. Besides, once upon a time Kazimir had been an artist. Once thing that they had in common even after years of darkness was an appreciation for beauty. 
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hxlfcrxzy · 3 years
Cardelle < Kazimir
Card: Kazimir? It's Cardelle.
Card: I know I'm one of the last people you'd want to talk to right now.
Card: But I think we should. If you'll allow me.
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cavernovs · 3 years
Location: Kazimir’s Manor Time: 23:50 Closed for: @fangedkazimir​
In her time in her role, Jessie had seen a multitude of calamities that had left parts of the Westside in pieces, lost people that she’d cared for and been charged with maintaining the order despite her own personal opinions. She’d always done what was necessary; what benefitted her kind and kept them from extinction – because that was the threat of this century once again, and it had been a common battle since the last war. She’d put aside trivialities that were considered luxuries to others in order to further their standing and keep them from falling as the world once did.
Power meant sacrifice. 
What Malcolm had done – when compared to everything she’d seen, was nothing more than a lovestruck youth blinded by emotions. He’d never known real consequence – the closest he’d likely come was when Jessie had taken his life from him and offered him one anew. She’d seen something in him then. Questionably, not the same thing she saw in her protégé now. But she stood by her word – she’d do what she could for him, remind him of the position he’d put their kind in, without even mentioning the one that she herself may have been dropped into because of a rash decision in a moment of weakness.
But that was up to Kazimir, not her.
She couldn’t change what he’d done, and the start of repairing the damage; the rift between the West that pitted humanity against the immortals once again in a volatile match of lives needed to be done carefully, and without antagonising either party involved.
It just had to be the Commander, didn’t it Malcolm?
Even she couldn’t stop red lips from ghosting a smile – disbelief that of every creature left on the the plain of this world... But if she began to rewind back to play the game of blame, then it would be her found responsible for putting the dominoes in motion. Mal was her protégé, she’d never stopped his infatuation – never believed he’d have listened without something drastic.
So after the initial surprise – it really wasn’t surprising at all; it was an inevitability.
Heels stopped outside Kaz’s office, a knuckle rapped gently against the wood – a moment given before she stepped inside. She expected it would be a long, drawn-out strategy put together by the both of them, two powerful minds with skills that rivalled one another’s strengths. By the end of it, she imagined that for the first time in a while, she and Kazimir likely wouldn’t like some of the same results, have different minds about reprimands as well as recommendations. 
However, his would always be followed – and as Jessie has always done, she’d stand by necessity.
“Kazimir,” a beat – no delay, neither of them were likely interested in small talk these days as she approached his desk. “How are they?”
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theteddy-byrne · 3 years
Coming clean
Teddy regretted very little..and very few things, but perhaps what he liked least of all was having to give explanations of any kind. He had never..owed anybody. Not like that..but in spite of Matias’ wishes to keep what had happened between the two of them a secret, the vampire knew better than that. He was sure Kazimir would find out one way or other..so any attempts at acting as if nothing had occurred would only anger the man more. Perhaps give him reason to be, in the first place.
So, brushing his touch over the fabrics covering the gunshot on his shoulder, Teddy Byrne ran a possible speech in his mind as crossed the manor with a determined step..until, he came to the male’s door. “Excuse me, Kazimir.” he cleared his throat as he knocked, “Would you have a moment?”
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oceanboundx · 2 years
@fangedkazimir​       josiah x kazimir where : overlord manor
he needs his help, and he knows to trust him, despite the rumors - he trusts him to be his ally, even if he might not be as easy to persuade, as jessie was. jessie was a step on the way to kazimir, and once the overlord was on their side; most of the vampires, if not all would too. the more - the marrier. he needed, they neeeded all the help they could get. they were lacking in numbers, and if they wanted to stand a chance against the demons - they needed back up that they could rely on. 
they had spoken, on the phone before he made his way over their territory. he sensed that it wasn’t a very good time, hell jessie even warned him that kazimir was preoccupied right now,  but josiah couldn’t wait another moment. the vampire was healing, resting, and he could continue to do so, in the presence of the mer - he would present his case quick and calm. and josiah was confident in his five minute elevator pitch skills - an advisor, as him, had to be prepared for all kinds of extreme situations. and he had the years, and the experience. and the fucked up genetics for it. 
his people let him in; close enough for him to knock on the large double doors. a crack followed, before the door opened wide and he was allowed entrance. 
“am i iinterrupting something? i’ve been told you’ve expected me.”
