#everyone wanted to bang the aswangs
inamerlz · 1 year
trese (2021) really brought out the monsterfucker in all of us
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forsaken-city-rp · 7 years
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Welcome to the Forsaken City! We’re glad to see that you have arrived safely within the city limits. You have three days to make your facebook and add the admins Z.Tao, Hoseok, Seunghyun, and Hyunjae. But be careful, the sun is rising quickly, and hunters are always on the move.
Name, stage name and group: Gunmin, Lee Gunmin, B.I.G
Age: seems eternally 23, but he’s 57 years old
Species: Wak-wak, a type of Aswang.
LT RP sample: The sun was setting, and the stars were taking over the sky as it grew darker and darker. And with the rising darkness, Gunmin’s hunger welled up too. The boy was hanging around in a town where he has just been for a few days, far away from his home town, where he actually couldn’t statisfy his hunger, because the man didn’t want to hurt his friends when he actually turned into that hungry monster he actually was. It was a Friday night, and people were already busy partying on the streets. Gunmin didn’t want to get involved, and wanted to get to a lonely place where he could go through his transformation. The party-goers mainly backed away from the boy, who was walking with his hood on, his face mainly hidden under the shadows, but his blood-shot eyes were still visible, so a lot of people thought he was actually a drug addict. But it was because he barely slept, because of his daily night hunts for little children and fetuses. He had to leave this town soon, because people were starting to get suspicious, and even though he looked like a normal boy, there were still ways to notice that he was actually an Aswang. The boy was lucky that he didn’t live in the Phillipines, because that’s the only place where they really knew about a wak-wak, where they would immediately notice him, and he would have to flee with an empty stomach most of the nights. But people in this town were catching up. Missing children, disappearing fetuses, creature with bat wings signaled in the night sky. Gunmin let out a heavy sigh, he had to be more careful to not be noticed. The boy looked down at his feet while continueing on his way with a hasty tred, trying to look for a good place where he had to undergo his forced transformation, it was almost time. He wasn’t looking to what was going on in front of him, and Gunmin bumped into something. It wasn’t a wall, it was more of a soft thud instead of a bang. The boy backed away to see what he had bumped into. A man. How great, this was trouble. The man turned around, and with that, his friends approached Gunmin, who was smaller and weaker than them. Gunmin gasped loudly as he looked at the three men, his eyes glinting nervously as they sprung from one face to another. “Hey… You’re unfamiliar…” The man he bumped into slowly stepped closer towards the creature. He wanted to back away, but suddenly he felt two pairs of strong arms wrapping around his own, the two friends were keeping him in place. “I mean…” the man chuckled as he continued, “I have seen you every day, lately… It might be normal but… There is something really suspicious going on, isn’t that true?” Oh no, Gunmin thought, it was trouble. This man seemed to know what was going on. “Perhaps… Do you know what’s going on in this town?” The man came even closer, leaning in so his face was only inches away from Gunmin’s. It was awfully close, and Gunmin shook his head heavily while stuttering: “I-I… I don’t know w-what’s going on- no…” But the man had found what he was looking for.
“Lies.” He grunted before curling his lips into a crooked smirk. “I have just found the proof… I saw in your eyes, and saw my reflection… Upside down. Is that normal?” The man chuckled while reaching for his pocket. The upside down eye reflection, one of the tricks to find out if someone was actually an Aswang. Gunmin wanted to yell out at the stranger, but he swallowed his words away and just stared at the other intensely, noticing every movement he does. If this lasted just a bit longer, Gunmin could just transform and fly away, he just had to endure it a little longer. The man coolly continued, like he had prepared for this for months. “When children started to go missing at night, and pregnant women suddenly not having a fetus inside their stomach anymore… I knew something was up, so I looked up on internet what it could be… And I accidentally stumbled on this mythological Phillipino creature… An Aswang. It was definitely that, because of the winged creature that has been signaled, and the wak-wak sounds I sometimes heard at night. Loud means far, soft means close, isn’t that right…”
He said it extra loud, so everyone could hear it, and suddenly all the attention was on Gunmin, who was trembling. Was this the end for him? He could only pray that his transformation came soon, so he could slice them apart and just flee to a new place where he could hunt. “Judging from your reaction… It’s really you, right?” The stranger smirked as he pulled out a knife, it was like in slow-motion, the man made it dramatic and intimidating, and it sure worked. “B-But sir…” Gunmin had a hard time bringing out his words, as he shook his head gently, “I don’t even know what Aswang are… Do you mind e-explaining?” His careful words made the man chuckle, and Gunmin’s heart sank. No way he was getting out of this mess, except if he could transform… For once, the boy hoped that his transformation would come as soon as possible, the part of him that the boy hated. It was like god heard his silent prayers, and the boy felt his wing blades tickling, his mouth itching, and the really uncomfortable feeling in his brains. It was like toxicity was taking over completely, and his mind became a blur, as the monster inside him was waking up. The transformation was always such a pain, it always felt like the Aswang’s body was being stinged by millions of glowing hot needles. As the boy emitted a huge scream from pain and his transforming mind, everyone backed away. It was a horrifying sight, as Gunmin was in huge pain, his wings bursted out of his back. It was there, the time had come, and after less than a minute of loud and coarse screams from the pure pain and sorrow, Gunmin was not the shy boy from before, but a monster with fangs, dark eyes and huge bat wings. The two brave men hurried back to hold him, so the creature couldn’t go out to cause harm, but Gunmin had changed. From the shy human-like, to a monster who only wanted one thing. To statisfy his hunger. And no one could get in his way, so the only solution for the monster was to slice the two men in two with his razor sharp wings before flying up at high speed. Gunmin had to leave the region before morning came, so he could maybe escape from the hunters, because if an Aswang was found out, the whole town would hunt him down. The party-goers couldn’t do anything but stare at the creature in the sky, as a soft wak-wak noise was heard. The creature escaped, and the man had failed in his mission to find the one who killed his child. As the wak-wak noises grew less frequent, but louder, the man fell on his knees in defeat. Gunmin was safe, for now.
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