#even though the last one is quora
charmedreincarnation · 5 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Wait can wild cats and domesticated cats mate with each other?
Wolves towards dogs: WHAT DID THE HUMANS DO TO YOU?!
Warthogs towards pigs-wait they still the same pigs just a little docile
Cats towards their wild counterparts-Okay are you guys any different? Also how the hell the felines created such small beings?
Gonna start with the one you didn't ask but I will still bring up, since all members of the camel family can breed with each other and obviously I'd know about this one.
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They can do it with a few other animals too, Cama 2.0
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Wasn't sure about cats and other cats though so I looked
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Looks like no on the sand cats, there's a cat that's the "Scottish Wild Cat" I decided to look up.
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That'll take you to a post featuring Cromarty the Scottish Wild Cat at the Northumberland Zoo singing her "feed me" song if you're curious about them.
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This is not a pet, and it's not fair.
Thank you reddit for making this easy to find
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Thank you Quora
As for the last bit, this is Moggy and her adopted child, the orange one is Moggy's natural child who they eventually had to remove because it was a bit too small to play with it's adopted sibling.
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Also because Russia just be like that, here's from the St. Petersburg zoo, except this guy broke into the enclosure.
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Not to be outdone by the rooskies Malaysia has a zoo where a cat decided they wanted to live with the capybaras, and was popular enough to even get added to the sign.
Zoo Negara Malaysia is very pleased to have Oyen around, because attendance it up as a result and that means more money for conservation projects.
This is probably 10,000 times more involved than you expected, and I have no answer to the question why I went this far with it other than I like learning and I hope maybe someone else will like learning too. __________________
I tried to triple check everything for accuracy, so if I got something wrong I'm sorry bout that it was not intentional and will be happy to correct it with the proper information.
Unless you try and convince me the cat/llama isn't real then I know you are a scoundrel and a liar and will call you as much.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 4 months
Just saw everything that happened around your recent post about Harry and Ron and I’m really sorry for everything that you had to go through, I hope you are alright. Please do not let unreasonable people bring down your spirit, you are an amazing soul and an amazing writer (thoroughly enjoyed Back to the Eclipse); you have no idea how much your metas have helped people like me.
I have always loved reading but as the rebellious teen that I was I refused to read anything that was very popular so I had never read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies and I was kinda oblivious to the situation of the fandom as well. However last year I decided to read the books and guess what I absolutely fell in love with Ginny and Harry both as individual characters and as a couple(perks of reading the series without any preconceived biases), both of them are my top two favourite characters in the series (though Ginny kinda takes the crown for me). After finishing the series I was really excited to see what interesting opinions and takes people have not just for Ginny and Harry but for other characters in the series as well. However due to my inexperience with fandoms in general, the stupid me decided to start with reddit and quora (I still don’t understand why I did that to myself) and OMFG, the amount Ginny and Harry hate literally drove me crazy.
Honestly from the beginning I didn’t have much expectation from HarryXanyone other than Ginny shippers and Hermione’s arse worshippers; but the romione shippers and Ron fans????
The way the Ron and Romione fans slander Ginny (and also Harry, but to a much lesser extent than Ginny) was truly disturbing for me to read which lead me into questioning my own judgement about Ginny’s character and Hinny and I started believing that maybe I’m completely wrong about everything I thought about Ginny and Harry, because I really love Ron and I like romione as well despite all its problems and I thought that those people on the interenet have read the books so many more times than I have so “inevitably” they have to be right (and all of this I have to say was a very wrong thing on my part, though in my defence I was really busy with my Uni so I didn’t really have the time to think through things).
Then one fine day I stumbled upon your tumblr and you wouldn’t believe my happiness to finally come across someone who shares my ideas and opinions about characters, writing and literature in general but is much better and fearless than I can ever be in expressing those opinions. Your metas have reinforced my love for Ginny and Harry as individual characters and a couple again and has inspired me to be absolutely shameless in expressing my love for them. In fact you have also kinda inspired me to start my own tumblr account and ramble about my favourite characters, books and literature which I might do in near future.
Sorry for the rant
Please continue to be the amazing person that you are and continue to inspire people.
Loads of love from India    
Ok, first of all, you guys are so nice but I swear what happened is absolutely not a big deal.
People are absolutely free to disagree with what I say, even if I wish they did it when there's actually something two people can have different opinions on.
That said, I'm so happy you liked Back to the Eclipse and that my metas arrived to someone. It's really crazy the gaslighting this fandom does when it comes to hinny, isn't it?
Also, I am so happy to have inspired you to share your opinions!
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
how do you find unbiased sources about the historical events/political events? do you just read all the newspapers? could you mention some sites/places you get your info from? i'm interested in knowing all perspective and deciding for myself, but ugh its hard when biased media and prejudice is all around
Hindustan times is a good enough source, the news is reported by minute on their yt channel so there's not much scope for favourable editing, although I feel like there might be some BJP bias there (idk,might be the cautionary within me speaking). Wion and surprisingly firstpost are good aswell these days, but you need to know that unbiased news sources tend to leave some corners uncovered.
For making up for those, I look at biased sights next, I read the same article from Print or Quint and Op India or Swarajya (worrying how the sites that clearly claim to favour right still deliver more aspects of news than those claiming to be neutral, tbh)
Watching leaning channels like Mohak (liberal) and Sham Sharma (right) helps aswell. Dhruv and Akaash are all BS not to mention, they deliberately hide stuff and present things in a way that changes the entire meaning. Although right wing channels like AKTK, String, and again, Sham are great if you are trying to put things in perispective, especially the last one since he acknowledges the whole issues and never leaves stones unturned to favour his side. (Well, neither do the other two, they are very thorough with their research, String is outright impressive in debunking the propagated narrative of the left. Its just that they favour right too much to not be considered a bit too politically motivated, even though they are correct and don't pull the cheap tricks Banerjee and Dhruv do)
Other than that, if I come across a claim like "abc attacked xyz" or other such stuff from past, the first thing I do is search it up on wikipedia, they are biased but cannot lie about the timeline and such of incidents. From there you get a lead and can search up with required keywords.
As for claims of present day incidents not on wikipedia, search up and look at articles from newspapers and live news that reported the whole thing. When it comes to newspapers, how it is worded might vary, some may be vague enough to not name who started it or how it happened, but the subsequent sequences will make it clear. And if it does not, that too can be sorted.
One example is:
"The group of attackers killed 100 people, and inflammatory slogans were chanted. In retaliation, following this the mob from xyz community attacked"
Now search up with words "attackers kill 100 people and chant religious slogans" and you will see a biased news sight or live news portal give you the names of who these attackers were. From there you can construct your own timeline.
