kmblckbk · 1 year
sun and shadow
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part 1
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 1640
you open your eyes when you feel someone kiss your forehead. you look directly into Eris' eyes. "morning princess" he says smiling down at you. "morning" you smile back, still a little tired after last night. "did i ruin you that much" he says grinning. "asshole, you can be glad i can walk normally" you tell him. "oh surely i haven't done my job right then, if you can still walk" he says before he kisses you deeply. "i guess i'll try again tonight" he says as he gets up out of bed. "where are you going?" you ask him disappointed.
you relationship with Eris was good, tho the only thing you hated was that you spend so little time with him. he was the son of the high lord of the autumn court and was always busy with something relating to that. Because one day Eris was gonna be high lord.
"autumn court business" he tells you, of course it was. "then what am I gonna do the whole day?" you ask him, already knowing it was gonna be another boring day. "waiting for me to come home" Eris says smiling at you, but you don't smile back. "hey I promise I'm gonna try my best to make more time for you" he says kissing you softly. "you promises me that a month ago too, and it only seems you're getting busier" you tell him disappointed. "I know sweetheart, I'm trying" he says. He hated it as much as you, to be away. But he had his duties, well his dad gave him tasks. And let's say he was not the man you could make a fair deal with, definitely not when it came to court business. add to that the fact that he hated you, because you were simply not born royal. No if anything you were a bastard, found somewhere dumped in a shed at the edge of the autumn court. A nice looking couple took you in but they were not as nice as you thought. Eris learned you that is was not normal to beat your kid, even tho he had some experience with that as well, not as bad as you though. You had a big scar on your thigh. Luckily you could cover it up quite easily, but you knew it was there, and so did Eris, who tried his best to make sure you never felt less worthy because of it.
"I'll try to be home early" he says before he kisses you one last time and walks out. You get dressed short after he's left to get some breakfast. Unfortunately when you leave your room there are guards waiting for you. "the high lord requested you" one of the guard says. Shit this could never be good, that man hates you. you follow the guards to the throne room, they open the doors and you see the high lord sitting on his throne.
Baron was as cruel as he looked. You hoped Eris would take over the throne soon, but in order to do that he had to kill his dad. And even tho Eris seemed like an asshole to everyone who didn't know him that well, you know he still loved his dad.
"ah miss y/l/n" the high lord said as you walk in. "you requested me?" you ask him. "aren't you gonna bow to your high lord" he said with a grin on his face. God you hated this man. You make a quick bow before him, hating every second of it. "so miss y/l/n, how are you and my son doing?" he asked and you already hear the disapproval in his tone. "we're very well, thank you for asking" you say politely. "hm shame, that's gonna make this harder for you" he says his face changing into the wicked face you remember all to well.
"what are you talking about high lord?" you ask him, getting a bit scared right now. "well miss y/l/n you see my son is thinking about marrying you" he says and your eyes grow big, happy butterflies go wild in your stomach, but they then turn sour as you see the high lords face. "and I can't have you walking around here as a royal. I will not tolerate bastards in my family. Surely you understand" he says smiling at you. "i-I do not, high lord" you say softly. "yes you do, tell me miss y/l/n. do you love my son?" he asks. "yes sir, yes I do" you tell him. "then you have to do what's best for him. the people of autumn court will not tolerate a bastard standing next to my son, not now and definitely not when he's high lord one day. There are tons of royals he can marry that this court will love. You will never be loved, your own parents didn't even love you enough, they left you to die. Do you think anyone will treat you any differently. You don't deserve my son's love, and you know it". You try your hardest not to cry in front of him. "b-but I" you say softly, knowing he's right. "if you really love my son, you leave and never come back" he says strictly. "but Eris he-" "you will leave, I give you one hour to pack your stuff and then my guards will take you far away from here, if you refuse to go along I'll let my guards take you away in a far less pleasant way" he tells you. you can't believe what's happening. "o-okay" you say nodding, knowing there's nothing you can do about this. It's either you go yourself, or the guards will take you somewhere, if not the grave, just to make sure you'll never step foot in the autumn court again.
You turn to go pack your stuff. "oh and miss y/l/n" the high lord calls behind you "this conversation never happened. You left because you loved someone else. And if you ever tell Eris about this, I'll kill you myself". You walk away fast, and quickly grab all your stuff. You don't even know where to go.
2 hours later the guards drop you off at the boarder of the autumn court and you tell yourself everything will be okay. They rip the necklace Eris gave you off of your neck. "no!" you yell at them, because it's the only thing of Eris you have left. "forget about this, you'll never see him again" they say before they leave.
You look back to the autumn court one last time "I love you" you whisper to the wind, hoping somehow it will find Eris. "I'm sorry" you say before you begin to walk to wherever you feet take you, far away from the autumn court.
Eris' pov
After a long day of business you walk to your room, tired from today and wanting nothing more than to scoop y/n into your arms and tell her how much you love her. you know she hates that you 2 don't see each other enough. You put your hand on your pocked where a wedding ring is sitting in it's box. You had yet to decide when the best time was to ask her to marry you. you wanted it to be special, but maybe you should just ask her. tomorrow you think, tomorrow you plan a nice evening for the 2 of you and you ask her then, you just can't wait any longer. You loved this girl.
You open the door to your rooms. "I'm home princess" you yell. There is no answer. "y/n? I'm home" you yell a bit louder, still no answer. This was weird, normally she would be waiting for you and kiss you as soon as you walk in the door. A weird feeling overtakes you, surely nothing bad happened right? You look in all the rooms, maybe she just fell asleep already or is so indulged in a book she's not hearing you. but all the rooms are empty. Then you step into the bedroom and your heart stops for a moment. The drawer of her wardrobe is open and half of her clothes are gone, with it the knife she always keeps for whenever she might need it, the one you gave her on your first solstice together.
No she can't be gone right? Not without saying goodbye or even an explanation to say why. You rush to the throne room, surely you're overreacting. You see your dad sitting on his throne. "have you seen y/n?" you ask him. "no, I haven't" he says an irritated look in his eyes, you know your dad didn't like y/n but fuck him, you loved her and you're gonna marry her. "she's gone" you say softly, realizing what's going on here. "so the bastard finally decided to leave. Good" your dad says. "shut up!" you yell at him. "don't you dare speak to your high lord like that" your dad yells angrily "she probably used you for money". "she would never" you tell him, angry now. At that moment a guard walks in "high lord, a part of your wife's dowry is missing". You look up at your dad, no it can't be. No this had nothing to do with y/n. "see my boy, woman are not to be trusted. They make you think they love you but steal from you when you have served your purpose" your dad tells you. "no y/n didn't do this" you tell your dad. "Sir we found this in the fault" the guard says holding up the necklace you gave y/n. "no" you whisper not believing it. But you have to, the evidence is telling you your father is right. She took the dowry and left. She doesn't love you and probably never did.
part 2
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Hi again!!! It’s your anon who just sent that thing about reader ending up with Eris after Cassian cheated! Imagine them having to share custody of their kid 😂
Co Parents
Part two of my angsty Cassian cheating drabble:
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Cassian shifted uncomfortably as his daughter hugged Eris goodbye. She had her little hands gripped tight into his tunic and face buried in his neck.
"It's only two weeks, little flame," he whispered soothingly to her. "Just to give mommy and I time to adjust to the new babe. Then you get to come home and be with him and us."
She nodded, putting on a brave face. "I love you."
Eris wiped tears from her chubby cheeks, "I love you too, baby girl."
It shouldn't have bothered Cassian. Eris had raised her. He had been there when she was born, when she took her first steps, ate her first real meal. Eris had stepped up while Cassian stepped away, giving you your space. Eris was the male your daughter called daddy. The one she ran to when she had nightmares.
And it killed Cassian. It killed him that you had moved on. That you were now heavily pregnant with his child and heir of the Autumn Court. It killed him that his daughter didn't live in his home. It killed him that she was growing up with different traditions.
His choice to sleep with Nesta had left him with a hole in his heart. One Nesta had tried to fill but realized slowly she couldn't. They still fucked like rabbits, but the romance wasn't there. It had become solely physical and based on familiarity.
Cassian nodded. "Anything else?"
Eris picked your daughter up as she threw herself in his arms again and walked her to Cassian. "You promised you wouldn't cry this time, little love," Eris handed her to Cassian with a brief look of heart ache and pain. "She has a new bedtime. She gets to stay up until 8 o'clock." Cassian noted the soft break in his voice. "She likes hot cocoa before bed still and a snack."
