#erin sakio
daxieoclock · 9 months
Hunters Masterpost 2: First Dungeon
(Refer to this post for a summary of the protagonists.)
This will be a summary of all major plot events during the Hunters campaign during the first dungeon: hunting the Celestial Behemoth.
The first few months of sessions had a lot of growing pains, including multiple player characters retconned out of "canon" so I'll be summarizing events with those retcons in mind. Without any further ado...
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Chapter 1: Icarus
Our curtain rises on a quiet Friday in January at Belknap College. It's modern day (minus covid), inner state New York, and we find ourselves in the office of Belknap's dean of humanities: Erin Sakio. She's not here. She triple-booked herself with three students at the same time and didn't show up. In the meantime, those students make small talk and introduce themselves.
Blake Leto, silver tongued young celebrity, famous for being falsely accused of killing a police officer and currently on tenuous parole.
Lena Tarr, rough-talking rabblerouser with a visable limp and a penchant for lashing out at teachers and counselors alike.
Ilse Belanger, who comfortably blends into a crowd. They might qualify for valedictorian if people remembered their name.
Awkward small talk is interrupted by a parcel dropping from the ceiling onto Miss Sakio's desk. A paper wrapped object and a very living bluebird, apparently a robin. Curioisity wins over shock, and the trio unwraps the package, finding a letter addressed to Sakio and an ornate dark key.
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–ensuring that your standard issue equipment is accounted for, please insert the enclosed Tindalos Key into the nearest corner. You may count yourself lucky to be among our ranks, but please know we consider you and each of your peers to be your own unique blessing. The duty you perform is beyond vital, and your success ensures that your home, your Earth, will survive. The World Must Turn On. Signed, V.P. of the Daedalus Collective.
Blake jokingly calls the bird "Icarus," a name that sticks like glue. Ilse, fiddling with the key, tries to follow the letter's instructions. After touching it to a corner of the room, the key vanishes and the walls peel open, revealing an impossible purple hallway. A gate into another world. Curiosity wins out again, and the trio head inside.
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Blake, Ilse and Lena find themselves in an enormous junkyard underneath a violet sky. While they're taking in the sights, they find themselves face to face with another person, a confused looking Camellia Pavel, college dropout, who was personally delivered their own key and letter and stumbled into this world...about a half hour ago.
While Camellia gratefully chows down on a snack Lena happened to bring, Blake and Ilse take inventory of their surroundings. Blake in particular finds a small purple book, a childhood journal they lost years ago, with everything within still as it once was. As they question that impossibility, the four hear a new voice.
The boy’s impish grin widened into a crocodile smile. “My name is Puck, and this,” he gestured to the junkyard around him, “is the Spiral of Forfeit.” He kicked his heels against the backrest of the chair. “It is where lost things are found, where the abandoned flock, where the discarded may be granted a second chance at life. It is also, as you have correctly identified, my home.”
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Puck warns the four of nearby "scavengers," and suggests they arm themselves before vanishing as abruptly as he appeared. Sure enough, a swarm of monsters appear: floating Jack-o-Lantern creatures made of scrap metal, shrieking accusations of thievery. Our newfound party grabs improvised weapons from the junk around them and begins to fight.
While they hold their own as well as they can, the monsters and their fire magic is too much, and the party falters. Blake, however, stares down at their journal as light erupts from their left wrist. Silver text etching itself across childhood pages, a voice without tongue.
“Fuck it… no more. I hear you.” Eyes opening again to a determined stare. “Artemis!”
An ethereal maiden, eyes closed and expression drenched in serenity, a moonlit beauty, both her long hair and that gorgeous bow in her hands braided with the same five-petal white flowers. She reached up, elegantly pulling an arrow – wood woven into a beautiful spiral with a silver arrowhead – from the quiver on her back and nocking it.
Blake brushed a stray hair out of their face and locked their gaze at Camellia. A little smirk graced their lips, and their focus turned towards the scrambling scrap-metal monsters. “If I’m to be the Killer Prince, I might as well play the part. Come then, my other self.” And they snapped their journal closed, bright light spilling forth from some glowing sigil across their wrist. “Let us hunt.”
Artemis's first attack scatters the Pyro Junks, and rallies Blake's new allies. And, it seems, causes a chain reaction. Three more glowing sigils etch themselves in flesh. Three more names leap to lips. Three more Personas make their appearance.
Lena tenses every muscle in her body, then goes almost totally limp. "Well, I'm sure not gonna let myself get pushed around by these fuckers." When she lifts her head, her grin is manic and hungry. "Goliath!"
And a brand forms there. A stone, broken in half. And the giant stands by your side, this monstrous ethereal brute, clad in engorged armor. On his shoulder, a knight, sitting as if to direct the violence. Goliath laughs again, and you can all hear the war drums in his voice.
Ilse looks up to from where they hear the voice. Their call is more of a whisper. "Clotho"
And the string is pulled taught. You know where it leads. There is pain, sharp and intense, and it fades in an instant. A brand resembling a pair of scissors, a few inches below your throat. And a newfound strength in your lungs.
Running would be so easy… wouldn't it? … No. They had more pride than that. Camellia clenched the front of their sweater with their free hand and looked to the sky, eyes twinkling as if full of stars. "Hecate."
Everyone, you feel the bells. Echoing in your ears, ringing to and fro. Hecate rears up beside you, a woman's form wrapped in violet dress, but with four canine legs, and three white-fur wolf heads sprouting from her neck. A staff in one hand, a gem at its tip shining with otherworldly energy.
The four new Persona-wielders make quick work of the swarm and head back towards the gate they came through, only to be stopped by a more fearsome beastie: a lumbering Junk Frost.
While the party holds their own, the final blow is not theirs.
"Chorus!" There is a glimmer of light, and a sudden hum. Not a buzzing but a resonance, a dozen voices in harmony. White robed figures, in masks, floating around the Junk Frost. Singing. They raise their hands in unison, and a bolt of light descends from on high. It strikes the top of the Frost's head and pierces it cleanly, smashing into the earth with a loud crash. Those figures, that Chorus, fade. And the Junk Frost just sort of teeters there for a moment before falling back completely.
As the defeated Junk Frost lets off smoke, you can see someone standing behind the felled monster. A figure in the smoke. You can't make them out at first, but then as some nonexistent wind blows away the smoke, and you can see them clearly.
It's a woman, with reddish-brown hair tied into a tight bun. She's wearing something resembling a knight's armor, but it's made of white cloth, light but effective-looking. A cape-like cloth is draped over her right arm. In her left, she carries a rapier, which seems to shimmer in this odd light. And she is staring at you, with blue eyes wide and her jaw hanging open. You know this woman. You know her very well. But you don't quite remember her every having a tattoo – you think you might recall something as audacious as a musical note tattooed on her throat. And you definitely wouldn't have expected to see her here.
And Miss Sakio, dean of humanities, splutters out "what the absolute fuck."
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Chapter 2: The World Turns On
Miss Sakio leads the party back through the gate into her office, her ostentatious outfit vanishing as she steps back into reality, replaced with the simple sharp suit she usually wears. Even though she, Camellia, Blake, Ilse and Lena are all exhausted, the five still field a long conversation, with the party catching Sakio up on what they just went through, and Sakio herself pulling back the curtain on the hidden world they've stumbled into.
The junkyard is the Spiral of Forfeit, one of many areas within a world known as Fractals, a dark mirror of our world. The monsters the party faced are variant species of Shadow, birthed from collective fear and imagination.
Shadows tend to obey even stronger creatures, the Behemoths, which act as deities. Before they're even fully born, a Behemoth's personality and whims shape the area they call home, and Shadows in that area will align themselves with this "aesthetic," as servants to their g-d.
Behemoths are not always malicious, but they have an insatiable hunger. Even the kinder ones will eat until they grow large enough to emerge into our world, shattering the barrier between Fractals and reality, ending the world as we know it.
The Daedalus Collective is an organization that funds teams of Persona users, giving them Tindilos keys to access Fractals and assigning them to scout areas or hunt Behemoths, culling them before they can grow large enough to threaten our world.
Erin Sakio, dean of humanities at Belknap College, moonlights as a Shadow Hunter for Daedalus. She's been assigned to find the currently-unborn Behemoth that rules over the Spiral, and kill it. Her Persona is Chorus (and her Arcana is Temperance).
Personas are powerful weapons born from oaths of self-actualization. If a human in Fractals swears this oath, their true inner self will manifest under that human's control, etching a "Brand" onto their skin as proof of their bond. Each Brand is distinct, and only other Persona users can see them.
Now that the party all has their own Brands, someone from Daedalus will eventually notice and scout them. To get out ahead of it, Sakio (who distrust the organization she works for) asks the party to join Daedalus as her teammates.
After some time to think, the party agrees, and are whisked off the next day to an unmarked white office building a few miles from the college, which they can now see ethereal blue lettering on, marking it as Daedalus's HQ. Miss Sakio takes them inside to meet with Amil Fischer, her assigned "Liaison"...and ex girlfriend.
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Amil used to be Sakio's teammate, but an injury on the job exacerbated his existing physical disability, leaving them reliant on Daedalus's extremely generous employment benefits. Now they act as a Liaison, ferrying orders to various teams of Shadow-Hunters, and reporting their successes and failures to the hidden higher-ups. An anonymous meritocracy is maintained.
Blake, Ilse, Lena and Camellia work through their remaining concerns and agree to work for Daedalus. Blake, impromptu leader, names the team "the Hunters;" and they are given their first mission:
Travel to the spire within the Spiral of Forfeit, climb it and slay the Celestial Behemoth at its peak.
The next few days pass in a blur as the Hunters prepare in their own ways.
Lena meets up with "Twitch" Blum, a classmate and acquaintance with a campus reputation for his public displays of anxiousness and general jumpiness. Him and Lena hit it off pretty well, but it's still an awkward affair.
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Blake has an unexpectedly tense back and forth with their RA, Masumi Saito, well-kept head of the student body and "sharpest motherfucker alive" award four years running. Rumor has it she keeps a gun in her dorm and gets away with it. She also has some manner of history with "Saint Sakio," and treats Blake with cold suspicion for their newfound affiliation. The two exchange veiled barbs and then part ways.
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(Masumi, though an NPC, is the creation of @lilyhoshikawa who also plays Blake, and permitted me to use Masumi for this campaign)
Ilse visits Lena (and Lena's longtime friend and roommate Rita) and the two make clear their mutual distrust of Daedalus's shady bullshit, with Lena in particular suggesting that saving Behemoths might be an option, though neither knows how to go about it yet. When Ilse returns to their room, they ponder over an old damaged angel figurine, a knickknack from their childhood friend Stephen. They remember how alone they felt when they left him. They don't feel quite as alone anymore.
Blake sees a patch of flowers near campus and remembers the field of wild sunflowers next to their home, the one they'd sneak out to when their parents would fight. They wonder if it's still there, like the journal is. Lost. To be found again.