Sometimes, Quora too can prove to be useful.
This is all I can think of for now, if yoy need more feel free to hmu in DMs again <3
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
I use soap2day though it can be very risky with all the ads. It allows you to go through all the way to the episode you want to watch but then at that point it’ll throw at least three ads at you in a row. So not exactly ideal.
There’s a lot of other sites just like it that could be somewhat better, but I find that it’s somewhere in between not so great and pretty decent.
I would recommend going on Reddit and searching best places to watch movies free online or something. Look for posts within the last 6 months or so. That’s what I end up doing every few years when my go to site gets taken down.
Otherwise most of my screenshots I get from the show are from Netflix itself. I use a chrome extension that allows you to screenshot while watching. So if the goal isn’t necessarily pirating but really just looking to capture images from the show in better quality, that is an option for desktop!
Otherwise, pirating wise, I would recommend even searching more specifically for ones with the least ads too? Reddit will have the answers or maybe quora? I used to also search on Twitter with those keywords for sites more recently referred to as the go to for others. That’s also an option! It takes a lot of digging but if you can find something posted recently about a good source, and with others ideally agreeing in the comments, it could be a good option.
Fair warning, most if not all do have ads bombardino you. So that is a risk that you’d be taking doing this sort of thing. Unless you have adblockers or are using a VPN or something. I have neither I just go with it and hope for the best each time 🤣
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Which social media platform do you think has the worst sns fandom?
From what I have seen, Twitter is the craziest. Fans really go nuts on it. Like certifiably bonkers. What filth... I am not much of a Twitter person though so I don't really interact on it. Also, I can't do what they do. I mean I am capable of it, I have done it before (not with Naruto fandom) and I would be even worse than them if it came to gaslighting and manipulation. I can be as petty and cruel as they come, even more, if I wanted to prove my point that badly. But it makes one feel guilty afterwards. So I don't. Anyway, it's good to have an extra skill, lol.
In my personal experience, Insta has the worst dudebros. Real dumb and dudebroish. I remember some dude had uploaded an edit that glorified Itachi and basically portrayed Sasuke as his bitch. I don't really interact on Insta either (because Insta really has the dumbest consumers, no really) but this wasn't the first edit like this that I had seen on it and it just didn't sit well with me. So I confronted him and out came all their assumptions about Itachi. So I reminded him what was canon and what was a figment of his imagination. Lol and I remember he kept to the same tune. No matter what arguments I gave, he kept saying the same shit over and over and I called him out on it. And then he deleted all his comments and simply disappeared from the thread. Like...some fans are so weird. Lol. Maybe they didn't wanna talk with me anymore. Point is Insta has the worst fan theories that I have seen and they cannot validate or justify them, not if their lives depended on it. If you are looking for logic, Insta is the last place to go. If you are looking for dog and cat vids, it's the best place.
I use FB with my personal account and I don't really talk Naruto on it. I did once and some acquaintance replied to it negatively and I went mum mode on him and made him apologize on the same thread. He got pretty scared after that I guess. FB has too many mutuals. I don't think FB is a popular platform for fandom discourse. Especially for me, I don't think I can talk Naruto everywhere, it triggers a considerable gear shift in me that most people find too intimidating. So only seasoned fans for me. Even Quora has a lot of bullshit in it disguised as intelligent discourse.
Which is why, Tumblr is my preferred choice. The other one is YouTube. YouTube has all sorts of fans. And a lot of these so called shippers don't usually get away with the shit they get away with on Twitter for instance. I have had many a meaningful conversations on YT on many topics over the past years. And many times, I end up finding quite a few sane voices on it and it's nice.
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fahbev · 2 years
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ok I don’t know how long my caption is allowed to be, but here it is! The promised fan art! I REFUSE to be self-deprecating here because I actually do like these a lot. Basically, I read this amazing story called ACP- The Agency for Cryptids and the Paranormal, (https://whumper-in-training.tumblr.com/post/673130936584568832/acp-the-agency-for-cryptids-and-the) and I totally fell in love with the character of Zak. This STORY MAN! It broke my heart in half and then lovingly stitched it back together, like multiple times, and I think that’s the ESSENCE of a good story. So yeah I made fan art. 
I was in the car on a fairly long trip, and I had my sketchbook, and I was like, hey, what should I draw? Fuck it i’m drawing Zak. So I drew Zak. I originally didn’t want to deal with how the hoodie would work with all the weird perspective and just gave him a tee-shirt, but then I yelled at myself: “COWARD! Draw the hoodie!” And so I erased the shirt and drew a hoodie. I figure that the hoodie in the picrew isn’t how the hoodie actually looks, it’s just the closest approximation you can get with a picrew, so I put an alien on it because yes. While I was drawing it though, I hit a fork in the road with the pose. I was going to draw him with his hand clawed and the other on his hip, but then I was like “what if he had his arm up instead?” And so I made two versions.
I drew werewolf Zak hell ya! I spent FOREVER inking this. Okay if was only like two hours, but inking is kinda boring and thus I procrastinated, and so it took me like three days to ink it. It took much longer than usual Bc I went over each line a bunch of times to make it look like fur/hair/eyelashes, but you can’t even see it Bc the colors are so dark! Argh! Usually color more than doubles the amount of time I spend on a drawing, but this time I just quickly threw down some color in only like an hour! I was so sure I was gonna say, “it’ll be quick” and then spend another six hours on it, because that ALWAYS happens, but it actually WAS quick so yes.
Last but not least, I drew the gang all together! Technically I drew this second, and colored it first, but you get the idea! This drawing filled me with all the happy chemicals the whole time making it y’all. After several hours it kinda wore off, but every time I zoomed in on Max’s face I got a fresh rush of serotonin. I decided to draw that one scene where they all fall asleep together because it was SO WHOLESOME! I wanted to draw the whole group, but didn’t know what kind of context to do. Then I scrolled through the blog, found that scene, reread it and was like “yes! That’s the one!”. And so I drew it. I did have to look up “do Muslim women sleep with their hijabs on?” And i’m glad it was a google search and not asking a real person Bc the response I found was basically: “No, you dumbass! Why would we do that? That makes no sense-” and several sarcastic responses to the same question on Quora and i’m just like: “:’D” I did look into it a bit more and realized the hijab has to stay on Bc while they are like family, they’re still not her mahrams. Also I figure that if I was gonna post this, even if she was alone, drawing her without it would kinda be violating her privacy yk? Like i’m exposing her for the whole internet to see. Kinda like drawing her naked would be. Anyway, I love this drawing, hope you love it too!