The Autumn High Lord ran his hand down her long dark curls. "We've been... refusing to go potty when we need to lately. We get too excited about what we're doing and do not want to miss a single second. We haven't had an accident in a few days, but if she starts to dance, she probably has to potty and needs you to let her know you'll wait for her. Because the excitement and fun will still be there when she comes back, right princes?"
She nodded, "Right daddy."
Eris kissed her forehead. "We put her favorite books and stuffie in her bags. She also promised to not do what this time?"
Her head fell back with a loud groan. "I won't annoy Uncle Azzie."
Cassian laughed lightly. "You didn't annoy him, baby girl."
She smiled wickly, turning to Eris with a smirk she had to have learned from him. "See, daddy, Uncle Az loves me."
Eris rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "Be good for dad, okay? Momma and I will see you soon." Eris turned to Cassian. "If you need anything, send a letter through the fire first. Y/n is..." Eris felt his jaw twitched. "Rhys will explain."
Cassian nodded. "I'll take good care of her."
"I'm sure you will, Cassian. I have no doubts. Two weeks, baby."
"Two weeks, daddy." Eris left, leaving Cassian and his daughter standing there as she sniffled softly.
"Can we have cookies?"
Cassian held her closer, adjusting as he began to walk her through Velaris. "Of course, angel. I could never say no to you."
He kissed her temple as she snuggled into him.
Two weeks.
He had two weeks to memorize how much she had already grew.
He had two weeks to kiss her fingers, her little cheeks, her toes.
He had two weeks to feel a little piece of you.
And two weeks was never long enough.
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Started writing an ErisxReader story… haven’t touched it in 4 days😔 (I know that’s not really that long but I was so inspired in the beginning I was so sure I’d be writing like everyday)
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How Eris Likes His Tea
Hello - This is my first post on this blog dedicated to ACOTAR men who deserve better! Please feel free to send any requests, ideas, or feedback! I had some inspo for this Eris fic and wanted to share :)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.6K
Eris was pure art.
His gift of fire. You were completely mesmerized by the red licks of flames that snaked their way around his long fingers. His touch was always so warm, never burning; only hot when those fingers ran down your chest and buried themselves deep inside you.
His body. You traced the faint scars that ran along his pale skin. They were everywhere. Fading after years of healing, some just lines, flush with his cascading muscle; others ran longer, deeper, puckered skin contouring against his flesh and bone.
His face. His fucking beautiful face. It took every semblance of your being to not spend your day riding that fucking face. You knew if that confession ever left your lips, Eris would do everything in his power to make that wish come true.
There was something so ethereal about him and you couldn’t place a finger on it. He could have been a marble bust carved from the Mother herself. His high cheekbones and hollow cheeks, his wild bright hair and smooth pale skin. His fiery gaze juxtaposed his soft brows. The curve of his strong nose led into those perfect soft lips. His long neck, usually hidden beneath layers of collars or thick sweaters, now only laid bare and on full display for you, and fell swiftly into his muscled shoulders. That long lean torso, worn and strong, scars riddled his chest and abdomen, carried by those strong legs - a body crafted through centuries of hardship.
It was that body that now supported your weight, fully laid atop him, legs intertwined and arms curled around one another. A cool autumn breeze rolled in through the open balcony door, the sheer white curtains flowed ever so slightly with the wind. The early morning light danced along his skin, pink sunshine enhanced the blush adorning his cheeks; your fingers traced the pattern of the leaves’ shadows that crescendoed across his chin.
His eyelashes fluttered for only a moment, his eyebrows twitched together. Before he opened his eyes, his body pulled a stretch out of him, his legs straightened beneath you, arms snaked around you even tighter, squeezing you to his chest as your felt his rib cage expand against your stomach. You snaked your hands up through his hair, those red curls slipping between your fingers. Your hands fell to his rosy cheeks, right thumb brushed against the faint scar under his eye.
How you longed to count the freckles across his skin, connect the constellations over his nose.
He turned his head ever so slightly and pressed a kiss into the palm of your hand. “Good morning,” you whispered, propping your head on his chest, his arms now slack against your back.
He returned your sentiment with a sleepy smile, strewn across his lips without a care in the world.
It took him years to remember how to smile. Years to warm up to a female. To another Fae. To anybody.
His hands palmed at the cool skin on your back, then ran over your arms. Heat radiated off of him, as he cascaded you in a layer of warmth, your goosebumps disappeared under his touch. You twisted and dragged the sheet over the both you, cocooning yourself in his warmth. He chuckled, lifted a hand from your nest only to throw a flame into the hearth across the room. The fire roared to life, the cracking of the kindling now blocking out the sound of the rustling leaves outside.
Eris gripped your hips and rolled you over, furthering your tangled limbs now intertwined with the sheets. His lips found yours in greeting, still tasting of the wine from the night before, skin stained with the smell of bonfire.
He is Autumn.
“My heart,” he murmured, kissing you again before his lips dragged across your cheek, pressing kisses along your jaw and down your neck. “How did you sleep?”
“Like a babe,” you hummed, a smile pulled at your lips before he drew a moan out of you, licking a particularly sensitive part of your neck. Your hands drew across his back, nails grazed ever so slightly across his skin, feeling the scratches you’d made the night before - nearly healed.
He pulled his head away from your neck, those russet eyes met yours, glowing with the reflection of the sunrise. “Sounds about right,” he stated matter-of-factly, hovering mere inches above you. “Considering how long you rode me last night. Wore yourself out, my love.” You felt the blush flush across your cheeks, your chest. He kissed the tip of your nose.
“I can never get enough of you.” You barely whispered it loud enough for him to hear, a subtle embarrassment at your honest confession. “I would ride you all night if I could.” Your hand twisted out of the blanket to fix itself in his loose hair, flattening down a wild, stray curl.
“We could come to a compromise I’m sure.” He leaned forward, his lips brushed yours as he spoke. “Tonight, when you tire of riding me-“ he cut himself off with a chase kiss. “I will fuck you up against the wall.”
You hummed in response, wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him closer on top of you. He ground himself into your hips, fitting perfectly nestled between your bare legs. You released a breathy moan, cut short by a sharp knock on the door.
Eris paused, if only briefly, before he dropped his weight fully into you, although lifted his head in question. Shall I send them away?
You shook your head, releasing your legs from his waist so he could fall beside you. You arranged the blankets over the two of you nicely, Eris watched with amusement as you pulled everything atop the bed neatly, practically making the bed while the two of you still lay underneath it. He rolled his eyes at you in jest, earning himself a flick to his shoulder. He didn’t care what his servants saw - he made sure that only his most trusted staff were allowed in and around his bedchamber. They had been working for the Vanserra family since he was a babe. They’d seen Beron hand out centuries worth of beatings - surely a naked woman in Eris’s bed would be a good change of pace for them.
And no matter how much Eris reassured you that your presence in his palace would remain a secret, no matter how trusted the servant, you were still cautious - perhaps embarrassed - for any other Fae to see you in such an unladylike state.
Eris laid there, watching you smooth out the sheets, grinning as your hand brushed over a particular hard spot between his legs, and waited for you to give the go-ahead. You nestled back into the mattress, and curled yourself into Eris’s side - his arm slinking around your waist - before you gave him a nod.
“Enter,” he called out; his soft morning tone was gone, now replaced with the power of a future High Lord.
He remained propped up on his pillow, the servant quickly offering him a courtesy before holding the tray in front of her. “Morning tea, sir.”
His eyes flitted to you, noting how your eyes stayed fixed on him. “On the balcony, this morning?” He asked you, running a hand through your hair, splayed across the pillow beneath you. You offered him a nod in response, which he took and nodded once toward the servant.
To which she swiftly crossed the room and slipped through that open balcony door, placing the tray silently on the marble table. With no other words, she turned on her heel and made her way to exit. She offered Eris a courtesy to depart, and he gave her a quiet thank you.
It was a firm rule in the Vanserra household that the staff be seen but not heard. Beron had almost made it a point for them not to be seen, either. While that remained impossible, he did make it clear that any one to linger or speak out of turn will be removed from the estate. Thus leaving only a very few trusted staff to remain. You’d seen how Beron had so harshly effected Eris that you sometimes wondered if the former had dealt with the staff with a firm hand, in addition to those strict words. You’d hardly be able to think many would remain if he had, but pushed the thought far from your mind. You’d been kind to the staff, on the instance you infrequently crossed paths with them, but it was far easier to make conversation when you weren’t laying bare in Eris’s bed.