Lena heads to the student store to spend her first paycheck from Daedalus, and gets immediately distracted helping out the two deeply bisexual work-study employees: Bee and Theo. Bee is a neurotic control freak and Theo is a former surfer dude, and the two are fucking inseparable, the best of friends. Lena offers to help them find some stolen store product (initiating a detour sidequest with Ilse I won't cover in full) and fun banter is exchanged.
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Camellia's rent anxieties drive them to stop by Amil, awkwardly asking about bonus opportunities. Maybe even solo work? Amil gently pushes them to stick to working with their team, and promises to advocate for early assignment pay if things go pear-shaped in Fractals. They've got Camellia's back, same as the rest of the Hunters.
Chapter 3: The First Hunt
The Hunters assemble in a small break room in one of Belknap's buildings. Sakio used it when she and Amil were on a team together: the Hound Table. It's a windowless room with a single round table, a bunch of chairs, and a plastic potted plant. Still, pomp and circumstance and legacy. Sakio produces a Tindilos Key (rationed to her by Daedalus), opens the Gate into Fractals, and the party heads inside.
And immediately gets seperated, with Sakio landing at the base of the Spire, while the rest of the Hunters are plopped back in Puck's "living room" for another round of Q&A with the fae boy – and a chance to show off the new Fractals-only combat outfits given to them by Daedalus. After reaffirming that he's on the Hunters' side, Puck magically opens the way forward, giving them a clear shot to the Spiral Spire, home of the Celestial Behemoth, where Sakio meets back up with them.
As they all travel inside, Artemis starts feeding Blake environmental information through text in their journal, her navigational skills making themselves apparent. The Hunters go floor by floor of this tower of junk, fighting a number of minor Shadows, each made of discarded scrap. It takes them a couple days of expedition, using an in-built dumbwaiter as shortcut, and taking multiple days of break in between to not burn out.
During one of these breaks, Camellia asks Sakio to come with them on what they present as an impromptu walk in one of Belknap's graveyards. Camellia spends the whole walk cracking wise, to the point where Sakio clearly starts to suspect they're forcing it, when they reach a particularly well maintained grave. "Frey," with the last name carefully scratched out so no trace of it remains.
Camellia's mask slips as they place a metal flower on the grave. This was a friend of theirs. This was their best friend. Sakio silently takes that in, and reaches into her pocket to pull out a small scuffed metal pin with an etching of a rose on it. She places it down on Frey's grave and thanks them for the chance to meet.
Meanwhile, Lena delivers a handmade flowerpot to Amil, Ilse and Twitch visit a nearby museum together, and Blake visits their favorite place: a cat cafe named Le Petit Prince with the very old and very friendly calico Herbert.
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Finally, the Hunters return to Fractals and storm through the remaining floors of the Spire. However, on their way back, they end up running into a classmate fighting for their life against a powerful Shadow. They recognize them: Sammy Cabra, college freshman and general Silly Fellow (gender neutral). Sammy found the blue robin Icarus in reality and was guided to and through the gate, where they found themselves in Fractals and awakened to their persona: Neko Shogun The Hunters help rescue Sammy, and after a quick debate, agree to have them become part of the team. Sakio takes Sammy to get registered with Daedalus, and the rest of the Hunters crash, resting up for the Behemoth fight.
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Chapter 4: Red Bloom
After a few days of rest, recuperation and bond-building with their new teammate, the Hunters return to Fractals. Sakio, Blake, Ilse, Lena, Camellia and Sammy use the dumbwaiter to ascend the Spire, stepping out into the tenth floor vestibule, beyond which the birthing Behemoth waits in his chamber.
There is someone in their way. Someone who radiates fury and strength. Someone who may not be exactly human.
The moment she sees the woman, Sakio lets out a sound like she's been stabbed, eyes wide and fearful. She stands motionless at the top of the stairs, frozen. Almost shaking.
The woman gazes to the side, through those cracks in the metal of the tower walls. Has the breeze picked up? Or had it always been nearly howling, quiet, like the distant sound of snarling wolves. "My father called me his little primrose, once. I would say that's the best of the names he called me." If her tone was calm before, this is anger. Fire boiling beneath every word. "But flowery language doesn't suit this place. Ugly, and garish." She looks back at you, almost through you, like you're made of paper. "You may refer to me as Prim. Or, if you like, you need not refer to me at all."
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[Full dialogue for this scene is available here for those interested.]
Prim verbally dresses down the Hunters one by one, making clear she doesn't want to stop them from killing the Behemoth. She just wants to see if they're worthy of Puck's attention, of being his crusaders. This is a test. And every word is a failure.
Sakio, furthermore, clearly has a history with this woman, a history that fills her with dread. She doesn't take a step.
But Blake does.
They tuck their book under one arm, right hand reaching over and gripping their left wrist tightly. “To answer your question. I do intend to take full responsibility for my teammates here. And if you’re intent on interfering, I ask that you…” they flinch, muttering a curse under their breath. “I ask that you go through me first.”
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While Prim isn't phased by this display, Blake's courage does soften her approach somewhat, giving the remaining Hunters a chance to freely advocate for their worth. When Lena openly mocks Prim's sharpness, Prim lists off three names: Vladamir, Amelie, Roland. Three of Daedalus's that she's killed. Three of Daedalus's that Sakio watched her kill.
When she turns her attention to Camellia, Prim finds an odd ethereal resistance, like the air itself wants her to leave them alone.
"How curious. And here I thought he didn’t pick favorites.”
After one last bout of open disdain, Prim manifests a shadowy flicker, like a Persona bathed in dark, and uses it to punch a hole in the vestibule wall, vanishing through it.
The Hunters explode in argument, all ire turned towards Sakio and her festering secrets, but she pleads with them to wait. She'll answer their questions, she promises, but they need to kill the Behemoth still. Begrudgingly, the party makes their way into the room beyond the vestibule and prepare for battle.
The world uncurls. Almost as if it's resisting the motion, pulling back into a form by strength of will alone. You finally see the thing before you, the so-called Celestial Behemoth, in all its horrid glory. His skin is grey and stretched, like a bodysuit pulled too tight, and it's covered in green lines and odd indentations like inconsistent scales. His hands are outstretched, fingers long as his palm. And his wide mouth is full of sharp teeth, and a long black tongue that lolls out the side. Bulging eyes spinning in a reptilian skull. Those eyes focus. First up, towards the sky. Then down, towards you. And he screams. A roar that could spit the heavens.
Blake, your journal snaps open. Shuddering with fear and hunger, Artemis writing not in silver but in crimson ink as dark as blood.
The Celestial Behemoth Star Arcana J A B B E R W O C K
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[Full fight and extra art is available here for those interested]
The Jabberwock is a more powerful opponent than any they've faced before, protected by a divine veil and habitually charging up devastating attacks behind an anti-magic barrier. The Hunters are caught off-guard by one of these attacks, explosions rocking the room. Camellia uses their last Salvation to protect Ilse. But Sammy, just out of their reach, is knocked unconscious.
Sakio, in a panicked rush, crushes a golden bead – a late-game revival item – and sprinkles the dust over Sammy, who gasps back to lucidity. Still injured, but conscious again. When the Hunters recover from the shock of seeing their teammate collapse, they turn back to the Jabberwock with vengeance in their eyes and hearts. Sakio stops holding back, and empowers her students with an enhanced version of her Rebel Will skill.
The Counterstrike begins.
The Hunters unload damage on the Jabberwock, bringing it to its knees for Sakio to deliver the coup de gras, sending the reptilian Celestial through the floor of the arena, crashing down through layer after layer of its Spire. It does not rise again.
Part 1 Epilogue: Red Wilt
The Hunters return to the Hound Table, spent beyond belief. Once again, they turn to Sakio, waiting for her. The truth, as promised.
"After I left my first BaSH team – after Amil was injured – I joined a Daedalus operation requiring a large number of Persona-users, to slay multiple Behemoths which had cohabitated together and grown as one." She purses her lips. "The Director oversaw that operation firsthand. And, once it had been completed, that was when she struck." Her tone tense, eyes distant. "She injured multiple Daedalus operatives in a mad gambit to murder the Director. Two of the Director's personal aids were..." Sakio trails off. "From the reports afterwards, all I was told is she is likely some manner of rogue Persona-user who has decided to ally herself with the Behemoths, for whatever reason." And she looks at Blake. "That is all I know."
It's not the full truth. But it's not a lie either. The party leaves, exhausted, frustrated. Victorious and unsatisfied.
Blake, Lena, Ilse, Camellia and Sammy wake to the sound of a robin's song and the corner of their rooms peeling open. A gate not violet, but a steady velvet blue. Through it, they find themselves back in Fractals, in Puck's junkyard abode. The Spire collapsed, but the Spiral remains.
Puck greets the party warmly, congratulating them both on slaying their first Behemoth and being lucky enough to be visited by Prim – a joy he hasn't shared for months now. The two clearly have history, but Prim has resigned herself to solitude, and her visits have become more and more frequent. And, he won't tell the party what her "deal" is. Secrets better kept than confessed.
However, he does expand the limits of his services. Through his permission, the Hunters (Sakio excluded) may freely travel into Fractals to visit him without the use of a Tindilos key. He'll also keep a stock of valuable items, purchasable with simple and generous barter (a little snack here or there). And...should they wish to speak Prim again for whatever reason (Lena and Blake seem especially interested)...he'll find a way to let them.
The curtain closes on a little fae boy's impish smile, and the distant grumbling of a red-eyed murderer.
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daxieoclock · 2 years
💡💡💡right back at u!!! (if ur also ok with doing 3)
yes of course!!!!
1: Sakio is half Japanese, half Latine and was raised by her mother and extended family after her father died. Growing up feeling like the black sheep of the family, picked on by half-siblings and cousins for being mixed and gay and having attitude issues, Sakio ended up drifting away from them, always hoping her mother would stand up for her, or choose to leave together. And when she never did, Sakio left alone. She still dutifully returns every letter and email, but has never gone back to that house and most likely never will. It's a place she has never belonged.
2: Amil dropped out of Belknap College (where they met Sakio), and was originally going there to study fashion and design. They were working through chronic pain at the time and assumed they could prolong treatment until they landed a job and had money enough to pay for said treatment, or at least get something on student insurance. They could not. They still sketch sometimes, but only on very, very good days, and their wrist is still kinda fucked up from overworking themselves.
3: Prim used to bring Puck sheet music, when they were younger. When Prim wasn't quite as "herself" as she is now. They were friends then, but not quite siblings. Puck used to pass the time by singing, Prim would often come by only to find him kicking his legs off the side of something he really shouldn't have been climbing on, belting out notes to Scarborough Fair or Red River Valley. So whenever Prim would visit, she would try and find a new song to bring with her. She didn't like the sound of her own voice back then, so she'd scour the local bargain bins and thrift shops for song books, find sheet music online for her favorites and print them out at the library. Puck doesn't sing quite as much anymore, he's a little more embarrassed by the habit now, but Prim still does. Alone, where no one else can hear.
