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inprimalinie · 5 months
Canada, campioană mondială într-un clasament morbid si sinistru
În Canada, 36 de persoane mor în fiecare zi ca urmare a sinuciderii asistate. Georgiana ArseneÎn 2021, doar 3,3% din decesele anuale din țară au fost rezultatul eutanasiei. Astăzi, acest număr se ridică la 4,1% din decese, o creștere semnificativă în ultimii doi ani. Cel de-al patrulea raport anual privind asistența medicală pentru muribunzi pentru anul 2022, care a fost publicat luna trecută,…
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 11 months
Starshine rewrite, dark riders & horses
Sabine has Khaan, pure breed black fresian, with an unnaturaly high body tempature. Somes even reported to see Khaan burn down the grass as he stepped on it She got it as a birthday present from her parents. Khaan got trained as a dressage horse, but can perform somewhat well as a showjumper. Since she lack the love from her parents she try to win every competiton the Jorvik Stable is helding to try to gain their love.
Katja has Stalker, a pure black Parcheron, with extreamly low body temparature. Somes says when the air is humid, you can see snow forming around his body. Stalker a bit aggresive, most at the stable try to avoid him. He hates the company of other horses, but somewhat friendly with Khaan and Mortifa. Katja got him thanks her excellent scheme. But the poor girl almost find out she not got any money during the exchange, but Mr. Sands helped her out, but asked for a favour.
Mortifa, a black Belgian warmblood with a pure white face and soulles blue eyes. She has a poor eyesight, but has a really high agility. Somes said, when you are too close to her you start to feel sick. Laverne got her, when he was 12, her breeder wanted to eutanasy the foal, but he saved Mortifa. Since then she lives at the jorvik stables and has a good friendship with Khaan and Stalker.
So as I said before, Jessica hates horses. They just don't understand why there is a whole ass island where the citizens are obssessed with horses. She times to times goes to see the racies Sabine attend at also go to cheer for Katja or Laverne. She one time tried to ride a horse, but freaked out.
And lastly here is Mr. Sands and his steel gray English Thoroughbred. The PineHill mansion has a huge stable, with multiple horses, but when he go out to ride he mostly ride this old lady. There is an empty stall with a damaged name plate. The older stable workers know, there used to be a blue roan horse with white tiped mane. No one knows what breed she was, but know she and Mr. Sands had a really close bond. But he lost his horse like he lost his family...
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hadnews-romania · 3 months
Au murit împreună, un fost premier și soția sa-Au murit împreună. Un fost premier olandez și soția sa, în vârstă de 93 de ani au ales să-și sfârșească viața prin eutanasie. Decizia lor nu este neobișnuită, dat fiind că multe cupluri de vârstnici aleg aleg dubla eutanasie în Țările de Jos. Au murit...
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cmosneagu · 8 months
AVORTUL ESTE un act de ÎNCHINARE LA SATANA. Chiar experții din CULTUL SATANEI AFIRMĂ ACEASTA #aspectulreligios #Avort #centrepentruavortare #civilizațieicreștine #Crime #Dumnezeu #ElitaGlobală #Eutanasie #Ideologii #Industrie #mutilareacopiilor #NouaOrdineMondială #ritualuri #sănătățiireproductive #Sinucidere #Statistici #Transumanism #ucidereabebelușilornenăscuți https://bit.ly/3LwkHky
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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Macron a vorbit cu Papa Francisc, la Vatican, despre Ucraina, Haiti şi eutanasie
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
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Hello, welcome in @sabaku-no-livna‘s original universe blog !
As you may know before adapting my OCs for Naruto fandom they were characters of my own original universe. Livna was there too, but was a very secondary and passive character, she only took her final form thanks to Naruto fandom!  I had given up my own universe and stoped drawing some of the characters I did not adapt … like this one !
Let me introduce the main antagonist of this story : The Raven ! Even-though he is portrayed as a cruel terrorist, a pragmatic, pitiless cold blood killer, he is  the one fighting for peace and equality of people and gender.  
The Raven, Vyrgil from his real name, is one of the persons who was born with some kind of power, and that has to hide it because the head of Government chases « wizards ».  His is quiet complicated to hide, and is more of a curse than a gift. It comes from the nature of his conception : he’s the fruit of an incest.
As a child and young teen he’s just a hateful and violent boy, sure very intelligent and mature but lacking severely of empathy, feeling betrayed by the one he trusted. He spent his early childhood doing forced work for the state in the Children of Shame. When he escaped with his only friend Jo’ he was first a little thug before finally finding a good routine working for the Resistance and having a civilian life to cover his activities.  
He escaped the institute with Jo’ when he was height after having finally fulfilled his primary mission : killing his father to get his aunt’s revenge.She is the one that scarifie his eyelid when she saw the baby was having minnows eyes ! She thought it was a sign of his evilness ! She has always been very distant, cold and rude to him. Everytime she visited him in the institute it was to remind him his mission and tell him how much he was disappointing.   But even if he had killed her father as expected, the young woman still couldn’t love him and considered Vyrgil just as monstrous as his father. Feeling betrayed and abandoned he killed her too using his power. This time he did not regret having used it !
His power on his left hand (he’s left handed) has a huge payback and every-time he uses it something inside him dies, light slowly fade to let the emptiness install.
In his civilian life he hides his hand, wrist and green eye under bandages, he is a good reliable and serious worker, he’s trying not to fight to stay out of any attention. He is so discrete people tend to think he’s mute !