He pulled you from your thoughts with a pinch to the bum, earning a squeal from your lips. He winked at you, shifting out of bed and dragging the duvet along with him. You watched intently as his long legs carried him to the balcony, and he threw the heavy blanket across the stone bench. He looked over his shoulder at you once before plopping down, spreading out and making himself comfortable. The wind tousled his hair, and he let his head fall backward, allowing the sunlight to fall onto his face.
You dragged yourself from the warm bed - only half warm now that he stole that blanket - and pulled the crinkled white sheet around your shoulders. You had felt the goosebumps rise along your shoulders and arms once again as you strode toward the open door. The fresh autumn air cleared your morning fog, the smell of the apple orchards tickled your nose.
You sat down next to Eris, he grabbed the teapot and poured two cups, adding a splash of milk and spoonful of sugar to yours.
He offered you the cup, earning himself a small thank you from you as he reclined back into the bench. This had become your morning routine: morning tea - sometimes on the balcony, other times in the sitting room, often enough in his study, and rarely in his bed (Eris enjoyed tea in bed if only to see how red your face got as the servant approached the bed to give him the tray; he’d poke fun at you for hours afterward).
You liked to spend the morning on the balcony the best, though. The steaming mug huddled close to your body offered you relief from the chilly air. Eris’s body pressed into yours was your paradise, curled into him under the pink sky. The Autumn Court was beyond beautiful. From his terrace you could see only the tops of the trees - oranges, reds, and yellows strewn across the valley in a sea of leaves.
Eris set his porcelain cup down on the table, your eyes drawn to the sound. His tea donned a dark shade, near black in color. You wiggled farther into the corner you’ve carved yourself between where his arm met his chest, nose dragging along his neck. His eyes flitted to yours, your warm breath tickling his exposed skin. Exposed. Eris had never been so exposed - emotionally: with you he was vulnerable, his guard was dropped, his brows did not crease in such an angry manner, his mask dissolved by your touch - physically: Eris hadn’t let any Fae soul this close to him in years, decades, perhaps even centuries. No one had been this close to the delicate skin over his throat, close enough to see where his father had once attacked, now leaving nothing but a few faint lines jutting out where his neck met his collar bones. “You know,” you whispered, lips brushing ever so slightly against the few freckles strewn across that pale skin. “Nobody would think you any less of a High Lord if you drank your tea with milk or sugar.”
“I’m not a High Lord,” he retorted.
“Not yet,” you whispered.
His chest moved as he huffed out a breath; the closest you will get to a laugh in the mere morning hours. “Are you trying to seduce me, you wicked thing?”
You threw him a wink in response, unable to help the spread of the grin on your face. You nestled your own cup between your palms, soaking in the warmth, the warmth that seemed to now spread through your chest and core. The smirk that played at his lips was taunting, his red eyes almost wishing for you to seduce him.
His arm curled farther around you, encapsulating your warmth in the white sheet around your bodies, pulling you impossibly closer to him. His fiery stare still held yours, the corners of his mouth downturning ever so slightly as you raised your cup to him. “Perhaps I enjoy my tea this way.” It was almost a question - was he that easy to read?
He wasn’t, in fact. You were deciding between two hypothesis sitting before you. Was Eris truly that much of as much bastard, maintaining his future High Lord façade so much that even a bit of sweetness in his morning tea would show weakness - that he was unable to bear the grim, bitter taste? And even in this moment of intimacy he could not drop this act? Or was it this now vulnerable side of him? The male who had grown up without any opportunity to taste such sweet relief? Borne of hatred and torture, with no relief - not of the constant fear of a knife in his back from even his own brothers, not of Beron’s hands marring his throat, not one single night spent without the thought of his mother’s abuse, not even milk in his tea.
You pressed a featherlight kiss to his warm skin. “Perhaps you’ll like it.” You then pulled away ever so slightly and brought your cup to your lips, taking a small sip.
Oh, how Eris longed to love everything you liked. To him, you were perfection incarnate. Everything you saw, you looked at everything so lovingly - sometimes he couldn’t tell if you were observing or scrutinizing - anything from the falling leaves to the art hanging on his walls; everything you did, you seemed to leave better than it was before: the flowers stood straighter with just your gentle caress, the books on the library shelves no longer screamed for their spines to be creased, his wild red hair somehow brighter after you’d been pulling on it all night. And since you were perfection, this tea must be, too.
He scooped up your cup and took a sip, savoring the light tea that warmed his mouth. You hummed in question as you felt his throat bob, peering up at him, waiting for the verdict. “Tea is tea,” he simply responded, a small smile played at his lips. You couldn’t help the pull of your own lips, mirroring his expression. You did, however, offer him an eye roll and adorned it with a light smack to his chest.
His smile only grew, after placing the cup beside his, his free hand now slinging your legs across his lap, fully tangling you in the sheet as he dropped a kiss to your forehead.
You were content to spend every morning like this. You were grateful you had been allowed so many peaceful mornings exactly like this one. The fate of the man sitting beside you will not come easy, nor has his past been painless. These moments were those you would savor for the rest of your eternal life; through the hardships of wars and the inevitable fight that will lead your mate to his rightful throne; it was these memories that reigned you in, these memories that reminded you that the light at the end of the tunnel will begin with Eris and his tea.
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kmblckbk · 1 year
sun & shadow
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part 5
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 2112
You collapse on the bed, completely spend. You roll onto your back and see both men staring at you grinning. "oh no we're not done yet" Azriel says. "I can't" you breathe out. "oh baby, you can do one more" he says darkly, which was so fricking hot. "n-no I can't" you say, still out of breath. You already felt way to sensitive now. "yes you can, i wanna try another hole baby" Azriel teases. Your eyes grow wide, what?! No he didn't mean what you think he did, did he? "what?" you ask him. "roll onto your stomach" he says. "Az what...?" "I said" Azriel says looming over you "on your stomach". He flips you over and sits behind you. "now, are you gonna be a good girl for me y/n?" he asks you. "Az" you whisper. You yell out as he smacks your ass hard. "I said, are you gonna be a good girl for me?" he says as his fingers starts circling your back hole. You grow nervous now. "i-I" you say your mind still foggy. "she never done that before" Eris says to Azriel. "good then I'll be the first to fuck this virgin ass" he says as he continues to circle your back hole. "Az I don't know". "just relax baby, you can take it, I promise" he says in a little more of a caring tone. "now I'm curious too" Eris says grinning. You feel Az' finger press against your asshole and you take a quick breath in. "relax baby" Azriel says as he holds you in place with his hand on your waist. He slowly presses his finger inside you and you hiss out at the sensation. "I can't" you tell him panicking. "yes you can" Eris says "you are gonna take him like a good girl, princess". "just relax for me y/n" you hear Azriel say. "no, no I can't" you say already feeling full and his finger is not even half way in. wait he was not gonna fuck you there was he. If his finger barely fit, his dick would never fit. "stop freaking out and fucking take what he's giving you" Eris says strictly. God he was so sexy when he used that voice with you. Azriel pushes his finger further inside you. and you hiss in pain. "you need to relax y/n. I swear it will be better" Azriel says while he lovingly strokes your spine, making goosebumps appear all over your body. "shit man, do you have any lube around here?" you hear Eris ask Azriel. "yeah, left nightstand, first drawer". Eris get's up and grabs the lube. You feel Az's finger leave your ass, and you breathe out.
Then you feel something cold on your ass, before Azriel's finger enters you again. It does feel better this time. "that's it" you hear Eris praise you. Az moves his finger in and out of you before he pushes in another finger. "oh fuck" you moan out as he starts to spread your ass. "that's it baby, you're doing so good for me" the praise makes you moan out louder now. "I think she's ready Az" you hear Eris tell him. his fingers leave your tight hole before something bigger is pressing against it. "breathe y/n" you hear Azriel tell you. you didn't even notices you stopped breathing. "good girl. Can you watch her for me" you hear Az tell Eris.
You see Eris move beside you, lifting your head up, his fingers holding your chin, watching you closely, as you feel Azriel push against your back hole. As he enters you a shock of pain goes thru your body and tears spring into your eyes. "relax" Eris says lovingly. "I'm trying" you tell him as a tear rolls down your face. "you're doing really good for us princess" he says wiping the tear from your face, while Azriel enters you slowly. Inch by inch, and damn he had some inches. When he's fully inside he stops. "are you okay?" he asks, sounding a little scared of the answer. "y-yes I'm okay" you tell him, your voice vibrating a little at the sensation.
