#especially with varka dumping all his work on her to go onto expeditions
bitwynn · 2 years
Possible future scenario for Behold!AU:
Amber: y/n! Help! I dont know which one to shoot!
Diluc: shoot him, hes the impostor!
Other Diluc: no, that ones a fake-- hes the one you should shoot!
Paimon!Reader: ah crap-- ah fuck-- okay! Amber, when i tell you to shoot, shoot okay?!
Amber: alright! Do you have a way to tell them apart?!
Paimon!Reader: yeah, i do.
Paimon!Reader, to the Dilucs: hey Diluc! Why do I hate Jean?!
Amber: wait, you hate master Jea--
Diluc: its because she leads a corrupt authoritative force that she does not work to better despite the fact that the only thing she cares about is the goodness and wellbeing of the people of Mondstat! And all her efforts of overworking are for naught because of her incompetence and short-sightedness, and because she does not see the real problem in the system!
Other Diluc: that, and also because you lost the 50/50 to her in the Kazuha banner!
Paimon!Reader: its the first one, shoot the first one--
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