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage...rosemary and thyme.
Remember me to one who lives there.
For she once was...a true love of mine."
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daxieoclock · 2 years
Similar to the ask I sent nyanko, what’s one activity Sakio would want to engage in with each of the other hunters? I think this could be even more interesting cuz I feel like Sakio would try to assess some activity to do with them that would make them feel comfortable or open up or just, judging what they’d like based on her knowledge of them
Awww thank you for the ask, that's sweet idea
I think Sakio would really like to just do like a book club with Blake, or even just find a nice cozy area to sit nearby each other and eat some snacks and drink some tea/coffee and read, and occasionally share particularly good or particularly bullshit things they just read with each other. Something quiet and safe, without expectations or stress or any need to rush. And if Blake could let down their masks enough to share some of their honest opinions, Sakio would love to just sit and talk with them. Blake is one of those people she could definitely get lost in deep conversation with.
For Lena time, she'd probably suggest a lenient hike, something where they could go on a nice easy walk down a comfy wooded trail where they can stop and look at the trees and the birds and the bugs and the squirrels. Lots of places to sit, no hills, just a casual stroll through nature. And she'd probably make some sandwiches or similar packed lunch for them to enjoy.
Ilse, i think she'd invite along to work on a project together, some sort of research or puzzle that they could put their heads together on. Like she'd light up if they asked her to consult on a club or project, or even just do like a crossword puzzle together. Tbh if Wordle was popular during the campaign, she'd probably try to stay up to date on it so they could chat about each new day's word and their approaches and all.
Sammy time would likely be similar to Ilse time; something creative, but far more tactile than intellectual. Sakio really admires Sammy's creativity, and would love to make suggestions or tinker alongside them or provide some extra materials. Honestly, she would probably have so much fun if Sammy decided to teach her some of their creative secrets.
Sakio isn't really sure on Camellia, she worries a lot about them but isn't sure how to breach the topic. So it would probably take a while for her to find some common ground between the two of them, but I think she'd probably push them towards activism or debate, something to channel their strong moral compass towards, a way to help people even in little, subtle ways. And she'd probably invite them to spar with her as a way to get some of their anger out, and to challenge them to push past their psychological barriers and really put their feelings into action.
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daxieoclock · 2 years
Also! If you like to! Top 5 Hunters moments so far?
(Screenshot isn't from the scene but it', i dont think i can put this question in any particular order
honorable mention to the moment where everyone collectively realized Puck was a child because it's a player moment and not a PC moment but it was still fucking hilarious to experience. Literally everyone but me thought he was an adult and I assumed everyone thought knew was a child and it was...really fucking funny to watch
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A: Sammy meeting privately with Prim.
(Screenshot isn't from the scene but it's related and also very funny)
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I originally planned for Prim to be a character who showed up before each major boss fight to give a bit of cryptic lore and vaguely steer the party in the right direction or keep them from overextending themselves, her introduction in the first dungeon was so impactful (and fun!) that I felt I couldn't resist and included her as an "Arcana-holder" for the party to bond with. And especially seeing her friendship with Sammy develop from that very first encounter has been...fucking amazing, I love it so much.
B: Blake requests that Prim spare their teammates.
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On the subject of Prim, her introduction was one of the most fun parts of the campaign to date, just having this mysterious individual psychoanalyze the entire cast, upping the stakes in almost every possible way, it was so fucking fun. But Blake's response stands out to me as a fucking amazing encapsulation of their character, through all their development. The pride, and anger, and absurd intelligence and – beneath mountains and mountains of shame – the unwavering compassion for their friends. It's a fucking amazing bit of writing, and I love how much it just...epitomizes Blake Leto in a single paragraph.
C: Lena breaks Lucien's nose, and Ilse meets with Stephen.
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The introduction of Team Trinity was a fucking blast, and while Kaya had some fun moments too (and will hopefully have a few more soon), both Lucien and Stephen's introductions were absolutely fucking iconic. I knew from the start of the campaign that I wanted to have a rival team of Persona-users show up to periodically harass the party, and give an insight to the type of people who Daedalus's structure cultivates and rewards, and Ilse having a named childhood friend in their backstory was too good of an opportunity not to return; and I feel like the reveal of their shared history went really well. Lucien wasn't planned to have too impactful of an introduction, mostly just as the most abrasive of the three to start things off on the worst foot first, but Dave's snap decision to have Lena punch him in the face for a borderline skeezy comment was...fucking amazing, and perfectly in character for Lena.
D: Camellia and Sakio at Frey's grave.
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It's a quiet moment, one that I didn't expect at all at the time, but it definitely sticks out in my memory as just...solemn, and beautiful, and potent. (And it definitely makes me so fucking excited for @shinyvibrava to return to the campaign so we can have a ton more moments like it!)
E: Sammy's introduction.
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I don't think there's been a more hype reveal in the campaign so far as Sammy's existence, everyone lost their fucking mind and I don't blame them! It was a blast to plan things out with Nyanko in secret, and I adore how excited everyone was to see everyone's favorite goat friend for the first time.
F (because I couldn't limit myself to five + honorable mention I'm sorrryyy): The Hunters unite with the common goal of Fucking Up Jabberwocky's Day.
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Sammy getting KO'd and promptly revived, leading to the most fucking triumphant, amazing fight scene in the entire campaign so far as every Hunter took their turn in the round to land a chain of really fucking high-roll attacks (while I had changed the boss battle music to Counterstrike from P5 Strikers on a WHIM) and Sakio pulled out a taste of her own strength – which she'd been limiting in front of the party up until that point? It was just fucking AWESOME and probably the most jazzed I have been during a session so far.
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daxieoclock · 2 years
Hmm hmm hmm… oh oh what abooout… epithet erased epithets for some of vane’s OCs or the hunters cast?
Heck yeah!!!! Thank you for the ask!
Hunters epithets….heck yes…..
Blake: Moonlight. Allows the user to amplify and redirect epithet based attacks, as well as reflect harm pointed towards them and heal minor injuries. Also enables the use of a temporary state where all defense is abandoned for the sake of pure, feral offense.
Sammy: Scapegoat. Grants the user extreme resilience and allows them to enter a state during which they become the locus of all harmful intent. They may also make use of a limited technique to escape a dangerous situation unharmed.
Lena: Bruise. When activated, all attacks by or against the user will be locked to a certain medium range of damage, which can neither be exceeded nor dropped below. Wounds inflicted this way can only be healed through rest, and cannot be mitigated by epithet or food-based recovery.
Camellia: Bloom. The user naturally amplifies the innate potential of objects, epithets and natural talents within a certain range. This range can be altered and the effect intensified upon focus. Plant life near the user will also experience periods of unpredictable, explosive growth.
Ilse: Fate. The user gains access to a potent ritual to bind a specific individual to a specific single-word outcome (such as “success” or “harm” or “safety”), which will manifest in some capacity within 24 hours. The perpetuating effects of this epithet takes the shape of a red string seen only by the user and their target. When the predestined outcome grows near, that string will grow taut. This Epithet has a sense of poetic capriciousness that must be mitigated carefully.
Sakio: Harmony. The user may produce a sense of calm and focus in those around them, and soothe emotional harm. When in combat, under the effect can faintly perceive “the melody of the fight” which will grant them massive boons if they can align themselves to that ethereal rhythm, allowing them to perfectly dodge attacks and strengthening their own blows. This Epithet is immensely potent, but requires extreme discipline and focus, able to be disrupted by a particularly abrasive foe or another song playing nearby.
Prim: ???. Under certain circumstances, the user may temporarily absorb the Epithets of others into “eggs” which may be shattered to grant full use of that Epithet for five minutes. The original user will regain their abilities naturally over the course of an hour, and will not be negatively impacted by this absorption, though repeated absorptions can cause lasting damage to a target’s Skill. The user may also physically bind others with ethereal “strings” and shatter multiple eggs at once to create an unstable Cacophony Epithet.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
If u had to describe how Sakio views the other Hunters in one word each, what would it be?
Thank you for the ask!! what a fun question djhfgbjh
Blake: Sharp.
Ilse: Careful.
Lena: Tenacious.
Camellia: Weary.
Sammy: Brave.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
24/50/56 Sakio
Thank you for the ask <3
24. How do they sleep?
On her back, propped up slightly with some comfy pillows that she can sink into. On stressful days, she'll just lay there and not move until sleep takes her. She also doesn't toss and turn much, she tends to stiffen in her sleep and remain really still all night. She's also a very light sleeper, so it's not uncommon for her to wake up randomly throughout the night, or right before her alarm just out of anxiety.
50. What makes them cry?
Not a lot, actually. Sakio's had years of practice stifling and carefully controlling her own emotions, so she doesn't tear up easy. At least not in public. I will say she definitely broke down sobbing when she got home after the Celestial Behemoth fight, where Sammy got knocked unconscious. That rattled her pretty badly.
56. What helps them get to sleep?
Sakio usually reads for a couple hours in bed until she can't keep her eyes open. This does have the unfortunate consequence of making her have to reread entire chapters when she starts going loopy midway through, and she often wakes up with her book on her chest and her reading light still on.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Birds and Flowers: Hunters Highlights
Just closed out another fucking MINDBLOWING session with some scenes I’ve been scheming in the background for literal months. These in-between times are going absolutely unreal and I NEED to share it with you all djfgbjdfg.
I’m including a bit from last session as well, since it’s also really good and helps set the scene.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) A sizable white boat bobbing in the slight surf. Purple text on the side proclaims it "The Partridge."
The Partridge has an outside deck on the bow with some seats, and an inside room where the wheel is, lined with comfy couches. Before you cast off, Sakio addresses you all. "Hunters. You've done some truly amazing work. This isn't much of a celebration, but I hope you take some time to relax, and enjoy yourselves." She beams at you all. "I'm deeply proud of you for the steps you've taken within both Fractals and your own lives. I hope you can all find some pride in those accomplishments as well."
And the boat rumbles to life, and pushes out into the open ocean.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake slides into the cabin and takes a seat on one of the couches, returning to their book.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is gonna sit down on the same couch as Blake, and let out a weary sigh. "What'chu reading?"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Ah,” they look up, not having noticed her at first.
“Oh, you know me,” they say with a chuckle. “Just another mystery novel…” They shake their head. “Though this particular series feels like it’s going downhill…” they sound a little sad at that, turning the book over in their hands.
