#eruviel avila
sociedadnoticias · 16 days
El gobierno federal y Morena mienten en el tema de las Afores, asegura Rubén Moreira
El gobierno federal y Morena mienten en el tema de las Afores: Rubén Moreira #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #RubénMoreira #Morena @rubenmoreiravdz #PRI #Campeche #RubénMoreira #PRI @PRI_Nacional @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX
En ninguna parte del documento dice pensiones al 100 por ciento, afirma. El PRI, PAN y PRD vamos a presentar una acción de inconstitucional para evitarlo, reitera Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera                                               Rubén Moreira Valdez, coordinador de la bancada del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en la Cámara de Diputados, aseguró que el gobierno federal y…
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (1,336/∞)
29 November 2012 | Spanish Crown Prince Felipe de Borbon accompanied by Mexico State governor Eruviel Avila participates in the opening ceremony of the facilities of the Foundation Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Maranon at University of Mexico State in Toluca. The Crown Prince is in Mexico to attend the opening cerenomy of the new Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, next December 1. (Photo credit Mario Vazquez/AFP via Getty Images)
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mixi31051976 · 5 months
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Disfrutando de las obras publicas del gobierno del Estado de México Lic. Eruviel Avila V. gobernador del Estado,la creación de este medio de trasporte teleférico "MEXICABLE" para cubrir las necesidades de los pobladores de la región de Santa Clara y San Andres en el Mpio. de Ecatepec y atracción turística para aquellos que quieren experimentar la sensación de viajar en un teleférico a muy bajo costo. Es un medio de trasporte muy inteligente y muy económico que brinda una experiencia única y maravillosa ya que en el trascurso del viaje se te muestran varias pinturas hechas por el mismo gobierno en las casas o en partes publicas y la hermosa vista de la Sierra de Guadalupe le da un toque sensacional, es muy económico viajar por este teleférico, su costo es de $6.°° pesos mx por viaje y por persona y el costo de la tarjeta es de $20°° pesos mx con $10°° pesos mx incluidos en la tarjeta, hay baños públicos muy limpios e higiénicos con un costo de $3°° pesos mx mismos que los puedes pagar con el saldo de tu tarjeta. #ExploradoresStardustfox #Mexicable #eruvielavila #ECATEPEC #ecatepunk #estadodemexico #autotrasportessanpedrosantaclarakm20 #santaclaracoatitla #sanandresdelacañada #sierradeguadalupe #turismomexico #turismo #engrande #explorador #exploradores (en Mexicable, Teleferico De Ecatepec - Estado De México.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BTH-BWBj0La/?igshid=1m63th4gup6cs
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enlapolitika · 4 years
Los MILLONARIOS NEGOCIOS del Hijo de Adela Micha con Borge, Javier Duarte, Eruviel Avila y Moreira
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lector-24 · 7 years
Eruviel anuncia 13 medidas para reducir impacto de gasolinazo
Eruviel anuncia 13 medidas para reducir impacto de gasolinazo
Toluca, México, 12 de enero de 2017.- El gobernador del Estado de México, Eruviel Ávila, dio a conocer 13 medidas para disminuir el impacto del gasolinazo en la economía familiar de los habitantes del Estado de México. Estas son: 1.- No incremento a las tarifas del Mexicable y Mexibús 2.-Reducción en un 50 por ciento de los costos en trámites de certificación de actas en el Registro Civil.…
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Autorizó Eruviel Ávila la tala de 236 hectáreas de bosque de encino
Autorizó Eruviel Ávila la tala de 236 hectáreas de bosque de encino
Poco antes de abandonar el cargo de gobernador del Estado de México, Eruviel Ávila autorizó la tala de 236 hectáreas de bosque de encino en Jilotzingo declaró en una nueva publicación Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción e Impunidad (MCCI).
