#even tho he is fictional and they're entitled to their opinion
artekai · 11 months
Thinking once again about how Futaba is one of the most consistently relatable characters in all of Persona, next to Takuto and Sumi, and how that probably doesn't bode too well for my mental health 😭
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This may seem silly (sorry, please ignore me if you want), but something about the way I keep getting more and more TikToks talking about "how ugly Dabi is" gets on my nerves.
It just sounds ableist to me, like come on, the only reason they find him "ugly" is because he's full of burn scars if he only had a subtle one like Shoto they wouldn't be talking about it.
One of my oldest hit posts here on this blog talks about how even when these characters were fictional, you could still read all the ableism in the fandom from the way they talked about some of the LOV members.
I remember when jokes about Dabi being sooooo stinky were everywhere. When the fandom used to make fun of Tomura's unhygienic look. It's still so obvious when you think about how traditionally pretty heteromorphic characters are popular while massively important heteromorphic characters are just now getting the recognition they deserve.
Don't get me wrong, I think Hawk and Miruko are there exactly to be popular by their looks. They're drawn and written like that. It's nothing bad to love or admire them, okay? Nothing wrong with them being your favorites.
It's just that then people would ignore Spinner or Shoji. I'm happy that Shoji is more popular now and that Spinner is finally getting celebrated, but c'mon...
When it comes to Dabi, it's funny 'cause Horikoshi wants the readers to perceive him as handsome. You know it by the poses and certain highlights. He's also meant to look "creepy" because he's a villain! He should be scary, even uncomfortable to look at. Unnerving in the way your brain knows he should be falling apart, right?
But ugly???
We could have a conversation about real life beauty standards or bnha beauty standards, you know. I don't think it's necessary tho, since we all pretty much know that scars are portrayed as "attractive" as long as they are placed to please the eye and not depicted as something that is gonna make you uncomfortable because they are past wounds after all.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I guess, but it also bothers me when people would so easily joke about a character's beauty just to reinforce beauty stereotypes... It doesn't surprise me, when certain sides of TikTok are full of narrow-minded people...
Ugliness is 100% subjective and based on what people find attractive or not, anyway. I just hope you never see the "ugh Dabi is so gross looking" side of those arguments.
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