threadedwheels · 1 year
( a bulletin board fulfillment with @espritdediamant )
ISO - Heyyy, listen up! I've always wanted to learn the 101 on palm reading, but every year I've had a schedule conflict with the courses offered. Soooo, would someone be down to tutor at an intro level even though I'm not in the class? If it's the vibe, we should meet up over coffee. Think of it as a built-in café study sesh of the basics for you, and I'll sweeten the deal by buying your order ♪ !
The brightly colored request had caught Ember’s eye when he walked past the bulletin board. That was the point of it, he figured, but the words “palm reading” caught his interest even more.
Of course Ember had taken the palm reading courses offered by the University. It was a given that the future Oracle needed to understand multiple forms of divination- kypomancy (through tea leaves), pyromancy (through fire), dowsing... even myomancy (through rat behavior).
He took the request down, sending a message to whoever this “Cater Diamond” was to plan out the details of their study... ‘sesh’.
It was less by decision and more by habit that Ember arrived late. He made his way through the cafe, cane tapping against the floor with every other step to make his presence known so people would at least scoot their chair in for him to get by.
“Apologies, Cater,” Ember mumbled, sitting down across from him, “Seemed to have lost track of time.”
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99lostsouls · 1 year
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[ @s-essha & @espritdediamant sent ❃ : my muse and social media! ]
having nearly every bit of the internet accessible at the touch of his fingers would certainly make it seem ortho was an active participant in it. 
that notion isn't wrong…or exactly correct either. 
ortho is best described as a LURKER across social media platforms. In most cases he uses idia's own accounts for whatever he wants to watch or browse through, all besides one app in particular.
MAGICAM! his most used app by far. though his account @/blueboydreams is as bare-bones as it gets, he makes an effort to follow everyone on campus and frequently check on their posts.
he'll often show idia anything he finds particularly interesting himself, or up his brother's lane. 
ortho gets a kick out of seeing everyone out together, imagining he was playing with them as well, all as good friends! 
each scenario puts him down a rabbit hole of near brainrot, researching about whatever students are doing on that particular day so he'll know everything if he were ever allowed to join. 
he's most frequently liking and scrolling through carter's page of all people. he deeply enjoys all the selfies and food pictures, but he also uses cater's page as a lesson in slang!
seems new words and acronyms are being made every single day. it's difficult to keep up sometimes…but heartslabyul's diamond shows him how to properly use them in sentences.
yes, he has said " slay! " in response to an ignihyde student's finished projects.
you can't blame him for trying. 
just wait, soon he'll be a teen expert!
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s-essha · 1 year
@espritdediamant & @silverknightpiece SENT: MY MUSE & ANIMALS.
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Talk about one of the best parts of being alive!   Needless to say,  S.T.Y.X. was always a sterile facility,  a home so cold pictures of the tundra made you feel more at home,  and it was easier to escape in vast layers of early-developing internet rather than admit the fact that,  at the end of the day,  they were raised in an experimental facility with a bad rep. ( Of course,  it wasn’t as if Idia nor Ortho knew the full extent so early in youth.   Eventually they came to know,  though. )   Essentially,  pets were  ( for a long,  long time )  a total no-go;   no amount of childish persuasion or psychological studies placed into iron fists could’ve ever convinced his & Ortho’s parents that they,  in fact,  needed an animal or else they might just die.   Very convincing. 
First,  the excuse was that Mom had an allergen,  one so devastatingly brutal,  she’d break into hives with sneezing fits, her throat closing as Hades would escort her to the Underworld,  but that was a lie.   After that,  it was that they didn’t have the money,  or the time,  to care for an animal —   as a kid,  this was plausible enough,  relatively ignorant to family fortune and just how much things did cost in the real world,  but that was also a lie.   Fool Idia once,  shame on him.   Fool him twice,  and he’s more than likely going to cry at age 8,  haunted by his greatest curse of shattered dreaming;   life-long dreams of owning way too many cute companions to count.
WHEN GRANDMOTHER WAS STILL AROUND,  there was the family dog —   a snarling powerhouse of houndish rancor,  latched to the hip of her as if the big bad evil guys would show up at any moment,  coming to reclaim Medusa’s head.   There was little way to understand at his young age, much like the financials, that one wrong move and that threat became real,  and said-dog did tend to ward off contention,  and if spiritualism was left on the table,  maybe part of it had to do with how eerily similar his tag looked to ancient talismans.   With every bark resounding down halls came his hair lifting from his skin,  and with every stray tuft of fur,  Idia struggled to deny how disturbingly inky the mutt looked.   When he reached age 10,  he stopped interacting with the dog altogether.   Not out of distaste,  but rather out of unexplainable,  nauseating compunction.
It didn’t really change his mind on other dogs,  though,  or any animal for that matter.   ( Barely,  the experience did leave him with favoritism for smaller,  softer animals,  especially felines. )   If anything,  continuing to have eyes glued to a plethora of screens really only furthered his desperation way farther down the line as consequence from the mindless scrolling through publicized home videos of pets across the entire internet.   It was a dire need even as an adult; especially for one that didn’t bite back maliciously and one who was content with fingers threading through fur,  taken care of by someone who hardly took care of himself.   ( And that was the main reason it was forbidden at age 20,  partially from self awareness,  and partially from his parents’ own 'discretions'.   A lot of the time,  they scared him right back out of it the moment he got confident. )
Regardless,  Night Raven provided him with a lucky break from his pitiful prays to the Gods for the greatest gift of them all:   BEAST TAMER SKILL,  granting an endless pampering of animals until the end of time. Lucius a prime example,  ( though, his efforts to touch that fluffy fur has been strained. Thanks, Professor Trein. )   and if Ramshackle,  or anyone for that matter,  is lucky,  they might catch a glimpse of flame,  gathered in spots where campus strays tend to group,  extending food and treats,  cloaked both by hood and the evening skies, more eager to approach random domesticated animals more solitary, comfortable conditions.
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troisfleur · 1 year
housekeeping & thread tracker: march. ♣️
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                             CURRENT POINT COUNT / 10.
MEET YOUR GREENS / with @zigvoltage​​​​. ♣️ ↳ waiting on reply.
#NOTALLSCORPIOS / with @espritdediamant​​​. ♣️ ↳ reply is queued.
WE ARE FUCKING UNDER ATTACK / with @thecoachman​​. ♣️ ↳ waiting on reply.
BIRD BRAIN / with @vipetriol​. ♣️ ↳ waiting on reply.
FLAMINGOS IN FOR THE KRILL / with @hyaina​. ♣️
↳ MY TURN / working on reply.
Plotting call here! Feel free to DM or @ in the plotting-discussion channel if interested!
also, see: open starter here!
month two of revamping trey’s blog! we have icons now, but the theme hunting keeps going. banners should be done within the first couple of weeks! ♣️
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