#even just sex scenes where they weren't beating the shit out of each other....like i want more fluff
somethingblu3 · 1 month
i know they had the whole undercover arc going on but they really robbed us of more bralker kissing scenes.
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
If you had to characterized Michael Jackson as one of the following adjectives that happened to be important qualities in the entertainment industry, which would you pick? Explain your answer.
Picking "vocalist" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his singing abilities.
Picking "dancer" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his dancing abilities.
Picking "songwriter" would imply that his main focus as an artist would be his lyrics and not how he delivers them.
Picking "performer" would imply that his Mai focus as an artist during live shows isn't his singing it dancing, but the production elements (costumes, dancers, lighting, scene set up, ect)
Please give examples to justify your answer.
Picking one of the above adjectives wouldn't imply that his abilities in the rest of them are lacking, I'm simply trying to find which feild is his best.
This message has been typed by someone who knows shit about MJ and wants to learn but not through the mainstream media, as you've already said that they treated him like shit.
ANON, YOU FOOL, YOU OPENED THE FLOOD GATES! Get a snack and some water, then sit down, this is gonna take a ridiculously long time because I know WAY too much about Michael and you just gave me the chance to share all of that knowledge at once.
First off, I unfortunately have to get the depressing part out of the way and tell you that it wasn't just the media that treated him like shit. Nearly everyone in his life failed this man on some degree.
His father used to watch him and his brother's practice for their performances as The Jackson 5/The Jacksons - with a belt in hand to beat them if they got even a single note wrong. He'd also just throw them against all too He also made fun of Michael's appearence as he was growing up, mocking him for his acne, big nose and for being too dark to truly be his son.
Joseph Jackson also cheated on his wife constantly - especially while traveling with his sons during tours, since he was the manager. So add "Had to listen to him cheat on my mom" to the lists of reasons why Michael didn't like his dad all that much. He also didn't care where his sons performed as long as it got them money, leading to Michael, while still very much a young CHILD, singing in strip clubs, and, in his own words, having to watch adults fighting and vomiting on each other.
His brothers weren't saints either. They all had to share a room in the hotels during tours, and Michael not only had to hear his older brothers having sex with fans (again, while he was still a child), but he also had to hear how these girls were being used and thrown away. Michael even tried to talk to one of said girls after it because she was crying so much he thought she might have been there against her will.
And when Michael went solo and became far richer than anyone in the family (who by now were FAR from poor), he was constantly harassed for money by nearly everyone, leading to him full on hiding from them many times, and sometimes only "talking" to them by sending his lawyer in his place. In his own words "I’ve supported my brothers, supported them all. I’ve put their kids through school. But they still come after me, still wanting more. It never ends." After his death, most of his relatives were too busy fighting over his money to properly mourn him, or comfort his children.
As I explained in a previous post, the people that were making money off of him and his performances, were more than willing to just let Michael continue dancing after getting seriously injured and nearly dying:
His final tour, literally named "This Is It" because he wanted to officially retire already, was originally meant to be just 5 shows. Instead Michael was tricked into commiting to 50 shows, and pressured to "keep his word." Thanks to the years of neglect to his health, plus the reharsals for this tour, as well the help of a doctor that was more than happy to put him in a drug induced coma and call it "helping him sleep", Michael was dead before the first show of this tour even took place.
After his death, two posthumos albums were released, "Michael" and "Xscape." The first one had a lot of controversy surrounding it because 3 of the songs were NOT sung by Michael, and Sony, his record label, full on say on court that they had the right to attribute these tracks to Jackson, regardless of authenticity - aka "We should have the right to attach his name to stuff he didn't make, just so we can sell it a higher price." It did not go well.
Finally, we have the pedophilia allegations (that people still take as absolute truth despite Michael being proven innocent in court), which can summed up in this 2 minute video:
Said accusations, despite being obviously false, nearly destroyed his reputation completely, AND made him a victim of police brutality during the court case.
Now we got all that crap all of the way, let's talk about what actually matters:
Why Michael Jackson will always be THE greatest artist of all time!
There's a reason why he was called the King Of Pop, why many artists today (from like The Weekend and Bruno Mars, to nearly every K-Pop group ever) take a ton of notes from how he used to do things, why people still ADORE Thriller 40 years later, why he is still so iconic even though "Year of Michael Jackson" was 1988 - 35 years ago. Michael Jackson was the definition of a "perfectionist." A picture of him should be right next to that word in every dictionary.
If while reading about his depressing life, you found yourself thinking "Why did he wait so long to finally 'quit his job', and even then was still willing to end it on a high note?" the answer is pretty simple: Michael Jackson was an ambitious man, with a real passion for his craft, and he knew damn well he was incredibly talented. ALL of the words you chose as possibilities to define him - performer, dance, singer, writer - apply to him, because he made sure he was the best at everything, that no other artist, no matter how good they were, could compare to him.
Everything he did was like clockwork, a ton of large and small parts moving at once.
Michael knew that he needed to capture people's attention, so he used everything he had at his disposal. Multiple dancers, costumes, lighting, make-up, sound effects, back up vocalists going insane on the microphone, and short films to promote songs/albums.
Ever thought some music video by an artist you like was super creative and awesome? Thank Michael Jackson, because his clips were EVENTS, and he really opened the door for people to get creative and actively add plot to their videos/short films instead of just dancing and singing.
This man was commited into making everything he did look fantastic - and I do mean EVERYTHING. In a concert in Moscow, the stage was wet due to the heavy rain before it, so Michael added sliding around to the choreography to show the crew were the water puddles were. Whenever something liket that happened and his shoes were wet, instead of stopping the concert for even a minute to dry them or put a different pair on, he'd just signal for people in the crew to leave towels on the stage, so he'd stand on them while dancing, drying the shoes without having to stop.
But he also used fake "unplanned" events to create humor, and give the crew more time to prepare things for the next song, or so he could change clothes - the most famous one being inviting Slash, who would pretend get "carried away" during his guitar solos and "not stop when he was supposed to."
Then there are things like him using the iconic white glove in only one hand to hide the first signs of his vitiligo, or the hats (as well as wigs and hair-extensions) to cover up the scars and hair loss that he suffered after the Pepsi accident, in which his hair caught fire while filming a commercial.
There was also the time in which he couldn't dance due to an injury, so he did a less elaborate dance (by his standards anyway) while in a chair, but while reacting the entire vibe of the original short film for that song, so it would still get the public excited. That dude knew how to use his little "tricks" to get around any change of plans.
There was also his habit of using black shoes and black pants, but white socks, so that when he was dancing, people's eyes would naturally focus on the thing that is standing out, and thus be able to notice every little step he was doing (he once mentioned in an interview how he'd get frustrated watching James Brown on TV because the camera didn't focus enough on his feet for him to learn how to copy the moves).