De acuerdo con lo publicado por MCCI, los hermanos Francisco Javier y Ricardo Funtanet Mange, empresarios cercanos al grupo político de Atlacomulco, fueron quienes…
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pmnoticiasmx-blog · 5 years
Incondicional de Eruviel Ávila y ligada a OHL, la nueva abogada de Pemex
Incondicional de Eruviel Ávila y ligada a OHL, la nueva abogada de Pemex
Ciudad de México, 13 ENE (proceso.com.mx).-Pese a haber sido la consejera jurídica del gobernador del Estado de México durante todo el sexenio del priista Eruviel Avila y de estar implicada en el escándalo de corrupción de la trasnacional española OHL, el consejo de administración de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) nombró a Luz María Zarza Delgado como subdirectora de Consultoría Jurídica.
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pacozeacom · 5 years
Eruviel Ávila y Onésimo Cepeda se quedan sin guaruras
Eruviel Ávila y Onésimo Cepeda se quedan sin guaruras
El alcalde Fernando Vilchis ordenó el retiro de los elementos
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sociedadnoticias · 30 days
El gobierno federal se quiere quedar con las Afores de los trabajadores: Rubén Moreira
El gobierno federal se quiere quedar con las Afores de los trabajadores: Rubén Moreira #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #RubénMoreira #Morena @rubenmoreiravdz #PRI #Campeche #RubénMoreira #PRI @PRI_Nacional @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX
Se supone que iban a financiar el Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar con recursos del Instituto para Devolver al Pueblo lo Robado y de otras aportaciones, pero ya no les salieron las cuentas, afirma. Esto que están haciendo Andrés y Morena, de quedarse con las Afores, es muy neoliberal, subraya. Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera                                               El coordinador de la…
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luismurat · 6 years
Meditando en el Misión de los Ángeles
A finales de abril de 1988 concluían ocho meses de la campaña electoral de Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Durante su recorrido por el país, había aceptado el compromiso de respetar los resultados electorales, y de triunfar en la elección, “promovería una nueva cultura política basada en el pluralismo”.
En tanto realizaba una corta gira por Oaxaca, se hospedo en el Hotel Misión de Los Angeles, al igual que Enrique González Pedrero, a quien ya mencionaban como futuro Secretario de Gobernación, o de  Educación Pública. Sin embargo, su destino fue la Embajada de México en España como resultado de haber sido desplazado del primer circulo salinista.
Otto Granados Roldán, hoy Secretario de Educación Pública y José Antonio Álvarez Lima, quien aspira a una candidatura de Morena para llegar al Senado; se alojaron en el mismo Hotel Misión de los Ángeles.
La anécdota dice que, en tanto el futuro embajador en España desayunaba con un amigo en el restaurante del hotel haciendo tiempo para que el candidato apareciera y se iniciaran los trabajos del día, a lo lejos, en los jardines del bello hotel oaxaqueño, se alcanzaba a mirar a un Salinas aislado, sin nadie que lo acompañara o se le acercara. Se le veía pensativo, incluso preocupado, toda vez que la campaña en Oaxaca no había sido lo que él esperaba, a pesar de que el gobernador, Heladio Ramirez López, era amigo y leal militante del partido gobernante.
Salinas había sentido el descontento popular, se había asomado a la marginación, a la pobreza extrema, a la ignorancia toda, a la violencia que le confirmó un dirigente de su partido: “Aquí se matan”. “Sacan el machete y pelean hasta matarse”.
Tal vez en eso meditaba Salinas, pues tal situación estaba siendo aprovechada por sus rivales que no eran precisamente políticos débiles. Se trataba de personajes con enorme arraigo y amplio empuje popular como — Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, por el Frente Democrático Nacional (Centro-izquierda), y Manuel Clouthier, por el Partido Acción Nacional (poderoso adversario de auténtica derecha), políticos los dos, que con éxito capitalizaban las crudas realidades de pobreza, marginación y discriminación contra las comunidades indigenas que Salinas había visto a lo largo de su campaña electoral y que  Oaxaca lo confirmaba a plenitud, motivo suficiente para preocuparse en serio, pues la elección peligraba y el riesgo de perderla era muy alto, a pesar de que el PRI continuaba siendo la máquina que, a su paso, todo aplastaba. Era invencible, representaba todo el poder presidencial; “La dictadura perfecta” como la llamó Vargas Llosa y que tantas criticas le causó. Lo que sucedió después ya lo sabemos.