Lena Tarr (Dave) She chuckles. "Honestly, I couldn't tell. I don't get those at all." She nods to the book. "Everything's so. Complicated. But in kinda dumb ways."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) And they flash their a smile. “Yes, I suppose I can understand that. Although the world can be kind of like that too, can’t it?” And they give a little chuckle.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena grins. "Oh, you know it. Like. The thing with those three fucks? Dumb as all shit." She shrugs. "You can't escape it though. You can't just say that it's dumb and make them leave. You gotta." She twirls the cane in her hands. "Do something."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They give her an uncertain look and then turn back to their book, idly flipping the pages in their hands. “Unfortunate as it is, I have to agree. Inaction is rarely the solution to anything. In fact, passivity is probably one of the traits that bothers me the most…” They grin a little as they say that.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Hm." She keeps twirling her cane. "I don't know if one of those bastards came to you too, or someone else reached out to you, but I guess you should know. The dude I punched came to the campus. Made sure I knew the next time I get in his way it'll be bad." She grins at the floor. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They look back up, a little surprised. “Ah.” And they rest the book in their lap, expression becoming more serious, crossing their arms over their chest. “I see… in that case, we should be even more careful. And we ought to be proactive…” they adjust their glasses. “We don’t want to instigate conflict, but we also can’t let them step on us… you’re right that it’s a tricky situation.” They whip out their phone, typing something. “I’d prefer not to get you alone with him if we can help it. Chances are, if you’re in a group, he’ll back down. And if he doesn’t…” they shrug, their expression serious. “We can take him.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) She throws the cane from one hand to the other. "We shouldn't have to though. Heh." She bends over slightly and puts her weight on the cane. "Not like that changes anything." She thinks for a second. "I'm. Sorry. For making it worse." She snorts. "Probably won't be the last time."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They chuckle a little. “Did you come here with the intention to bum me out…?” They smile, eyes on their feet, looking a little distant. “I’m not the type to happily let other people get stepped on if it makes my own life easier,” and they pause, catching the irony in that with a little smile. “Regardless of what you may have heard about me.” They shrug. “Whatever you may do, you’re a part of this team. And that means we will back up whatever actions you take. If you’ve picked this fight, then we’ll finish it. Simple as that.” And they give you a cheery little smile, one crafted for the cameras, though somehow it feels a little more genuine here, just a bit.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena looks at them for a moment, before leaning back on the couch, just a bit more relaxed. "You're really something, Leto. Really something." And she's smiling too.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) I don't know boats very well, but Sammy is probably laying down on the deck of the boat somewhere-- not on a chair, like...on the floor-- if you want to go say hewwo--
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse follows Sammy onto the outer deck, happy to be in the sun and to feel the breeze.  They enjoy the sensation for a moment, then approach Sammy. “Mind if I join you?”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is already flat on the ground, staring straight into the sun. They look at Ilse, "Please do!" they can't hide the excitement in their voice.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Thank you” Ilse smiles widely and sits down, then fishes out of their bag and holds a pair of sunglasses over Sammy’s head. “Not to disturb your view, but I have them spare. Would you like them?”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is startled by the sudden darkness the sunglasses have caused, but they quickly grab a hold of them. "F-For me? You're giving these to me?" Sammy sits up and scans the boat and sky, holding the shades up in front of them instead of putting them on. "I can really have these? You're giving me magic glasses?" Sammy looks at Ilse to confirm if they're serious or not.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse is a bit taken aback by that strong reaction, and they rub the back of their neck before answering. “Not magic, I’m sorry, but yes. You can have them. Only if you want them, of course.”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy pauses for a long time, looking at you through the not-so-magic shades. There's a brief moment when you can see a tear start to roll down Sammy's face, but they quickly turn the other way. "I don't mind if they're not magic...you gave them to me, so I'm going to keep them forever..." Sammy wipes their eyes with their sleeves before turning back to Ilse. "I love them! Thank you!" Sammy gasps like they just had the BEST idea in the world. They grab their bag, that was always next to them and I totally didn't forget that they had this-- and start digging through it. After a bit, they pull out a small, clay, goat figurine. "Here! This will be my magic gift to you, for giving me magic glass!" They placed the goat figurine on your head instead of in your hands. "This is the lucky goat! They're super lucky and if you take them to the park on Wednesdays, the ice cream man will appear!" Sammy looks serious, so you can't tell if they're joking around or not.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse stares at Sammy, first wondering if they did something wrong, then actively worried. They lift their hand, unsure what to do, before Sammy starts to speak and they leave the hand simply hanging, eyes following every of Sammy’s movements. Then, a goat on their head. Very carefully and still they reach for it, slowly lower it toward the gaze. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. I will be at the park next Wednesday. Will take it with me.” They look just as serious as Sammy.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sakio's up on the outer deck, watching the waves
she's got a wide-brimmed yellow hat on
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia has been mostly quiet, bundled up and clearly not a fan of the cold. They sluggishly get up and trot over to sit by Sakio. "You seem awfully sunny despite being out in this freezing wet crap," they say good naturedly, if a bit grumpy.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She just shrugs, one hand on her hat, sending a smile at you. "I'm with good company," she says, raising her voice a little to be heard over the waves, but maintaining a soft tone. "Besides that, the semester's over. No more grading until March." She laughs. "Plenty more time to prioritize you all, before Spring semester begins. I don't have to feel guilty about giving you special treatment."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) "I guess we HAVE kinda gotten the 'teacher's pet' status, for lack of better words. Maybe even exceeded," they smirked.
"I certainly suppose a break from your main job is welcome."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm," Sakio says, and you can barely hear her. She takes a moment to just watch the waves. "Teaching is my passion. I wouldn't have taken the job if it hadn't been. Being a dean though...I can't say it's brought me a surplus of joy. It's a dirty job, I suppose, but someone has to do it. Might as well be me." She brushes a strand of hair behind one ear. "How are you, by the way?"
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) They bark a soft laugh. "True, true." A sudden gust of chilly wind rushed across the boat, making Camellia momentarily hunker further into their coat. "Ah, well enough. With some recent financial assets I've lived a bit more comfortably these past weeks. And I've been making more crafts as of late. It's eased my mind quite a deal."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "That's good," she says, nodding slightly. "Very good." A deep breath in, and out. "I'm a little curious, if you don't mind me asking. I've been thinking back to when we first met, and I can't seem to wrap my head around..." Sakio purses her lips. "On second thought, I don't believe I need to know. Perhaps it would simply be best for me to trust you, all of you, and leave well enough alone."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia's eyes narrow momentarily, unsure and curious where Sakio's train of thought was heading. They huff a short chuckle as their gaze softens and diverts to the water below. "Well... I'll trust your trust."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) You all take a nice long boat ride, slowing a few times to admire distant sea lions on the shore or when Valerie thinks she spots a whale (she says it three separate times and at no point do you ever see a whale). After a few long hours, when the sun is starting to get a little lower in the sky, the Partridge is going to pull back into the Long View dock.
Lena Tarr (Dave) lena absolutely fell asleep
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) lena and camellia nap buddies? djhfbgjh
Lena Tarr (Dave) god knows we are sleeping!!!
in a warm little pile
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is also napping, but you can't tell because they're wearing their new cool shades in the same "I am looking directly at the sun" position--
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Camellia. It's dark. The lights that normally light the campus are all off. And you're running after someone. They're faster than you, which shouldn't be right, because you and them should always be at the same pace, you've always been in lock step but now they're ten paces ahead of you. It's like a game, except that you can't afford to lose, and they won't slow down. Frey won't wait for you.
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) They're panting, air entering their lungs like cold briars constricting in their chest as fire sears in their legs. Old shoes frantically hit the pavement and the noise echoes among the darkened campus as they run and run, but can't seem to catch up. "Frey, stop -- just stop! Please slow down, I can't reach you!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) And they turn midstep, and laugh. "Come on flower child," they say, and their voice is familiar, and yet not quite the way it should be. Like two tones woven together. "You know you're too high up by now. You're too close." And they hop over a small ledge.
When you follow, when you hop over that ledge too, your feet catch and you stumble and the campus is gone. And so is Frey. And you can see the world, from up here. Up on the edge of some shiny purple surface, staring down at the curvature of a violet Earth, neuron stars shifting across its infinite expanse.
"Too close," Frey's voice echoes. "Too close. Too close."
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia's breath comes in short panicked bursts as their head jerks back and forth, surveying their surroundings. Their face is disgusting, gummy with sweat, tears, and flecks of drool that glisten in the low purple glow. "I--," they gasp out. "What...?"
"I don't understand,"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) You're standing on the edge of an enormous flower, on one of the petals, its stem stretching down and down and down until it bleeds into the world, bursts through its skin and spreads roots. Or, maybe it's the other way around.
Tumblr media
Too close.
And a petal snaps off. Not the one you're on, but it drifts down, falling and falling.
Too far.
A petal snaps off.
Too close.
A petal snaps off.
Too far.
A petal snaps off.
Too close.
And you snap off. And plummet towards the world at a thousand miles an hour, like a shooting star.
And then you wake up. It's morning. You're covered in sweat, back in your apartment.
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia chokes out a gasp as they awaken, panting as they stared glass-eyed at the ceiling. "A nightmare...? they wonder. They breathe shakily and turn on their side, curling in on themself. "Or something more? I don't... I don't know anymore..." Sheets are pulled up over their head as they hide away from the lingering threads of the dream, as if still a child hiding away from the monsters they imagined dancing in the shadows of their closet.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) If possible, Ilse would like to go to the park in the hope of getting some ice cream. I was also thinking of doing a Twitch scene, but I don’t know if they would invite him along
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Ilse just texts twitch like “hey check this shit out I’ve got a magic goat”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) He's got his hood up, and he looks a little bit like a zombie, kinda dazed, but he seems happy enough to join.
"So, uh," he mumbles, "park. There's an ice cream place downtown, you know. I mean, it kinda sucks, but it's there." The ice cream shop in question has like...exclusively artistically ice creams, nonsense hippie flavors that all taste 90% the same.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse nods, eyes scanning the surrounding. “It...definitely is, yeah. But we might be lucky and have an ice man arriving here today? Or any ice person?” They twist the little goat in their hands. “I’m sorry if it was all for nothing in the end. If you’ll allow me then, I’ll invite you for a cup at the other place” Suddenly their eyes light up. “Care for a bet?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Twitch raises an eyebrow. "Um, I'm not really...a betting person?" He shrugs. "I guess...uh, sure. Bet on whether ice cream shows up?"
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Bet on whether ice cream shows up!” They grin. “Wrong guess pays for the sweets?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm." Twitch takes a look around the empty park, and then down at the goat. "Okay. Uh. Yeah, sure. You're on." No sooner has he said that than you hear a distant jingle that causes Twitch to freeze in place, and you both see an elderly man behind a pushcart stroll into the park. "That...usually doesn't fuck me over that quickly." He gives a skewed little smile. "I'm buying?"
