#everyone’s just tagging her as Niko guys she has a last name
tokenducks · 15 days
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notesandcoffee · 7 years
Opinions 4.16-7
I keep getting the sinking feeling that I've missed something horribly important, no matter how I interpret this episode. I've watched them both several times at this point, and things aren't just adding up for me. I'm hoping writing this will make things clearer for me, so bear with me if it's not super-polished. UPDATE: kinda helped, but not really. Feel free to shoot me an ask if you’re confused, because chances are really high I am too.
Our blacklister for the first part is a bee-shirted lady hunting down bad guys in a revenge quest. I just really enjoy the thought of all of those moving parts together, but I kind of wish that we got more of a glimpse into her daily life as an apiarist rather than just her wearing her bee-shirt as therapy. I wanted to bee more invested in her, and I wanted to see evidence of the fire, rather than having it bee in an infodump there at the end. But adding all of that in would have taken screentime from other plots I prefer, so I suppose it worked out in the end. In the first part of our two-part premiere, Dembe kidnaps Aram out of Janet's arms and into the trunk of a car, which he stops to force Aram in to... the trunk of another car. Dembe has a master plan in mind to clear his name with Reddington, and that is to figure out who opened the safe first, which is why he needs our master hacker, despite not knowing the slightest else about him. Aram pulls the data from the safe, and in a bit that hits too close to home for me, the data that he pulls is fucking useless unless he can break the encryption. Around this time, Dembe realizes that Aram  doesn't want to harm him, no matter how much he waves a gun at Aram, and the two tag-team to break into the security company to get the encryption to figure out who made it into the safe. Aram's protective, hyper-analytical personality is matched by Dembe's stoic loyalty to Reddington, causing Aram to pick up on things Dembe wasn't really planning on telling his hostage. With all the courage that comes from shit-talking "Agent Zuma" in front of the guard at the crypto-security company, Aram manages to steal the encryption key without much of an issue, until his colleagues show up to collect Dembe for Reddington. At the same time, Aram's kidnapping sets off a sequence of events in the P.O. Cooper and Ressler take turns taking shots at Red, both worried for their colleague. No one's really wrong in this scenario, but considering the amount of sympathy that's been garnered for Red, the rest of the P.O. comes across as callous to the audience. Red and Liz are searching for Dembe via his daughter (and granddaughter), the only two other people Dembe cares about. The relationship between our leads appears amicable, although there are a noticed lack of sentimental moments between the two in favor of Red's long stories and Liz's focus on the search. Red also calls in Glen, who happens to be in the middle of helping a Spanish-speaking driver, and is easily the funniest part of the premiere. Glen and Red bicker and get under each other's skin while both men are giving Spanish instructions to a confused señora, with Liz tagging along in the backseat. It gives everyone (literal) whiplash how quickly the scene ends and we're left with just Red and Liz again, but I'm always happy to see Glen in an episode. The interactions between Elise Janet and Navabi are cutthroat and tense, with each making suppositions about the other. After hearing of Aram's kidnapping, Navabi grabs Janet and immediately begins interrogating her for answers, without hearing the rest of the briefing. Not to be outdone with the emotional outbursts, Janet spends a solid amount of time trying to provoke Navabi into a reaction at their relationship. Navabi is mostly focused on getting Aram back into a not-kidnapped state, but she's barely holding it together around Janet's constant prodding, mostly by talking about Aram and his past. By the time Aram confronts her, she's done with talking about him and his relationship, having heard everything she needs to know through Janet. He gives a heartfelt statement about how he actually feels about her, and she responds in turn by trying to terrify him. Love triangles are such a bland "romantic" plotline in general that it's hard for me to believe I'm looking at one, but here we are. Everyone's trying their hardest to be mature about the whole thing, but no one actually is. While there's plenty of character development to be had here, I'm confused as to why I should be invested in this storyline. No one comes out on top in any scenario. If Aram had told Navabi earlier just how much her intensity scared him, or if Navabi had been a bit more clear with her intentions when she started, or Janet could just... stop fucking trying to get Navabi to punch her for a half-second, I would have reason to root for someone. That being said, other fans are more endeared to Navabi in a way that I don't relate to through this story, and want Aram to stay with Janet, so more power to them. I'm just having a hard time figuring out who it is I should be cheering for, even though my fave is in it. For the record, I