La anécdota contada viene al caso, porque los recientes movimientos que desde la cúpula del poder se vienen dando, nos recuerdan esa imagen de Salinas en el Misión de los Ángeles, y que en el presente, por momentos, parece repetirse con el candidato oficial.
Y no es para menos, pues los movimientos se han producido en los últimos días no ayudan a la candidatura del ex secretario de Hacienda.
Veamos: La Procuraduría General de la República no ejercerá acción penal contra Duarte por delitos bancarios imputados en 2014, lo que significa que la PGR no continuará con la indagatoria en contra del ex gobernador de Chihuahua acusado de presuntas transferencias de recursos públicos (80 mil millones de pesos) al banco Progreso del que su tesorero fue abogado y accionista.
Lo anterior no implica que César Duarte ya la libró y que está libre de toda culpa. No, todavía tiene una larga lista de averiguaciones y acusaciones en su contra; pero esto no quita que la PGR siente un sospechoso precedente de impunidad que afecta a un candidato que hereda las acciones de un gobierno que termina descalificado.
Hay que agregar la sorda selección que hizo el PRI el pasado domingo de su “parque jurásico”; listado que solo agradó a los elegidos: Ochoa Reza presidente del PRI; Ruben Moreira hermano de ya saben quien; Claudia Ruiz Massieu, secretaria general del PRI y sobrina de Salinas; Carlos Aceves del Olmo líder de la CTM; Vanessa Rubio ex subsecretaria de Hacienda y amiga cercana al candidato; Miguel Angel Osorio Chong ex secretario de Gobernación; Eruviel Avila ex gobernador del Estado de México; Pablo Gamboa, hijo de Emilio Gamboa líder de la bancada del PRI en el Senado; Beatriz Paredes y otros de menor renombre. Estos hombres y mujeres, como lastre lo tendrá que cargar el candidato priista durante su campaña, pues varios de los nominados están ligados a la corrupción y a la impunidad; motivos suficientes para preocuparse y meditar como aquel candidato del año 1988 que, en los bellos jardines del Hotel Misión de los Ángeles, analizaba los retos y riesgos que su candidatura enfrentaba ante dos colosos de la política, Manuel Clouthier y Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.
Hoy como ayer, el candidato oficial enfrenta a dos poderosos rivales, Ricardo Anaya, que si algo sabe hacer con éxito es la política ganadora, y Andrés López con veinte años de estar “duro y dale haber sí sale”, motivos suficientes como para meditar y analizar.
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noticiasenmichoacan · 6 years
Beatriz Paredes, Eruviel Avila y Ruben Moreira entre los "pluris" del PRI
Beatriz Paredes, Eruviel Avila y Ruben Moreira entre los “pluris” del PRI
El PRI publicó esta madrugada las listas oficiales de los candidatos propietarios y suplentes por representación proporcional, que aprobó ayer la Comisión Política Permanente tricolor a puerta cerrada y en un ambiente de secretismo.
La lista de candidatos por representación proporcional al Senado, que se registró ante el INE, como se publicó, está encabezada en la primera posición por Claudia…
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Admiten segunda demanda de amparo contra notarios favorecidos por Eruviel Ávila
Admiten segunda demanda de amparo contra notarios favorecidos por Eruviel Ávila
TOLUCA, Edomex. (apro).- La justicia federal ordenó la admisión del segundo amparo en contra de los 12 notarios designados por Eruviel Ávila al final de su gestión como gobernador de la entidad. Al resolver la queja entablada por el abogado constitucionalista Óscar Valdés ante la negativa de aceptar el recurso, el Juzgado Quinto de Distrito, […]
La entrada Admiten segunda demanda de amparo contra notarios favorecidos por Eruviel Ávila aparece primero en Proceso.
Nota completa en : Proceso
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nancy-astorga · 7 years
The killing of a ‘Narcos’ location scout underscores the complexity of Mexico’s criminal underworld
Carlos Muñoz Portal, 37, was found slain in his car on an unnamed dirt road in the community of San Bartolo Actopan in northeast Mexico state on September 11.
Muñoz was reportedly in the area, near the border of Mexico state and Hidalgo, to take photos as a part of his job scouting locations for the fourth season of the Netflix series “Narcos.”
