#false taco bell satan
the-kipsabian · 2 years
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tonysolomon4jc · 3 months
The satanic Illuminati runs the television industry, music industry, fashion industry, financial industry, health care industry, video game industry, and many other industries, because they want all of the money while promoting the 7 deadly sins of pride, lust, jealously, greed, gluttony, sloth (laziness), and wrath (sinful anger). They also promote fear, violence,, witchcraft, drugs and alcohol. They are not anti religion. They are antichrist. Meaning that they do as much as possible to get us to avoid promoting and obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father. Turn off your TV. They study what causes you to sin. Switch to Christian music. Stop being programmed by satan. Be holy and stay pure. You were bought at a price by your God. You will be judged for your words, thoughts and actions. Fasting and praying breaks demonic strongholds. Repent or perish. Luke 13:3 Confess your sins and be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 Keep the faith in Jesus Christ until you die. No matter how bad things get on Earth. God loves you and will never leave a true follower of Jesus Christ. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Study the Holy Bible. We're in the end times. Stay holy, pure, sober, humble, loving and meek. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. Be blessed and bless others with love. The satanic Illuminati is anti-Christ & they love the numbers 13 & 33. Revelation 13 is the chapter that talks about the 1st & 2nd Beast (the Antichrist & the False Prophet) demanding the Mark of the Beast.
Mark 13:13 says that we will be hated for the name of Jesus, but if we endure as followers of Jesus Christ until the end then we will be saved from damnation in Hell.
They love the number 33, because Jesus possibly died at 33 & 33% of the angels were kicked out of heaven with satan & turned into fallen angels/demons that are condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire. We'll get the crown of eternal life if we keep our faith in Jesus Christ until we die. Watch how often news or movie statistics have 13 or 33 in them. M is the13th letter in the alphabet. Look for M, W, 13 & 33. A vast amount of satanic Illuminati symbolism can be found in probably every corporate logo, superbowl halftime show, music & movie award show, cartoon & movie. For instance, the Taco Bell logo has a 666 in it. It consists of 3 6's (a pink 6, a blue 6 & a yellow 6). The yellow 6 also represents satan's eye (like on the top of the pyramid on the $1 bill). Most celebrities show us the one-eyed salute of allegiance to satan when they get their photo taken. They purposefully hide one of their eyes. Thus giving satan the one-eyed salute of allegiance. Google "celebrities one eye Illuminati photo". They also thow up devil horns or the OK hand sign since to them it is the 666 sign. Presidents do to. They often take photos with the 666 hand sign over their eye. Many corporations are named after pagan gods, AKA demons. Nike was a pagan god. Walt Disney, Kellogg, Monster energy drinks, Google chrome, & Coca-Cola are a few logos with 666 hidden in them. The satanic Illuminati controls the major corporations. There are many websites that show us the corporate logos with triple 6's, stars, pyramids, lightning (because Jesus said that he saw satan fall like lightning), suns, moons, Satan's eye & other Illuminati symbols hidden in plain view. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Study God's word daily and stay holy. Be rapture ready & preach Jesus Christ!! The satanic Illuminati like the letter X. It is getting more popular in culture. Like Twitter's new name and x-men. It reminds the NWO of the square & compass & skull & crossbones. The immune systems are already weakened, from the mRNA. Messiah 2030 shows how 53 Bible prophecies point to 2030. That means that 2030 is really going to be The Great Reset. The WEF is talking about The Great Reset of the World in 2030. That means that disease X is part of the 7 year tribulation period from Revelation, which may have just begun in 2024. Study God's word daily. Repent. Obey Jesus Christ. Keep your faith in Jesus no matter how bad things get. Guard your eyes, ears and heart. Please God with your thoughts and behavior. Trust God's perfect will, word and timing. Praise Jesus with your music. Preach repentance and The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray to God only. Pray in complete faith in Jesus' name. Be blessed and bless others with love. 🙏
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quranreadalong · 6 years
#27, Surah 4
That last wife-beating ayah was pretty heavy, I know. Fortunately, today’s section is less about how to discipline your disobedient wives and more about how disbelievers suck. It almost feels refreshing, doesn’t it? Surah four’s been pretty light on it so far, but the chapter is still young.
4:35 mentions a sort of Islamic marriage counseling via proxy, where, in the event that a man and his wife seem to be unhappy or headed for divorce, mediators from members of both of their families meet and decide whether this issue should result in the marriage continuing or being dissolved. Neutral enough (although in practice it often results in the woman being goaded into staying in an unhappy or unsafe situation tbh).
The next ayah is one of those verses, common throughout surah four, that is fine until you reach the very end:
And serve Allah. Ascribe no thing as partner unto Him. (Show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbour who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbour who is not of kin, and the fellow-traveller and the wayfarer and (the slaves) whom your right hands possess.