don't like Janet with Aram, because she seems more intent on controlling him and showing him off than she does actually healing the damage she did while undercover. The episode even acknowledges this at one point, as Janet throws herself at Aram as he stares over her shoulder at Navabi. From the way Aram talks to Navabi at the end, being openly honest with her about what he loves admires about her, it's not hard to guess why Janet would be as insecure as she is. But Navabi, of course, turns it back on him in an apathetic rage. She has every right to, of course, but I can't help thinking that Aram is likely more of an anxious mess after that interaction than anything else. Friend. At any rate, that's not really what people are talking about, is it? This is the point where things start to fall apart, at least for me. Full disclosure: this is my understanding of events. This may or may not be correct, but it is mine. I had to write out most of the episode to merely understand what happened, but since it's been capped and recapped by now, I'll spare you that draft and just cut to the analysis. It's revealed that Katheryn Nemec -- better known to Liz as Mr. Kaplan -- poisoned the wine and is responsible for Red's episode. There was nothing surprising or dramatic about the reveal, as the audience knew the whole time about her struggle to stay alive, but I think I would have preferred at least the attempt at humor to help balance out how dark the whole idea was. Instead we got Creeper McCreeperson blowing himself up after a fight in the woods to help protect a woman he had chained to the bed at one point. Okay, then. The difference between Kaplan and every other villain that we've had on the show is that the past isn't a thing that separates the audience from Red and the villain. Luthor Braxton knew Red before Liz, brought it up with him as he taunted him while the audience was left completely in the dark, but that's not at all the case here. Here, the attempt is made to walk us through how exactly Kate became a villain, outlining her relationships with Katerina, Annie, and Nikos all in a span of minutes, memories triggered while on a gruesome road trip literally digging up Reddington's past murders. The explanation in flashback doesn't really work how it might be intended to, for me, but it is an attempt nonetheless. We know that Kaplan's spent more time backing up Red and being there for him independently of Elizabeth; it doesn't make sense that Kate would betray Red so quickly in such a span of time, especially when her main loyalty is to Liz, and not Red. Liz has nothing to be obviously gained by betraying Red at this point, though Kaplan makes the argument before Red leaves to turn himself in. I think I would like to see Kate really struggle with the idea of betraying Red in her own mind in upcoming episodes, to really underline that betraying Red and Liz, by extension, is something she isn't at all used to. I did actually like the idea of exploring who Kaplan is and why she's such a close asset to Red, but I really wish that it was clearer where exactly the pieces fall in this case. I felt like the exploration of Kate's backstory really needed to be two episodes, and a lot of the things that would have held the story together must have ended up on the cutting room floor, likely due to time. Little details that would have made Katerina more human and not just a personal illusion, Masha's personality as a toddler, and Kaplan's life when she wasn't with the Rostovas. There were quite a few unanswered questions by the end of the episode, and I found myself trying to make sense of a myriad of continuity errors -- just in the episode itself, outside of the story arc it's located in. To cite an example I wrote too much about in a previous draft, why is "the American" described as blond when he's clearly not? And why is Dembe worthy of forgiveness for "betraying" Red when Kaplan is not? How did Kaplan get ahold of the fulcrum in a shitty motel room after a week of being inside? Why is there so much weird emphasis on Katerina's sex life? That last question was actually enough to throw me out of the story about the third or fourth time it was mentioned, and I was left wondering why we needed to care about it. The American -- later referred to as "Raymond" and very clearly not Spader -- was with Katerina in the car, but Spader insists to Kate that he had an affair with Katerina as well. It made me wonder which I should be believing, and it felt disrespectful to Katerina to watch. And Katerina's bisexual, by the way. I will not get into discussions or arguments about it because it's 100% true. Moving back to my previous point, there are a lot of continuity errors, most of them un-accidental. Kaplan's memory is shattered, and we're seeing odd-placed clips that describe her time only after meeting Katerina. In the ending story in 4.11 ("The Harem"), we hear about Kaplan's sister being involved in witness protection. Red spends the better part of that episode tracking down information related to Kate's sister, risking Liz's life in the process, making Kaplan's story -- the whole story -- of deep importance to Red. This incident had to have made an impact on Kaplan, but of all the memories we see, that isn't one of them. Either it happened before