You guess Az just looked at Eris for conformation because Eris nods at him. Then Azriel starts to move slowly. At first it's a weird, almost painful sensation. But the he touches something inside you that makes you moan out in pleasure. "there you go" you hear Azriel say "that's it baby". He speeds up a little, his thrust in a steady rhythm. "you wanna get in on the fun?" you hear Azriel ask Eris. "I thought you never ask" you see Eris grin. You feel Azriel pull back, removing his dick from your asshole. "get under her" you hear Azriel tell Eris. Eric lifts you up and impales you on his dick, making you moan out loud. A second later you feel Az at your back entrance. "no, please" you beg, knowing this is already to much. "eyes on me princess" Eris orders. You look at him as you feel Azriel fill your ass up again. And god it feels so good. They both move slowly at first. Gods you felt so full. But soon the pleasure overtakes you. "faster" you tell them. And they start to move at a brutal pace. Tears stream down your face in pleasure. And you moan out, not even caring if someone were to hear. Your so lost in pleasure your eyes are blurry and you feel so good, and so full.
You don't register anything really, but then your pulled back into a hard body. Tightly holding you in place by a scared hand holding your throat. "I said, are you ready to come for us again" Azriel whispers into your ear. "y-yesss" you blur out. "oh we are fucking you good aren't we?" he asks mockingly. "y-ye.... Oh fuckkkkkk!" you moan out as you come so hard you see stars. Your body shaking and spasming out of control, as you feel Azriel and Eris both filling you up with their cum. "oh look at those legs shake baby" you hear someone say, you don't even know if it's Azriel or Eris, you're too far gone. You feel both man pull out of you, before they lay you between them, as you cuddle up to eachother. And that's how you fall asleep.
The next morning you're up early. Seeing both man still asleep next to you. you smile to yourself, you could actually get used to this. You look over at Eris, a ray of sunshine making his hair even more rusted. You loved it so much. It was different with him now tho, yes you still loved him but you had found your mate. You turn around to look at Azriel. His face was covered in shadows, making him look mysterious. It felt different with him. even tho you known him for a day or 2, you already felt so strongly about him. and he understood you, probably like no one else did. They were quite literally the opposite of one another. One was your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. Who shined as the sun. and the other was your mate, mysterious as the shadows themselves. And yet you loved them both.
You smile at your mate and his eyes slowly open. "good morning beautiful" he says with his sexy morning voice. "good morning handsome" you say smiling at him as you place a soft kiss on his lips, making him smile at you. "I never had this before" he tells you. "what?". "someone I like to wake up to, who I like to share my life with. I'm not the talker but I would like to tell you everything I've been thru and everything I like. And I would love to get to know you too. The good, the bad and everything in between. I think.........I think I love you" he says, a soft blush appearing on his cheeks, gods you loved it when he blushed. "It sounds crazy after just 2 days, but I think I love you too" you tell him.
Eris stirs behind you in his sleep. "what about him?" Azriel asks you. "I really liked last night, and I would like to do it more often. But you're my mate. And to be honest I never felt so at home as how I feel here. Eris needs to go back to the autumn court at some point and I wanna stay here.......with you" you tell him. a big smile appears on his face. "really?" he asks. "really" you tell him. "so what are you gonna tell him?" Azriel asks you. "that I have a mate now and that I wanna stay here. And........and that I'm breaking up with him. but that he can always come by and have some fun with us, if you're okay with that?". "I would love that" Azriel says smiling at you and you smile back. Azriel get's up out of bed and passionately kisses you. "I'm gonna get breakfast for us" he tells you before he walks out.
As the door closes behind him, Eris wakes up. "hey beautiful" he says smiling at you. "hey" you say, nervous all of a sudden. How is he gonna react to what you have to tell him. and when where you gonna tell him and where. "you're gonna break up with me right?" he says sighing. He could always read you like a book. "I'm sorry Eris, I just" you say not getting it over your heart to tell him. "hey it's okay. You have found your mate, I understand" he says sitting up straight against the headboard of the bed. "I'm sorry" you whisper as tears roll down your face. Eris pulls you into his arms holding you close to your chest. "hey, it's okay I understand y/n. I really do, even though it sucks" he says smiling sadly. "if you ever close by, you're always welcome here" you tell him. "that's nice of you but you need to get to know your mate. I know Az for a little while now and I really think he's good for you. and I think he can understand you better than I ever could.". "I really loved you Eris" you tell him. "I know. I loved you too y/n" he says just holding you. you just sit there for a few minutes. "it feels like home here" you whisper to him. "good, you deserve a place where you're loved and cared for, I know you could never feel that way in the autumn court. And I'm sorry I could never really make it a home there for you" he says, guilt in his voice. "you did everything you could Eris. I couldn't asked for anyone better than you to make me feel at home". "yes you can, Az makes you feel at home. And I'm glad it's here. And yes I can't stand Rhysand, but I know this court will take care of you. because here they're all bastards" he says. "just like me" you say smiling. "just like you" he says kissing your forehead lovingly.
The door opens and Azriel walks in with breakfast and places it on the bed. Eris places you next to him on the bed, while he get's up and starts dressing himself. "where are you going?" you ask him. "I need to go home now" Eris says. "just stay for breakfast" Azriel says to him. "I can't". you share a look with Az before you both turn back to Eris. "well if you ever close by and are looking for a fun and exiting night, you know where to find us" Azriel tells him. "I will" Eris says, he walks to the door and waits in the door opening looking back at the both of you. "I wish you the best, truly" he says and you see he really means it. "and you better take care of her. make time for her, okay" he says to Azriel. "I will don't worry" Azriel tells him. "good, otherwise I will have to kill you" Eris says smiling at Azriel. "you have nothing to worry about, good luck Eris". "you too Az" Eris says before he hugs Azriel tightly. "I'll see you guys around" Eris says before he leaves and closes the door behind him.
"so, breakfast?" Azriel says as he sits down next to you on the bed. You smile up to him "yes, breakfast" you say before Azriel kiss you passionately.
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kmblckbk · 1 year
sun & shadow
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part 4
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 3064
The date with Azriel was nice. He brought you to a nice little restaurant, where he reserved a place on the roof, so you could not only admire him for his beauty, but also the beautiful night sky. Half way thought the date tho, your mind wondered of to Eris. Why did he never do this, would he have taken you out if he wasn't so busy. If his dad didn't hate you so much. "what are you thinking right now?" Azriel asks you, clearly noticing your change in behavior. "oh nothing" you say putting on a fake smile. "I'm serious y/n, where did your mind wonder to. You look.....sad. you can tell me" he says grabbing your hand from across the table.
You sigh "it's just, I had a boyfriend before you and......it's complicated" you say, looking to the ground, feeling your gonna cry. You wink away the tears, you were not gonna cry over this. Your on a date with your mate, smile god damnit. "you wanna talk about it?" he asks carefully. You stay silent trying to put a smile on your face but you can't. "his uhm......his father banished me because he didn't like me, no that bastard hated me" you tell him "I had no other choice then to leave. And I couldn't tell my boyfriend, his father ordered me to leave before he came back. And I had to, he was gonna kill me if I wasn't' gone before them." "that's horrible" Azriel says, squeezing your hand. "that's not even the worst part" you says smiling thu the tears that now run down your face. "the worst thing is that my boyfriend, who was gonna ask me to marry him, didn't come to find me. if he really tried he would find me, I left clues for him, he would find me within a fucking day, and he didn't. he just let me go. How can someone do that, someone who claims that he loves you." you say now fully crying. Azriel walks over to you and hugs you.
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something told you he didn't hug a lot, or really anyone. But it was comforting. "I guess I'm just scared you will leave me too, like everyone has". "I'm not gonna leave you. and Eris didn't too". "h-how did you know it was him?" you ask him. "Rhys told me what you said this morning. And Eris didn't just leave you. he misses you a lot, but his father made it look like you stole him moms dowry". "but I didn't do that" you tell him. "I know. And I told Eris he should look into it. He just believes you dated him for the money, which is fucking stupid because I know you for a day and I already know you would never do that."
