#excuse my English sometimes I'm not sure if it's correct 😅
weeping-mistytree · 11 months
I know you hate inbox messages like me but I saw you on my dash and I couldn't resist. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you are having a good day friend ❤️and send you lots of good vibes, don't forget take care of yourself today
I wish for you the same! You may encounter always the good in everything, even when you find some obstacles in your path, you might persist them ad keep on going! I will pray the gods for your well being too ❤️
Thank you and have a beautiful day/night 🥰❤️
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peachypinkygloss · 11 months
tips to write for people whose first language it's not english? sorry if i just confused you but i think I read somewhere that english it's not your first language and I'm trying to get into writing again, but in english.
If it wasn't you, sorry you can ignore this. Haha.
love you and your fics🩷
don't worry! yes, it was written on my navigation before, but I removed it because I thought it didn't fit :') I don't know your level in English, so excuse me if you already know/do the tips I'll give you 🥲 but I consider them really helpful! they are just under the cut 💕
Proofread your works and use google docs to correct your grammar mistakes. I always copy/paste my fics in google docs to check if my phrasings and wordings are correct. You could use grammarly, I think it does even a better job (i'm personally too embarrassed to put in my smut lmao).
Use synonyms and adjectives! It's refreshing to not always read the same words or expressions. Be sure to stay close to the original meaning of the word and to not use words you're not familiar with. Sometimes it won't mean the same in your language versus in English.
Expand your vocabulary by reading books or even fics in English. Google words you don't know even if you understand the context. It happened to me to use words I've seen in similar context, but it didn't mean at all what I thought. Don't rely too much on fanfics because even though there are great authors, some don't really follow grammar rules (even with English as their first language), so you could get fooled. 😅
Practice! a lot, lot, lot... At first, it really isn't as natural as in your native language (it still feels unnatural sometimes 😳), but the more you write and read, the more it's easier and smoother. Don't compare yourself too much to others and remember to go at your own rhythm.
I don't think I have more tips like these, at least those are the ones I'm thinking of right now. Honestly, it won't be perfect in the beginning (my writing was awful back then), so really, the key is to practice. Google translate is a good friend of mine, don't be scared to use it as well 😁 If you already have a basis in your native language, it's awesome. Even though you're using completely different words, it's still the same process.
I won't lie, your level in English influences your writing a lot, too. I suppose yours is pretty good since you speak really well, but in case, you can always watch YouTube videos, there are a tons explaining grammar rules.
I think this is all!? If you need help on anything or have questions, don't hesitate to send me an ask or even a dm. I'm always there to help 🫶🏻 Thank you for reading my works, baby, love u too 💋 xox
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heybaetae · 1 year
Okay so! I apologise in advance because this ask might be a little chaotic and all over the place but hopefully you'll get what I'm trying to ask 😅 So as someone who didn't learn English as a second or third or whatever language, when you interact with people who's first language is not English and they might not use a perfectly structured sentence and sometimes just put words after each other, do you still understand exactly what the other person wants to express? For example when I was taught in school we had to learn how to structure a sentence and what word comes after what but after speaking english for years I don't even think about that anymore and sometimes I just put words after each other which might not be the proper/perfect way of saying that sentence. Sometimes I just >literally< translate what I want to say from my first language to English. My first language's sentence structure is very similar to English but it's still different in some way. So when I just translate from my language to English, it might not be how you are >supposed< to say it in English but we always say that if they (the other person you are speaking with) understand what you want to say, then you don't even need to use perfect grammar.
But I was really curious about how a person whose first language is english thinks about/views this? And I'm sure my ask wasn't grammatically correct either (I'm pretty sure I was taught not to start sentences with 'but' because that's not correct, but we do start sentences with 'but' so I'm once again just literally translating what I'm trying to say) so that might be an example of what I'm trying to ask 😅
i understand perfectly what you’re asking, which might even be somewhat of an answer to your question! if i’m already aware that english isn’t someone’s first language, but they can still string a sentence together in english, i can usually figure out what they mean even if it’s not technically grammatically correct. if i don’t immediately know that it’s not their first language, i can sometimes pick up on it, but it’s not bothersome or anything. i try not to assume that english is everyone’s first language. but i think since it’s mine, my brain just knows how to fill in the blanks or rearrange any wording that may not have been perfectly accurate when it was spoken/written. if that makes sense? to be really honest, i’m a bit of a grammar snob but only with other native english speaking people lol. it drives me crazy when i know for a fact that someone’s first language is english and they have terrible grammar. but of course, it’s excusable when it’s not someone’s first language and i always do my best to remember considering that before i judge someone on how they speak. i hope this answered your question!
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