The circumstances of his death and who could have been involved remain unclear, but the complexity of the case underscores the dense web of criminal activity and organizations present in that part of central Mexico.
Muñoz — who had worked on films like “Man on Fire” and “Spectre” during his more than decade-long career — was found in his car with multiple gunshot wounds. The car itself had damage from bullets and was found crashed into a cactus, suggesting to investigators he was fleeing pursuers at the time he was killed.
“Given the deserted [area] we don’t have witnesses,” a spokesman for the state’s attorney general said. “We don’t know if he was in Hidalgo and from there they followed him or if he was in Mexico state and intended to flee toward Hidalgo.”
En parajes #Edomex, Carlos Muñoz Portal (37), buscaba locaciones para serie @NarcosNetflix . Fue encontrado muerto, por balas, en automóvil pic.twitter.com/Dbn6brJp1w
— Julio Astillero (@julioastillero) September 16, 2017
A friend of Muñoz’s told El País that the presence of an outsider taking photos may have drawn attention. “Maybe they thought he was collecting information and they started following him in a car,” the friend said.
Though the circumstances around Muñoz’s death remain unclear, the area where he was found has become one of the most violent in the country, driven in large part by major criminal organizations competing for control of drug-trafficking organizations as well as small groups responsible for crimes like theft and extortion.
Central Mexico, which includes the states of Hidalgo and Mexico, saw its federal-crime rate, which includes organized crime and kidnappings, rise from 74 per 100,000 people in 2014 to 77 per 100,000 in 2015.
Mexico state’s nearly 16.2 million inhabitants make it the most populous of Mexico’s 32 states, home to almost twice as many people as the next biggest state, Mexico City, which it wraps around like a horseshoe.
With such a large population, Mexico state usually sees more homicides, but the body count has been driven up by organized crime and impunity, among other factors. The 1,362 homicides there during the first seven months of the year exceed the 1,326 seen there during the same period last year.
The state’s 11,749 homicides between September 2011 and June 2017 — the term of governor Eruviel Avila Villegas of the center-right PRI — made it one of the most violent in the country, and the 254 kidnappings reported during 2016 set a new record for the state.
Violence against women is especially common in Mexico state; it was 9 percentage points above the national average. Between January 2015 and December 2016, there were 626 women killed in homicides there, of which 296 cases were considered femicides — the deliberate killing of a woman. Of those cases however, only 10 ended with someone sentenced for the crime.
National-security officials have called Mexico state a “battlefield” for organized-crime groups, largely competing over drug-trafficking routes and networks. In 2015, the State Commission for Citizen Security said five criminal groups operated in Mexico state, including La Familia Michoacan and several smaller groups. The total is likely higher; the powerful and ascendant Jalisco New Generation cartel was reportedly present there in 2015 as well.
Cells from major criminal groups, including the Zetas, the Gulf cartel, and the Beltran Leyva Organization, are reportedly present in Ecatepec, a heavily populated and highly violent municipality bordering Mexico City. Two times in the last three months, government buildings in Ecatepec have been robbed, and the perpetrators have gotten away with dozens of police weapons.
In the face of an often unresponsive government, vigilantism has also increased in parts of Mexico state, with locals taking it upon themselves to catch and sometimes kill suspected criminals.
Hidalgo, northeast of Mexico state, has a decidedly different security picture, but one that is trending in a negative direction.
The 133 homicides there between January and July this year were nearly 50% more than the 90 over the same period last year.
The state’s position between the center of the country and valuable trafficking territory in the northeast makes it appealing to criminal groups.
In years past, the Zetas cartel was thought to have deep ties to Hidalgo’s political class. In May, the governor said the state was threatened by “forces immersed” in organized crime and drug trafficking.
Hidalgo has also seen several high-profile incidents of violent crime this year, including the killing of 11 people, among them two minors, by assailants with knives at a child’s birthday party in Tizayuca in July.
Hidalgo has also seen an increase in robberies of commercial and passenger vehicles — the Mexico-Queretaro highway that passes through the state has been called one of the dangerous in Mexico.