Kaplan met Katerina, it didn't happen at all, or Kaplan's memory is shattered beyond repair. The first is plausible, the second is not, and the third opens up a possibility that we don't see confirmation of on-screen -- the idea that Kaplan's memories aren't 100% accurate. One of the recurring themes of "Blacklist" is it's use of memory and how the mind can play tricks, and in some cases, torture. We spent the better part of 2 seasons trying to get into Liz's childhood memories, and spent a whole episode in Red's memories of Katerina and their relationship. But the main difference here is that if we are in Kaplan's memory, if it is shattered, it's not explained to the viewer the same way as it is with Liz and Red. Kaplan's memories are presented as unfiltered flashback, the kind that you see in a kind of extended montage. There's no hazy lighting to show that it might be a memory of a memory as we've seen in Liz, no explanation scene as we saw with Red. Just the idea that being shot in the head twice probably isn't the best way to remember the past. What does all of this mean? Is Kaplan on a weird revenge quest against Red, or a rescue mission for Liz? What's her best-case scenario in this situation? Is Dembe going to pay the same consequences as Kaplan, or is he forgiven? Has Agnes moved out with TK? Why would we not get an explanation for the gross incontinuity that is Kaplan's memory, or even a hint that it may not be accurate? What actually happened to Kaplan's sister, and why did Katerina pick Sam to take care of Liz? And who am I supposed to cheer for? The audience surrogate is Liz as a premise, and she's torn over the idea of Kaplan and Red feuding, and Red offers very little comfort in that regard. I would like to see Red actually acknowledge Liz's pain and try to comfort her. It would provide a sentimental moment between the two of them, and we would see more of how Red feels about the ordeal. Twitter kept pace with our breakneck episodes, and it was hard for me to keep up with everything and my cocktail at the same time. In truth, I think that's how I prefer it, so I won't complain. Hatley's back to interacting with all kinds of feedback again, too, but it seems most of our friends in the writers' room have been quiet, for the most part. I wonder what that's about.
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toyfrog · 7 years
Did Donald say this in Esteban too?
Cooper: The meeting is set for the National Museum.
In 04-09 there’s another museum location
You’ll be going to Cuba undercover, as tourists.
Samar: He’ll be going. Not me. You may be fine with doing this job, no matter how you feel. I can’t.
“No matter how you feel.”
That’s the emphasis.
Ressler: How you feel? How about how Keen feels? Forget about what she did and try to figure out why she did it.
“Try to figure out why she did it.”
Liz is his partner. Liz comes first before the job. The job is the excuse to defend Liz.
Even though she lied to him. Used him. Took advantage of him the man is joyous and livid all at the same time.
Is he still livid now? Or might he do something to prevent Keen from ever leaving him again?
Samar: I have, and someday, maybe I’ll be okay with it.
That’s Thursday.
But right now I’m not.
What? You’re okay with this?
No. But for now, I accept it. You’ll be going alone.
Till he gets his real partner back.
Esteban: The Americans want me dead, so our relationship dies with me, so I get embarrassed.
Ressler: Look, I’m not here to kill you, pal, I’m here to tell you that Raymond Reddington wants to see you.
Stewmaker: “I’m not the guy you kill I’m the guy you pay.”
Esteban: Oh, so now the US government is Reddington’s messenger.
Ressler: Oh, you know how it works. The American government has deals with all kinds of scumbags.
Plot point.
Liz: I faked my death to have a normal life. There’s nothing normal about being held prisoner.
Kirk: A temporary inconvenience. You’ll see in time that the normal life you want, I’m the only one who can give that to you.
Did this play out? Is he talking about the house and money?
Ressler: We have an ETA on that plane? There it's is! Go back to 318 what did "Tom" say after Liz water broke? "What's our ETA?" This is Bokenkamp and Eisendrath this is what Ressler says for the past 4 years in dialogue. Not Tom and not last season until THAT episode whenLiz gave birth.?
Red: Your job here is done, Donald.
Ressler: Like hell it is. [there it is again. In 3/18 only Tom said it.] [the cruelty and deliberate how should I say it, endless water boarding to a faithful audience is sick. And they really don't deserve the amazing cast they have, fans, and writers.] of 3B I came here to get Keen. I’m not leaving without her.
Red: You think I’m gonna let you tag along so you can inform the people who kidnapped Elizabeth they have the right to remain silent? I appreciate your assistance, but I’m not interested in having an ethical debate with you about whether they have the right to consult with an attorney before I put a bullet in their head. Excuse me. [ Door bell jingles ]
He didn’t kill Kirk.
What about that dirtball? I suppose you think, uh, I should be okay with letting him walk. It’s entirely up to you. You made a deal with him. Yes, in order to save Elizabeth, I made a deal with the devil of the day. I did you didn’t.