Those last two exemples I just gave you, also highlight a very important thing: dancing absolutely is part of Michael's theatrics (see the awesome choreography of "Dangerous", which is one of my favorites, and can often even overshadow the more "flashy" stuff, because just having him alone on stage was enough to create something unforgettable - like the first time he did the Moonwalk
But we can also not separate the dance from his passion for music. There's a reason Michael's entire body moves whenever there's a change even in a single note, be it through a kick, a snap of his fingers, a tap of his foot, or just him turning his head to the side. He had repeatedly said that when working on his dancing, he focused more on the feeling it gave him.
Michael was heavily involved in the creation of his music, from the melody to the lyrics - back in the Jackson 5 days, he and his brother's actively fought to be allowed to write their own songs, instead of just doing covers and having other people write for them. Even though he had been putting out solo records his whole life, he said his albums only started to truly feel like they were his when he started stepping up as a song writter, starting in "Off The Wall", and gaining more and more confidence in his craft with each new record.
And back to the "performer" side for a minute: there's a reason why Michael always gave it all when making music videos. He wanted them to properly convey the meaning of the lyrics, even to people who did not speak any english. That's how important the messages he wanted to share with people were to him.
There's also the song "They Don't Care About Us", which Michael wrote after the incident I mentioned before, in which some bastard cops decided to make him their punching bag. The whole song is about authorities abusing their power over people, while neglecting to do their jobs. There are two videos for this one, one in a real prison, which was heavily censored by american media, and one in poor regions of Brazil, where our government tried to prevent him from filming his video - in both cases, it was obviously a case of the very people Michael was calling out not wanting him to expose just how right he was. (Little fun fact for you: Michael's help, both through expousure and money, for the people here in Brazil was so significant that there's a statue in his homage).
The music video for "Beat It" also has members of real, rival gangs as Michael's dancers, promoting his message for people not let that kind of grudge and "I'm the best" atitute get them in the dangerous situations because they didn't want to "admit defeat" and walk away - once again, he's everything at once, an amazing performer making a cool video, and a skilled writer getting a point across.
His vocals also tie into how much the lyrics mattered. He was literally crying while recording "She's Out Of My Life", and even though he didn't write "Man In The Mirror" that song was always very dear to him (and by consequence, to fans) because it alligned with his beliefs for a better world.
The emotions behind any lyrics, regardless of if it had been written by him or not (and I remind you, it very often was, and he literally fought for that right), were the very core of what Michael Jackson, both the artist and person, was all about. The feeling, the message.
But he also was so serious and methodical about every other part of the songs he made. So much so that, for Billie Jean, he recorded 91 different takes, but the one that was considered the best and ended up on the album was take TWO! And he once managed to prove he had not ripped off a different song writer by beatboxing in court. I am not kidding.
THAT is how skilled that man was. MJ could sing pretty much anything he wanted to sing, and had an unbelievable level of control over his voice, that allowed him to reach super high notes, despite having a naturally much lower, deeper voice. Just compare his singing in these two tracks:
And if you want to hear solely his voice, without the rest of the song to "distract" you, well...
And to circle back to his performances again, even in situations in which he had to lipsinc - like award shows since the logistics for live performances in those places can be complicated, or during a REALLY elaborate choreography - he still had the habit of recording NEW vocals for the songs, so fans would still get to hear him toy with new ideas for his old tracks, instead of just watching him dance while the album's tracks were playing
So there you have it, anon. This is Michael Jackson - performer, dancer, singer, songwriter - the full package. (If you want to see a concert of his in which he shows off all of that, I recommend you watch the full Live at Wembly concert, which anyone can watch for free on his official youtube channel)
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allmoshnobrain · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 07 of ? | masterpost
word count: 2285 | ao3 link
I wondered if he knew he was the first one to touch me like this. I couldn't resist him. Apparently, he could tell — and he enjoyed it, the power he held over me.
✦ summary: As Cliff's birthday party approaches, Dave and Nore deepen their relationship and feel the sexual tension between them growing stronger and stronger.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female oc, oc is cliff's cousin, nsfw, +18, language, slice of life, mentions of sex, no smut but almost, drinking, smoking, fluff, cliff being cliff (overprotective older cousin), lars being lars (a little shit but in an endearing way), james being a good friend, dave and oc completely in love with each other
✦ a/n: hello! so today i will finish posting the parts that are already on ao3 (parts 7 and 8). later tonight i will release part 9 (which hasn't been posted anywhere yet). after that, i will resume the posting schedule, with new chapters coming every wednesday and sunday. hope you like it, feedback is welcome! ❤
✧ if you love me, be my angel ✧
"Hey, Nore, how about a beach party?"
Cliff's question caught me off guard. I was chilling on the couch, reading a book he had loaned me. It had been a few weeks after I moved in, and after the usual moving tensions, I was starting to feel like I fit in like I’d never felt at home.
"For my birthday, this weekend. Joe's folks have a sick beach house, and he's down to let us have the bash there. You coming?"
I grinned.
"Hell yeah, count me in. Wouldn't miss your birthday."
"Awesome. I'll give Lars the heads up and hit up Leanne," he flashed a smile.
"Have you told James and Dave?" I asked, and he shook his head. "I'll give 'em a heads up then."
"Sounds good. But grab me a beer on your way back."
I jumped up, leaving the book on the couch as I headed to the hallway. I breezed through the kitchen and snagged a beer can from the fridge before heading upstairs to Dave's room. I stopped at the door, catching sight of Dave chilling on the bed without a shirt, strumming his guitar, while James kicked back in a chair with a beer in hand. I admired the scene for a moment; when they weren't at each other's throats, those two actually got along pretty well.
"You should, man," James was saying when I arrived. "For real."
"Hey," I said, and they looked at me. Dave flashed a smile and got up.
“Hey, Nore," he said. "Wanna come in?"
"Oh, I didn't want to barge in. I just came to tell you that Cliff said he's having his birthday party at Joe’s this weekend."
"Damn, party at Joe’s! I'm in," James grinned. Dave glanced at him, and they seemed to reach a silent agreement. I watched, curious, as James quickly got up to leave. "I'll give Lars the heads up. Catch ya later, Nore."
"Uh, bye," I said, confused.
He checked out the clothes by the foot of the bed, grabbed a Sex Pistols t-shirt and quickly put it on, running a hand through his hair to fix it. He smiled. "Is that beer for me?"
"Well, it was Cliff's actually, but I'll get him another when I'm back. You can have it," I handed him the beer. He held my wrist, pulling me onto his lap, making me blush.
"So, you going?" he asked.
"Cliff's party."
"Oh, yeah. Are you?"
"Like I'd miss the chance to see my girlfriend rockin' a bikini," he said, flashing a smile and gently brushing my lower lip with his thumb. I blinked, confused, feeling my heart skip a beat.
"Your... girlfriend?" I whispered, puzzled. He let out a soft laugh, and I realized he was a bit flustered. That was definitely new, I thought. He was always so confident, even bordering on cocky. I hadn't seen this side of him before.