You look up at him, while he still holds you in his arms. "how do you know Eris?" you ask him. "I frequently spy on the autumn court. One day he found out I was spying on them and well, he started to help me. tell me things that happened and changed in the autumn court and rumors he heard from other courts as well. We're kinda friend. He was devastated the day you left. He still is." He tell you, as he wipes the tears out of your eyes. "then why isn't he here yet?" you ask him. "I don't know, maybe he just feels guilty for not doing it earlier". "or he's just an asshole and I just didn't see it" you tell him. "all I know. Is that you're worth more than this. You deserve someone who's gonna worry where you are, if your away for just a minute to long. You deserve it to not be alone anymore, You deserve to be loved" Azriel says, holding your head between his hands. "Az" you whisper before his velvet lips touch yours. "I know it's early, but you already mean so much to me. and if that dickhead doesn't think you're worth it, that's his fault. All I know is that I'm gonna try my best to make you feel wanted and loved" he says. Tears stream down your face, but not from sadness this time. Nobody ever said something like that to you. you put your hands against his chest. "I'm gonna make sure I'll make you feel the exact same Azriel" you tell him before you kiss him. "hmmm, let's go home" Azriel whispers against your lips. "hmmm, no it's gonna take to long" you say pulling him in for another deep kiss. You feel him smile against your lips. "oh babygirl, so needy already" he says mockingly, with a loving undertone. "but we can't do this here". He says as he lifts you up and flies home, holding you tightly.
Eris' pov
Smart girl you thing as you see the clues y/n left. You decided to follow Azriel advise and go looking for her. and you think he was right, because she wouldn't have left these clues if she really was running after she stole something. At the same time it makes you feel guilty, because you hate that it took you so long to figure it out. Of course your dad was lying, you wouldn't even be surprised if he threatened her. you follow the clues while looking around. The clues end at the boarder of the night court. No, no, no ,no that fucking asshole. He knew, he must have known. It was clear as day now. y/n' clues ended on the boarder of the night court, like she couldn't anymore. And Az, fucking Azriel said he rescued a girl at the border. Shit she was his mate. "oh no I didn't think so, she's mine" you seethe under your breath as you run as fast as you can. That asshole is gonna pay. And you are gonna take your girl with you.
Your pov
As soon as you're home you run up to Azriel's room, but he is faster. he picks you up, throws you over your shoulder and takes you upstairs. You pass Rhysand, Feyre and Cassian. You just hear Feyre say "guess the date went well". Azriel throws open the door to his room and immediately throws you onto the bed. You're laughing. You probably haven't felt this good in forever. "now you're all mine" he says as he gets on top of you and starts placing kisses everywhere. His hand go to the zipper of your dress and he slowly slides it down your body. You get goosebumps all over your body from his soft touch. Even to his hands were full of scars, they still felt so soft on your skin. He quickly gets rid of his leathers. Before he places a trail op kisses down your body, all the way from your mouth to your stomach and lower, and lower. He stops as he sees the scar on you thigh. "you're beautiful" he whispers against your skin before he kisses the scar lovingly. "and I swear I'm gonna destroy everyone who's ever hurt you" he says looking up at you. you grab one of his hands and place a kiss over his scars "and I'm gonna do the same for you" you tell him before he kisses you hard and deep.
A few seconds later you hear Cassian yell "don't go in there", before the door is thrown open. You quickly stop what you're doing and try to cover yourself with the bed sheets. But you let them down as you see who's standing in the doorway. "Eris?" you whisper, not really believing it. "y/n" he says his voice full of love and....guilt. then he turns to Azriel who's snow standing before the bed, looking like he wanted to protect you. "you knew" Eris spats as him. "I didn't" Azriel says calmly, yet Eris only seemed to become angrier. "YOU KNEW AZ!" he now yells. "I only found out today. She's my mate Eris" he says, still calm as ever. "she is MINE" Eris says, looking angry at Azriel. "calm down Eris". "no I'm not gonna calm down, you knew, you knew she's mine" he says. "first of all, she get's to choose if that's still the case. Second I really didn't know Eris, I swear, I found out today after I got back from the autumn court". you see Eris calm down. His eyes trail over Az' body. Taking it in, like he want's to fuck him as much as you do. "what's going on?" you ask them. Both set of eyes turn towards you. "oh tank god you're okay" Eris says, sounding genuinely relieved. "I asked you guys a question, what is going on with you 2?" you clearly sensed there was more to them than 'just friend or frenemies, whatever they clamed to be. "we uhm. It doesn't matter, I'm taking you home" Eris says. "no your not, she's my mate" Azriel says. "I don't care if she's your mate or not. She's my girlfriend and I'm taking her home. Now". "hell no, she's staying here, where she belongs". "STOP!" you yell at them, now standing up from the bed. You were done with all this. "I'm going with no one, I belong to no one and I will choose what I do with my life" you tell them clearly. "you're right I'm sorry" Azriel says. "I'm sorry too, I just really miss you" Eris says softly. "now say sorry to each other" you order them, and they do. "now a make up kiss" you say. They both move towards you. "no not me" you say pointing to them both. If you guessed correctly you knew the tension between them was sexual. Guess you were right, because they kiss eachother with a passion you didn't expect. You smile at them as they let go of one another. "good, now that that is resolved... close the door and make me fucking cum" you say smiling, and you didn't had to ask twice.
Azriel walks up to you and grabs your chin "oh we're gonna make you cum so hard baby girl" he says his voice even lower than normal. "but let's make one thing clear, we are in control" Eris says, lust in his voice as he comes up behind you and softly bites your earlobe. "that mean you can only come when we tell you too, clear?". You franticly nod your head Eris' hand find your waist and he quickly turns you around, pressing you into his chest. "we're gonna ruin you" he whispers, before his lips find yours. You feel Az kiss and lick your neck, leaving love bites here and there.
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Eris' kisses grow more despite, while Azriel lowers his hand towards your panties. "please" you beg softly. Azriel let's out a chuckle "so impatient" he says before he slides his hand further down, resting between your legs, where you want him. a shaky sigh escapes your throat. He begins to palm your pussy and another sigh leaves your mouth. Which is directly claimed by Eris a second later. Eris rubs his tongue against yours. You whimper as you both break apart to breath, right as Azriel slowly traces a finger through your wet folds before he teasingly circles your clit. You hold onto Eris tightly. "fuck your so beautiful like this" Eris says before his lips devours yours once again. Azriel motions his fingers harder, sending chills across your body. You grind into his hand, while you pull Eris even closer, seeking your pleasure between their hardened bodies.
You feel both there stiff cocks pressing against you both from the front and the back. You grind into Azriel while your hand rubs over Eris' cock. They both let out a groan at your movements. A smile appears on your face. You grab Eris' cock harder and he let's out a low growl. Your breath hitches in your throat as Azriel speeds up his fingers, rubbing your clit in even tighter circles. You moan lustfully, wanting more. You feel your orgasm rise, but just as your think you're bout to explode, Azriel's fingers leave you. before you can protest Azriel turns you around and drops onto his knees before you. he slowly slides down your panties, while he looks up at you. "oh baby girl, we didn't say you get to cum yet" he says teasingly before he orders you to sit down on the edge of the bed. You do and he looks at you with lust in his eyes. He spreads your legs wide, staring at your wet pussy. "gods so wet already, can't wait to taste you" he says tone full of lust. "oh Az, she tastes divine" Eris says as he sits on the bed behind you and unclips your bra, before he starts to play with your breasts.
Azriel leans in, his fingers digging into your thighs to hold you firmly in place. He traces his tongue between your wet folds. "fuck" you moan out as you feel his tongue where you want him most. He licks you teasingly before he swipes his togue over your clit and pleasure spreads thru your body. He flicks his tongue over your clit, over and over again, making you dizzy with sensations. Eris pinches your nipples and at the same time Azriel sucks hard on your clit, which has you screaming in pleasure. "fuck yes!". A rising pressure fills the pit in your stomach and Azriel pushes 2 fingers into your wet heat. His trust slow and steady, caressing your inner walls. "oh please" you beg "faster". Azriel sucks harder on your clit while his finger pump in and out of you, hard and fast. "oh fuck" you moan as your hands trail to Az' hair, wanting more, but Eris grabs your hands and puts them behind your back. "oh no you're not gonna cum yet princess" he says teasingly. "please" you beg. "be still I want to hear how good of a jobs he's doing" Eris says. You do as he says trying to hold back your moans. a blush rises in your cheeks as you hear the sounds of your wet pussy being fingered and licked. You lean back against Eris, the sensation too overwhelming. "please, please. Can I come. Please" you almost yell out. "not yet baby, look at Az, look at how he's gonna make you cum" Eris orders you. Azriel's eyes find yours. The sight making you even more dizzy with pleasure. "oh, please" you beg, no longer able to hold your orgasm. "now come fore us love" Eris whispers in your ear. With one more thrust of Azriel's fingers, ecstasy erupts through your body and you cry out as you come. "that's my good girl" Eris says placing kisses in your neck. Every muscle contracts in your body and you hear Azriel moan as he licks up every drop. You shudder and you try to catch your breath, before you look up and see both men grinning at you.