It was a charade, Aram.
Or as Red stated in 3/17 to Donald, an elaborate feint.
So Agent Keen is alive?
Reddington. Where are you? Tell me you have Agent Keen.
Red: You spent a lifetime bouncing from one authoritarian regime to the next. But this is the last stop. You’re a relic. The detente between America and Cuba makes you a man without a country. Sooner or later, both sides will want you dead. My money’s on sooner. [Red has no country]
Panabaker: You told them he worked for us? Do you have any idea what kind of blowback I’m dealing with here? And it doesn’t take long to find out who told the Cubans.
Ressler: I heard it was an anonymous tip.
Agent Ressler… Are you a traitor or– or just a moron?
You’ll find out on Thursday. Notice the red parallels? A man without a country.
Ressler: Look, the Agency was gonna assassinate Esteban… I have no direct knowledge– …so the Cubans wouldn’t find out who was feeding secrets to the CIA. [whos feeding???]
Ressler: Whoever this anonymous source is, he just saved a lot of lives. [Reddington]
Panabaker??? What are you talking about? Now that America knows about Esteban’s little torture chamber, the Cubans are going to want plausible deniability.
Panabaker: Let’s not mince words. You took it upon yourself to tell the Cubans about our–
Ressler: No, I took it upon myself to stop what Esteban was doing. Do you have any idea what that was? No, because all you care about is what Esteban was doing for you. [Ressler broke the rules]
Panabaker: There are bigger issues, Agent Ressler.
Ressler: Torture, abuse, murder. I don’t see any bigger issues than that. [Foreshadowing.]
Aram: Excuse me. Navabi: Have you heard from Reddington? No. Uh, last time I spoke to him, he was on his way to the location where Agent Keen was being held. I’m sure he’ll call. I’m sure they’re okay
Aram: . I think you were wrong not going to Cuba. I’m not saying what Agent Keen did was right, but as long as her life is in danger, as long as Agnes’s life is in danger, I think we have to put our feelings aside.
Samar: What’s happening to Liz is her own fault. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s true.
Hell yes! Audience took Samar’s side in this too.
Oh Donald Donald…
Let’s see what JR Orci wrote in Mato:
Tom: You have nothing to apologize for. You tried to help us find a normal life. I’d take that risk again.
I will guess here this led to the Keen 2 screamfest? Trust me. He’s going to be stupid again. And liz will go off again.
Liz is a fugitive?
If you don’t mind me asking, who’s on the plane? Ressler: Friend.
Samar: A fugitive.
Daly: Sounds complicated.
Sounds like their ONS is coming out.
Aram I guess??? I know this is not about me, it is about Agent Keen, but I don’t know if I have the strength to lose her again.
Who said this? None of us do.
It’s plot point.
Okay go back to lady Ambrosia and the story about liz’ parents collapse of the Soviet Union (Red took Liz after she was born. Cape May “there was a man. He wouldn’t let me see her.”
Now this:
Kate: I betrayed you for the same reason I just betrayed Nikos– to keep Elizabeth safe, just like you asked me to all those years ago, when you first put her in my arms as a baby girl, only now she has a baby girl of her own, and your existence in their lives puts them in constant danger.
Liz was an infant. Red stole his child because legally he could not claim her as his own. (I knew this was what went down! Who is reading slowburn fix? I’m revealing this now! Carla Reddington, and Jennifer and Elizabeth.
Then it was Katarina Red and Masha.
After that it was Katarina Kirk and Masha because red was married to Carla with Jennifer.
Red has two daughters. They need to go back to this. Red had two wives two families one in Moscow one in the states. Two identities. The Fulcrum was to keep him safe so he wouldn’t be a double agent–he’d have protection. Treason a man without country.
Kate helped him through all of it. Now is Kate a colleague or a relative?
Kate: Everyone wants me to make things easier for them. Cleaner. That’s what I am, after all, the Cleaner.
Tom: Just forget I brought it up. Typical selfish prick
Kate: In my desire to make life easier for your baby, I betrayed Raymond, and now he doesn’t know what to do with me. Well, he knows what he has to do, and he wants me to make it easier for him. But I won’t. I’m not here to make him feel better, and I’m not here to make you feel better, Tom.
Unforgiving dialogue. Accountability for actions.
Kirk said they’re going to the Summer Palace. That’s all I know.
Red: Yes. I know the Summer Palace.