"You know, I was just talking to James. I know we said we'd take it slow... with all this stuff happening between us. But he thought it was a good idea, so..." He held my chin in his hand, making me look into his eyes. "I really like you. I think we should be together for real."
I blinked, my heart racing and a sense of happiness welling up in the pit of my stomach.
"You mean..."
"I want you to be my girlfriend, Nore," he said, then glanced away with a sheepish smile. "Of course, if you don’t want to..."
"Dave," I cut him off, placing my hand on his cheek. He always seemed to think that I wouldn't want to be with him, but how could I not? He made me feel accepted. He made me feel safe. He made me feel loved in a way I had rarely felt before. I felt my heart flutter as I answered him, "Of course, I want to."
He didn't say a word, just pulled me close into his lap, his lips meeting mine as he held me tightly in his arms. All I wanted was for him to devour every inch of me. Even in that moment, I could feel the electricity in the air that sparked when we touched, as if we couldn't bear to be apart for too long.
If that was love, then we were way past the point of no return.
There was no turning back.
And I didn't want there to be.
I wasn't sure whether we should tell Cliff and the others about our relationship. I was certain that Cliff would give me a hard time about it one way or another, but Dave convinced me:
"Hey, I'm not going to hide that you're my girlfriend. If we're going to be together for real, I want everyone to know."
Of course, after hearing that, I couldn't deny him anything.
"Come on," he said, taking my hand in his. I smiled as our fingers intertwined. "Let's find Cliff."
We didn't even have to go far. I jumped back in surprise when I opened the door and came face to face with a grinning Lars.
"Lars, what the hell is this?" I yelled. Taking a closer look, I saw Cliff and James leaning against the hallway wall, Cliff looking bored and James barely holding back his laughter.
"So, are you two a thing or what?" Lars asked.
"We're what?"
"Dating! Are you his girlfriend now or not?"
"Oh," I felt my face heat up. "We... Yeah. I am."
"Ha! I knew it!" Lars celebrated. James chuckled, and Cliff rolled his eyes.
"Wait. How did you know? And what are you three doing here?" Dave asked, furrowing his brow. "Were you spying on us or something?"
"I just told them you wanted some alone time with Nore," James explained himself. "The rest Lars figured out on his own, and he dragged us here to confirm."
"You sneaky bastard, Lars," I said, smiling in disbelief. "Unbelievable."
"Hey, I ain't to blame if you two are the most obvious couple in California," he answered, making everyone laugh. Dave wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I smiled as his embrace surrounded me.
A month ago, I could hardly imagine feeling so alive like this. Yet, here I was, living with my cousin, dating the guy I liked, and having new friends who truly cared about me.
I couldn't be happier.
The weekend of Cliff's party started off sunny, although a bit chilly, which got me excited. I woke up early and packed my swimsuit and everything I needed in a bag, then loaded it all into the borrowed van. James was loading the van with crates of beer when I arrived.
"Hey, are we good to go?" he asked.
"Not yet," I answered. "Lars and Dave are still asleep. Cliff left. I think he went to pick up Leanne."
"Yeah, he did. Just talked to me a sec ago before he split. But you know those two, they'll be running late 'cause they're busy fucking again," he chuckled. I laughed, feeling a bit awkward. "Hey, mind lending' a hand with this stuff?" he asked. I nodded and started helping him load up the van.
We were quietly working for a bit until he asked, "So, how's it going with, uh, you and him?"
"Him?" I questioned.
"Yeah, Dave," he clarified.
"Oh," I blushed, "It's going well."
He chuckled. I gave him a curious look.
"You blush so easily," he shrugged.
"It's not on purpose, I swear."
"Nah, but it's cute," he smiled, "Just don't tell Dave I said that. He might throw a punch at me... again. Looks like you're surrounded by some jealous dudes, huh?"
"That's not on purpose either," I chuckled, awkwardly.
I handed him the last crate of beers, and he placed it in the back of the van.
"I'll go fetch Lars. You should wake up Dave… Before Cliff shows up," he said, grinning.
I headed inside the house, quickly climbed the stairs, and hesitated at the door of Dave's room. I turned the knob and let out a soft giggle at how he was sprawled out asleep on the bed. I shut the door before stepping in and perched on the edge of the bed, giving his arm a gentle shake.
“Dave...?” I whispered. He turned in bed, opening his eyes amidst a mess of ginger hair, and smiled when he saw me.
"Hey," he said, taking my hand and kissing it, making me smile.
"Good morning."
"Come here," he said, shifting in bed, making room for me. I lay down beside him, and he pulled me into his arms. I nuzzled his chest, feeling comfortable in the warmth of the bed and his body. He kissed my forehead and breathed, "You're adorable, you know that?"
I blushed, wondering why he was being so affectionate. Maybe he was just sleepy, but it didn't matter — I loved it when he praised me.
He held me with one hand on my waist, pulling me close effortlessly as he buried his face in my neck, using his other hand to lift my leg and place it around his hip. I shivered as he kissed the base of my neck and then my collarbone. 
"Cliff left, didn't he?" he whispered, his lips against my skin.
"Yes," I whispered back, my heart racing. 
"So no one's going to bother us now?" I could feel his smile against my neck. 
"I hope not," I said, softly. 
He held me firmly, turning me in bed as if I weighed nothing, and rose, kneeling with his legs around my hips as he took off his shirt. I stared at him, his dark eyes in the dimness of the room, his hair a mess of curls; I could see in his gaze that he wanted to devour me right there.
I was completely surrendered to him.
He held my brown hair firmly in one hand, his lips meeting mine in a kiss as his tongue eagerly invaded my mouth, his other hand holding my hip vigorously as he pressed his hips against mine. I moaned in his kiss when I felt his erection against me, my heart racing as my whole body shivered. I wondered if he knew he was the first one to touch me like this. I couldn't resist him. Apparently, he could tell — and he enjoyed it, the power he held over me.
Dave moves his hips slowly against mine while his kisses trailed off to my neck again. I raised my legs, placing them around his waist and bringing him closer to me while his hand cupped my face softly. He lightly bit my neck as I held onto his arms, my nails digging into his skin as my breath quickened. 
"Dave..." I whispered. He pulled back slightly, looking into my eyes and smiling sweetly. I felt my face flush as he caressed my lower lip with his thumb, his brown eyes getting lost in my blue ones. In that moment, all I wanted was to stay in his arms forever. 
Of course, that's when we heard someone knocking on the door.
We froze, waiting. After a few seconds, the knocking repeated, followed by Cliff's voice. 
"Hey, you guys ready? We're already heading out." 
"Fuck," Dave growled, getting up and forcefully swinging open the door, revealing Cliff leaning against the frame in a relaxed position, holding a lit joint in his hand. "Damn it, Cliff! Why did you have to butt in now?"
"Oh, did I disturb something?" he asked, smirking with irony. 
"Yeah, you did. Everyone has to wait when you go to Leanne's place, but now you're busting in on us? Come on, man!" 