"fuck" you breathe out. "oh were not done with you yet" Azriel says as he stand up, towering over you. "on all fours, now!" Azriel orders you and again you do as he says. "such a good girl" you hear him say. "now you better suck Eris' cock while I fucking destroy your pussy" you hear Azriel say as Eris undoes his pants, grinning at az. "who knew you had such a dirty mouth shadowsinger" Eris says grinning. Before looking down at you. "and I can see in your eyes how much you like that too princess". His hands find your hair "now open up that pretty mouth of yours" he says before he pushes himself deep into your mouth. "that's my good girl" he teases as he pushes in even further, making you gag.
You moan as you feel Azriel line himself up behind you, he grips your hips tight before he slowly pushes inside you. "fuck your tight" he groans in satisfaction as he enters you fully, and gods he's big. Your moans are muffled around Eris' girth. You feel Azriel pull out halfway before he trusts back into you. "oh fuck you feel so good baby girl" you hear Azriel moan behind you. and gods do you feel full, you can feel him all the way in your stomach. Azriel's grips tightens on your hips as he moves in and out of you. all while Eris shallowly pushes his cock into your mouth. "fuck I missed you y/n" Eris moans as you suck and lick his dick.
You moan on his cock as Azriel starts to speed up, moving harder and faster into you. you suck harder on Eris' cock, drawing a moan from his throat. "oh please" you moan out as you let go of Eris' cock to breathe. "not yet baby, not yet" he say before he grabs your hair tighter as he trusts into your mouth. "be a good girl and take it" you hear Azriel say before he smacks your ass hard, making you gasp on Eris' cock. They fuck both your holes deep and fast. It's almost too much. You moan on Eris' dick. "oh fuck she's close" Azriel says groaning. "fuck I'm too" Eris says. "you gonna come for us baby?" Az asks you. you nod your head before Eris pushes his dick further inside your mouth, you can feel it in your throat. "oh she coming" Az groans out before you feel him fill you up. Your hips buck wildly as a powerful orgasm explodes thru your body and your muscles go rigid. Seconds later you feel Eris shoot his cum into your mouth. "fuck" he groans before he pulls out of your mouth. You look up at him as you swallow his cum. "you're so beautiful like this" he says lovingly cupping you cheek. "isn't she Az?" "fuck yes" you hear Azriel say.
You collapse on the bed, completely spend. You roll onto your back and see both men staring at you grinning. "oh no we're not done yet" Azriel says.
part 5
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kmblckbk · 1 year
sun & shadow
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part 3
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 2397
You wake up the next morning to find the bed empty. You look over to the couch but Azriel wasn't here anymore. You look down at your wound, which now magically disappeared. You think back at last night. You actually couldn't believe you did that. You kissed another man. Fuck. Your mind immediately goes to Eris, you couldn't do this. But yet that feeling in your stomach doesn't lie. Azriel is your mate, and it just felt so right last night. You didn't do anything other than kiss and Azriel also slept on the couch, because after all you just knew each other for a day. You get out of bed and walk downstairs feeling good for the first time in days, no weeks, no months.
As you come downstairs you see Rhysand and the other man with wings sit at the table. "good morning, had fun with Az last night?" he says grinning at you. "already teasing the new girl Cass" Rhysand says. "hey any girl that can make Az look like he did this morning, is a friend of mine" the man with wings says. "who are you?" you ask the man. "Cassian, or Cass" he says smiling friendly at you. "well good morning to you too Cassian" you tell him smiling, before you sit down at the table and start eating breakfast. "so how are you feeling?" Rhysand asked you. "good, my wound is fully healed, didn't know magic could do that". "really, where you from then?" Cassian asked. "autumn court .... I think" you tell him. "oh shit, wait you think?" he asked confused. "well my parents left me at the autumn court boarder to let me to rot" you tell them "anyway where everyone?". "back to the real questions I see" Rhysand says grinning now too, the same way Cassian did a few seconds ago. "Azriel went to the autumn court" Rhysand tells you "and in case you really meant everyone, and not just Az. Feyre is paining at her studio". "what is he doing in the autumn court?" you ask them. "just seeing if anything changes in their behavior towards us, or any other court for that matter" Rhysand explain. "ah good thinking, Baron changes his fucking mind every fucking second. The man is pure chaos". "really?" they asked you surprised. "yes, he looks like he has everything under control but he doesn't" you tell them. "how do you know Baron? where you a worker in the autumn court?" Rhysand asked you, sounding interested now. "cauldron no I wasn't a worker there" you tell them, almost a bit offended they would think that of you. "then how do you know?" Rhysand asked.
"because" you sigh, thinking of Eris "because I was his sons girlfriend and apparently Baron didn't like a bastard for his son, so he banished me. told me the people of the autumn court already hated me now. And that they would hate me even more when I became the wife of the new high lord" you tell them looking down at the table. "wait you dated Eris?" Cassian asks you. you nod your head "apparently I didn't mean as much to him as I thought. He didn't even come to find me" you let out a humorous laugh "to think he was ready to propose to me". "wait he was gonna ask you to marry him?" Rhys asked sharing a look with Cassian. "apparently it wasn't as serious as I thought" you say trying not to cry as your vision blurred. "for what it's worth, I thing Eris is a right asshole" Cassian says. "I used to think he only acted like an asshole so people would fear him. I thought I knew him better than that, the real him. but maybe he only showed me that side because that was his fake side" you tell them in a whisper. The rest of breakfast was silent.
Azriel's pov
"I was waiting for you" Eris says as you walk out of the shadows. Before you even know what happens Eris' lips are on yours, pushing you against the tree behind you. Eris' hands tug at your hair, as he deepens the kiss. You open your mouth to let him in, his tongue entering your mouth, kissing you passionately. You love this, you love the feeling of his lips on yours. But then y/n comes to mind. Shit. You softly push Eris back, both trying to catch your breath. "I'm sorry Eris i...I can't" you tell him, still trying to catch your breath. "why not you initiated it, I thought you wanted this too" Eris says. "I do, I mean I did" you tell him. "what changed?" Eris asks you confused. "I found my mate" you tell him. his face falls a bit, but you see he immediately corrects it. "I'm sorry" you tell him.
"so who is the lucky one?" Eris asks you, taking a few steps back, creating space between you, like it cost him every fiber of his being not to kiss you again. "I, I only know her for a day, I found her at the night court boarder. She was hurt so we took care of her. She's a bastard too, just like me. I just know she understands, she is sweet but bold at the same time. And that's everything I already know about her after a day". You see Eris swallow deeply. "just make sure she doesn't break your heart. She sounds exactly like my girl and well, we know how that ended." He says, his head hanging a bit. "I'm sorry about this Eris, I though, I wish-". "it's okay Az" Eris says in a sad tone.
You want to turn away but you can't leave Eris like this. "do you know for sure it was her who stole your mothers dowry?" you ask him. "what else could have happened, my dad was telling the truth". "you know I'm not a fan of Baron. But if I know one thing, is that that man has a whole lot of secrets. and let be honest, I wouldn't put it past baron to banish her and blame her for some shit she did not really do" you tell him. "maybe that's worse" Eris says. "why?". "because then I just left her, then I just let her go and she will be waiting for me or worse. maybe she died somewhere in the fucking woods... alone. Wishing I was there to safe her" he says as he quickly wipes a tear that slipped his eye away. "all I'm saying is you better look into it, who knows maybe she's still waiting for you somewhere". He nods his head and you turn around to leave. "thanks Az" he says. "take care Eris" you tell him before you leave.