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zodixcwinter · 3 years
Loc: Kaz’s Who: Kazimir @fangedkazimir​
Exhaustion did not even begin to cover it. Ezra was almost certain that he’d never felt this tumultuous before - and never once had he considered that he might actually lose Kazimir. They’d come too fucking close - and after dragging as many humans as he could rustle to their home to feed Kaz and Teddy and get them healed, he was settled just outside the closed door to Kaz’s room, nervously rubbing a ring that the elder had given him centuries before between his thumb and forefinger. He was trying to sift through it all. Despair. Indignation. Vengeance. Disgust. Fear. Fear never touched him, he thought he had long since become immune but after that first message - he was certain that the terror had found a home inside of him and it was never going to let him go.
Slowly, he rose from the ground and knocked quietly on the door - because he could feel Kazimir through the wood and knew they were experiencing the same things - he needed to draw himself back and be there. “May I come in, Kazimir?”
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calamitousrpg · 3 years
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shiverrinqs · 3 years
closed starter for  with : Kaz and Yara
it sounded like the name of a comic villain. 
I mean, she wasn't about to say that to his face, but—it what she felt when she heard the title. A part of her was nervous, mostly because she didn't technically ask Laz if this would be okay. Being more useful to Lazarus was one thing. He was her sire. Though she would never admit it. Yara was more willing to do what he said than not. Granted, it had taken her a minute to get used to that idea, but she had. That was the point. 
While she knew that he had her best interest in mind. She couldn't help but think that they were going about her identity all wrong. Yes, she was Zyler's sister. Yes, he wasn't very well-liked by anyone in the vampire fraction, or any fraction really. Hiding her might have worked if Yara was still timid Zoya, the witch. Who she was and sitting around on her hands had never been her style, even as a witch. She had wanted to help her people then and while she didn't ask or want this life. After 180 years, she had embraced it. She was 470 years old. She knew how things worked. Given her brother's current ideals, if his pamphlet was any indication. He would more than likely want her dead. 
She had no interest in dying by his or anyone's hand.
So why not prove herself more valuable  alive rather than dead. If she could prove that to the Overlord and curry some kind of favor with him, he wouldn't use her as a pawn ..right? Fuck she really hoped not. Especially since she had gone through the effort to meet with the guy. She knocked on the door, pushing it open when she was told to enter. Stepping into his sanctum, she closed the door quickly behind her. Standing up straight, eyes facing towards the other, Yara stays near the door. Shit.. did she call him Overlord, or did she call him by his first name?
She decided to err on the side of caution. Damn, she should have smoked before she came here. Not that it would help. 
"Overlord, I’m Yara Clementine. I asked to meet with you." 
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deathbeckons · 3 years
@fangedkazimir​  /  @oftragxdy​
Matias hadn’t even thought it was a question, so he hadn’t bothered to ask Kazimir if they were going to the party or not. He walked into the vampires office, ready already in his leather chest harness with a sheer black crop top and skin-tight black short shorts. The gold collar around his chest glinted in the light, but attached to it and tucked down into the harness was a green light-up leash. He even had glitter patterns on his face but he saw that Kazimir wasn’t dressed to go out and his brow furrowed, “Oh... We’re not going?” Matty pouted, looking down at his outfit before looking up at the Overlord. “I know that you’re the Overlord, and you have appearances to keep up but... Please? Please can we go? My friends will be there and I know you’re not going to let me go on my own this time. Everyone’s going. Everyone, Kaz. Maybe... Maybe your other human will be there? We could just go for just an hour and then come home if you want? Please?” 
It didn’t take much more pouting for the vampire to say yes, and soon they were at White Swallow with wide eyes looking around the room of barely clothed people. Now this was a party. No matter how much he wanted to run off and explore, he only moved to the bar... Where he saw Axel. Great. His comment earlier was not meant to be true, but there the second-in-command was. Grabbing a drink as the cogs turned in his mind, he ignored Axel and turned to Kazimir, “Do you mind if I go and request a song from the DJ? I’ll come straight back.” 
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deathbeckons · 3 years
he had been bratting out to kazimir via text, completely focused on himself and seeing his friend. though, his love saying that he didn’t trust him had hurt and it had caused him to lash out in the only way he knew. until matias received the text message saying that the overlord was bleeding, and couldn’t get it to stop. he had no idea why in the hell he hadn’t come straight to matty, but the feeder rushed to the vampire’s office.