Ok, still keep your expectations to an army crawl because I never finish stuff, but fanfic is in the works. I am probably gonna wait until it’s finished to post it though, that way I can edit things and change earlier chapters. Also! I’m a total novice writer! So it’s probably crap! I don’t care! I have this policy that I would always rather make the cringe fanfic, wear the ugly clothing, make the stupid drawings, the cursed memes, shout all the embarrassing shit, do all the dumb things that teenagers do (as long as it’s not harmful or permanent obvi), sing all the bad karaoke, embarrass myself a TON, etc, and regret it later, cringe so hard in ten years, than to never let myself do anything, constantly hold back, never reach my full potential and regret THAT in ten years. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk. I still might very well be too shy to post it though ahhhhh. For some reason i’m WAY more shy online than irl, that makes no sense. Like I can walk up to a random person and talk to them no prob, but I get super anxious going in someone’s ask box. Maybe Bc I can’t read their body and face language like that? Idk. Like I said, just don’t expect anything.
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esther-dot · 2 years
I kind of want to feel bad for targ stans and how the finale made them feel...but then I remember how vicious they were (and continue to be) against Sansa fans, Elia fans, Aegon is real fans, etc.
Did the heroic music in her scenes duped them? Did they miss the H*tler cam shots during her “badass” moments? Booh, booh, let me get the smallest violin 🎻 out.
Honestly, tons of bloggers in this hell site, Kelsey and others on Quora said for years she was headed this way...and they wouldn’t listen. They mocked everyone, specially Jonsas, and when the last episode came instead of being ashamed of their ignorance and inability to read the clues in the story they doubled down on it and attacked Stark fans, Dorne fans, and everyone else viciously. They harrased the actors irl (specially Kit and Sophie) for something a fictional character had done and signed a petition asking for a reshoot. 🤡
Now they have all these “hot takes” where they find Martin’s writing to be subpar and r*cist and misogynistic but if their fav had won they would be praising him to the skies.
Sorry, but I thank D&D for fooling them and exposing them as the tyranny apologists that they are. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I still remember one of their “theories” was Sansa would die a horrible death at the hands of her own sister and that’s why I reserve my sympathy for the side of the fandom that was actually paying attention to the narrative and minding their own business.
The North is free. Ding dong the witch is dead.
(about my tags on this reblog)
The North is free. Ding dong the witch is dead.
lmaoooooo. I do like that! I didn’t mean to say let’s forget everything what happens/happened in the fandom because yes, the Dany stans were awful. Kelsey wasn’t into shipping and she made very good arguments for Dark Dany for years and suffered horrible abuse. She finally spoke out after s8 and said that Targ stans were far and away the worst part of the fandom and had sent all kinds of threats to her and she had to delete all personal accounts because of doxing fears etc. And I know Sansa fans and Jonsas have received the same kind of treatment. It’s appalling and no one should ever harass people online, let alone send rape and death threats which at one point were routine in this fandom. So I certainly don’t want to minimize that, and I’m not suggesting we pretend that didn’t/doesn’t happen. I have hate sitting in my inbox right now even though I have hundreds of accounts blocked. They’re relentless. That part of the fandom is beyond the pale.
I simply meant, I was blindsided by what D&D did to a favorite character too.
I grieve too.
So, I do not understand or condone their behavior, but I do understand their feelings regarding the finale. Bewilderment, disgust...I felt it for totally different reasons, but I did feel that way too. I understand the rage, and reading posts by nontoxic fans, what Dany meant to them as survivors of abuse, well, it made me more disgusted with D&D’s choice to mislead the audience than with the fans who didn’t think too deeply and weren’t reading metas that explained the visual story that D&D repeatedly undermined with their dialogue.
Anyway, I’m not saying anyone needs to feel differently about the rest of the fandom. I’ve said recently I find everyone else except our corner pretty abhorrent, but in this, in my anger about the finale, I relate to them. 
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redrascal1 · 10 months
And here we go again with the JB adorers and AD haters on the JCF - this one in particular has a nice record of contempt not just for Kylo (fictional character) but also for Adam.
Boyega has several matters that he could easily point to as evidence of LFL having blatant preference for Adam Driver over him - in particular, that when TROS was released, they proceeded to push (in published materials, no less) for Adam Driver to receive any “Best Actor” consideration, even though he always had less screentime than Boyega and Boyega had auditioned for and won the part of the male lead back in TFA.
To quote an interesting poster on Quora: ‘Adam Driver is a powerhouse actor.’
Yes, he is. And this is why he stole the show in the ST - his talent as a fine actor shone through despite, as the little troll above says, having less screen time as Boyega. Boyega acted well, don’t get me wrong - but Adam’s performance was consistently mind blowing. 
Then there is this:
I think that TLJ blatantly and consistently holds Finn to an almost standard impossible standard while practically worshipping Kylo in comparison - so much so I’d argue that we should note how Boyega’s acting never really gets criticized even by people who dislike Finn, while Driver *does* receive some criticism because of how little the film requires out of him.
‘Little’? For fuck’s sake....Adam had to work extremely hard throughout the entire ST, but most of all in TLJ. And not just because he did his own stunts but because he had to play the most complex character in the entire trilogy. And present that character’s nuances in a manner that did not degenerate into ‘ham’ acting. There is a very good reason why he was hailed by critics as being the series’ breakout star - critics, not Ben/Kylo stans, or reylos. 
I am fed up beyond belief of these horrible toxics constantly comparing Adam’s acting skills to John Boyega’s and finding them wanting. If they hate his character, fine. I hated Palpatine. But Ian McDiarmid is a delightful man and I both like and respect him. John Boyega was great as Finn in both TFA and TLJ. But Adam wasn’t great - he was outstanding. There is a reason why he has twice been nominated for an Oscar. 
They are being wholly unfair to start picking on him just because he stole the show. If they are pissed off at Boyega’s supposedly bad treatment then they should take it up with DLF, not Adam. Adam has done nothing but be professional throughout the whole shoot of those films, both on screen and off - even Boyega said that. And oh how I wish they would stop moaning about how Adam ‘stole’ Boyega’s role as ‘leading man’ - there wasn’t a leading man, the ST was all about Rey. Adam, as Ben Solo, last Skywalker  in the Skywalker Saga, should have been the main character, but Ben was demoted for Rey. Blame Rey, Finn fans. 
I am so tired of Boyega’s whining. Finn - or Sam, as he was originally called - was always meant to be a supporting character. This is from the beginning, when Tom Holland was slated to play him. John Boyega was not hard done by because of his ethnicity. He was not hard done by because of Adam Driver. He was not hard done by, by DLF. They gave him the role, after all. His constant petulant behaviour makes me wish they’d cast Tom Holland now - I often wonder what the reception would have been if they had.