Tula, the site of a Pemex oil refinery in Higaldo northwest of where Muñoz was killed, has become a hub for oil theft, a lucrative enterprise that has pulled in criminal groups, ambitious citizens, and corrupt officials.
A June survey by Mexico’s statistical agency found 63.4% of the residents of Pachuca, the Hidalgo state capital, felt insecure — higher than just three months before and nearly as high as more violent areas like Mazatlan in Sinaloa state or Ciudad Juarez.
“In short, we are here before a state that looks calm in comparison to almost all its neighbors but which shows early signs of deterioration,” Mexican security analyst Alejandro Hope wrote of Hidalgo this summer. “A community where 11 people were just massacred with knives at a children’s party has something that is not good, to put it mildly.”
In an area as sparsely populated and riven by criminality as northeast Mexico state, solving a crime like Muñoz’s killing will be a challenge, particularly for Mexican law enforcement, which at the state level often lacks resources and is highly comprised by criminal influence.
Muñoz’s presence could have aroused suspicion among local residents, who may have seen him as a potential cartel member. A local gang may have suspected him of being an interloper from another criminal group.
Mexico has one of the highest rates of impunity in the world, and homicides often go unpunished.
A relative of Muñoz told the Los Angeles Times that the family was shocked and had no idea what could have led to his killing. “He went out to do his job and he was killed,” the relative said.
SEE ALSO: Here’s how drugs are getting smuggled from South America to the US
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NOW WATCH: The Trump administration could bypass environmental regulations to build the wall — and it could cause a huge problem in Texas
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alanafsmith · 7 years
The killing of a 'Narcos' location scout underscores the complexity of Mexico's criminal underworld
Carlos Muñoz Portal, 37, was found slain in his car on an unnamed dirt road in the community of San Bartolo Actopan in northeast Mexico state on September 11.
Muñoz was reportedly in the area, near the border of Mexico state and Hidalgo, to take photos as a part of his job scouting locations for the fourth season of the Netflix series "Narcos."
The circumstances of his death and who could have been involved remain unclear, but the complexity of the case underscores the dense web of criminal activity and organizations present in that part of central Mexico.
Muñoz — who had worked on films like "Man on Fire" and "Spectre" during his more than decade-long career — was found in his car with multiple gunshot wounds. The car itself had damage from bullets and was found crashed into a cactus, suggesting to investigators he was fleeing pursuers at the time he was killed.
"Given the deserted [area] we don't have witnesses," a spokesman for the state's attorney general said. "We don't know if he was in Hidalgo and from there they followed him or if he was in Mexico state and intended to flee toward Hidalgo."
En parajes #Edomex, Carlos Muñoz Portal (37), buscaba locaciones para serie @NarcosNetflix . Fue encontrado muerto, por balas, en automóvil pic.twitter.com/Dbn6brJp1w
— Julio Astillero (@julioastillero) September 16, 2017
A friend of Muñoz's told El País that the presence of an outsider taking photos may have drawn attention. "Maybe they thought he was collecting information and they started following him in a car," the friend said.
Though the circumstances around Muñoz's death remain unclear, the area where he was found has become one of the most violent in the country, driven in large part by major criminal organizations competing for control of drug-trafficking organizations as well as small groups responsible for crimes like theft and extortion.
Central Mexico, which includes the states of Hidalgo and Mexico, saw its federal-crime rate, which includes organized crime and kidnappings, rise from 74 per 100,000 people in 2014 to 77 per 100,000 in 2015.
Mexico state's nearly 16.2 million inhabitants make it the most populous of Mexico's 32 states, home to almost twice as many people as the next biggest state, Mexico City, which it wraps around like a horseshoe.
With such a large population, Mexico state usually sees more homicides, but the body count has been driven up by organized crime and impunity, among other factors. The 1,362 homicides there during the first seven months of the year exceed the 1,326 seen there during the same period last year.
The state's 11,749 homicides between September 2011 and June 2017 — the term of governor Eruviel Avila Villegas of the center-right PRI — made it one of the most violent in the country, and the 254 kidnappings reported during 2016 set a new record for the state.