You later land back in Velaris. You're already planning in your head to take y/n on a date today get to really know your mate. But as you enter the town house there is a tension hanging in the air. Rhys and Cassian are in deep conversation about something and y/n is nowhere to be seen. "where's y/n?" you ask them immediately, hoping nothing bad happened. "sit down Az" Rhys says, which has you worried for a second. "is she okay?" you ask them. "she's fine, I think" Rhys says as you sit down. "what's this about then?" you ask them, the serious look not disappearing from their faces. "did you know y/n was gonna marry Eris?" Rhys asked you. the question hits you hard. You almost think he is mocking you at first, that he somehow found out about you and Eris but he couldn't know. "what?" you asked confused. "she told us Eris was gonna propose to her. that's why baron banished her" Cassian says. "wait so she didn't steal the dowry of baron's wife?" you say more to yourself. "what? What did you hear?" Rhys asked. "I, uhm" you say not looking your brothers in the eye. "Az what's going on? what do you know?" Rhys asks. "shit" you sigh. "Az you can tell us" Cassian says, seeming to mean it. "I, Eris told me about his proposal. I swear I didn't know it was her. shit. Eris" you say taking a deep breath "he thinks she left him. baron had told him she took his moms dowry with her. the motherfucker. So Eris think she ran and never loved him. shit". "and why exactly would Eris tell you all of this?" Rhys asked. "because, I , we" you actually can't get the words to form properly. "I always knew you and Eris had some kind of love hate relationship" Cassian teases. "listen that is over know that I know y/n is my mate" you tell them. They both look shocked at you. "she's your mate?" Rhys says and you nod. "well shit". "shit indeed" you sigh. How are you gonna explain it to them. How are you gonna explain to y/n and Eris what's really going on. and what if she leaves you because Eris wants her back. You were so fucked.
y/n pov
you were walking down thru the garden when you see Azriel walk towards you. "hey" you say smiling at him. damn why did it feel you already knew him for years. "hey, how are you feeling?" he asked you. "I'm great, the wound is fully healed and I explored the city a bit. It already feels like home, I never really had that feeling before. It's weird" you tell him. a soft smile appears on his face "I'm glad". You wanted to ask him about the autumn court, but you stop yourself before you do that. You don't want to know what's going on. what if Eris already found someone else. Your heart stops beating for a moment when you think of that, but you quickly shake it off. Eris is in the past, Azriel is your future.
"I was wondering" Azriel begins "would you like to go on a date tonight?". "I would really like that" you tell him smiling. Eris never took you on a date, he was always too busy. "I would really like that" you say again a big smile spreading across your face. Azriel smiles back before he places a soft kiss on your cheek. "I'll see you tonight then" he says as he walks away.
As soon as he leaves you rush into the house to see if you have anything to wear. As you enter you almost run into Rhysand, he just stops you just in time, putting his arms out to hold your shoulders. "ho there" he says "what's the rush". "oh I uhm" you say a little shy now, but still smiling because Azriel just asked you out. "y/n why were you storming in like that?" he asks, looking confused now, because you were clearly happy about something, not afraid or anything. "Az asked me out and I don't think I have anything to wear. So I, you know. It was just my enthusiasm I think, I never been on a date". "you can wear a dress of mine" Feyre says walking in behind you. "really" you say turning around. "yeah sure" she says smiling at you. "come on, let's get you a beautiful dress for your date" she says. You follow her upstairs. "have fun!" Rhysand yells behind you.
"so Az is taking you on a date huh" Feyre asks. "yeah it's weird, I know we only know eachother for like a day. But it feels like I've know him way longer than that. Maybe that's just how strong the mating bond is, I guess". "wait he's your mate?" Feyre asks surprised. "yeah he is" you tell her. "wow, I'm happy for you. and I'm happy for Az, he deserves it more than anyone else. He deserves the peace and love" she says, she sounds sincere. "has he been though a lot? I mean I've seen his hands. but was it really that bad?" you ask her, feeling like maybe you should take it slow with him. "yeah he's been through a lot. But that are stories you have to ask him yourself. I don't even know half of it" she says. "I will, maybe not on this date though" you say smiling to her. "no not on this date. Just take It slow with him, he can really be closed off sometimes. Mostly he just sits and observes, he's a man of not many words". While you 2 talk she's putting some dresses out on the bed. "wait really, I haven't noticed, we talked a lot last night". "really?! He must really trust you then" she tells you "he barely talks to us. And if he does it's all tactical planning or what he heard when he spied on someone". "oh" you say a little confused now.
"what about these?" she asks changing the subject the the dresses. "these are beautiful" you tell her. Feyre laid out a yellow , black and deep blue dress. All equally beautiful. you try all of them on. "I think I like this one the best" you tell her coming out in the deep blue dress.
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"you look stunning. Blue is his color by the way, so you chose perfectly, he will love it". "thanks Feyre" "no worries, have fun on your date tonight y/n" she calls after you as you leave her room. You quickly do your hair and make-up when there is a knock at the door. "come in" you say. The door opens, and you don't hear anything for a moment. "wow" you hear a low voice say, Azriel "you look so beautiful". "thank you. you look great to" you tell him. "I'm just wearing my leathers" he says dryly. "yeah so, you still look beautiful" you tell him, which makes him blush a little and you already know you want to see that blush way more often now. "are you ready to go?" he asks you. "yes let's go" you say hooking your arm thu his as. "were are we going?" you ask him. "to the best restaurant in Velaris, I reserved the best spot, just for us" he says as he leads the way.
part 4
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kmblckbk · 1 year
sun & shadow
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part 2
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 2859
A few months later
y/n pov
you breath is shallow and you use the last of your energy to crawl forward. You were almost over the boarder of the night court, the farthest place from the autumn court. But as the night falls, you are not so sure about your choices anymore. You should have just gone to the human lands, not the most feared court of all. cauldron you were stupid. Well no time to turn around now. If you could even make it to the night court without dying. Because you were hanging on by a threat, after you were attacked in the wood. Your side was cut open and if you didn't find anyone withing a few minutes, seconds even you were gonna die. You crawl and crawl pushing yourself to the edge. "help" you want to scream but it comes out as a whisper. You didn't see anyone, so this was it. You roll on your back, looking at the sky, at least here the sky was the most beautiful at night, you think before you close your eyes.
Eris' pov
You walk thru the woods alone, you did that a lot after y/n left. You still couldn't believe she was capable of something like that. You feel a presents watching you and you turn around. "I know you're here, at least have the balls to face me shadowsinger" you say, watching Azriel come out behind the bushes. "hello Eris, you look like shit" he says. "hello to you too" you tell him as you lean against the big tree next to you. "what's up your ass this afternoon?" he asks you "did she say no?". "she left" you tell Azriel "with half of my mother dowry". "oh well, you always had something for the feisty once, didn't you" he says jokingly. "just shut up Az. Ask me what you want to know and leave" you tell him strictly. "well, no friendly talk I see" Azriel says. "I'm not in the mood " you tell him. Azriel steps closer until he stands inches before you towering over you, you always hated that he was just a little taller than you.
"you know I'm actually glad she ran" Azriel says, looking straight at you with his hazel eyes. "and why is that shadowsinger?" you say, trying to act like you aren't intimidated by him. if it really came to it, he could probably beat you, especially now that he overcome his fear of fire. "because" Azriel says moving even closer "now I can do this without feeling guilty". His lips touch yours and god you never knew you wanted this. This was the perfect way to forget about y/n. your hands finds his waist to pull him even closer to you, deepening the kiss. "hmm" you moan into his mouth, feeling Azriel smile against your lips.
"I should probably go" Azriel says as he let's go of you, a little out of breath because of the kiss. "az" you yell behind him. "don't worry this is our secret" he says, knowing exactly what you were gonna say.
Azriel's pov
You can't believe what you just done, god this is gonna make things so much more complicated. And yet you already can't stop thinking about the next time you'll see Eris. To be honest you were a little confused at what you've done. Because it wasn't that you wanted Eris for yourself. No, you were fine with him just being there to take your mind off of things, but a relationship with him, that could and would never happen.
As you fly back to the night court you look to the ground and see something at the border. You fly a little lower to see what is was and see a girl laying on the boarder, a massive wound in the left side of her waist. You land a few feet away from her and see she's not conscious but you hear she's still breathing, tho it was shallow. You quickly scooped her up and take her with you.
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"there you are, I began to wonder where you were....who's that?" Rhysand asked as you stepped into the town house. "I have no idea, found her at the border like this. she needs a healer fast" you tell him. "lay her down, I'll get Madja" he tells you. within seconds Madja is here and start to look the girl over. "can you safe her?" you ask Madja. "I think you brought her here just in time. Now let me work" she says as you and Rhys step back and leave the room.