Boyega’s fans on the JCF will only be happy if they make a Finn film. How many bets that even if he does appear in the forthcoming Rey film, they will still complain about him ‘playing second fiddle’ to Rey. But at least they won’t be able to blame Adam for it.
Finally....one of my fave scenes from TLJ, showing just how good Adam was as Kylo Ren.
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wait, wtf, I feel like that??? Should I have a check up? (same nonny as the last one)
why does this keep HAPPENING to me!!! 😩 either i dont have aspd and its something more common or a LOT OF YOU SECRETLY HAVE ASPD
so i guess heres the "so you think you have aspd" guide!
hold off on a professional diagnosis. this is echoed by a fair deal of aspds, especially here on tumblr. (theres an aspd community on reddit but yk... its REDDIT....) a professional diagnosis does nothing for you as there are no medications for aspd, and it CAN be used against you to discriminate against you and, worst case scenario, forciby institutionalize you. if you REALLY wanna know for sure professionally, you can, but im just making known a Community Opinion
RESEARCH. YOUR. SYMPTOMS. are there any other disorders they could be caused by? a good starting point is ADHD, autism, and other cluster B disorders. look at the clinical stuff like the dsm/icd criteria, but the crucial point here is the experiences of people who have the thing. having symptoms and daily life explained through the lens of what its like to have them, versus what they are clinically, is gonna be crucial to figuring this out.
i'd reccomend your-aspd-dad for aspd, and npdsafe for npd! i dont have any blogs for bpd and hpd, though, sorry :( your-aspd-dad is a goldmine of aspd experiences and they even talk about comorbidities (with autism and npd, which'll make the aspd traits manifest differently. for instance, im not criminal or even outwardly mean because i care about my reputation to a grear degree, which is the npd kinda keeping the aspd "in check" as it were)
i just talked abt it but yeah remember comorbidities exist. its like pringles man, once u pop u cant stop, except a mental health version. once you snap... oh crap!!
avoid sensationalized bs. just... stick with personal anecdotes, theres a lot of aspd misinformation out there. and STAY OFF QUORA PLEASE STAY OFF QUORA. LISTEN TO ME. DO NOT GO ON QUORA. HEED MY WARNING
and just because u have the Emotions Thing, its not a set in stone deal that u have aspd! try not to get tunnel vision looking into this, and dont forget to 💞🌈✨️ believe in yourself! ✨️🌈💞
but yeah the mmmost important things to remember are that theres a lot of misinfo and mental health is varied and complex. from what ive seen about aspd, its a very "youve met one person with aspd, youve met ONE person with aspd" kinda deal. im not exactly like any of the your-aspd-dad mods or anyone in the actuallyaspd tag or my brother and if you DO have aspd, you might not be anything like me!
(no really, if you doubt yourself too much ur gonna second guess urself constantly)
good luck!! god i hope i dont secretly Not Have ASPD haha that would be wildddddd anyway!!! good luck??!? have fun??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAA!??!?!?!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
I remember reading somewhere that the real reason that the Air Force keeps the A-10 around is that they're worried that if they stop using them, then the Army will take them. The Army loves the A-10; it's essentially a flying tank. And if the Army takes the A-10, then they can say to the DoD, "Well, now that both the Navy and the Army both have helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, do we even really need a separate Air Force anymore? They can just be folded back into the Army again." And of course, the Air Force likes being it's own branch, so no fixed-wing aircraft for the Army.
That could be it too, I can't remember the actual reasoning behind it and that sounds very reasonable, though I can't actually see the DOD shuttering a entire branch.
And I decided to look, because why not. Before reading it again, since this the same article I read before, I'm going to guess they don't want to scrap planes that still work and have to buy new ones.
Let's find out
The Air Force told Congress it wanted to retire 113 aircraft from its worldwide inventory.
The 138 aircraft included A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft, bombers, spy drones, and tankers.
Congress mostly said no, and refused to retire any A-10s at all.
The Air Force tried several times over the last three decades to retire the ugly, slow-moving, close air support jet. The service wanted to replace the A-10 Warthog with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, but has run into both significant resistance from backers of the A-10 and claims the F-35 can’t do the close air support mission as effectively.
The Warthog has become one of the Air Force’s most popular planes, in part due to its enormous GAU-8/A Gatling gun, and a lobby of veterans and members of Congress have kept the airplane flying.
OK My initial crack about it being too popular to retire was right then, at least in part.
Still capable of carrying out it's mission so it's not a national security issue to keep the old dump trucks flying and shootin.
I also take offense as the use of the word "ugly" ain't the prettiest thing that's for sure but, take it away Quora
How much damage can the A-10 Thunderbolt endure before being shot down?
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The Bathtub
Cockpit armor is a good thing, especially since that is where your stick actuator resides. Knowing that the A-10 would be the target of lots of ground fire, the Hawg designers went to great lengths to extend the life expectancy of its pilots.
For some in-depth pontification on this item, swing by this question: Does an A-10 really have a "titanium tub" for the pilot to sit in? What kind of hit can it actually take? Can it take a 50 cal explosive or armor piercing round?
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Pretty ain't gonna get you home in one piece if it ain't sturdy too
This went in a alternate direction from the one I started on, hope that's OK.
Let's end with a couple step doors
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And a link to another Popular Mechanics article about this bad boy
The A-10 Warthog Will Fly Into the 2040s
Gonna go ahead and tag @the-davest-of-uncles because I just know he's got a story or 5 about these guys too, and will also just get a kick out of this whole thing anyhow.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 4 months
Hi, Your opinions are completely different from ours( Ron and romoine fandom). I wont lie initially i did not like this blog especially.after your Romoine vs hinny meta because for most of us romoine is perfect even tho they are not. I hated ginny( many people here do especially on quora and reddit)and dont care about harry more than being bestfriend of Ron. But in last few months i reread hp books,read your metas without biases and realized that i dont have to hate Ginny just because she was snappy to ron. Your metas helped me alot in that process so thank you very much. But you see ron here( last few years) is our self insert perfect handome dream boyfriend who could do no wrong better than harry , so your opinion is hard to digest for some here. Your last post triggered many people even though its only been few hours. I KNOW you WERE not bashing ron and were just telling the truth. BUT IN LAST FEW YEARS WE RON FAN Has become radical. But i like to think new me is more mature now not radical. I apologize for my past irrational dislike( mostly internal). Lastly you are helping many people to stop hating on ginny with your metas. So congratulations. Sorry for long rant.