Sure he does. He used to play house with Katarina when Constantin was gone. That’s why Liz stuff is there. But that’s not the house he was shot in. He blew up that house in S1.
Kirk: It’s yours. It belongs to you and Agnes, of course. It’s a lovely location to raise a little girl, don’t you think?
Liz gonna get to keep this house?
The armed goons don’t do much for the landscape. Well, the coercion was necessary and temporary. All I ever intended to do was show you, prove to you who you are, who I am. And then you can choose for yourself. Like a Russian fairy tale.
That’s right. Excuse me, Elizabeth. I have much more to show you, but my physician is waiting for me. Hello, Elizabeth. My name is Katja. You can think of me as the Palace Keeper. Palace? The Summer Palace. It’s what Mr. Kirk calls the cottage. Anything you need during your stay, let me know. [ Telephone rings, beeps ] Director Cooper. Red: I know where Elizabeth is, Harold, where Kirk is taking Agnes.
And Ressler is at this house. Rescuing Liz not Tom Ressler. The same house she lived in for the summers (back nine) that Red also knows.
And it’s all Liz’ and Agnes.
Got it.
Liz: How long have you known him?
I have worked here for nine years. I took over from my mother. She worked my entire childhood maintaining the Summer Palace.
[Foreshadowing for clues in back nine]
So you know him well?
No, actually, I don’t. He hasn’t visited here in years. It’s been… too painful for him. Until now. ♪
This was my bedroom. Welcome home, Masha. ♪ I promised you the truth.
Liz: But… there was a fire. I… I shot my father. I remember.
Yes you shot Red in *his* house. Not this one. Liz lived with Red too.
Kirk: What’s the memory of a small child? You didn’t remember me or your mother or this room.
Reddington lied to you, Masha. He told you your father was dead, but thanks to you– what you did on the water– I’m very much alive. All the stories Reddington’s told you about who he is and his connection to you– he knew you were looking for answers and he took advantage of that to re-enter your life.
True to protect her from Red’s reality. He’s a man with no country. A spy master, killer, who gave up his career for one woman.
Know anyone else who’s on the verge of doing the same thing?
Kirk: Do you know why I call this cottage the Summer Palace? We came here for a vacation one July, and my little princess loved it. It’s been a palace ever since.
One summer that changed everything. She was four-leading up to the horrible fire in December.
She wasn’t at the Summer Palace. She was with her “papa” in the states.
Tom: I’m gonna find her.
No you’re not. Red did. And Orci eliminated Tom from the Summer Palace. Huge deal.
So um do ppl see where the arc is going? Expect a few drop in scenes if they hadn’t happened already.
Read more at: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=194&t=28691
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valkirsif · 4 years
Unthiunkable CH 36/???
Finally after surgery im have time for check and post.. sorry for long wait :)
Word 3100
Warning nothing just love and fun
" Poppy wake up !!" Rice was shaking her cheerfully, " Come on, sleeping beauty, we are almost there, Gian and the others are waiting for us!"
"Rice please ... " Y / N was trying to wake up she was no longer used to her friend who tortured her, Thomas was much more delicate, ".. I 'm awake ... I'm a harasser" she laughed trying to hit him with the pillow,
"Too slow beauty" laughed the man before attacking her, Niko laughed leaning against the door watching the two who were fighting,
"Ok ok I get up, what ways Rice" Y / N was out of breath, "Can I have a coffee please"
"I have already ordered breakfast for everyone so when we load the others we all eat together" Marco said, "Maybe it's better if you get dressed we won't be just us remember ?!"
"Yeah," the woman replied, throwing her costume on and the sarong sent a message to Thomas and joined the others on the deck while the yacht docked, the rest of the family was on the pier staring at the arriving ferry, they had looked at the boat in passing. paying attention to the occupants,
"HEY EARTH WHICH YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL ??" they shouted in chorus, the group turned around trying to understand where they were calling from and in the end they understood
"WHAT DIAMINE ..." Franc exclaimed in amazement, " Poppy is your man's paw I presume" he laughed approaching the others, there were kisses and hugs and the family got together again,
"Let's move on to the presentations," said Jack, "They are Antonella and Sara my best friends, but she is Stefania Franc's little sister " there were handshakes and presentations,
"Where is he?" Sara asked bluntly staring at Y / N, the woman looked at her smiling,
"I'm sorry to disappoint you but he's in LA at the studios, " he replied, " It's in full swing and can't move,"
"Sara what did we say?" Franc said seriously, "No questions or other fan amenities these days"
" But ... I didn't do anything!" the girl complained
"Quiet Franc , I too would have asked immediately" laughed Y / N, "He wouldn't have come in order not to create havoc, I was afraid to create enough of it," she said to Sara who continued to stare at her as if she were an alien, "What do you say let's go up and let's go for a ride? Breakfast is almost ready ",
the group made themselves comfortable and, after setting sail, two waiters served breakfast.