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse shakes their head in awe when they see the pushcart. “Honestly, I was pretty sure I would be the one paying. So...only if you want to.” They return the smile, a bit shy, then straighten up. “I bet this one’s going to be better than what they have downtown.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Probably." His smile is a little more honest now. "I think, uh, I'm getting hungry! So let's go!" And he rushes ahead to the cart.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse smiles, pets the goat slightly before putting it in the pocket of their pants and rushing after Twitch.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) What place could be used for proficiency/agility skill points? I’m sorry I’m forgetting all the details
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) proficiency isssss Camellia's favored back alley, i believe
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ah, yeah! Thank you! Can I go there and also look for a trinket to possibly gift Puck?
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) hmm
okay i will say "yes and", absolutely djfbgjh but i will let u know that buttering up Puck is only gonna get you so far, because im gating Fool requirements behind plot beats djfbgjh
you don't find much of anything, but then you hear a calm voice over your shoulder. "Yo, you're uhhh, the fuckin, sporty lady and little goat buddy's friend, right?" And Theo crouches down next to you. "Whatcha looking for? Didja drop something?" He immediately begins searching as well.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Gghgggh!!!
Lena Tarr (Dave) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) The real treasure was Theo all along
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Oh” Ilse’s first instinct is to move a step back or to the side and give Theo space, but then they realize what he’s doing. “Thank you, yeah, I think I am...didn’t drop anything, was just looking. Of I could find something nice or interesting. Something one could give to a friend who likes trinkets and stuff?” They scratch their neck and look up for a moment. “Nothing to worry about, but thank you”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Ohhh," Theo says. And he plops back, reclining on the ground. "Totally getcha. Like, last year I tried to get Bee a seashell, but Long View is like...not a good place for shells. Or water. Or surfing." He lets out a long, melancholy sigh. Then he perks up. "Oh! Like, instead of the shell, I made her some brownies, so maybe..." Theo reaches into his bag and then smacks a plastic-wrapped cookie into your hand. "Here you go, dude. Snack for your pal."
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse’s eyes wides, and once they realize the cookie is already in their hand, there’s no giving back, the look into Theo’s face, still a bit flabbergasted. “That’s not necessary, but...thank you. Cookies are always a great idea” They smile at him. “Thank you”
Lena Tarr (Dave) ok ok ok. i am thinking.
that i wanna bother someone. so im wondering what masumis doing fdgdfgdf
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) heck yeah djfgbjh
Masumi is still on campus during break. Plus since she's your RA, you have her number.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is gonna camp out in the common area until she sees her fgdfgdf
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She walks out of her room with a towel around her head, stares at you, walks back into her room and five minutes later comes back out with dry hair and a glare that could cut through concrete. "What?" she says.
Lena Tarr (Dave) She stretches casually, like she wasn't waiting for Masumi, specifically, to show up. "Nothing much. What's up?"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Important question: did Masumi change into her full fuckin suit during that time or is she wearing somethin more casual Bc if she took the time to get the whole suit on that’s so powerful
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) oh djfgbjhdgf she's wearing like...a black skirt and a white button up i think. still formal, but compared to her normal outfit it's very relaxed.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Masumi just sort of squints at you, tilting her head slightly. "I'm on break," she says, bluntly. "What do you think?"
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena sighs. "Fair enough." She leans back, brows furrowing. "I'll be fast. You know Sakio pretty well, right?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "As well as the President of the Student Council can and should know one of her teachers who is also the dean of Humanities," Masumi replies immediately. "I've worked with her enough to know her type. That's all you need to know."
Lena Tarr (Dave) She tilts her head to the side. "And what's that type like?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Masumi sighs, adjusts her hair. "Saint Sakio," she says, her tone quiet and bitter. "The self appointed virtuous paragon, decrier of all hypocrisies but her own, leaping at her own sword just for the chance it might help someone else." She rolls her eyes. "She's an idiot, and she's stubborn, and she thinks she's right."
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena nods, thinks for a bit. "Do you think that." She clicks her tongue. "Has her stubbornness ever done. More harm than good? In your opinion?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Unquestionably," she says. "She's a teacher, through and through. More a propensity for talking than listening." A clear sore spot, and Masumi seems to catch herself, her tone evening out. "But that's not to say that she's technically incorrect, all the time. She's talented and experienced and intelligent, and she knows that. Which makes the task of challenging her on those blind spots all the more daunting."
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Fuck if you aren't right." She drags a hand across her face. "Thanks." She leans her head back, staring at the ceiling. "I really. Hate teachers. And directors."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hm." Masumi brushes a strand of hair behind one ear in almost the same way as you've seen Sakio do, often enough. "I suppose we have that in common." And with that, she heads off.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) There's a box in your closet. And I think there's been a few days where the thought of opening it has crossed your mind, you've maybe wanted to, but so far every time you have decided to leave it closed.
Today is one of the days when you think about that box.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy opens up their closet on the left side. They've hesitated for long enough. "Okay...Okay..." They slowly drag the box out from the closet, the weight on top stays put. They take a deep breath in. and a deep breath out. "I can't keep hiding from you... I need to know..." They pick up the weight with ease, as if picking up a small rock, and place it back down on the floor. "You can do this..." They close their eyes and...take off the lid.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) It smells like dust. You can't see anything with your eyes closed. Churro is probably butting his head against your arm and making little mrow noises.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy opens their eyes. Still scared of what awaits them inside. They've thought about this moment forever, what kind of awful message awaits them inside? Maybe it's a note that says "loser" or something...Sammy takes a look inside.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The three items on the very top of the small pile are a flower made out of popsicle sticks that you gave to her, a bubble blower that you used to play together with, and a piece of crumpled paper. Upon closer inspection, it's a very messy drawing of your Fractals outfit, with smudged text pointing to different sections of the costume. "Goat tail? Do goats have tails?" and "Very very green" and "Make sure there's room for their horns!" At the very top of the page, it says: "Poncho for Sammy." Underneath those is a photo album.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy carefully and slowly takes out every item one by one. They can't help but feel saddened by the flower on top. The first gift they ever gave her. Why would she leave that? Then the bubble blower and then the paper of their poncho. "I was wondering where you put these...I tried to find them the day I went looking for you but..." They pick up the photo album. They're silent for a long time before opening it up. Pictures of Sammy...Pictures of Churro...Pictures of... "Tango..." Sammy flips through all the pages.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) There's so many photos there that you recognize. Of you, of her, of the both of you. The farther you go, there's less of you, less of her. More nature, and abstraction, and strangers. And more empty spaces, photos absent from where they should be. Until finally, on the very last page, there's just a single photo - one you don't recognize. A silhouette of a young woman with long hair, blowing a dandelion across a dark sky. There's text underneath: "Daisy" and a little heart drawing.
And underneath the photo album, at the bottom of the box, is a flyer from a big music concert that happened in your sophomore year of high school, with a smudged phone number you can't read and a lipstick mark in the bottom corner.
And beneath that is a very carefully, politely folded piece of paper. "For Sammy" it says.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is already fighting back tears from the drastic change the album had taken without them. They're less confused and more sad that they barely opened it up now. "Who...?" Sammy looks at the picture of the girl before picking up the little piece of paper. "Ah man...you shouldn't have..." They are very much crying at this point. They unfold the paper, joking, "What wonderful masterpiece have you granted me as a last goodbye?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sammy,
if you are reading this, then i am somewhere very far away now. i dont know how far, and i dont know where i'll end up. im sorry. i don't want to leave, but i know i might have to. you know i'm bad at keeping secrets, and i've been keeping one for a long time. even from you. i'm so sorry, but if i'm gone, then i can't ever come back.
i know it will hurt you, and it breaks my heart. you are my best and most wonderful friend, and i will miss you forever and always. i will miss you more than the sun misses the moon. more than the flower misses the bird. you made me want to love myself, because you loved me.
i know i must have hurt you by leaving. i don't ask you to forgive me, not for that. not for breaking my promise. but if you want me again, even as i can't return, i give you permission: come and find me.
your friend, always,
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Every word feels like a punch to the heart. I'm sorry? I'll miss you?  Sammy wipes their tears with their sleeve. "What...What? What is this...?" And then the last line, "Come find you..." It takes a minute for that to process, but when  it does, Sammy bolts up straight. "COME FIND YOU!?" It feels like they've been given the key to the universe. That means they're definitely alive and definitely want to see them again...right? This isn't the loser message they were expecting at all, it's so much worse! "W-Where???" Then Sammy turns back to the photo album. "Daisy...girl Daisy....Daisy..." Sammy repeats this, making sure to engrave it into their mind. "I will! I'll do it! I'll find you!" Sammy picks up Churro, "We'll do it!!" And with that, they spend the rest of their night trying to piece everything together...although they're still a little lost.
Sammy 🐐 Excuse me! Everyone! This is kind of an emergency and I'm sorry if this seems really random, but has anyone seen a girl named Daisy? And would anyone like to help me find a girl named Daisy... Or just a Daisy, it might be a flower, I'm not sure!!!!
Blake ✨ Are you alright? What kind of emergency are we talking about? I could certainly ask my contacts to look into this girl if you have a full name or any other details, but you’re saying it may also just… refer to the flower?
Sammy 🐐 Uhm! This is like...life or death to me!
Well maybe not that extreme, but... it's really really super important to me! She has long hair and uhm...she might be into music? I have a paper with some stuff on it I can show you the next time I see you. D:
And her name might be Daisy? that's all I can think of, I'm sorry...
Blake ✨ I… see. So to summarize, you’re searching for this girl, with only an idea of her first name, or what may be a nickname, and a vague understanding of who she is. Is there some connection to someone else? Do you have a photo?
I’d be more than happy to help you solve this little mystery of course, but first and foremost we’ll need intel.
Sammy 🐐 She...does have a connection but that.... doesn't exist right now. Uhm...I do have a photo! So does that mean you'll help me? :)
I'll bring everything to you first thing! thank you so much, Blakey! 🌟
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daxieoclock · 3 years
inspired by @thesunsetbox and conversations with @triskaidekaphilist I decided to do a little post about Miss Sakio’s thoughts on the other Hunters!
Sammy Sakio has a habit of treating the Hunters more as her students than her teammates, and nowhere is that impulse stronger than with Sammy. Possibly because she doesn’t yet know them, but she still sees them as the young person in the back of her class who has so much to say and express but just needs the comfortable space in which to express it. And whenever she sees the other Hunters accepting Sammy and creating that space for them, she can’t help but be proud.
Camellia While she’s never had the opportunity to teach Camellia, she can’t help wanting to mother over them. She sees the bags under their eyes, their quiet stubbornness, the simultaneous relief and guilt towards each payment from Daedalus; and she recognizes each one, and the thought worries her even as she knows it shouldn’t. After all, she knows how that song ends. She’s seen it firsthand. And the memory has never given her anything but guilt and the opportunity to dig herself even deeper into the worst decision she’d ever made.