Helping people stop hating Ginny is my one goal in life, so I'm really really glad about this.
Also, I know I rarely talk about him because I don't find him an insanely interesting character to discuss but I love Ron, I swear, I do.
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nimpel · 2 years
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(via Why do some succeed and others fail? Find Out - Nimpel)
I have seen people ask this question on quora and many other online platforms. Even on google the monthly rate of people that ask on google “Why do some succeed and others fail?” is 70. Well, 70  is actually very low comparing to world popular. So in this post I decided to discus about this question, tell some success story. I will also share some question and some response from expects that tried to answer this question. Before I start I will like to share some of my little success story.
Copywriting Masterclass: How to Write Copy That Sells
I started blogging in 2016. I started with news blog. Well before I finished with my high school I had the vision of owning a website where I can share my ideas on how one can achieve success, and share some quotes from prominent people on success and failure. But I had friends that are into news blog. I joined them by blogging on different news that happens around us. I failed woefully. I quit blogging in 2018 and decided to do other things. Though I still have the passion to blog again, so before starting this blog I took time to learn about blogging very well, both on page SEO and off page SEO, affiliate marketing. This blog is just two months old as of the time of writing this post, and I have made some money through affiliate marketing. And most of my traffic source is from google search. For me this blog is a success. So, two things resulted in my success for this blog. Number one is that I’m blogging about the topics I love and the second is my in-depth knowledge about blogging and patience. The first two (2) weeks of starting this blog was horrible, my articles where not even ranking on google. But now the majority of my traffic comes from google.
Why do some succeed and others fail
Another story I would like tell is the success story of Bukowski
Charles Bukowski was an alcoholic, a womanizer, a chronic gambler, a lout, a cheapskate, deadbeat, and on his worst days, a poet. He’s probably the last person on earth you would ever look to for life advice or expect to see in any sort of self-help book.
Click below to continue reading 
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jbt7493 · 2 years
anyway as i was gonna say initially but got sidetracked the kujang seems neat. there are multiple distinct designs that are all called kujang and they’re very diverse. and it’s hard to find some of them - the pusaka ones with the naga and jago shapes seem to have many more photos than all the others combined, and it’s certainly easier to find the military ones than the agricultural ones (which neatly proves the point on the last post). but they’re all very cool. i feel like, even though it’s pretty obvious that a significant part of the design is from symbolism, they’re also like. seemingly pretty great designs! i feel like it would actually be quite a good knife for various tasks. like, if that little bump - the one that seems to represent the stomach of the different animals - was sharpened, which i think it is? in the designs where the end of the blade doesn’t extend past it like. you get the ability to use it to cut on a level even though the rest of the blade is still able to extend for an excellent slicing belly, a nice centered point. and . and this is- there was a quora commenter who looked at it for probably 15 seconds and went ‘oh it’s clearly derived from the kukri and is a good chopper’ which is idiotic. for one they most certainly are not derived from nepal come on. but also like, look at how the force would be transmitted through the tang. but to be fair although most of these would not be good choppers, they could be. primary issue being the double-bend that the tang takes on most of these and the construction of the handles themselves. but honestly they don’t need to be right. like that’s not the purpose of these knives. but they are really something quite nice and the necessary changes to make them good at chopping seems not worth it when they’re already good at a lot of things including like, being beautiful knives. and to be clear obviously some of these are better choppers than others. like the badak vs this one blade shape not listed on wikipedia which seems to mean male in malay? i dont speak sundanese or javanese or indonesian or malay. also “Malayic Languages” on wikipedia is marked as trans-friendly by shinigami eyes lol.
ope okay google translate has done some work on this page but it is a bit fucked. and this page does not allow copying of content OR use of the like, normal inspect element thing.
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from what i can tell this says “ Courtesy of Griyokulo. Please contact us if you need information, or share knowledge or contribute etc. Thank you. Cultural Greetings “. so i mean i am still absolutely using the uBlock Origin element picker to get around that but it’s kind of a bother.
(intermission as i squabble with kwarrtz about how this website seemingly blocks a bunch of shortcuts for page info and developer console and they are. so silly. also, they block right clicking)
anyway the badak is certainly gonna be a better chopper than the kujang lanang, pictured respectively
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but like, yknow, that badak (the first one of the two previous photos) obviously doesn’t have that nice centered point. and this website, despite its irritating choice to block not only right clicking but also even convenient use of shortcuts to get to developer console or inspect element (you still can, if you click into the address bar first), does have some nice explanation of the history behind these different designs and their influences (for instance, one “kujang wayang”, with what seems like a nice cleaver shape and sort of resembles a ship with a sea-monster on the bow, is not one of the original blade shapes named after animals and mythological creatures but is instead a later form resembling a figure from a traditional form of puppet theatre, and as such is not described in a poem that describes the original 13 shapes. which yes i googled but i do not speak any of the indonesian languages and google translate seemingly is very bad at these languages. it seems to not be a single consistent blade shape, or at least fairly consistent, considering those standard ones like the naga and jago also vary a lot, but instead any blades resembling those traditional puppets are named wayang.)
in any case yeah. some very interesting history here, as well as some very interesting knives even without that history. they’re all pretty strongly influenced by symbolism and history, and many are intended more to be a talisman or ritual object than to be a practical working tool. but this has also given them a really interesting range of different forms and designs and they’re very interesting. i honestly think that some of them could actually be quite excellent designs for a lot of different tasks because of the diverse range of cutting surfaces and the different angles and offsets from your grip. i’m especially fond of the versions of the kujang ciung in which that hump near the heel of the blade, seemingly meant to represent the breast of a particular species of bird, is a bit more rectangular, and where the “neck” doesn’t curve forward as much, so that the “breast” is the lowest and furthest forward cutting surface and could seemingly be used to cut flat on a board without interruption from the further up “head”, and a bit more of a belly on that “head” section closer to the end. it doesn’t need to be too acute of a point but that kinda comes naturally.
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parryingcasuals · 6 months
Visbreak Ramble #1 - Desert Duo Special
*cough* My first post other than that starter, whoo!
Visbreak is my AU written in AO3 (also crossposted on Wattpad, soon might be on Tumblr and Quora), and boy oh boy do I have a lot to talk about. Recommend you read the main fic first to understand a few terms, but it's not a must.
I tend to overthink a lot, and because I for some reason decided that Marvel's a thing here, Scar's (and several others, but he's the most obvious) hero alias is really affected by this. Context; it's Hawkeye. And... that's not gonna end well for him if he uses it for commercials and his own merch due to the trademark that Marvel has, so guess what name he uses?