Once offshore they dropped anchor, the day was sultry and sunny in the water it was fine, Sara and the other girls went around Y / N and despite having been warned they asked her questions in bursts, the woman laughed answering even if she felt uncomfortable did not want to disappoint their expectations,
"Miss sorry" one of the guys on board called her , "Mister Hiddleston on video call, I pass her in the sitting room", Y / N nodded and went to the smiling room,
"My love hello" he said happy as soon as he saw the man on the video, "Heaven how beautiful you are with the stage costume .. it's not that you can take him home, right?" she asked mischievously,
"Hello Darling, you're the usual naughty cat" laughed the man, "I'm on a break, why don't you close the door," she said, Y / N smiled and turning to close the door and curtains saw that the others had followed and squeaked excitedly,
"I can't my king .. " she said sighing, "... I'm not alone"
"Are the others there?" asked the man, the woman shook her head
"They are the bridesmaids," he replied, moving to show him, "Stefania, Antonella and Sara"
"Nice girls," said Tom. "Darling, did the spouses like the gift?", The girls hadn't moved an inch, they continued to chuckle,
"I haven't told him anything yet, if you have a second I'll call them," Y / N replied shaking his head, " Stefy call your brother and Jack please?"
"Sure," he replied continuing to stare at Tom on the screen, two minutes later the whole family was in front of the screen,
"Hey Tom good morning" they greeted, "Dude this boat is fantastic!" said Robby the others nodded,
"I'm glad you're having a good time" he laughed, "I know that Y / N has already given you the gift but I wanted to participate .. "
the spouses looked at each other before staring at Y / N who shook his innocent head,
"Don't look at me I don't center," he said, raising his hands,
".. he told me that you invested everything for the ceremony, I thought that a cruise was perfect for the honeymoon" concluded the innocent man, they were all speechless, "Now I have to run away, Darling I'll call you as soon as I finish "And disappeared leaving the group still stunned," Poppy I don't think I understand, "said Jack,
"This boat is yours for 20 days" replied the woman, "Thomas has prepared a dream itinerary around the islands"
"Are you joking?" Franc asked , "We can't accept ... "
"Don't tell me, call him back and tell him, I gave it up" he laughed "You first say thank you and enjoy it .. so .. who wants to get drunk ??", they spent the day drinking and laughing anchored in an atoll before heading to the hotel where manicures and hairdressers were waiting for them to arrange the girls for the wedding.
The big day had come, Y / N and the others moved about the room agitated trying to get ready laughing happily, Marco came in to leave the formal clothes,
"Good morning girls here are the clothes" he laughed before going out to get ready, Antonella looked at the name tags and passed the clothes on to the others,
"The flowers are missing, I hope they haven't forgotten them," he said, looking around to find them,
"Quiet Anto, Jack made them keep cool in the warehouse," Liliana replied as she helped Sara tie the ribbons on her back,
"Y / N can you help me please?" Antonella asked, the woman nodded and began to pull the laces of the corset and fastening the ribbons of the dress,
"Done, these clothes are gorgeous," Y / N said, turning in turn to tie everything up,
"They are perfect!" Sara replied, "Fortunately they decided to have us put on a light corset otherwise you would have seen only Anto's breast" she laughed followed by the others,
" Stefy me a picture please, I promised Thomas to show him the dress," said Y / N passing the phone, fecequalche shot even asieme the other sending the message and stood beside the other to finish the trick, there was a knock at the door
"Are you ready?" Rice asked carrying the flowers, "You're beautiful" she whispered to Y / N, fastening the last button of her dress, the woman smiled
"Are the bride and groom ready?" Franc's sister asked , Rice nodded
" Lucifer you look great with that suit" said Y / N arranging the flower in his buttonhole, the man gave her his arm and they started with the others towards the staircase that led to the chapel to gather and climb to the top of the hill,
"We are all here?" asked a more than nervous Franc waiting for the groom, the others nodded laughing, "Jack ran away night time with the yacht?" Roby asked jokingly
"He's coming quietly," Niko replied , a moment later Jack left the hotel and took his companion under his arm, they climbed on the back of two donkeys, they lined up and began to climb towards the chapel.