Ilse From any other teacher’s perspective, Ilse was likely a model student. Eager to learn, eager to please, aiming for the highest marks and always entering office hours with an apology, a bowed head. Sakio admires how hard they work, at least, even as she is mortified by the implication. She herself is an overachiever, and wears the title with no small amount of bitterness. In a way, she is forever grateful that Blake stepped up to lead the Hunters; if at least to prevent Ilse from ever forcing themselves to step up to fill the silence, the way she so often did.
Lena Anger doesn’t scare Sakio. It kept her warm at night through her own days as a student, through the guilt and the grief, and it pushed her towards the life she craved to live. It was a tool, and she regrets having to use it, but she would not have what she does without it. It’s an old friend; Sakio isn’t fond of herself, and she is often frustrated and bitter towards others, but she is very rarely angry. Lena is very often angry. Even when she’s happy, she’s angry. It doesn’t take much to see it, but Sakio is blessed with the experience to know the shape of that anger, the depth of it. And she knows it is far older, far sharper, far deeper than hers. Like a broken leg staring at an amputee. She has never stopped wishing better for Lena. One day, she hopes she will no longer have to.
Blake In a word: complicated. Blake frightens her, in a way no other student has. She is not worried for her own safety, not remotely. But she fears the glint in their eye, their inclination towards truth above even sensibility, their ire and fury towards even barest obfuscation. She knows they wear a mask, they have things to hide of themselves, but Sakio suspects they will only be satisfied removing it once everyone else around them is bare-faced and vulnerable. They tear, fingers grabbing to peel away lies and dismissals, half-truths and inconsistencies. Blake deserves the truth, they all do, but Sakio feels that what she holds to her chest is a curse. She has only ever been hurt by knowing what she does, and Blake has all but attempted to curse themselves and all the Hunters by forcing those truths out of her. And she knows, one day, they’ll succeed. The thought haunts her more than she dares admit.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
The Celestial Behemoth Fight: Hunters Highlights
As a direct follow-up to last week’s session, this week made me lose my fucking mind all over again. I can’t even articulate how excited I was, everything turned out so much better than I could have ever planned on, and everyone did a fucking amazing job.
(Credit to @thesunsetbox​ for his art of some of this session’s events)
Without further ado, enjoy!
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio lowers her rapier, breathing hard. One hand on her chest. She wobbles for a moment. And then steadies. Eyes sort of glazed over.
The glow under the door from the behemoth's chamber is still quite bright and very consistent. your journal doesn't like the door, but you don't quite feel a panicked urge from artemis. Just a steady caution.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena hits the floor with her bat. "What the fuck! What the fuck!"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake let’s out a long, shaky breathe like they’d been holding it in that entire time, and only now feel safe enough to breathe They turn back to look at Sakio, a malice in their eyes that isn’t disguised at all, but quickly course-corrects, softens “Well,” they say, a blank tone of scarcely-contained venom. “I’m glad you got to reconnect with an old friend.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She bursts out laughing. A long, pained laugh. "Damnit." Sakio sheathes her rapier – misses the hilt twice – and runs both hands through her hair. "Of all the people I didn't wish you to meet..."
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is startled by Sakio letting go of their hand, but stays close by
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “If only there were a way to avoid such dangerous encounters,” Blake continues, eyes dead-locked on Sakio’s. “Your secrets will bury us all. So what was that about protecting us?”
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Literally. Right now. Like. Let's just. Go." Lena runs a hand over her face roughly.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "My secrets are secrets to avoid that," she replies, sharp. Sharper than you've often heard from her. "Knowing about that woman..." Sakio sighs. "I thought she might have been dead. I assumed that. No one's heard or seen of her in years, not since..." She swallows, hard.
Ilse holds their arm, like they're biting their tongue. "She said she didn't want to stop us. But she might have been lying."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “That seems like the last thing I’d want us to do. Who knows if Sakio has been the least bit honest with us about the Behemoths?” They call that out to Lena without looking away from Sakio herself. “You do not know better for us that we do. Those claims are deeply offensive.” They laugh, cold and angry. “So you made a bet on her survival and you were wrong. You assumed she was dead and that we’d never have to know about her, she’d be another secret you could keep. And you were completely, entirely, deadly incorrect.” They look away just for a second to nod at Ilse. “That’s quite possible.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) "It literally. Doesn't matter. That woman died here, or inverted, or maybe she's just from here. Maybe she wants to kill us. Maybe fucking not," she hits the floor again. "It doesn't matter. If she comes back, and attacks us. I'll kill her."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “No, you won’t. You’ll die,” they say bluntly. “And it will be Sakio’s fault before it’s yours.” They smile just a little, angry, and glare at Sakio. “You understand that, don’t you? Despite all your claims and promises, the virtues you claimed to extol, it’s evident that you’re more than willing to risk our lives to protect Daedalus’ secrets.”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) "Don't say that!" Those words come bursting out of their mouth, but they quickly muffle it with their sleeves.
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Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena hits the floor again, two handed this time. "I will. Blow myself up from within. And take her with me. I'll erase us from the fucking universe."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio is quiet for a time. "The only thing you need to know about her, right now, is that she's the reason that Daedalus keeps record of every Persona-user's Brand. And, probably, why the higher-ups hide themselves away." She massages the bridge of her nose. "Please, don't risk your lives chasing her. Or, god forbid, fighting her. If you risk any life, risk mine. That's how it should be."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Sammy’s outburst gets a reaction out of Blake, but they quickly recover. “Your team is ready to die because of her, because of that secret you’ve kept, and you can’t even lower yourself from your ivory tower for long enough to admit that you’ve made any mistakes? That, perhaps, keeping everything from us was wrong!?” 
They shake their head, and when they settle, their TV smile is back. “I’d be happy to throw your life to the wolves, Sakio. But even as dense as you are, you must recognize that martyring yourself won’t do you an ounce of good except stroking your fucking ego,” their smile drops away almost instantly, like they’re trying and failing to hang on to it, to get a handle on it again. 
“You’ll kill yourself protecting us from her and then we’ll all die right after you, because you can’t protect us. You never will.” Their face twists up, contorting in anger. “How far gone are you, that you can’t admit that, even now? That you’d rather DIE than look us in the eyes and admit the truth?” 
They’re gritting their teeth, and their right arm actively drops their journal to take a harsh grip of their left wrist, their left hand shaking beneath it.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena grunts at the sky. "It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't. There's nothing we can say that will make Sakio tell us anything. There's nothing we can say that will make that woman leave us alone. And we will just have to deal with it. That's it. Forever."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They nod. “You aren’t wrong. Perhaps I am naive for still believing in the truth.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) She turns to Blake. "Don't agree with me. Or do." She throws her hands in the air. "I don't fucking know!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio doesn't say a word. She turns around, slowly, and you can't quite pick an emotion out of her expression. One step forward, and she leans down, and picks up your journal. And holds it out to you. "I didn't believe it needed to be said. I have known, and I have no doubt that you have all known as well." She smiles, and it's a hurt sort of smile. "Keeping the truth from anyone is a sin. Keeping it from you all...is far worse. And yet, there is so much that I still cannot tell you, because doing so places you in danger. I was not ready to know it, when I learned. I hope to spare you that pain, and that risk." A deep breath. "Please. I don't ask that you forgive me, or that you trust me. But I will ask that you do not stand in front of me anymore. Martyr or not, I will face my sins. They are not your burdens to bear."
"What's done is done," Camellia grumbles. "Might as well either kill this thing or ditch the job." They rest their hand-axe on their shoulder. "And I'm voting former."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake grabs the journal from her in a furious motion. “Do not TOUCH my things,” they snap. A second later they recover. “You can’t claim to be protecting us by obfuscating the truth. We are already in danger. Make your peace with that and get out of the way, or you’ll be burned in the end.” They sigh. “I agree, Pavel. My apologies for dragging this out. Let’s go.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena glares at Sakio. "Can you. Stop talking. As if you dying. Wouldn't fuck us up. Can you", she rubs at her face. "Fuck! Whatever. Let's go." And she walks forward and tries to open the door.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio glances towards Sammy. "Are you alright? You don't need to worry about me, by the way. You're very kind, but I've been through far worse than this." She chuckles.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) "I'm... I'm okay...I know you're older and have been through a lot too, but I could see it back there...your fear." Sammy says this almost in a whisper, for only you to hear. "I don't want anyone to die..." they muffle themselves again, they look like they're gonna cry, but quickly change their expression to happy for Sakio's sake. "let's go!"
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Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She nods, and smiles back. “No one will. I’ll make sure of that.” And she gently gestures towards the door. “Let’s go.”
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy follows Sakio to the door, making sure to stay as close to her as humanly possible
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The chamber beyond the vestibule is plain, and enormous. A circular room something like two dozen feet in diameter, with sloped walls that curve up and around into a giant open-roof skylight. Here, ten stories up, the already-close sky looks even closer, like the only thing between you and the heavens is a tall enough ladder. And at the center of the chamber is the source of that emerald glow. 

It seems to be some sort of symbol, a sigil of curved lines etched on the metal floor. You can't quite make out exactly what, not from where you're standing. But it almost resembles a simple drawing, something ancient and hallowed. And it's glowing. Pulsing like a heartbeat. But the moment you stepped into the room, that heartbeat quickened. Pulsing faster and louder and brighter, almost seeming to strain at the air, frantic and desperate.
The air of Factals twists into impossible shapes, ever-spiraling patterns of green so bright and so vivid that they sear at your eyes, force you not to look to close lest you slip into it forever. Something surges out of the ground, out of that glowing sigil, gasping and writhing, oozing with black ichor.
"My stars....they're....so beautiful..."
It rises, squirming up on some unsteady anatomical base. At first to your eye-level, then above it. You can see something like an arm reaching up towards that skylight. Grasping with long, outstretched fingers.
"Mine. Mine. MINE."
And the world uncurls. Almost as if it's resisting the motion, pulling back into a form by strength of will alone. You finally see the thing before you, the so-called Celestial Behemoth, in all its horrid glory. His skin is grey and stretched, like a bodysuit pulled too tight, and it's covered in green lines and odd indentations like inconsistent scales. His hands are outstetched, fingers long as his palm. And his wide mouth is full of sharp teeth, and a long black tongue that lolls out the side. Bulging eyes spinning in a reptilian skull. Those eyes focus. First up, towards the sky. Then down, towards you. And he screams. A roar that could spit the heavens.
Blake, your journal snaps open. Shuddering with fear and hunger, Artemis writing not in silver but in crimson ink as dark as blood.
The Celestial Behemoth Star Arcana J A B B E R W O C K
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) I’ll start with a Tarukaja on Sakio
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) She looks surprised but sends a smile your way. "Thank you!"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They don’t look at her. “Kill it fast.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) So Camellia reaches behind and touches their shoulder-blade where their brand is. "Hecate!" And the witch bursts into being, extending her staff towards the behemoth. Ethereal purple chains burst from its tip, wrapping around the Jabberwock. It stands there, looking a bit perplexed for a moment. Then it merely strains against the chains once, and they shatter. Camellia stumbles back, looking surprised.