"Well, at least I don't make everyone late," Cliff answered, coldly. "Get dressed or I'll leave you behind. Hurry up, Nore."
I quickly got up and left the room, blushing as my eyes met Cliff's. He seemed to be enjoying my embarrassment, but I didn't say a word to him. I walked outside and got into the van, sitting next to Leanne with an annoyed sigh.
“Rough morning?” she asked with a smile.
"Thanks to Cliff, that moron," I grumbled. She let out a little chuckle. 
"He cares about you, you know?" 
"A bit too much." 
"Well, it's nice to have someone who looks out for you like that, isn't it?" she smiled. "So, what did he do this time, anyway?"
“Ruined the moment, like always.” I grumbled, feeling my face heat up. She laughed. 
"You and Dave were...?"
"No!" I blurted out, then buried my face in my hands, embarrassed.
"Okay, maybe... almost," I confessed. 
"Hey, think about it this way. At least you dodged the whole pregnancy scare thing, right?" 
I arched an eyebrow. Honestly, that hadn't even crossed my mind.
"Guess I should be thankful then," I mumbled, and she let out a soft chuckle.
James and Lars popped out of the house and hopped into the van. James took the driver's seat while Lars settled in the one right in front of us. 
"Morning, ladies," Lars greeted with a smirk. He glanced at me and snickered. "You know you've got a hickey on your neck, right?" 
I blushed, instinctively covering my neck with my hand but stayed silent.
Soon, Dave and Cliff showed up. Dave plopped down next to me, while Cliff squeezed in beside Lars, arms crossed. The atmosphere became slightly tense. Dave wrapped his arms around my shoulders as the two of them locked eyes in a tense stare-down.
I sighed. This trip was gonna be one hell of a ride.
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You were supposed to just be arm candy for the night. Quinn had strong-armed Bailey into bringing a date for the gala she was hosting. He'd staunchly refused, until she reminded him of last year's party. Maybe it was something in the air, but everyone wanted to either dance with Bailey, or sneak off with him. More importantly, everyone was constantly watching him. It was unnerving, given his history. That's where you came in.
While considering his options, he was forced to face the facts. Eden and his spouse were his only friends. Fuck Quinn, she didn't count. Couldn't trust her as far as he could throw her. Which wasn't far. Her fat tits weighed her down. He didn't trust anybody else to be that close to him the whole night, but Eden would never play along, and he'd kill Bailey before he could finish asking for his spouse to go, which was fair. Bailey had been close to both of them growing up and may or may not have nursed a crush. On both of them. At the same time. Regardless, everyone that attended these parties was some kind of scum. They were, however, very good for networking and making contacts. It's how he found Remy in the first place, after all.
Thus Bailey was left with slim pickings. He could hire one of Briar's skanks, but he couldn't trust they weren't a plant. One that would pass information back to his competition. So that was put. He could rent one of Remy's goons for the evening, but they were ill mannered and ill tempered. They'd no doubt cause a scene. He could bring one of his orphans, but again, they'd cause a scene. Not only that, it'd make him look like a massive pervert. No, bringing an orphan is something the previous caretaker would have done. He sees enough of that monster in himself daily; he didn't need any more. His last option, was to borrow Eden's kid. You were the most beautiful, well behaved little shit he'd ever encountered. Smart and resourceful, you didn't have a lot of love for anyone in town.
Getting his friends o agree was the hardest part. Eden hated the idea of his child going into that town, much less being surrounded by the people who made it awful. His spouse, well, they were skeptical he'd keep you safe. He had a lot of enemies and all of them knew it. What if someone went after their baby because you were with him? New survival equipment and cookware helped convince them. Mostly since it was basically him saying Eden could kill him with a shiny, new hatchet. Or his spouse could beat him to death with their new cast iron skillet.
You were excited to go to a party. Your uncle Bailey brought you to the store and let you pick out all kinds of clothes, just not a gown for the gala. He didn't care about your shape or size. You were wearing a long, open back dress with a slit up to your hips. It was made of black satin and had lace delicately sewn as the collar and cold shoulder sleves. It hugged your assets, the skirt flowing with each move you made. He also got you shiny silver and daimond jewelry, and black, heeled shoes with red bottoms. He even took you to get a mani-pedi. You felt so fancy!
When it was time to attend, you did your hair and make up. It was simple, and a little understated. You wanted to focal point to be on the stuff your uncle got you. He seemed happy enough that you were we wearing the outfit just as he told you to. You were thrilled to please him, after all, he was taking you out of the woods and letting you see the town! You got to meet new people! Besides, it was fun letting him dress you up. You honestly felt a little bad, like you were taking advantage of him. You weren't a child anymore, and he didn't need to spoil you like one.
On the drive to the hotel, you nervously picked at the lace on your dress. Bailey had to take a hand off the wheel and grip both of your hands in his to make you stop. It surprised you at first. Had he ever touched you before? It was usually the other way around, when you'd hug him goodbye. His hands were larger than your's. Calloused and scared, not as bad as your father's. His nails were short and well taken care of, like the rest of him. He chastised you. Your dress was expensive. You apologized profusely.
When you got to the event, all eyes were on you. Your arms wrapped around Bailey's as you let him lead you around. You didn't recognize any of the people other than Quinn. You were happy to talk with her when Bailey stopped to chat. She kept giving Bailey this funny look, like she was trying not to laugh, and wiggling her eye brows at him. If it meant anything, Bailey didn't comment on it, or explain it to you. With Quinn, was a handsome man dressed in horse riding clothes. He looked really out of place. Most people were wearing suits or gowns. Bailey didn't let you speak to him, instead sending you to savage the buffet. He didn't need to tell you twice.
While filling your plate with a variety of hordervs, you felt someone staring at you. An instinct honed while living in the woods. Looking around, you saw a darkly dressed boy watching you. He was really small, you wouldn't have guessed he was your age. His hair was kind of greasy, brushed straight down his face; covering most of it. It made his piercing green eyes stand out all the more. His face turned red and he shuffled uncomfortably when your eyes met. You offered a friendly wave and a warm smile.
Then your attention was back on the food. So many fancy bites to try. You didn't know they made quiches that small! A soft tugging on your sleeve had you turning to see the boy again, now standing in front of you.
"M- My name is Kylar." He said, not making eye contact. He was small, and his body language screamed submissiveness. It made you feel a little more at ease. You could probably kill him with your bare hands if he tried anything. You introduced yourself and offered him a baby quiche off your plate. You weren't a huge fan of meatless quiches anyway.
Kylar held the small baked good in his hands as though you had just given him your heart. You were pretty thankful when Bailey called you back over. As you walked away, you heard someone laughing. A blond boy with hair covering one eye was laughing at Kylar. Did they know eachother? Were they friends? Why was he laughing at his friend? Next to the blond, was another blond boy. The one with long hair, wearing monk's robes, scolded the boy with piercings. They looked like brothers.