The panorama did not do justice to that seen in the film, the sun was high and warm, the sea shone and the seagulls were heard in the distance, the olive trees decorated with flowers and balloons lined the path towards the chapel, the climb was steeper than that that they had imagined,
"Thank goodness we didn't have to put on heels," Sara said stopping for a break halfway up the hill, the bride and groom had planned a buffet to catch their breath,
"How hungry!" Y / N said taking a sandwich and some apple juice, "What a wonderful day, look at the view from the cliff", they were all fascinated by the location, the woman was thinking how much she would have liked Thomas to have been there ,
"All refreshed?" Franc asked more calmly, "Let's leave before being late"
they arrived at the arch in front of the chapel where relatives and friends were waiting for them, the family smiled stopping under the arch, Simo turned on the stereo and the music filled the air, those present made their way and the group moved into position to welcome the newlyweds who were watching without understanding what was going on, in the weeks preceding the wedding the others had often heard via skype to organize the choreography of entering the church to surprise them, Marco moved to the side being the most clumsy one he had been given the task of shooting the film, which he excelled, at the end of the "show" the spouses were in tears, bridesmaids and companions were out of breath and relatives applauded,
"Come in and be happy" said the pastor smiling from the chapel door, the organist began to play the wedding march, bridesmaids and companions lined up next to each other and, as soon as friends and relatives sat down, they entered, making their way to the couple positioning themselves on the sides once they reach the altar, fresh flowers and ribbons adorn the entire nave of the chapel,
"Dear friends, we are here on this festive morning to unite two hearts and two souls" began the shepherd, "who have decided to bind themselves in the presence of their dearest affections" he nodded towards the couple who stood up holding hands, " Because this day is dedicated to love let love speak "he said finally giving the floor to Franc ,
"Jack you are the love of my life, the half I have always been looking for, I do not swear eternal happiness but I promise to be by your side every day of my life from now on, you complete me, you make sense of every day "He said visibly excited,
" Franc you are my first thought in the morning, my perfect half, the man I want by my side for the rest of life, you will be the sun on rainy days if there ever will be" said an equally excited Jack clutching his hands of the groom not knowing how to express the love that united them,
the pastor resumed the word, "Be all witnesses of this union, I declare you husband and husband" he concluded with a smile, "You can kiss the groom" he said, the couple hugged each other lost in the eyes of the other kissing each other, Y / N and other bridesmaids were in tears of joy, everyone applauded happily and the bells began to ring, the guests came out of the chapel following the newlyweds, as soon as they got out they started in a semi circle and Sara stood in the center, Franc and Jack looked at each other not understanding that it was happening, someone turned on the music and the girl started singing, one by one the family members and the other bridesmaids joined her, it was their way to wish the couple before starting to go down to the beach to head, with a specially booked boat, to the main island where they would have lunch.
The patio of the restaurant had been decorated with flowers and lanterns and a long table meandered under the pergola, simple blue-bordered tickets marked the places with the names of the guests, the table was festively set with brightly colored plates and glasses, the buffet with the aperitifs it was arranged sideways, drinks of all colors and flavors were prepared by a group of bartenders, fresh fruit and sandwiches waiting to be tasted waiting for the newlyweds who were around to take the usual photos in the most beautiful places of the island, the guests made themselves comfortable,
" Poppy I got you a mojto, " Rice said, passing her the glass,
"Thanks darling it was really hot" replied the woman smiling, "I hope they do n't take too long with the photos, I'm hungry"
"We too" joined the others, Antonella sat down next to her, "I know we promised Franc and Jack not to bother you" she said while Stefy with her friends joined them "but we can ask you what it's like to be with him?" she asked, Y / N smiled embarrassed, she didn't know how to behave it was the first time she was in that situation,
" Well before I knew him I thought it was all beautiful and fun, a dream life in short .." he began, "..but the reality is very different, it is true he is an incredible man and what you see in the photos and videos is true, he is a true gentleman it is not a pose for the fans being with him makes me feel like the most beautiful and desired woman in the world, he is thoughtful and generous, as you have also seen, in a nutshell being with Thomas is a dream. . "He laughed dreamily," ... but the downside is that they recognize him everywhere is for what he is not here today .. "he shook his head," .. I was not prepared for all this, the fans who stop him on the street or they are waiting for him at the airport , in a week we changed house twice and took 4 different planes, now that he is going around practically I see him almost in passing at night when he comes back from the set, it is really difficult sometimes you have to love someone deeply to make a similar life, ”she concluded, the others looked at her