Legally, his hero alias was always Hawkeye, and due to some legal loopholes, it's actually possible to have a trademarked name as one. But because he's often put in the limelight as 'HotGuy', it resulted it that alias being used more often than his actual alias. Whoops.
Inspired by @applestruda's Hawk Hotguy post, I went on and said to myself, "Whoa, that's a cool idea", and promptly decided that every time Scar is Hawkeye/HotGuy, he immediately casts an illusion which makes his allay/vex wings into one of a grey hawk, and also that specific avian's traits.
Why? Because Cub's a fan of wordplay and gave him that idea in the first place.
Now, what is CuteGuy in Visbreak, you may ask? It's actually a running gag amongst The Hermits and their fans to call Grian's hero alias, Poultryman, as CuteGuy due to a certain interview on The Recap (Visbreak's version of the Hermitcraft Recap), which had Grian say a very legendary quote;
"You're HotGuy because I'm hot, wouldn't that mean I'm the cute one because you are?"
Yes, it came off sounding like an accidental flirting. Was it intended? No. Did it sound unnecessarily narcissistic? Maybe. How did Scar react to it? By saying;
"CuteGuy? Sounds like something a sidekick of mine would go with."
Did the crowd love it? Absolutely. Right after that broadcast, when Grian showed up on TV, reporters and even The Hermits themselves started (jokingly) calling him 'HotGuy's Sidekick, CuteGuy'.
Scar, in fact, does not have a sidekick.
Scar has made many outfits for Hawkeye/HotGuy, yet his favourite would be his fifth and last one, which was designed by Grian himself. That change came after the Civil War in Hermitopolis (an event which would be covered later on), where a lot of heroes in The Hermits decided to do an outfit change.
Is there a CuteGuy outfit? In fact, yes. Scar based it out of his own, and gave it to Grian as a Christmas gift post-Supelaw, so sadly, the public never got the chance to ever see the CuteGuy look on Grian.
Scar and Grian's duo outfit is based on @applestruda's interpretation of the official skins, so props to her for the design!
Desert Duo are in fact, soulmates. The story for that is quite spoiler-heavy if I told you outright, but in a sense, something happened and Grian's the first living being that Scar saw.
Technically he and Jellie could be soulmates, but he saw Grian first.
It's actually the context on the HotGuy comment Grian made above, because soulmates actually affect each other's appearances and abilities.
With Grian as our focus now, he's established as a shapeshifter in (at least what I think) WCBRC's prologue. He prefers being an avian compared to any other, and would often stray away from birds of prey in front of The Hermits, as he'd prefer the scarlet macaw over everything.
As Poultryman, he became a chicken avian, though before that, he went with either a blue and yellow macaw, cockatiel, hyacinth macaw, scarlet macaw, or a certain-green-parrot-no-one's-sure-about during his vigilante days as Jungle Bandit (or Jungler, it really depends on who you ask).
But as Raptor, it's clear that he's any type of bird of prey. He prefers the fast-going ones, though. But in fights, he'll definitely go for the seriemas and their... head-crushing stomps.
Not yet discussed nor thought by Grian himself in canon (yet), but as CuteGuy, he'll definitely be a bird with something red and pink, maybe even black. The most possible one is a black rosy finch, but is still undecided. Might change in the future.
Keeping with the parrot theme, though, another choice is a pink-white or red-black parrot of sorts. If we go for the latter, the palm cockatoo and red-tailed black cockatoo are one of the highly-plausible choices. As for the former the pink cockatoo or even the galah is a possibility.
Lastly, it is imperative that Grian is buff. He just. Is. He's the definition of a sleeper build, and I am not changing that. He wears so many baggy clothing, people will be surprised at how he looks when he wears very tight looks. Why does Grian even dress that way? He prefers people underestimating him as a first impression. Don't ask. He just likes seeing their expressions once they find out.
What expressions? Nothing positive. Find out about what?... nothing positive.
And also, long-haired Grian who puts his hair into a 'waffle' braid is such a great idea. Sometimes he ties it into a manbun, most often as Raptor. Is white streak canon because Grian died and got revived in his 100 Hours series?
Not really, but it might as well be. Whether or not it's canon is up for debate.
Oh, dear God, did that feel good writing everything down. And no worries, there's a lot more from where that came from. The only thing limiting me are the available colours for text.
Beware once more appear.
Alright, that sounded ominous-
Spelling mistakes can be attributed to the fact that I posted this somewhere around 10 PM.
0 notes
mellowlovecandy · 6 months
Miley Cyrus and replica bags designer: 10 Surprising Things They Have in Common
1 1 luxery bag replica internet sites quora
In relation to luxury luggage, All people loves to have them but normally lacks the monetary power to do so.​ The sensation of wanting a luxurious bag although not being able to obtain it could be complicated.​ Yet, the point of luxurious is usually that it can be realized Even though you don’t have tonnes of money.​ Reproduction web sites are a terrific Answer to acquire designer bags without needing to spend full rate.​ For this sort of spending budget-savvy buyers or individuals looking for a one particular-off acquire, attaining a Louis Vuitton or maybe a Gucci, may be attainable by way of replica sites.​
But navigating with the wide selection of duplicate sites is challenging – that’s why we switch for the almighty Quora for solutions to all our concerns.​ Immediately after scouring the internet for suggestions from Quora, We now have compiled an index of many of the ideal one:1 luxury bag duplicate websites – types that might get you reproduction bags that look just like the originals minus the hefty price tag!
www.fakebagstore.me is among the finest 1:1 duplicate internet sites that includes a catalogue of designer bags and wallets together with other luxury merchandise like watches and jewellery.​ This web site has an array of luggage from popular makes like Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Prada, Gucci, Hermes and Burberry.​ On their Internet site yow will discover the ‘excellent assure’ section which states that their replicas are as much as one:1 expectations.​
one one chanel bag reproduction
one:one Chanel Bag Duplicate – A superb Selection!