When you finally made it back to Bailey, he put his arm around your waist and handed you a glass of champagne. It was bubbly and tickled your throat when you drank it. You drank a few flutes of champagne and felt really funny after the fifth one. Enough so that it was hard to walk without clinging to Bailey. Maybe it was because your face was pressed into his chest, but he smelled really good. You think that's when he decided to leave with you, but it's all hazy after that. Bailey, as it would turn out, was equally hammered. He had enough of his wits about him to rent a room for the both of you, and not drive. But not enough to keep himself from ogling you in the outfit he bought you.
He practically carried you to the room. Which was fine by you. You had a pleasant, warm feeling spreading throughout your body when you pressed against him. After unlocking the door, the pair of you stumbled into the room. It was nice and all, but Bailey had other things on his mind. One other thing, actually. You were so drunk you let him strip you of your jewelry, shoes and stockings. You didn't complain when he removed a but his boxers, not did you mention the damp tent he had going on.
You admired his physic, his scars and his tattoos. It wasn't until he was undressing you, that something in your brain clicked and told you this was wrong. You weakly tried to push Bailey away, your intoxication making hard to move or speak. You whined softly.
"What are you doing?" He ignored you entirely, tearing the gown to rip it from your gorgeous body. You squirmed under him, trying to move away, but he held you firmly in place. His hands felt really good on your hips once they were bare to him, fire igniting every where he touched.
Bailey was achingly hard. Quinn must have put something in his drink. There was no way he wanted to fuck Eden's smoking hot kid as badly as he did. It wasn't like he'd jacked off to the thought of deflowering you before. To sending you home, his seed running down your pretty thighs. Even as you weakly struggled and protested under him, he took off your bra with expert skill. When you tried to cover yourself, he gathered your hands and pinned them above your head.
"Uncle Bailey, stop." You whimpered, your begging only turning him on more. He used he free hand to force your legs apart, so he could settle between them. He thought, for a fleeting moment, about preparing you. No. He wanted to hear you screaming his name. He wanted everyone to hear it. Your undergarments were quickly pulled from your body, leaving your virginal sex exposed to him. Drunk as he was, Bailey was salivating at the sight of you; naked, tears pricking at your eyes, struggling and making the cutest sounds. He was going to fuck you till your pussy molded to the shape of his cock. His underwear went next, tossed carelessly across the room. Again, you tried to wriggle away from him.
"Uncle Bailey, please. I don't want this. I- I've never-" His lips crashed into your's before you could finish speaking. His tongue invaded your mouth, your teeth clacking together in his desperation. More focused on getting your mouth free, you were only distantly aware of Bailey lining the crying head of his cock up with your wet hole. It came to the forefront of your thoughts when he pushed against it. He was huge, bigger than you thought he would be. Not that you thought about it before. He was your uncle, why would you? You gasped as he groaned. Then, in one forceful thrust, he burried himself to the hilt in your tight, no longer virgin pussy.
"Fuck, I felt that. Were you waiting for uncle Bailey to pop your cherry, sweatheat?" He gave you no time to adjust, setting a desperate, needy pace from the get-go. You were crying fully now. The stretch of him hurt! It hurt and he was hurting you more by moving!
"Hu-u-urts!" You sobbed, encouraging Bailey to force your knees to your chest.
"Only for a little bit. It'll feel real good in a minute, treasure." Bailey nipped your lip before moving to take your nipple into his mouth. His lips sucked at the sensitive nub while his talented tongue flicked against the tip. He groaned against your soft skin when your pussy clamped down on his cock. His movement faltered for a beat or two before regaining his rhythm. He continued groping and teasing your chest until your sobbing became choked, unbidden moans. You bit your lip, trying to keep yourself quiet He felt your walls relax around him, making moving easier.
"Didn't I tell you, kitten? Fuck, you love this, don't you? Love having uncle Bailey's fat fucking cock wrecking your little pussy." You hated it. You hated him. He was right and it made the shame that much harder to bear. It didn't hurt anymore. The burning sensation from his cock felt good. It felt so good you wanted more. You felt so full, almost complete. Try as you might, he had you singing for him.
Bailey let go of your hands to force your knees to your chest, folding you in half and giving him easy access to a spot inside you that you'd never reached. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth and your eyes rolled back into your head as he abused the sweet spot inside you. A tight, clenched sort of feeling began winding inside you. You found it hard to breathe suddenly, his name on your lips like a prayer.
"Fuck, yes, that's right. Fuck, you fucking love my cock." Bailey's pace increased, barely pulling out anymore before plunging back in; working the base of his cock and letting his heavy balls slap against your ass. He was ready to cum, but he refused to finish before you. A little denial never hurt him. He enjoyed it every now and then when he was getting himself off. Oh, but your tight little heat, absolutely dripping for him felt so much better than his hand. Far better than he imagined.
"Gonna fuck you all night. Gonna wake up and fuck you again in the morning." You arched your back orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave. You cried out, incoherent as he continued to abuse your cunt; using your orgasm and the rythmic clenching of your pussy to get off.
"God! Fucking, yes! Gonna send you home with my cum gushing from your tight little pussy. Keep you coming back for- fuck!" Bailey's rhythm lost it's beat. He frantically fucked himself into you, desperate for his high.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Bailey, honest to god, moaned your name as he came. Pressed to the hilt inside you, he worked himself through his orgasm, prolonging it by grinding himself into you. The feeling of his pubic hair harshly rubbing against your clit pushed your over sensitive body to another high.
He didn't give either of you a chance to rest or recover. Flipping you over, he stared rolling his hips into you again. You whimpered and begged for a break, only for him to slap your ass, leaving an angry, red hand print, and laugh at you.
"Your body belongs to me now, and you're not going anywhere till I'm done with you, kitten." You whimpered as he pushed you down into the mattress, fucking his cum out of you as he prepared to fuck more into you.
Bailey never had much of a sex drive. He didn't know if it was from the abuse he suffered growing up, or if it was natural. Frankly, he didn't want to know. What he did know, was that it left him the a hell of a lot of stamina. You were in for a long night, and when you got home, you'd have to explain to your parents where your bruises came from, why you were walking like that, and why you needed to start visiting Bailey on the weekends.
In a couple of months, you'd have to explain to them why you have a bun in the oven.
(- anon 🚩 bad uncle Bailey takin it from noncon to dubcon gets me hrrrnnngggg.)
Bailey having a crush on both Eden and Pre-PC at the same time makes me think about them double teaming him after a night out drinking.
But also bad uncle Bailey breeding his sweet little niece, keeping her nice and dripping with cum at every chance is such a lovely image. Looking his best friend in the eye and telling him they had a wonderful time, he even took her somewhere to eat out!
Current-PC trying not to blush at the horrible puns Bailey makes about the various ways he's fucked her so Eden doesn't figure out what happened.
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soft-icha-icha · 4 years
Sneaking Away From Team Seven // Kakashi Hatake x Reader Smut
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Info: Kakashi and you are senseis who are training your teams together, and things get a bit heated between you two so you both sneak away.