Lena Tarr (Dave) no preamble. she touches her ankle and wordlessly summons goliath before going right in with a power slash
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)  
 Result: 8d6 (3, 2, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5) + 4 
 Total: 31
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sakio is going to grit her teeth for a moment, and tap her brand. "Miss Tarr, you're doing a wonderful job of embracing your strength, please continue to do so!" And she casts Rebel Will on Lena
The Jabberwock is going to wriggle and make a very wet screeching noise. Its body glows orange for a brief instant.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake sees the orange glow on the Behemoth and swipes a hand cleanly across their left wrist, tapping their brand and summoning Artemis “Pavel, be careful!” Artemis fires an arrow into the sky, which descends directly onto Camellia and filling them with a deep blue glow
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Camellia flashes you grin. "Hey, thanks! I'll, uh, I'll try."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) ilse's next, and they'll fire off a frei "Clotho, cut them down!" And a burst of blue fire scorches across the Behemoth.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The Jabberwock is going to stumble backwards. Black ichor splashes to the ground from the corner of his mouth. He stares at you, then his eyes turn upwards. There's a moment of almost longing, staring through the skylight. And he shudders. Once, then again. Those green lines across his body glowing brighter and brighter, as the reptilian Behemoth shakes with fury. When his eyes turn back at you, they're filled with a deep emerald fire.
The Jabberwock spreads his arms open, fingers outstretched, and his eyes glow. The air around him begins to twist and distort, those odd shapes pulsing in and out of existence again. Like a heat wave radiating around his body.
"No you don't!" Sakio gestures with her rapier, two fingers on her brand. "Chorus!"
The beam of light descends, and it distorts in the heat wave. When it strikes, it strikes with barely any force.
Sakio swears under her breath. "It's placed up some sort of defense. We need to find a way to pierce it!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) camellia is going to fire off a psi The magic distorts into the swirling air. "Uh," Camellia says, "that...that worked a lot better last time."
Ilse gulps. "Is it resisting all our attacks? It...can't be, right? Something has to hurt it!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Neko Shogun gestures a bolt of energy towards the Jabberwock. And this time when it hits the distortion, it pierces through, glancing across the Behemoth's chest. He makes a furious, pained gurgle.
Lena Tarr (Dave) hmmmm ill. do a power slash again and rlly hope it does crit gdfgdfg
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)   Result: 6d6 (1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5) Total: 21
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) NATURAL CRIT
Lena Tarr (Dave) jkhljkhjk two of them rlly
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) true but you only needed the one dfjbgjh
Lena Tarr (Dave) yea but it makes me feel cool gfdgdfg
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) the tarukaja and defense cancels out the crit puts it to 6d6 and hitting its weakness puts it to 8d6 oh wait im sorry crit isn't damage level up, its double dice that's 12. AND lena. you have a skill called exquisite technique you wanna use it now?
Lena Tarr (Dave) holy shit. yes please!
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) okay. so that's 8d6 times four.
Lena Tarr (Dave) dsfdsfdscasds
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) lena please roll 32 dice and add 4
Lena Tarr (Dave) at what point am i just being rude.
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)   Result: 32d6 (1, 2, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 6, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 1, 2) + 4 Total: 108
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) jesus fucking christ
Lena Tarr (Dave) Between her last attack and this one, everything Prim said rushes to the front of her head, and Lena almost blacks out with the rage of it. She summons Goliath wordlessly, and the floor splinters and raises around them, and when her bat hits the behemoth it does so with a thunderous roar, cracking the floor underneath it. "Can you just. Die."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The Jabberwock screeches, and the air around it pulses with one final distortion, and then returns to normal. It almost feels like a physical pressure lifts from the room. And it falls back, knocked down.
Hey lena. you have another skill it's called All-Out-Attack djfhgbhj
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Yeessss!!! Get em Lena!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) wanna use it?
Lena Tarr (Dave) jhkjlhj abso-fucking-lutely!!
The hit lands, but it is not enough, and the rage grows even more. "Hey," she growls, "how is this in any way fair? Can't we have one second to just think? About anything!? Well, if it won't be given to us, we will make time for it by our own fucking selves!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) that's 38 damage to the behemoth
Sakio is going to beam at Lena, and without a word cast Rebel Will on her again. She Is So Fucking Proud
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is distinctly uncomfortable at the pride being shown to her.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The Jabberwock is going to struggle back to his feet. And it's going to make this growling noise in the back of its throat that starts growing louder and louder, until in opens its jaw impossible wide and screeches. Burbling Wail. You are all now Frail.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Joke’s on you! I was already frail!
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) THEN it's going to tense back and whip out with its tail. Whifflewhip.
Lena Tarr (Dave) god i wish i had a tail
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) None of you take any damage, but you're all knocked down. Any buffs you have are now negated.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake stands back up, having been knocked down, and grins to themselves “That was a wonderful showing, Miss Tarr. But you seem to have failed to finish it off.” Their voice is oddly cheery for someone in this dire position They look around and the party, and recognize the reality of the situation. They can’t rely on Sakio’s experience, Lena’s brute strength, Sammy’s magic power, Ilse’s tactics or Camellia’s ability. They can only rely on themselves, same as always. And they’ll burn bridges if they have to “Artemis!” they call out, voice fierce and loud, the persona materializing with bow cocked in arrow, and it fires directly toward the Behemoth
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) there's probably a spark of irritation there, like Camellia thought what Lena did was awesome and got a little frustrated that blake was still being harsh. But at the same time, they're a teammate. They're a friend. Camellia won't let them fight alone.
the arrow smacks the Behemoth between the eyes, and it stumbles backwards. Not quite knocked over, but reeling.
Camellia is going to stand back up too and rush in front of Blake. "Don't let 'em show you up, Hecate!"
Avrae (BOT) @Everyone Else (DaxieVane)   Result: 2d6 (1, 5) + 2 Total: 8
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Hecate has been shown up.
Sakio is going to growl as she stands back up, and sweep her hand like she's throwing back a veil. "Blind it, Chorus!" going to use Sukunda
He's going to focus on Lena. "Will...not..." he gurgles, almost a whisper. Jabberwock sort of tilts his head back, then whips it forward and spits something at Lena.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) so Sakio is going to leap in front of Lena. and sweep her hand up and towards the sky. A glint of light like a lens flare. And half the projectiles rips through her cape, while the other half imbeds itself in the behemoth's chest. Sakio's cape is now smoldering, and she smacks at it, still standing between lena and the behemoth. "Leto, Pavel!" she shouts. She looks calm, but she doesn't quite sound it. "Heal Lena, now!"
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)   Result: 3d6 (4, 4, 2) Total: 10
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) that's no successes. so. uh.
Lena Tarr (Dave) i fucking die.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Oh no-
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) you're now on fire. and knocked down.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) OH NO-
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) but you've got your Flow.
Lena Tarr (Dave) dgfgdfgdfgd thats so funny before i completely go up in flames i throw my bat at the enemy real hard
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) not like. immolated. but your outfit is definitely catching.
Lena Tarr (Dave) im wearing a tank top. this is not good
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) blake it is now your turn as a reminder: you have a baisudi bottle burn is an elemental ailment
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Wait I do Since when
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) you got it from hanging out with masumi
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Oh pog I was gonna use Active Support but the burn seems much more pressing… So I will use that
“Miss Tarr, please do me a favor and don’t die.” Their voice is strained, clearly more than a little frustrated at how things are going
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena gives them a thumbs up. "No promises."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Hecate!" Camellia is going to use media on the whole party, cause that's their best heal.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "My...stars..." The Jabberwock stands still once more. Wavering, but not falling. The wind outside has started to pick up. It's howling at the walls, rattling loose panels. "I...will..." The lines on his body glow. And smear. And drip. Vibrant green down his body, across his skin. A pool of emerald begins to grow beneath him. "I will...Ascend."
His hands out to either side, he is once more invoking Manxome Glare. The air around him distorts with what you now recognize as a sort of anti-magic field. And within it, you see his eyes ignite with a haunting, sickening green fire.
The Jabberwock is preparing an attack.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) HmmmMMM concerns
Lena Tarr (Dave) top 5 things that cant be good
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio is going to reach out, clearly about to grab Lena by the shoulder, but she stops herself. Instead she reaches into her bag and pulls out some medicine, pushing it into Lena's hands. "Tend to your wounds, please."
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Can you please hit that thing. I know I'm dying, but can you! Please! Hit that thing!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "I would recommend defending yourselves!" Sakio says, facing down the Behemoth. "This is likely its last desperation."
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) ....what was it with magic? If I use frei, will it still work?
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Manxome Glare causes it to resist all magic but become weak to physical and gun attacks
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ah. I defend Sammy, then
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy was gonna hit Jabbers, but saw Ilse defend them so now they're gonna defend Ilse
Lena Tarr (Dave) awwww
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) sammy and ilse are just gonna hug each other and hit the deck djfhgbhj okay lena what sort of chaos will you get up to today?
Lena Tarr (Dave) ,nbm,n,mnbmnb ;p i am thinks. with my brain. so. i am frail. but i also have flow.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) and rebel will and it's weak to physical attacks
Lena Tarr (Dave) And rebel will. and its weak to physical attacks. hm. hm. fuck it. im assault diving him
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)   Result: 3d6 (2, 4, 2) Total: 8
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) THAT'S A CRIT, BABY
Lena Tarr (Dave) NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) lemme see..... 6 dice for heavy down to 4 because of the def up up to 5 because of flow doubled because of crit doubled because of weak please roll 20 dice plus your strength mod
Avrae (BOT) @Lena Tarr (Dave)   Result: 20d6 (2, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 6, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3) + 4 Total: 70
Lena Tarr (Dave) decent
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) DAMN
After Goliath strikes, the distortion parts, for just an instant. Those swirling patterns start to peel away. The Behemoth is smiling. And its spinning, burning eyes track each of you in turn. "Eyes of Flame." And the room around you fucking explodes.
Lena and Camellia take no damage as their shields soak up the fire. Sakio and Ilse resist, since they're defended. Sammy resists, but they're also weak to fire, so they're going to take full damage. 
Which is.....
Avrae @Everyone Else (DaxieVane)   Result: 6d6 (4, 5, 4, 2, 2, 4) + 8 Total: 29
Lena Tarr (Dave) thats many dice omfg
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio and ilse are going to take 21 damage, 
Sammy is going to take 29 lemme check your hp totals real quick djfgbjh
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) uh oh
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) ilse is about to be ko'd 
 sammy is also about to be ko'd
 and sakio will survive with 5hp camellia only has 1 salvation
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Oh No
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) fuck okay djhfbghjd
Lena Tarr (Dave) oh my god aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) huh. no bonds to go off of. uh.
