#even when I was a lib I found the triumphalism unsettling so that should tell you something.
bringmemyrocks · 2 months
I'm gonna have to avoid Tumblr for the next month to avoid that awful movie y'all always post on Passover aren't I.
This movie deserves at least half the critcism that harry potter is getting but instead it gets whatever fandomification of religion that I've come to expect on this infernal website.
Yes I mean that one. That specific one. The one you love. The one with Val Killmer. Please question your love for this film for 5 minutes. Judaism is supposed to make you question things and be critical, right?
I think it's worth comparing this film to the Rugrats Passover Special because Rugrats changes both Moses (making him a kid) and the mass death (nobody actually dies in the rugrats reimagining) wherease PoE makes Moses a YA protagonist while thousands of (mythical, the story never really happened) children still very much die.
But uwu let my people go amirite.
And if you decide you still like it that's fine but the fact you can't be remotely critical of this film anywhere online really gets to me
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