It truly is no solution that Chanel baggage make a robust statement of luxury and opulence.​ But with the expense of an first just one likely for business-breaking prices, 1:1 Chanel duplicate luggage may very well be an incredible choice to take into account for persons on the lookout for that same timeless design and style without having breaking the lender.​ What will make these replica bags so appealing is the attention to depth, which ensures each and every piece is a precise match of its higher-stop counterpart.​
Not merely that, but a Chanel reproduction bag is crafted with proficient artisans and fabricated from high quality resources.​ It has many of the charm of the real point – from its exquisite metal components down to its durable but lavish material – with no hefty value tag.​ On top of that, you are able to appear complex and trendy for a lot much less Using these Price tag-helpful pieces that also seem like the designer items.​
What's better still is always that these replica items can be found in equally vintage designer colors and in addition new, lively kinds.​ There are a few bold and eye-catching colour combinations that will certainly make men and women envious after you wander in and out of any room.​ Let alone, there are several different dimensions to choose from, Each and every of which has its possess unique appeal and elegance that may healthy your wardrobe correctly.​
And for those who are aware about design and style and substance excellent, you might have everything you may need in your desire duplicate bag.​ These luggage are made out of good quality components these kinds of durable and comfortable leather, synthetic fibers, and cherished metals that can make you feel like one million bucks.​ It doesn't matter what the appear, you’ll know that your duplicate bag has the standard and also the style that is likely to make it a real standout.​
The affordability of one:1 Chanel replica luggage makes it a no-brainer and a great way to look attractive without breaking your budget.​ They make an excellent style statement and they are sure to last For most summers to come back.​
2.​ Buyer's Information: Guidelines for Obtaining the Ideal one:1 Chanel Bag Duplicate
Buying an ideal Chanel bag replica is not hard when you determine what to look for.​ Here are some ideas you'll be able to Have in mind though searching for the right 1:one Chanel bag duplicate:
Pricing: The cost of the reproduction Chanel bag ought to be inside of your wallet’s limit.​ Analyze all available selections and select one that gives the natural beauty and good quality you need in a selling price that actually works in your case.​
Materials: Ensure you scrutinize the fabric that has been accustomed to make the bag.​ True one:one reproduction luggage are most frequently created with leather-based, artificial fibers, and treasured metals.​ If something appears off, stay away from buying the item.​
Colors: When deciding on a Chanel replica bag, you can choose from the typical designer colors or even the newer, vivid types.​ Consider the occasion plus the glimpse you would like to accomplish and pick the proper color accordingly.​
Craftsmanship: A one:1 Chanel reproduction bag ought to be crafted by artisans with Excellent notice to element, so be certain that the bag’s craftsmanship is around mark, guaranteeing highest fulfillment.​
Top quality: It is actually critical to be sure that the replica Chanel bag that you buy is of the best quality, so every single stitch and detail while in the bag need to be of high-good quality and authentically Chanel-design.​
3.​ Get There in Design and style with one:1 Chanel Bag Replica
There's arguably no much better method of getting there in design than by using a 1:one Chanel reproduction bag.​ Whether you are attending an function or just doing a little working day-to-day errands, these duplicate bags are the perfect accessory to generate a solid fashion assertion.​
They are often dressed up or down depending on your mood and can previous from year to season.​ They appear in various dimensions, earning them great for carrying all of the stuff you'll need and perfect for any celebration.​ Furthermore, you will get them in new and vintage colors, which makes it very easy to pair The perfect a person with any outfit.​
Their exquisite metallic hardware and signature CC logos add a contact of elegance and timelessness, it does not matter which a person you select.​ And since they are much a lot more cost-effective than the actual detail, you may pick up various parts in lieu of just the 1!
What is actually a lot more, a one:1 Chanel reproduction bag is certain to show heads! It will certainly spark conversation and is likely to make you jump out from the group.​ And since these luggage are so very well-crafted, you could pair them with any outfit and celebration without on the lookout out of spot.​
four.​ Rocking a one:one Chanel Bag Reproduction – Enable it to be Yours
A one:1 Chanel duplicate bag is a great way to consider your design and persona to the subsequent degree.​ Within the Specialist take a look at work to evenings for the club with buddies, your replica bag is sure to make you look jaw-droppingly very good.​
Blend and match your bag with any outfit therefore you’re sure to create a breathtaking glance very quickly at all.​ No matter if you favor to maintain it uncomplicated with classic colours or give a Daring and vibrant appear, there’s a 1:1 Chanel duplicate bag for everybody.​
These baggage can be found in a wide range of dimensions, that makes them the right accent for any scenario.​ You could toss inside your notebook and business files and you’re established for per day with the Workplace.​ Or pack it with your essentials for an all-ladies procuring spree.​
No matter the situation, using a 1:one Chanel replica bag on the arm would make a statement.​ You stand for power, peace, stability, and a way of sophistication, all neatly wrapped together in a beautiful package deal.​
5.​ Buying a one:1 Chanel Bag Replica – The Advantages and drawbacks
Purchasing a one:1 Chanel replica bag is normally a clever decision especially if you’re looking for very affordable still trendy luxurious.​ Having said that, like anything, you'll find both pros and cons to look at before you make the acquisition.​
Over the beneficial aspect, replica baggage are a lot more Price-helpful than the original parts.​ Don't just that, but these luggage are made with high quality elements and craftsmanship, so that you’ll get the exact same timeless appear and feel as its designer counterpart.​
What's much more, you are able to Decide on a myriad of vintage and lively shades, and diverse sizes to suit your requires and Life style.​ You'll be able to switch up your search conveniently and stylishly, along with the bags are certain to pull a stare or two.​
However, the most significant change-off to get a 1:1 Chanel replica bag may very well be obtaining to cope with any imperfections or inconsistencies while in the stock or customer service.​ Should you’re not watchful, you could possibly end up getting a bag that appears very little just like the just one you noticed on the web and more importantly, practically nothing like genuine Chanel.​
In the end, the decision is yours to generate, but this list of positives and negatives can assist you produce a properly-knowledgeable acquire that you choose to’ll be proud of for a while.​
six.​ Taking good care of Your one:1 Chanel Bag Replica
Like some other manner accent, a 1:one Chanel reproduction bag necessitates special treatment to maintain it on the lookout its ideal and lasting For many years.​ Excellent maintenance may help retain the bag's form, texture, and colour, so it’s imperative that you nurture your bag with certain precautions and have a several simple methods.​
Your bag must be wiped on a regular basis having a tender cloth and gentle cleansing Resolution to help keep it dust and dirt totally free.​ You can even use a selected cleaning item precisely created for your form of bag to maintain it hunting attractive.​
For extra protection from stains, spills, dust, dirt and also other unavoidable concerns, You should utilize a protectant particularly made for leather-based or fabric baggage.​ Thorough application of this solution can help your bag glimpse pretty much as good as new.​