“you should’ve come straight to me.” the human chided, taking over putting pressure on the wound whilst standing on his tiptoes and offering his neck. “drink. as much as you need.” matias instructed, leaving no room for it to even be taken as something to be questioned. kazimir had said once that he was bossy when he was worried, and he sure as shit was. “i can go for teddy to blood if i need it, ok? and he’s coming with more for you just in case.” a beat before he spoke again. “please, mi rey, what happened?” 
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deathbeckons · 3 years
We saw what happened between Axel and Kazimir. We want to hear your revenge plan.
ask my muse the hard hitting questions!
my revenge plan? i don't have one, as disappointing as that might sound to you. kazimir has asked me not to go near axel, or go looking for him, and so that's what i'll respect. can't promise i'll be so nice if he tries to make a return to the darklands, though. @fangedkazimir @oftragxdy
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deathbeckons · 3 years
Rumor has it you're happier than ever (matty)
that rumour would be entirely correct! ( @fangedkazimir / @theteddy-byrne )
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hxlfcrxzy · 3 years
“Continuous record of events in order of time...9 across...” He spoke aloud to himself, tapping the tip of his pen against his bottom lip and hummed, eyes not once leaving the small booklet in front of him. It would be considered a rarity of sorts, having a vampire sat at a feeding club ignoring the intended purpose of the club, the feeding, in favour of sitting at the bar, wine infused with blood sat idly in a glass by his side as his full attention was in the book of crossword puzzles held in front of him. “...second letter H...” he huffed, taking a sip of his wine, savouring the taste before placing the glass back down and returning to his thought process. A figure lurked next to him for a moment before taking a seat, but Fox remained lost in his thinking, the only indication that he had seen the other was the motion of his hand on the bottom of his wineglass, pulling it closer to himself so as to give the other some space.
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deathbeckons · 3 years
@fangedkazimir​ @fire-blooded​
He could feel the exhaustion, the burning against his chest right over his heart and he couldn’t fucking find Damien. He was freaking out completely, until he remembered of the existence of the group chat. Thank god Kazimir replied quickly, and the second he was told he could go the the manor, Malcolm was running over there as fast as his legs would carry him, a vampire he didn’t particularly recognise letting him into the manor. He saw Matias poking out from one of the doorways, and shot him a look of understanding but gestured for him to get back inside; The last thing he wanted right now was for Kazimir to take any anger out on Matias. He approached where he was told Kazimir was, and knocked on the door before entering. Mal didn’t want to meet the Overlord’s eyes, but he forced himself to, and knowing Damien was safe had sent a wave of relief through him. “Sir, I-- I apologise. I know I’ve created a big mess for you, and I know he got away but... I didn’t have a choice. He didn’t hurt anyone did he? Where did you find him?” If he looked at Damien right now, he would fall apart and he couldn’t do that in front of the Overlord so it was enough for him to just be able to sense that he was there, see him out of the corner of his eye. That lasted for all of two more minutes, before he groaned at his own stupidity and rushed to Damien, cupping his cheeks and looking him over, hand going to his chest where he knew the man had been hurt even if only a little bit, “Why did you do that? Why did you run out on me? Are you hurt? You can’t do that, Damien... You can’t run out on your own when you can’t control yourself yet.” Malcolm took a deep breath, getting himself together before turning back to Kazimir. “I-- What happens now, sir? What do we do?” 
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deathbeckons · 3 years
Matias: do you really think teddy could ever see you as anything more than a fuck toy?
no, i don't and there's no need for him to. sure it would be nice to be his friend, but aside from that i don't need him to see me as anything more. i am loyal to kazimir, and unfortunately for teddy our past does not change that.
@fangedkazimir / @theteddy-byrne
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deathbeckons · 3 years
Malcolm was seething to realise that Jessie would’ve felt the danger he found himself in with Demitri when he was punished by the older vampire; he was seeing red, calmed only by the burn of the alcohol at the back of his throat mixed with the blood that was put in his drink. He wanted to tear someone’s throat out, not for the taste of the blood or the killing of humans, but to satiate the rage he felt. He imagined his teeth ripping out Demitri’s throat, but something told him he wouldn’t get very far with that.
As soon as he had calmed enough to face the Overlord with some semblance of decorum, Malcolm made his way outside and looked around for the man. “Kazimir?” He called, before finally setting eyes on him and moving closer to the other. “I apologise for creating drama amongst us, and I apologise if I snap, but I just—... I’ve never been this angry. I can’t stand him thinking he’s fucking better than everyone. Superior to everyone.”
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