Contains: blow job, fingering and penetrative sex. Not that kinky.
I have no idea why I thought training with another team would be a good idea? It's double the work, and I'm nearly exhausted on having to train another three kids. I looked at my students, they were just working on their chakra placement and trying to climb up trees upright. At least they were getting somewhere. I looked over at the other team, and all I could hear was arguing. After hearing about how mean and strict Kakashi-Sensei is, I would've assumed his students were disciplined. I never really talked to Kakashi, but I knew who he was. Everyone does, he's one of the finest shinobi and somehow he got stuck with this team? And I do sure as hell mean he's fine in his skills and fine since he is pretty attractive. I wouldn't mind getting closer to him.
Hmmm, I should go help them instead of waiting around. I quickly tell my team that I'll be gone for a moment to help team seven catch up. I walk towards them, and Kakashi looks at me with a bored look on his face. How many times does he deal with this? As I get closer, I notice it's the blonde haired boy and the one with black hair arguing, the girl is just standing there, having no idea what to do.
"Need any help?" I ask Kakashi. He gives me a slight nod.
I really don't have time for this, so I just grabbed both boys by the collars of their shirt, and gave them both a dirty look. They've probably gotten use to Kakashi's cold stare but seemed phased by mine. I put them down gently.
"Great, now that I have you attention. Please get back to training. Kakashi-Sensei does not have time for your arguing, and I sure as hell don't. I would like to say that I'm a nice sensei who wants nothing but the best for pupils to succeed, but you both are getting on my nerves. I don't care who's ahead, you've both been beat by everyone else and are at the same level right now when it comes to this exercise. Don't piss me off again, got it?" I say in calm but authoritative tone.
Both boys seemed surprised but back off from one another, and turn around to get back to the trees.
I quickly tut at them.
"Where do you think you two are going? You have to apologize to your sensei for the stress you caused him from your fighting." I put my hand on Kakashi and I feel shift from one foot to the other.
The boys turn around and apologize to Kakashi before heading out to do their exercise again.
"Thanks for that, I was about to lose it," I hear Kakashi say.
I notice my hand is still on him, and swiftly take it off from him mumbling a quick sorry as I noticed he was looking at his shoulder.
"No problem, Kakashi-Sensei! I definitely want to help you anyway I can!" I enthusiastically say. I notice his stance waver again. Weird.
"Kakashi-Sensei, eh?" He questions.
"Yeah?—" I look at him in confusion, does he not like being addressed that way by his peers?—"Is that alright?"
"More than fine by me" Kakashi answers.
"You know the way you handled the boys, you sounded very different than you usually do," he states.
Different than I usually do? I don't think Kakashi knows me well enough to know me that way.
"I guess, like I said, I'm usually nice." I noticed he got closer. Oh shit, is he flirting with me?
"I like it, it really woke me up to hear  (y/n)-sensei
speaking that way." He put a hand on my shoulder now.
Yep, he definitely is flirting. God the things I would do to him, I internally scream. I place my hand on his, and look up at him through my eyelashes. Kakashi stares back at me.
"I can definitely speak that way more around you, but I usually try to keep to myself," I tell him.
"I can tell, I've always been curious about you, (y/n). I see you around all the time but I haven't really gotten a chance to talk until now," Kakashi says.
"I feel the same about you, Kakashi the copy cat ninja," I jokingly tease at the nickname he's been given.
I see a slight blush rise on his cheeks.
"I can show you what else I can do. Both our students are off in their own little worlds. I know somewhere we can be alone."
Before I can even respond, Kakashi quickly grabs my waist and jumps high, soon enough we were gone from the students in seconds. It's not long before we stop in a secluded area of the woods. We weren't that far from our students, I could hear their faint yells. I look around and notice the set up, it seemed very... romantic. There were string lights hung up, and the layout resembled a mini patio canopy, big enough for two people. It felt cozy.
"Do you take all the girls over here," I say as Kakashi guides me to the sofa.
"Only the ones that I like, and I have to say, you're the only one so far who's caught my attention." He pulls me on top of him as soon as he sits down.
I really had nothing to lose, so when I noticed him staring at me, I couldn't help but feel the need to kiss him all over. I grabbed his face, pulled down his mask (which took him by surprise), and kissed him harshly. I felt him kiss back. He was soon biting on my bottom lip as a way of asking me to open my mouth for him, so I did. I wanted every piece of him. He tasted so good, our tongues were roaming each other's mouths. Kakashi grabbed my hips and started to make me move back and forth on his crotch. I stopped kissing his lips in favor of kissing his neck, and he really seemed to like it when I kissed him there. Soon enough, I was able to tell when I found his sweet spot when I heard a soft groan come from him. I wanted to hear more of that.
"You look so pretty on top of me, baby—is it alright if I call you that?" I nod at the pet name he has given me.
I stopped kissing his neck, and decided to take in the scene around me, including him. This is the first time I've seen him without his mask on, and God knows why he wears it. He's gorgeous! And I'm not saying that because my mind is perceiving him more attractive since we're about to have sex, but he truly is! I just want him to take me right here, right now.
"Wow, Kakashi-Sensei, you're really hot!" I blurt out, a slight blush appears on my cheeks once I realize what I said.
"Thank you, baby. So are you, I've been wanting this forever," he lets it slip.
Kakashi soon regains his confidence, and starts slowing undressing me. He begins by taking off my jacket and undershirt, leaving my bra exposed.
"Mmm... I've always had my attention on you. Your outfit really fits you right, and your face is gorgeous, and your personality is something else, you're the hottest kunoichi, everyone knows it," he tells me.
After undoing my bra, Kakashi cups my breasts and I start grinding on him, I can feel his cock underneath my ass. He feels big, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is. He soon let's go of my breast, and grabs my ass instead. I take his hint and grind a bit more harder on him. Kakashi grinds against me, and it feels so good. I quickly bring my hands to them hem of his shirt, and he gives me a playful look.
"It's no fair that I'm the only one without a shirt on," I exclaim.
He chuckles, and removes his jacket and undershirt. He was a sight to take in. I run my hands up and down his abs, and his v-line has images running through my mind. He soon smacks my ass, and grabs it again, continuing to grind against me. Kakashi is getting real worked up. I really want him inside of me, I think to myself as I feel his cock more underneath me. I slowly start unbuttoning his pants, and he grabs my wrist to stop me, he instead takes me off from him, and stands up to pull down his pants. I do the same, leaving my underwear on. Kakashi sits back down, and his bulge his huge. I had a really strong desire to suck on his cock.
I reach over and start palming him, Kakashi tries his hardest to not buck his hips up. I soon reach for the waistband of his boxers, and he slightly lifts himself up so I can take them off. As soon as I take off his boxers, his cock springs up and hits his lower abs. I was right, he is huge. I feel myself get wetter at the sight of his cock. Kakashi lets out a quiet hiss once he feels the cool air hit his cock. I waste no time licking up the side of his length, and softly kitten lick the tip. This quickly gets his attention as he lets out a grunt.