Violence against women is especially common in Mexico state; it was 9 percentage points above the national average. Between January 2015 and December 2016, there were 626 women killed in homicides there, of which 296 cases were considered femicides — the deliberate killing of a woman. Of those cases however, only 10 ended with someone sentenced for the crime.
National-security officials have called Mexico state a "battlefield" for organized-crime groups, largely competing over drug-trafficking routes and networks. In 2015, the State Commission for Citizen Security said five criminal groups operated in Mexico state, including La Familia Michoacan and several smaller groups. The total is likely higher; the powerful and ascendant Jalisco New Generation cartel was reportedly present there in 2015 as well.
Cells from major criminal groups, including the Zetas, the Gulf cartel, and the Beltran Leyva Organization, are reportedly present in Ecatepec, a heavily populated and highly violent municipality bordering Mexico City. Two times in the last three months, government buildings in Ecatepec have been robbed, and the perpetrators have gotten away with dozens of police weapons.
In the face of an often unresponsive government, vigilantism has also increased in parts of Mexico state, with locals taking it upon themselves to catch and sometimes kill suspected criminals.
Hidalgo, northeast of Mexico state, has a decidedly different security picture, but one that is trending in a negative direction.
The 133 homicides there between January and July this year were nearly 50% more than the 90 over the same period last year.
The state's position between the center of the country and valuable trafficking territory in the northeast makes it appealing to criminal groups.
In years past, the Zetas cartel was thought to have deep ties to Hidalgo's political class. In May, the governor said the state was threatened by "forces immersed" in organized crime and drug trafficking.
Hidalgo has also seen several high-profile incidents of violent crime this year, including the killing of 11 people, among them two minors, by assailants with knives at a child's birthday party in Tizayuca in July.
Hidalgo has also seen an increase in robberies of commercial and passenger vehicles — the Mexico-Queretaro highway that passes through the state has been called one of the dangerous in Mexico.
Tula, the site of a Pemex oil refinery in Higaldo northwest of where Muñoz was killed, has become a hub for oil theft, a lucrative enterprise that has pulled in criminal groups, ambitious citizens, and corrupt officials.
A June survey by Mexico's statistical agency found 63.4% of the residents of Pachuca, the Hidalgo state capital, felt insecure — higher than just three months before and nearly as high as more violent areas like Mazatlan in Sinaloa state or Ciudad Juarez.
"In short, we are here before a state that looks calm in comparison to almost all its neighbors but which shows early signs of deterioration," Mexican security analyst Alejandro Hope wrote of Hidalgo this summer. "A community where 11 people were just massacred with knives at a children's party has something that is not good, to put it mildly."
In an area as sparsely populated and riven by criminality as northeast Mexico state, solving a crime like Muñoz's killing will be a challenge, particularly for Mexican law enforcement, which at the state level often lacks resources and is highly comprised by criminal influence.
Muñoz's presence could have aroused suspicion among local residents, who may have seen him as a potential cartel member. A local gang may have suspected him of being an interloper from another criminal group.
Mexico has one of the highest rates of impunity in the world, and homicides often go unpunished.
A relative of Muñoz told the Los Angeles Times that the family was shocked and had no idea what could have led to his killing. "He went out to do his job and he was killed," the relative said.
SEE ALSO: Here's how drugs are getting smuggled from South America to the US
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NOW WATCH: The Trump administration could bypass environmental regulations to build the wall — and it could cause a huge problem in Texas
from All About Law http://www.businessinsider.com/narcos-location-scout-killed-in-mexico-state-2017-9
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sociedadnoticias · 1 month
Rubén Moreira reitera exhorto a votar por la pensión de adulto mayor desde los 60 años
Rubén Moreira reitera exhorto a votar por la pensión de adulto mayor desde los 60 años #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #RubénMoreira #Morena @rubenmoreiravdz #PRI #Campeche #RubénMoreira #PRI @PRI_Nacional @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX
Estoy esperando que se resuelva la iniciativa presentada por Carolina Viggiano Austria, afirma. Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera                                               Rubén Moreira Valdez, coordinador de la bancada del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en la Cámara de Diputados, aseguró durante su programa “Con peras, manzanas y naranjas”, que se transmite a través de sus redes…
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