"what took you so long?" Rhys asked you. "I found her" you tell him, refusing to tell him the thing that happened to you and Eris. "you look nervous, you're never nervous" Rhys says. "I'm not nervous, just worried about the girl" you tell him. "do you know her?" Rhys asked. "no" you say shortly before you walk out, needing to clear your head.
y/n's pov
you slowly open your eyes, immediately you're greeted with a stabbing pain in your side. "well look who's awake?" you hear a voice say. Your eyes fly open and you immediately look to the man standing next to the bed you're laying on. "where am i?" you say looking around panic filling you. "your in the night court, and I am Rhysand, high lord of the night court" he says calmly. "now I like to know who you are" he says his tone changing into that of a predator. "I'm y/n" you tell him. "well y/n, tell me what you did at my border" he demands. Shit this is worse than you thought. "I, I ... I needed somewhere safe" you tell him, refusing to tell him the full truth. "and why's that" he asks. "because I was banished from my home" you tell him. "and why exactly where you banished y/n?" he asked as he stepped even closer with an almost cat like grace. "because" you sigh "because the court where I'm from doesn't like bastards like me" you tell him, not looking at him. "a bastard huh" he says his tone less intimidating now. "well y/n in that case, welcome to the night court". "what?" you ask him confused. You thought for sure he was gonna banish you from his court too. "let me tell you something y/n. in this court we take care of each other and I learned from experience that bastards are the most fun" he says "now rest, your wound needs to heal" he says before he walks out of the room. What the fuck did just happen.
You're still wrapping your head around that you can stay, and that you already met the high lord of the night court. Wait are you in his house right now? It didn't look like a palace like the autumn court had. The door opens and a nice looking woman walks in. her arms full of swirled tattoo's. "I thought I bring you some food. I'm Feyre" she says putting the food on the night stand. "how are you feeling?" she asked. "fine" you tell her. "you sure?" she asked, looking like she didn't believe you. "yes I'm fine" you lied. The wound hurt like a motherfucker, but you were not gonna tell her that. "Well if you need anything just say so" she says walking out. You quickly ate the meal she left you.
An hour later the pain in your side only intensified and you decided to take a look at it. Shit, it looked like it was infected, that wasn't good. "uhm hello?" you yell hoping someone would hear. "hello, I need some help!" you yell a little louder but nothing. You sat up in the bed, shit you had to find a healer quick. You put your feet on the ground slowly standing, the pain burst through your body. You slowly put a step forward, trying your hardest to ignore the pain. You put your hand on your wound, only to find it wet. No it wasn't wet you were bleeding. "help!" you yelled, feeling your anergy drain quickly. Still no answer. You tried to move as fast as you can. As soon as you left your room you hear soft voices talking somewhere downstairs so you rushed over. You took the stairs down, your body beginning to sway. "help" you whisper, not having enough energy to say it any louder. You put the first step down the stairs before you body began to lean forward. you quickly grabbed the banister holding your body upright as you descended the stairs. Your hand still on your wound, now soaking with blood.
As soon as you had descended the stairs you walk towards the noise of talking. Opening the door to see Rhysand, the girl who brought you food, Feyre, you believed she was called, and 2 men with wings. All their eyes turn towards you when you open the door. "help" you say in a whisper before you feel your body giving out. Before you fall you are caught by one of the men with wings. He looked beautiful. Yes handsome too, but beautiful was a better way to describe him. his hazel eyes find yours before they trail to your hand still putting pressure on the wound who was now completely covered in blood.
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"shit, get Madja" he says to the rest. Rhysand disappears while you lay in the arms of this beautiful man. "you're gonna be okay" he says softly. "I,i-" you whisper. "shhh, you're gonna be okay" he says softly. You don't know why but you felt something, like you knew him. but you were sure you never met him before, you'd know if you did. But then again he felt....he felt like coming home. "w- who are.....you" you whisper. Before he can answer Rhysand appears with someone else you haven't seen before. "hold her still" she orders the man who's holding you. magic sparks from her hands and you feel the pain fade.
When she's done you take a deep breath. "thank you" you tell the woman. "I've taken away the infection and closed the wound. It should be fully healed by tomorrow" she tells you. "thank you" you tell her. "just take it slow today and let the magic do the work." She says before she leaves. "are you okay?" the man holding you asks you as his eyes stay on yours, a weird look in his eyes you couldn't place. Like he had the same feeling as you, like you've met before. "I'm okay" you say trying to get up. He helped you stand and only then you see how tall he was. He towered over you making you feel trapped, and then you didn't even thought about what it would be like if his wings were spread. This man looked like a god.
"come I'll show you the bathroom, so you can clean up" he says putting his hand out. You take it but it feels weird. You look down and see his scarred hands. he sees you looking and quickly let's go of your hand. You follow him to the bathroom. "here you are" he says. "what happened to your hands?" you ask him. the question been in your mind since the moment his hand touched yours. "my brothers thought it was fun to play with fire and see what oil could do" he says almost matter of factly. "I'm sorry" you say to him.
Azriel's pov
"what happened to your hands?" she asked. Not a lot of people had the nerve to ask you, yet she did. "my brothers thought it was fun to play with fire and see what oil could do" you tell her. it came out easy, like you didn't have to debate whether of not you should tell her and that was weird. Because you never told someone. Only Rhys and Cass knew, they were the only once who needed to know anyway. "I'm sorry" she says sounding genuine. "it was a long time ago" you tell her. what was it about her. you felt like you knew her, but you would certainly remember her. but yet she felt, like coming home.
"are you gonna be okay?" you asked her. god you never talked much, to anyone really, yet she seemed to just pull it out of you. "c-could you help me" she says as she struggles to unbutton her shirt, her fingers shaking, probably from the blood loss. You just stand there for a second, frozen. "it's fine if you won't, we don't know each other after all" she says. "no, I can help" you say stepping forward. you slowly open the first button of her shirt. You could smell her, cauldron she smelled good. You moved on to her second button, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. You opened the last button and helped her out of the shirt, it clung to her body because of the blood.
You grab a wash cloth and starts to clean her wound. You hear her breath hitch. "am I hurting you?" you ask her worried. "n-no I'm okay" she tells you. you wring out the washcloth when you cleaned the blood of her stomach. When you're done you look down at her. shit she was so beautiful. "w-what's your name?" she asks. "Azriel" you say shortly getting lost in her beautiful eyes. "I'm y/n" she tells you. "y/n" you repeat, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, you though. "where you the one who brought me here?" she asked you. "yes I did, did Rhys tell you?" you ask her. "no, I just.....it just feels like I know you" she tells you. "I feel the same, though I most certainly would remember knowing you" you tell her. again you don't know why you tell her. you were not the talker. Why were you even helping her, not that you didn't want to help her but this felt too ..... intimate. A little blush colors her cheeks. "well thank you for the help Azriel" she says. Gods your name sounded so good coming from her lips. how you wished to make her scream it.
"uhm do you have something else for me to wear?" she asks you. "oh sure, I'll look if I can find something" you say, walking to you room and looking thru the closet. You grabbed a big sweater of yours, already hating to even think about her wear another mens clothes. "here" you say walking back in the bathroom. You quickly turn you back towards her when you see she got rid of her skirt too and was now standing in only her underwear. "here" you say handing her your sweater without looking at her, which was damn hard. "thanks" she said. "you can turn around now" she says softly, almost shy. You turn around and see she's only wearing your sweater which falls just above her knees. Shit that was sexy, and some sort of predator feeling rises up. Wanting to make sure no one touches her, hell it wanted to make sure no one even looked at her, when she looked like this. "let me help you to your room" you tell her and she follows you.
y/n's pov
Azriel walks with you to your room. When you open the door you look at the blood covered bed and floor. "oh well, let's get you another room for tonight" Azriel says as he walks with you to another hallway. He opens the door to another room, it's dark and there is a mysterious vibe to it. "you can sleep here tonight" he says. "who's room is this?" you ask him. "mine" he tells you. "oh no I shouldn't" you tell him, not wanting him to give his room to you. you'll survive in the other room, you just needed some fresh sheets and you'd be okay. "yes you should" Azriel says. "but what about you?" you ask him. "I'll sleep on the couch" he tells you. "Azriel" you say, gods the words sounded so good on your tongue, like you were meant for just saying his name. "fuck" Azriel breathes out before he walks up to you and kisses you deeply.
You're a little hesitant at first but fuck, it just felt......right. You fist his shirt and kiss him even deeper. He softly lays you down on the matrass. "gods I want you" he tells you as he looks into his eyes. Then his eyes turn big and you know he felt the same. "y-you're.....you are" he says to surprised to make a full sentence. "mates" you whisper. "my mate" he says smiling before he kisses you again. "my fucking mate" he says kissing you again and again.  
part 3
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