Well........ we’re just gonna ignore that whole “be nice to the human being you are enslaving” part and put this down as good with an asterisk. Anyway, the next ayah continues this train of thought, condemning greed, but then shifts into kuffar hell counter (1) territory without warning:
For disbelievers We prepare a shameful doom
So repetitive and we’re barely 500 ayat into the Quran. The next ayah is basically a rephrasing of this one, saying again that greedy people and those who “believe not in Allah nor the Last Day” are hellbound and friends of Satan. In contrast, 4:39 says that Muslims have nothing to fear from death, which is neutral on its own. 4:40 is even good on its own, saying that Allah rewards good deeds (of Muslims). You already know where this is going:
But how (will it be with them) when We bring of every people a witness, and We bring thee (O Muhammad) a witness against these?  On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger will wish that they were level with the ground, and they can hide no fact from Allah.
Allah sent Mohammed to judge the disbelievers, so follow Mohammed or suffer eternally to the point you’ll wish you were six feet under. Bad and another kuffar hell counter update (2).
4:43 tells Muslims that they can’t pray if they’ve been in contact with gross or icky things lately, like poop or their wife’s vagina. This is a reference to purification/ablution/whatever you wish to call it, which is accomplished with water. The full ablution is termed ghusl, while wudu is basically lesser ablution, ie washing less of your body. Tayamum is the term for ablution that can be done if you don’t have any water handy. The Quran barely mentions any of these things; their instructions are in the ahadith.
There are many reasons why one might need to purify oneself via one of the above methods. The reasons one needs to perform wudu are especially petty. Like........ passing gas. Lo! Allah loveth not those who smell of Taco Bell. Allah also does not want to hear your prayers if you’ve had sex, done some other sexual activity (including wet dreams!), or had your period without sufficiently cleansing yourself. You have to take this bath that has various steps first. Hope you don’t have any urgent prayers the moment your period stops!! (I should mention that the phrasing of this--if “ye have touched women”--causes some Islamic scholars to think you need to perform ablution if you’ve literally even touched a woman, so that’s cute.)
Now let’s talk about the disbelievers a bit. 4:44 reminds us, as we have been told many times before, that Jews are trying to lead Muslims astray. The next ayah names such people enemies. Don’t worry, Allah will deal with them. Bad.
Speaking of Jews, they suck.
Some of those who are Jews change words from their context and say: "We hear and disobey; hear thou as one who heareth not" and "Listen to us!" distorting with their tongues and slandering religion. If they had said: "We hear and we obey: hear thou, and look at us" it had been better for them, and more upright. But Allah hath cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, save a few.
Dumb Jews refuse to obey Mohammed, save a few. (We will talk about the, like, three converted Jewish guys who are “the few” in a little while.) They are cursed, as we have established 100 times by now. But remember this “we hear and disobey” thing? We were told Moses’ disbelieving followers said it, and now Mohammed’s contemporary Jews say it, too. Also, the “Listen to us!” thing was also in the second surah--Mohammed forbade his followers from saying it. Islamic scholars believed it involved some shifty wordplay on the Jews’ part, but no one could ever figure out what wordplay.
The following verse is also talking about Jews, and note that Mo’s already piss-poor attitude towards them is worsening with time:
O ye unto whom the Scripture hath been given! Believe in what We have revealed confirming that which ye possess, before We destroy countenances so as to confound them, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers (of old time). The commandment of Allah is always executed.
Literally “obey me or else”. Nice! This section is horrible and extremely bad so far! The curse in question, if you recall, is that Allah turned the Sabbath-breakers into apes and pigs. Strap in because the whole remainder of this section is fucking terrible. First of all, polytheists? Sinners.
Lo! Allah forgiveth not that a partner should be ascribed unto Him. He forgiveth (all) save that to whom He will. Whoso ascribeth partners to Allah, he hath indeed invented a tremendous sin.
Note that the threat of hellfire is only implied but not stated here, so I am kindly not including it in the counter. It is still bad, though!
4:49 mocks those (Jews) who claim to be pure (not that Mohammed would ever try to do such a thing, no sir!), which is neutral on its own. Those people tell lies about Allah and are thus sinners. Hmm... I think I get it, Mohammed, but can you be a little more specific? Sure, he says:
Hast thou not seen those unto whom a portion of the Scripture hath been given, how they believe in idols and false deities, and how they say of those (idolaters) who disbelieve: "These are more rightly guided than those who believe"?
Ah. What, exactly, Mohammed was referring to is debated but everyone agrees that it has to do with venerating objects (not “worshiping” them, not that Mohammed could tell the difference) and superstition. Al-Wahidi has a story about the Jews praying to Meccan idols which is probably bullshit. Anyway, Mohammed says it’s bad and people who do it are cursed and will have no helpers.
His rant about The Jews continues in 4:53-55, saying that they are greedy and envious of Allah blessing Muslims. They shouldn’t be jealous, he says, because the Jews were already blessed a long time ago via Abraham--at least those who followed his commands. “And of them were (some) who believed therein and of them were (some) who turned away from it. Hell is sufficient for (their) burning”. Also:
Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.
Ah, finally an unambiguous kuffar hell counter (3) update. Torturing disbelievers eternally, the way of Islam.
That seems like a good place to end.
NEXT TIME: More of this, I am sorry to say.
The Quran Read-Along: Day 27
Ayat: 22
Good: 2 (4:36*, 4:40)
Neutral: 5 (4:35, 4:39, 4:43, 4:49-50)
Bad: 15 (4:37-38, 4:41-48, 4:51-56)
Kuffar hell counter: 3 (4:37-38, 4:42, 4:55-56)
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