"Think you can take all of me, (y/n)?" He teasingly asks.
That was probably his way of telling me to hurry up, so I slowly start taking his cock into my mouth. I feel the tip soon hit the back of my throat and I slightly gag, I keep taking more of him. Kakashi's cock is bigger than I thought, so I take whatever is not in my mouth and wrap my hands around it to jerk him off. I look and see Kakashi with his head back, he places his hand in my hair and uses it to keep himself balanced. He soon starts letting out low groans, and every time I hear them, I get more wet.
"You're so good with your mouth, (y/n)," he mumbles. He was too caught up in pleasure.
I start bobbing my head up and down, and I can tell he's keeping himself from fucking my throat. Maybe next time, right now I just really want him in me, especially after knowing how big he is. Given the position we were in, him sitting on the couch and me on the couch as well on all fours right next to him, I feel Kakashi's hand softly rub in between my folds which were covered by my underwear, he moved my underwear to the side, and slowly starts to run his finger through my pussy.
"Is this turning you on as much as me?" Kakashi questions.
I hum in response, and I feel him insert a finger inside me. I keep my composure, and continuing sucking on his cock. His finger was long and reached all the right places, he slowly started pumping the one finger inside me. I falter a bit, but regain myself and take his cock out of my mouth. I start licking up the side of cock again. I feel Kakashi insert another finger in me, stretching me out a bit. I would need at least three fingers to stretch me out for his cock. Kakashi curls his two fingers while moving them in and out, and I moan at that. He really knew what he was doing.
Soon we were both moaning messes with my mouth on his cock, and three fingers of his inside my pussy. I can't hold out much longer, I need to get fucked by him now!
"Kakashi, could you please fuck me?" I ask politely, he seemed into that type of thing.
He takes his fingers out of me, and situates me on his cock. Feeling the tip of his cock, I slowly sit down on it. I feel it stretching me out so good, I feel so full. His cock fits perfectly.
"Feeling full, baby?" Kakashi asks. I nod at him, not having the breath to answer him.
After a few moments of us just staying still so I could get adjusted to his size. I give him the okay to move. He softly starts thrusting inside me, careful not to be aggressive. I let out a whimper as I feel his cock inside me, the feeling of fullness was overwhelming. I loved it. I begin kissing him and he returns the favor, gaining momentum the more we kiss. I soon start fucking myself back onto his cock, this new feeling has us both moaning. Kakashi runs his hands all over my body, I can feel his start fucking me harder.
"Kakashi, you're so big, you feel so good," I loudly exclaim, I was certain I feel could his cock in my lower abdomen, it felt so good.
"Yeah? You're fucking myself really nicely on my cock, if you keep doing that I may cum soon," he pants.
This only makes me more determined in my movements that I started grinding on his cock while it's inside me. I feel the head of his cock, softly brush against my g-spot, I loudly moan.
"Is that your special spot, baby?" Kakashi is soon thrusting in that same direction leaving me breathless. All I could do was just moan his name.
He starts rubbing on my clit, just overstimulating me , I'm not sure how much I can handle. This was all too much.
"Kakashi, I really need to cum," I tell him while still riding his cock. I clench around him, and he moans, begging me to do it again.
"I let you cum, (y/n), just one favor, scream out Kakashi-Senei when you do."
He once again speeds up his thrusts, my senses were off the chart. He was hitting me g-spot repeatedly while rubbing my clit, it was too much to handle. In less than a minute I was clinging onto him as I yelled for Kakashi-Sensei while cumming all over his cock.
"Such a good girl," he tells me, holding his breath.
I feel Kakashi cum deep inside me, and it sets off my senses again, we both softly grind on each other to ride out our orgasms. We're both trying to catch our breaths. Not long after we've calmed down, we quickly get dressed. Don't ask about how we cleaned up, cause we didn't—I sure as hell didn't, though Kakashi doesn't seem to mind.
"Well that was something else," Kakashi speaks up.
"Yeah, really wasn't expecting to end up with Kakashi-Sensei's cum in me," I retort. I see him mega blushing.
"You know, I like it when you call sensei," he says.
"I can tell, and I'll gladly call you whatever you'd like if you keep giving me the time of my life like that all the time." I kiss him softly.
He kisses me back, as both dust off our uniforms. We start walking back to where we last saw our students. I see him pull out a book, and I read the title. Is this where he got the idea?
"So it's agreed, we're both into this, and will hopefully continue seeing each other?" Kakashi asks for confirmation.
"I would like that," I say.
"I'd like that as well."
We walk in silence, both grinning as we approach our students. They were just playing games together while we were gone I'm assuming. They look up once they here our footsteps getting closer. Without any questions asked since they most likely thought we were called for something important, I walk my students home. Kakashi does the same.
"Hope we can do this again, (y/n)-sensei!" I hear Kakashi shout.
I look back, and notice he stopped in his tracks.
"How about the day after tomorrow? Same place, same time. I may need to rest for a bit," I say, catching him off guard.
He quickly turns around after seeing the confused looks on his students' faces. I catch up with my students who I let go on without me, and they tell me all about their training.
I can't wait until the next time we meet up.
anyone want a part two?
Hoped you enjoyed this!