Remember to steer clear of employing sunscreens or hair products that may perhaps incorporate oils or other harsh chemical compounds which could hurt the delicate resources.​ And when not in use, store your bag inside of a dry, great position and from immediate sunlight.​
7.​ one:one Chanel Bag Duplicate Makes a wonderful Reward
Who doesn’t appreciate a basic present similar to a one:one Chanel reproduction bag? These timeless baggage of luxurious by no means seem to head out of style and therefore are sure to set a smile on another person’s experience.​ The best part is that in contrast to the initial, they are amazingly affordable and that means you don’t need to bother with breaking the bank.​
When trying to find the proper present to get a loved just one, take into account a 1:1 Chanel reproduction bag.​ No matter whether it’s for your member of the family, friend, teacher as well as oneself, the present of luxurious in the shape a classy replica bag is certain to set a smile on their own confront.​ From vibrant colours to classic models, there’s some thing to fit Everybody’s tastes.​
These bags are well-crafted, complex, and Certainly breathtaking, in order to be confident that every and each element is good.​ And since they’re so very affordable, you don’t want to worry about Placing your funds in peril.​
Who wouldn’t want a 1:one Chanel duplicate bag as a gift? They make fantastic provides which are certain to be treasured For a long time to come.​
eight.​ Building Your Wardrobe Close to Your 1:one Chanel Bag Replica
Developing a wardrobe all over your one:one Chanel reproduction bag is a great way to ensure your fashion often stays fresh and timeless.​ Whether you are hunting for a functional piece for get the job done or a luxurious addition in your evening appear, these reproduction baggage can do the job miracles.​
With all the colour and size versions, you can get creative and locate a bag that could in shape any outfit or event.​ It’s a great way to combine up your vogue type and switch up your glance conveniently.​
These traditional items might be dressed up or down, which adds for their allure and versatility.​ It is possible to pair them with a skirt for just a feminine ability seem or acquire them towards the Seaside for an effortless chic glimpse.​ Put simply, the choices are essentially unlimited.​
The signature options and basic kind of a one:one Chanel reproduction bag guarantee it will last long over and above an individual season.​ So Why don't you enable it to be the muse within your wardrobe therefore you’ll be sure you normally stay at the top of The style sport.​
nine.​ Alternatives to the one:1 Chanel Bag Reproduction
For those who’re on the lookout for deluxe designer type on the budget, there are several alternatives to the one:1 Chanel replica bag.​
By way of example, Michael Kors luggage give higher-end designer luggage without the enormous price tag.​ You will discover an excellent collection of genuine and reproduction Michael Kors luggage in all sorts of colors and dimensions.​ From mini luggage ideal for an evening out to huge tote bags great for work and journey, there’s certainly a thing that will fit all your preferences.​
For those who’re looking for one thing stirringly unique, Stella McCartney baggage are a terrific alternative.​ With its timeless magnificence, the layouts of this brand name make an aura of sophistication and exoticness.​ From Daring shoulder baggage to smooth sprees, these bags are great for any classy occasion.​
They're just some alternatives to one:one Chanel replica baggage which have been also very Price-productive and classy.​ So even though the initial Chanel comes at a premium price, you could find lots of options which provide the designer type you crave at price ranges that gained’t break the bank.​
ten.​ Buying a 1:one Chanel Bag Duplicate – The place to Glance
Acquiring the best one:1 Chanel bag duplicate to fulfill your preferences and healthy your budget isn't any simple undertaking, but with the ideal suggestions you need to be able to find the ideal piece without Considerably problems.​
The 1st location to search is on-line, where there is an excellent choice of reproduction baggage in all colors and sizes.​ As usually, it’s imperative that you be careful, Specially With regards to pricing.​ Ensure that you Assess charges and hunt for critiques and buyers’ pics of the merchandise to be certain it really is of top quality and up in your expectations.​
Another choice is to take a look at next-hand stores which will provide wonderful specials.​ You’re prone to obtain some genuinely distinctive items that will make your wardrobe stand out in a classy fake designer bags way without the need of straining your price range.​
Last but not least, you may want to contemplate testing flea markets.​ They generally have deals on replica luggage, and also you may get lucky and discover one thing really Fantastic that may Allow you to unleash your correct fashionista restrictions.​
Despite where you seem, it’s imperative that you bear in mind that if the cost appears much too good being legitimate, it possibly is.​ So do your investigate and try to look for quality customer service and not just very low pricing.​ Like that, you’ll be sure to get The attractive one:1 Chanel replica bag of your dreams.​
TAC-Keep.​com is another reproduction internet site that ensures excellent and delivers speedy, trusted shipping.​ The web site has lots of merchandise starting from Louis Vuitton to Marc Jacobs.​ In addition, their prices are extremely competitive.​ Furthermore, they have a satisfaction assure policy which promises that The shopper can get whatever they ordered in as fantastic affliction as possible.​
VogaBag.​ru is another one:one replica website that also provides good quality goods.​ They have a variety of designer luggage that appear much like the originals.​ Additionally, they provide great discount rates on their own reproduction luggage and wallets.​
Then There's Repluxe.​ru which happens to be a 1:1 replica web-site that also provides An array of designer luggage.​ What sets This page apart is their commitment to shopper satisfaction.​ All of their solutions are presented a twelve month warranty and they provide free delivery on orders over 5000 RUB.​
AtReplica.​com is a website that offers 1:1replica baggage, wallets and components like belts and watches.​ They assure good quality items that search exactly like the originals.​ The solutions on this Site are of top-quality high-quality with notice to depth.​ Moreover, they have got outstanding customer support and offer you pretty competitive selling prices.​
RSVPwww.​com is the right spot for People on the lookout for luxurious one:1 bag replicas.​ They've a various number of solutions from top designers including Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Prada.​ They offer rapidly shipping and outstanding customer care.​
MirrorBags.​com is the internet site for luxurious 1:one reproduction luggage.​ They supply an in depth array of designer luggage and wallets and also belts, sneakers and also other luxury merchandise, all of which seem just like the first.​ They also have outstanding customer care and competitive price ranges.​
ReplicaLuxury.​ru can be a reputable resource for replica luxurious bags and accessories.​ They offer a good selection of one:one reproduction items from best brand names which include Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Prada and Burberry.​ In addition they offer fast delivery as well as a pleasure guarantee.​
BagReplica.​com is actually a duplicate website which offers good quality one:1 bags, wallets, watches and accessories.​ Their catalogue contains designer luggage and wallets from top rated brand names which include Gucci, Dior and Chanel.​ They even have a satisfaction ensure plan so you recognize that your buys are going to be of top quality.​
StyleSweety.​com is an additional 1:1 reproduction website with a wide range of designer baggage and wallets.​ They supply excellent bargains on their merchandise, rapid transport as well as a pleasure assure.​
Looking for high-quality 1:1 luxury duplicate luggage or wallets? Just after consulting Quora, the very best replica web-sites to take a look at are www.fakebagstore.me, TAC-Retail store.​com, VogaBag.​ru,
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