#especially as someone whose first musical was crazy for you πŸ’€πŸ’€
toddreblogslotf Β· 2 months
I'm never doing a public poll again, people are mean. 😭😭😭
My mutuals are sooo much nicer
theatre kids r very…. interesting from my personal experiences with them 😭😭🫢! most of them are super nice and generous but there’s that small amount that are just unkind and they make an awful stereotype so true.
I HOPE YOURE OKAY β˜ΉοΈβ˜ΉοΈπŸ™ you literally just made a poll half of the comments you got on it were so unnecessary bcs like,,,, if ur musical wasn’t on there maybe you weren’t the target audience it clearly seemed aimed at younger theatre kids imo 😭
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