Word Count: 2,796
Posted: 04/20/20
14 notes · View notes
Never A Dull Morning
Clare: didn't let boys see her undergarments. Even though she'd starting buying more interesting bras and panties last year, it was for herself not them. Of course Dakota hadn't actually done anything wrong. "It's just private." She explained. "Thank you for understanding." Her cheeks were still pink as she got dressed. Clare wasn't going to explain her weird logic in front of Emi. How she could go without wearing a bra in front of him but wasn't ready for him to see it. Clare was a little shocked after she succesfully beat up Bren. She'd learned how to do that after the whole Fitz threatening her and Eli with a knife incident because it was important to be able to defend herself. Had she gone too far? Bren hadn't actually touched her. Emi was here though and she needed to know it wasn't okay for boys to talk to girls like that even ones who weren't strangers. (Although to Clare, Bren was.) Bren didn't get a free pass. Especially after behaving like that in front of a five year old! He should be ashamed of himself! Besides Clare knew she couldn't hurt Bren badly, she didn't know how to do more than (hopefully) get him to leave her alone from now on. She stepped outside with Kota and slowly breathed in and out trying to calm down. "Is he always like that?" Clare asked. "No problem. I don't want to confuse her. Foreign languages aren't easy for me. I always want to pronounce words exactly how they are written. But in Spanish a J is prounced like an H, in Russian an I is pronounced like an E. So on and so forth. I guess that's why I like French, it's the same alaphabet as English so it's slightly less confusing for me. The difference is the French use diacritics." Clare shrugged. She didn't give up easily and at least she had been right about how to say sushi after all. She felt better by the time they went back inside. Clare smiled at Ash and Emi. "Emi did a good job. He's still down." She knew that wouldn't last much longer so she gladly escaped to the living room with Kota and Emi. Clare sat down on the couch. She bit her lip when Emi asked about purity rings. This was part of the reason why she felt like it was necessary to shut Bren up. Emi didn't need to hear about anything that pretained to sex. Of course she had questions now. Kota was lucky she only asked that one and didn't seem to care that he didn't give her a real answer. Clare winced soon as she heard the name Jenna. Maybe it was a different Jenna? No, soon as Kota got to the part about her trashy short shorts and her purposedly bending over (so everyone could see her buttcrack), Clare knew Dakota was referring to the her former friend. Who stole K.C from her using that exact tactic. He wasn't worth keeping and neither was Jenna's friendship. "I didn't know big mouth already told you all of that before we started hanging out." Clare said softly. "I guess she's still bragging about it. She's been trying to get with every guy since K.C got sick of her. Alli's brother, Sav, turned her down too. She's going to get the baby taken away from her because she won't stay home with him and there's no one else to watch him. I'd feel bad for Jenna but Owen threw my best friend Adam through a glass door for being transgender so...if that's who she wants to be with her baby deserves better." She squeezed Dakota's hand as he confessed to Kelly about his false reputation. Clare knew people might get the wrong idea when they found out she was dating Dakota especially if someone learned about their sleepover(s) but she didn't care. Anyone who mattered wouldn't believe a rumor over the truth. If Jesus Club did to her what they did to her sister, she didn't need to be part of it. However, she hoped they'd changed along with their name. Clare smiled back at him and chuckled because she'd always been able to take care of herself and now she could stand up for herself too. Well, by doing more than slapping boys and making a scene by yelling at them. The other girls at school needed to learn how too instead of relying on Kota to play superman. "I like you just the way you are even if you're reckless. There are some situations you can't get out of alone, she needed a friend." Clare reassurred him after Kelly left. "Just give them the card from now on. Kelly's right. Her dad could've killed you." She shuddered. Clare scooted closer to Dakota when Bren came in. "Do you even realize that was sexual harassment and if you keep doing it, someday a women will press charges against you and you'll go to jail." She said seriously. "You can't grope girls because you like the way we look, just like we can't do it to you. Or each other. Or a guy to another guy." She shook her head. Bren had Genesis all wrong. They were still living with the consequences of Adam and Eve's betrayal. The bible also said that outside of marriage sex was a sin. Even if you didn't believe that, there were other reasons to wait and she didn't plan to do something she'd regret. "Yeah! Let's go after breakfast before it gets too hot. Outside." She frowned. "The only problem is I don't have any exercise clothes here." Clare didn't want to wear her new outfit to the park. She supposed she could make do with what she'd worn over to Kota's in the first place.
Kota: nodded when Clare reassured him after Kelly left and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." he whispered and listened to her chide Bren. He knew that they've been there with him. "Yea, I know. That's why I ask to touch a girl's breasts. They taught me about sexual harassment in school and as long as I don't touch her without permission the most the girl will do is beat the crap out of me. So much easier in Bristol." Bren whined. "Yea, he's got a hard head. He went to Bristol and into a night club where he made a friend. She took a pill, made out with him for about ten minutes, then her boyfriend came and we got a call from the hospital. Bren had to get stitches and had a broken arm. We just sort of gave up after that." he explained to Clare. "The guy had a hard punch, once the girl realized he was beating me up, she called the cops, grabbed him and ran. I'm friends with her on facebook, she asked when I'm going back to Bristol." Bren explained to Clare. "And didn't her boyfriend threaten to kill you if you ever touched her a fourth time since you had to go find her after you go out of the hospital?" Kota asked looking at him. "Yea, but that's just a threat." Bren stated and Kota rolled his eyes. "I wish I could just beat the shit out of you right now, but it'll be futile. I only continued to help because I thought you were done with that girl and could actually change. She's fucking strung out on drugs. That night you were in the hospital she was too, an hour later she tried to kill herself because of the drugs she took. Does that really mean nothing to you, do you not see how much she's calling for help?" Kota asked. "So what she just needs to stop taking whatever drug made her want to die. If she were mine and came to me every night I'd be the happiest man alive regardless if she's strung out or not. They can help the suicide thing." Bren shrugged and Kota got up seeing the headphones still on Emi. "Bren, sex isn't worth your life nor is a girl. Who cares if she got strung out and made out with you, she's fuck-" "I don't care." Bren yelled back and Kota felt a hand on his shoulder to see his mom. "From the first time I held you, I knew you'd be trouble. You acted out more than any of your brothers and never wanted to stay. You were always trying to leave to go wherever, soon that changed and you started going after girls not caring about anyone, but you. I had these papers printed out and money put aside. They're emancipation papers, if you really want this I won't stop you anymore." She said holding his suitcase in hand and he took the papers. "I know you don't care what happens to you, but we do. I think you may need this, to go on your own for a bit and come home to us. Maybe this will help you be a better man." she said as she signed the papers after him and handed him his suitcase and passport. "There's money in there with an address book to friends I've made and keep in touch with in various countries." she said. "And I can be with Iona?" he asked curiously. "This was only an act to be with her?" Kota asked. "Well yea." Bren answered. "If that's what you want." His mom said and Bren took his things and left. "He never unpacked his things. I knew he didn't want to stay." his mom explained and he sat back down. "Maybe this will open his eyes." Kota breathed and laid his head on Clare's shoulder. After she mentioned going to the park after breakfast, he watched as Kelly bought out a plate of pancakes while Dallas carried the plates, Stacy carried sets of silverware wrapped in napkins and Ash and Dom carried sides. Without a word, Kota went to the kitchen and grabbed bottles of juice for everyone, then sat next to Clare and Emi. "Kelly, do you still have those yoga shorts that were too small?" he asked looking at her. "Yea." she answered. "I need them for Clare." He said honestly. "They're in the same place in my room. Also you're on wash duty later after Dallas does the basics. I have Victoria's Secret lingerie that needs to be washed and you're the only one who doesn't shrink them besides Stacy and she has to go home. I also have work." Kelly said and he nodded. "Ok, Stacy do you need your Victoria's Secret lingerie washed?" he asked looking at her. "Yea. Dallas will get them for you when you're ready to do the laundry. Dallas cut some of the tags off mine so that should help a bit. My bras and other items have tags." Stacy explained and he nodded as he ate. "Dom is helping me separate the Victoria's Secret from everything." Dallas stated. "Ash and I will do the dishes then." Stacy stated honestly. "Ok, that leaves Kota and Clare to the floors after dinner." Kelly said. "I wanna help." Emi stated. "We just pick up big items and leave the rest to the roomba." he informed Clare as he continued to eat. After breakfast was done, Kota went and got the shorts for Clare and one of his shirts too. "I'll go change in Dom's bathroom." he smiled at her as he handed her the clothing and kissed her chastely before going to change.
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