In the street, after they escaped the institute together, Vyrgil and Jo’ were set apart. Jo’ had some trouble with some gangs and lost his leg. But thankfully was rescued by Lorenzo. He then met Livna and Azlan and the became just like a family, being the big brother of the two. They have so much mutual respect and love they protect each other even more than if there was a real blood bounding between them. Jo’ and Livna’s relationship has always been clear and there was never any attraction between the two ! After all Jo’ is 5 years older than Liv ! They grew up together since then ! As for Vyrgil he got some problems too, got shot on the tight, cauterized the wound himself so kept his leg unlike his friend ! He still has a big burnt on his light though !
After some months spent in the street he got arrested for some fights and sent to the Grey Buildings, the local extermination camps. He managed to escape and that’s what caught the attention of the head of government : Marshal. M. He promised himself not to kill the child so he would grow up and become a real challenger for him. He needed to play but for that he also needed a real rival ! After escaping Vyrgil found himself lost and exhausted, in the same ghetto as Jo’ and Livna found him and took him with her to heal him. Like this Jo’ and him were to find each other again !
They kept their frienemy relationship though ! They kept clashing and pretending to hate each other while protecting one another ! They always had this kind of relationship based on rivalry, fake hatred and in fact a lot of respect, admiration and affection. Thanks to Jo’, Vyrgil found a job in the fields just like him !
He also got closer to Livna who had now the habit to heal his wound and with who he liked to share his insomnias. He promised her he would deliver her from her fears. “I’ll turn this vile world into a peaceful place just to see a smile shining on your face.” She did not understand how much this promise meant.  He felt more free to talk to her than to anyone else because he knew she would never judge and still look at him with immense tenderness. She had something of a mother in her. He knew from the start he had special feelings for her, and so did she !
When she got around 12 her love for him was more and more difficult. Her early maturity and puberty made things even more confusing. She was very attracted by him and constantly seeking for his attention. As Lorenzo made her believe she was nothing but a sexual object she thought she knew how to get him. She wanted him, and she is the kind of girl who gets everything she wants by the power of her work and determination (and probably her smile too) ! She was really tempting for the fourteen years old boy, but he resisted. She was too young and she was Jo’s little sister. He doesn’t touch his frienemy little sis ! He never liked how men looked at her, the way Lorenzo made of the little girl some kind of mini-woman ! He believed she needed to stay a child, regardless of her maturity. He didn’t know it was too late for her, her childhood she had lost already by the sake of the Big Bad Wolf  !
To hide his feelings towards her he was sometimes very rude, pretending not to care about her name, calling her “the girl” “the little one” “the kid” “or Jo’s little sis”. This way of reminding her she was not a woman in his eyes was very painful for her. But he had to take the risk to hurt her to keep her away. He knew his feelings were growing too and he hated the fact of falling in love. “Love is for the weak, its nothing but a lie to try to give a sens to your ephemaral existence.”
Anyways I will detail his relationship with Livna later ! ;)
The Raven left the country for 3 years trying to find somewhere the people could migrate to escape a potential war or genocide. He found “The Outside World”  as they call it, and they made some diplomatic agreements with the Resistance. They founded an alliance but all this took time. He could observe how other countries works and more importantly learn to master his power and anger. He also understood what was so important in life and what was his goal : making this world a peaceful place to make her happy and safe.
Livna and Jo’ did not know Vyrgil was the raven until they actually met The Raven and recognize him even though he had grown up a lot since the last time they have seen each other. However when they discovered it they protected his secret.
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hanaaurafebe-blog · 4 years
Wat is euthanasie?
Dat is een middel dat wordt toegediend met de bedoeling om te doden. Hier is een grote discussie om wie wel en wie niet Euthanasie mag plegen.
Wat vinden wij van Euthanasie?
Wij vinden persoonlijk dat Euthanasie zeker zou moeten kunnen als je heel ziek bent of als je niet meer in staat om zelf iets te doen.
Natuurlijk zou niet iedereen eutanasie mogen plegen. Aleen als je oud bent en als je fysiek of mentaal aan het lijden bent.
Eutanasie zou volgens ons ook gepleegt mogen worden als je bijna zal sterven bijvoorbeeld aan kanker.
Dit is onze mening maar het is altijd belangerijk dat de patient die eutanasie gaat plegen dit ook wil.
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enhundbegraven · 7 years
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Han har det inte lätt, stackars Laban.
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050803 · 5 years
Eutanasy pls
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rafranprax · 4 years
➕👉 : https://youtu.be/Byrwu70XDKI
#Avril2020 #Actualités #Actus #Informations #Infos #Journal #Actualité #Actu #Information #Info #Monde #Europe #UE #CE #France #Politique #Économie #Science #Climat #Santé #Hôpitaux #CHU #EHPAD #Euthanasie #Morgues #Mort #Virus #Épidémies #Pandémies #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Pollution #Austérité #Misère #Confinement #Prison #Complots #Médias #Propagande #Censure #Répression #Dictature
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Carneficine in pensieri miei
Dal Vesuvio attendiamo l’ottusa lava.
Inchino al cospetto dell’unico Dio mio in marmo;
Mi sfiora il perdono del disfiorato inganno,
Erutta il cuore incrinandosi nel magma dei ricci fili di stelle spente.
Affanno nell’aria della tua aria,
Ad ogni passo spezzo il compromesso.
Tu mi vedevi dove ti vedi
rifiuto di acqua santa sporca.
Richiedono eutanasie le rigide tempie,
Pulsa la risposta e scoppia:
ricevo la tua bocca,
Anelito mi incurva
la schiena è esorcismo,
dal bacio ricavo distanasia eppure vivo:
Negli occhi rifletto due cornee di mito.
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rpallavicini · 5 years
Storie di eutanasie di bilancio
Storie di eutanasie di bilancio
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supervetnonstop · 2 years
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cmosneagu · 8 months
Duşmanii omenirii îşi văd, în sfârşit, "idealurile"’ împlinite: Eutanasie pentru recoltare de organe https://bit.ly/460JUvR
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