#even if im saying that i like rovickie im also saying ‘their writing is shitty’ so i dont know if they want that in their tag
pinkeoni · 9 months
Click to read my long and rambly complex feelings on Rovickie below
Wanting to defend Rovickie in any capacity is a little tiring because it always has to come with the disclaimer that the ship is underwritten and Vickie herself is greatly underdeveloped, because, well, this assertion is true. Rovickie is so poorly developed that Maya Hawke herself said she would have rather Robin’s story just stick to being about friendship and the majority of the fanbase ship Robin with someone she isn’t going to be wuth, and I can’t even blame any of them because of how poorly handled her actual love interest was.
But at the same I kinda can’t help but root for them despite their mismanagement. I like the energy Amybeth McNulty brought to Vickie despite her writing, and I also like the idea of Robin’s “dream girl” that she can barely talk to being a band nerd as awkward as she is. (yes Vickie being a copy of Robin is an issue, but at the same time I like the idea of similar people gravitating toward each other 🤷🏼‍♀️)
I remember reading a post that the Duffers kinda shot themselves in the foot with Vickie. There doesn’t seem to be a way to develop her without shifting attention away from someone else, but now that she’s here, it would be bad if they didn’t give her any development at all. This show has a problem with introducing more characters than it can carry and failing to give development to some of its OGs. Robin herself being one of these characters. Is Vickie a character that can only be remedied by going back in time and remedying writing mistakes of the past? (btw I’m not saying that Robin shouldn’t be on the show, but the show needed serious structural remodeling in season 3 in order to balance all of these characters, and it’s hard to imagine if it’ll be handeled well in season 5)
Earlier in this post you might have noticed that I threw a jab at the other Robin ship, which I have expressed my feelings on before. I don’t want to spend too much time dissing them here because I do understand that sapphic ships often get unnecessary hate for sheer fact that they are sapphic.
So I’ll just be point blank: I don’t think ronance is going to happen. I don’t think Nancy is queer, I don’t think that their interactions are romantic, but hey if you wanna read it that way more power to you. If the fanbase is far more into a ship that won’t happen more than the ship that is supposed to be intended to happen then this is a pitfall of the writers. And like I said before, I understand why people prefer ronance considering that rovickie is so poorly developed. They would rather Robin’s love interest be someone that she had more development with.
But I also wouldn’t want ronance to happen because I think it would be shitty to introduce a queer character to be a love interest and then completely give her the shaft. But at the same time Vickie’s writing is already shitty because of her poor development.
Sometimes you see people (milevens) on twitter saying that byler shippers don’t care wlw ships, and this isn’t an argument even worth appealing to because they are just saying this in good faith, they are saying this just to push buttons. Sometimes when an audience doesn’t engage with a sapphic ship the responsibility is placed solely onto the audience, and not the creators who have failed the sapphic ships of the show. (I’m not saying that people who ship ronance ship it for this reason, but I am saying that I don’t want to ship a wlw ship for the purpose proving that I support wlw ships)
So I guess I actually mourn Rovickie. It’s not dead, but it’s not as good as it could have been and it probably won’t be. There’s the slightest chance of the Duff’s proving me wrong, so maybe I’ll hold on to that tiny sliver of hope.
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