"Hell Y / N I thought it was more exciting to live as a VIP" Sara laughed, Stefy seemed disappointed maybe she expected more details or gossip, the woman understood curiosity
"It is extremely exciting to live with him, just ignore the paparazzi and do not panic every time you find your photos on social media or in tabloid magazines" he laughed heartily, "it's really another world, I can go on set and see him work or spend the evening with his colleagues by the pool, there are pros and cons .. for me the pros beat everything, already being able to wake up next to him every morning "he concluded hoping to have made them happy,
" Stefy said she saw him on the boat, we are very envious," said the girl's sad friends, "Isn't it possible that you can video call him for us?" they asked hopefully
"Sorry girls with the time zone at this time is on the set" replied Y / N, the group was about to ask more questions when the exhausts arrived,
"Sorry, there are so many wonderful places to take pictures that we went on," Jack said laughing, "I'd say sit down and eat," the couple took their seats at the head of the table,
"While we wait I propose a toast!" said Roby raising his glass, "To the bride and groom and love," he said aloud,
the table raised his glass shouting "AGLI SPOSI", the waiters began to bring drinks, the menu was entirely made up of fish, the banquet was opened by a series of delicious and fresh appetizers, the seafood salad disappeared in a moment and was followed by a series of hot appetizers, Y / N adored mussels with croutons and served twice in the break between courses and approached Antonella
"Shall we go change you too?" he asked, the woman nodded and followed the group, "Eating with a corset is too much for me" laughed as she helped Y / N to unfasten her dress,
"I've already been through it and I prefer to take it off too ... " he laughed
"Do you wear it often?" Stefy asked , "For me it's so uncomfortable I don't understand why wear it"
"Under a nice evening dress it takes and I personally like corsets .. you will understand it when you grow up" he laughed looking at the more adult bridesmaids accomplice, they changed and returned to the table,
"Just in time for the linguine with the lobster," said Niko, moving her chair, "afterwards call Tom he looked for you while you changed"
"Put something on my plate, I'll come right away" he laughed, picking up the phone and moving away from the noise, "My love, sorry I was with the others for changing clothes" he said happy to hear him,
"Don't worry, my queen," said Tom, "change of clothes? Do you use this in Italy? "
"Usually we wear a suit for the ceremony and a more comfortable one for the banquet and the party" he laughed
"The one for the ceremony was fine with darling , how's the celebration going?" asked curiously,
"We just sat at the table, the ceremony was beautiful, you would have liked many flowers and many songs" he smiled, "The newlyweds are radiant"
"Send me some photos I'm curious to see you with the second dress" he laughed, "We feel in the night I don't want to keep you too far from the others", they said goodbye and the woman sat down to spoil the rest of the lunch, the celebrations ended late at night, the relatives had returned to the hotel shortly after the banquet and the group was alone.
" It was a beautiful day," said Roby, stretching, "I'm exhausted."
"To whom do you say friend!" Simo replied, "How about going to bed?"
"Excellent idea, how do we settle down?" Rice asked
"Simo can come to us so you two have a spare room" Gian advised, "Is Phil all right for you?"
"Sure no prob "
"Get married if you want to take advantage of the boat right away it's at your disposal, I just have to take the backpack" said Y / N to the couple,
"If you don't mind sleeping in a hotel, we would be pleased" Franc laughed , "Let's go get our things in the hotel and leave immediately for the honeymoon"
"We have already said goodbye to all the relatives and we are ready to sail !!" Jack said like a sea dog, everyone laughed, got up and went to the hotel chatting drunk, the girls had taken off their shoes and enjoyed the still warm sand, there were the last greetings, as far as Y / N was concerned weeks would pass before seeing them again, the family accompanied the couple to the boat, they said goodbye and went back to the rooms,
" Poppy I 'm devastated, happy but devastated I just want to sleep !!" Rice said taking off his tie,
"I don't want to take a shower, I'm sorry but I think I'll collapse with my make-up for tonight" he laughed going to bed next to his friend, they remained without saying anything before a few minutes happy to have made peace he wrote a message to Tom and fell asleep , those holidays had gone much better than the woman thought.
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