Avrae (BOT) @Everyone Else (DaxieVane)  
 Result: 1d2 (1) 
 Total: 1
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Camellia is going to save Ilse
They're going to turn around and see the fire heading for Sammy and Ilse, and desperately call Hecate to try and protect them both. There's moment where both of you are bathed in warm light, safe. But Ilse is inches closer to Camellia. And those inches make all the difference. When the smoke clears, Ilse and Sammy are right next to each other. But only Ilse's eyes are still open. Sammy is slumped, unconscious, in their arms.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena is staring at them, completely at loss.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse hugs them closer, as if that would change anything
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Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio drops her rapier. She makes a noise that almost sounds like "no," but it's drowned out by the clatter. It's her turn now, and she rushes to their side, hands desperately grabbing into her back for something. She pulls out a small glowing golden marble, and none of you can see it for more than an instant before she crushes it between her palms, hands clasped almost in prayer above Sammy. Small specs of gold float down from her hands. "Come on," she whispers, "come on. Come back."
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Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy groans, slowly opening their eyes. "Tan...ger in e ?" It takes them a while to readjust their eyes, focusing on Ilse and Sakio. They gasp, quickly sitting up, realizing what they just said. "Oh! Oh no! Is everyone alright? Am I...alright?" They just kinda sit with a really confused look on their face before remembering where they are. They look back at Ilse, "Friend! Are you okay?" They grab hold of Ilse, doing a little inspection of their person.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "You're alright." Sakio says, almost a little laugh in her voice. Relieved. So clearly relieved. "Thank goodness."
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy turns to face Sakio, teary eyed. "Sakio! you're okay too, right?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio nods, but her smile seems a little more tense. "I will be. You can just wait here, if you need. Don't push yourself." She stands back up, as if she wasn't hurt one bit. Cracks her neck. And walks back over to her rapier. "Behemoth. I don't know your name; I don't much care. It's our job to cut you down, I can't blame you for defending yourself." Her voice calm, but dripping in frigidity. "But allow me to make one thing clear." She stabs the tip of her rapier into the metal, and places her palm against her brand; she's only ever touched it with her fingertips before. "Never underestimate my students."
She's going to invoke Rebel Vanguard. Everyone, you now have one charge of Rebel Will
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake’s been turned away from you all this whole time, not watching, eyes on the Behemoth. Tracking it, staring it down before it moves any further. For a moment, they remove their glasses and lift their arm, and wipe their eyes with their forearm. They’re careful, so careful, so deliberate. There are parts of their arms they can’t allow to get wet with tears. Their whole body is shaking, you can tell. And they hesitate. 
 “My persona isn’t offensive in nature,” they explain, their voice breaking despite pushing to stay calm. “It would be wisest to heal the others, or to power them up. But I’m going to be selfish.” 
 They grip their left wrist with right hand, clinging tight, and Artemis materializes, arrow cocked in its bow. “As this team’s leader, I’m obligated to send a message. You will not harm my allies and face no retaliation.” Aaand they fire.
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Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Camellia is going to shoulder their axe. Shuddering. They almost lost another friend today. It was almost their fault, again. "Alright. Big man thinks he's a god, huh? But I've got news for you." They grab the axe's hilt with both hands. "Gods don't bleed, moron." And they rush the Jabberwock with a furious cry.
Camellia is going to smack their brand mid-step and hop up as Hecate plucks a spark of celestial brilliance out of the sky, and drops in front of them. "Here's your fucking star!" And Camellia swings their axe like a bat and smacks the projectile directly into the Jabberwock's chest.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse whispers to Sammy “glad that you’re ok, friend”, then leaves them to rush to the Behemoth with their knife
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The Behemoth is going to reel backwards, his barrier fading, flickering. The air almost clear again. He's going to stare at the party with furious eyes already starting to ignite once again.
Sammy. It's all you
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is gonna get up and without any hesitation, use snap, despite Sakio telling them not to push themselves--
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) djhfbgjhdg i love them so much Sammy's gonna SNAP
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy is SNAPPING
Sammy looks a little mad, but they don't try to mask it this time. "You tried to hurt my friends! That's not very nice of you!"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Lena. Jabberwock is down. fuck him up dfhjgbhjd
Lena Tarr (Dave) maybe its overkill. but lena is. angry. so angry she cant speak or think or move her face right. so she assault dives the bastard
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio is going to take a few steps forward. Placing the tip of her rapier against the Behemoth's head. "I hope you learned something today," she says, quietly. "There will not be a repeat lesson." Chorus descends from on high, circling like a masked halo. They raise their arms up, and a radiance illuminates the space between them. "Goodbye." 
And she casts Kougaon.
Avrae (BOT) @Everyone Else (DaxieVane)  
 Result: 4d6 (5, 3, 3, 5) 
Total: 16
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) crits
Avrae (BOT) @Everyone Else (DaxieVane)  
 Result: 13d6 (1, 5, 6, 1, 3, 1, 6, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2) + 6 
 Total: 52
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) A pillar of light slams into the Behemoth's upper body with thunderous force. And then through, decimating that glowing symbol beneath it. And through the floor. And through the next floor. 
What remains of the Jabberwock raises one hand up towards the heavens as it plummets down through the Spiral Spire. Through what Puck described as its towering sin. And it vanishes into the dark.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Prim Introduction Session: Hunters Highlights
Heya folks!!!! We just closed out an absolutely amazing session of the Hunters campaign, and I am still losing my fucking mind over it. It was some of the most fun I’ve had in this campaign, second only to the Sammy intro session, and I refuse to let it go unshared.
I’ve included a transcript of the two major scenes below; there was a scene between Lena and Amil, and another between Blake and Amil, that I’m disincluding – but I do plan on including both in the ongoing Hunters Highlight doc, once I get the spoons to update it.
For now though, I hope you all enjoy this cause it was a fucking BLAST to take part in.
EDIT: I’ve added an amazing piece of campaign art from @thesunsetbox​ in here at the appropriate moment because i am legally obliged to share it with everyone.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Once more, you find yourselves in that strange little clearing, facing the grinning, spritely entity with that scar over one yellow eye. Sakio isn't anywhere to be seen, but the path to the Spire of Forfeit is yet open. "Gentles," Puck says, hushed and excited. "Thou hast come to face the one who sings to the heavens, the false deity perched atop his towering sin. Today, I give you naught but my blessing; and a promise. From this honest Puck, I beseech you. Survive, and return here. Should you do so, I will have such gifts to grant you the likes of which have never been seen in any world."
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy's fractal outfit is...a little kitty poncho over their normal clothes. It looks handmade. There's a big bell on the front of it. Sammy even feels the top of their head where the ears are to make sure their horns are still tucked underneath.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "And a special greetings to you, gentle." Puck gives Sammy a wide smile and a resonant, mischievous giggle. "I trust you found my invitation to be to your liking. You seem to find yourself among birds of a feather." He throws his head back and laughs at his own joke.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “You mean to tell us you invited Sammy here?” Blake says, shooting a glare at Puck.
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena groans.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) "A special greeting" Sammy repeats
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Through an associate." He glances to the side with dramatic flair, posing his chin on one hand as if playing at reservation. "I dreamed a dream one summer night, and found myself at the feet of a hermit. Bare and kind, bold and slumbering. They offered me one hand of many, and I am simply returning the favor."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Can I take that to mean something similar occurred with all of us?”
Lena Tarr (Dave) "I wanna hit stuff. So bad."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Did you not receive such a missive before you first arrived?" Puck asks. "I sent word, and a key; to a stargazer, an esurient, a prescient, and an eminence. And you arrived here to greet me, along with your newfound quiescent."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “To translate that,” Blake says to the group, flipping through their journal idly. “We have here the one responsible for sending that bird to meet us, and deliver us that key.” And they grin, looking up at Puck again. “My question is why.”
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena stares blankly.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Puck bursts out laughing. "My dear gentle, have you not been listening?" He raises a hand above his head, and snaps his fingers. You hear an echo through the junkyard, a familiar voice tinged with distance, despite the fact that he sits right in front of you.
"Be we comrades, we are such fools as to embrace with one hand and tear flesh with another. As they are inmates seeking escape, I am the content jester who admires his cell."
And as the voice fades, Puck speaks again, from his own mouth, clear as day. "Those monstrosities who twist this world are but tumors, overgrowths of concept, boiling seas and setting winds to roil. They would gorge themselves on this place until naught remains but ash, and then turn to the world you gentles call home." Despite his dire words, his tone remains light, almost playful.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Enough. I get it.” Blake waves a hand dismissively, like even they’re annoyed by the cryptic speech. “In that case, all we’re doing is wasting time talking to you, aren’t we?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "I enjoy it," Puck says, sounding almost genuinely hurt. "Should you die, I would lose the gift of your company. A tragedy in itself."
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Can't you pop over on our side?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Can a fish swim through air to converse with landwalkers?" Puck retorts.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Isn't that like. Evolution."
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) “Depends on the fish?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Puck seems to consider that. "Perhaps then I shall...'evolve,' in time. But as it stands, I am but a jester, and this," he gestures around him, "is but my cell."
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena nods. "Then let's not die." And she starts towards the spire.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Yes, we’ll certainly try,” Blake says with their trademark smile, their voice betraying them with hints of impatience and irritation. They nod to Puck and also start toward the spire after Lena
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy spins in a circle to make their bell jingle at Puck before chasing after everyone
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Puck claps like a delighted child at the display.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse got lost in awe by Sammys spin, got out by the clasp noise, mutters a thank you to Puck and then runs after Sammy and everyone too
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) you meet sakio at the spire, and then she guides you inside and to the dumbwaiter which takes you all the way up to the 9th floor of 10 She pauses at the staircase and takes a deep breath. "Alright. If there's anything left for you all to do, I suggest you do it now. Once we're through that door up there, the Behemoth is going to come at us full force. We won't have time to do much more than fight. This foe won't be quite like any Shadow you've faced so far, so be careful." She steadies herself. "When you're ready, let us go."
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy looks worried, but determined. They do a little shake to jingle all their jitters out. "I'm ready and steady..."
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Eh." She looks ready.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse it ready, but still fidgeting with their newish ring
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Ah, yes.” Blake turns to address Sammy. “Since this is your first formal battle with us, let me just assure you. Do as you did in our last battle, and I’ll provide support. Count on me.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Alright." With one last careful breath, she ascends the staircase. The vestibule of the tenth floor isn't quite as quiet as before. Those double doors to where the Behemoth is resting are there, closed tight, but odd, otherworldly green light is spilling out into the vestibule from beneath the doorframe. It pulses like the beat of a heart, one two, one two. And in front of the door, eyes locking on you the moment you are in view, is a woman.
Her hair is the color of blood, crimson that spills over her shoulders, long and curled and tangled. She is wearing something that almost resembles a dress; a plain, black, tight-fitting top that organically flows into a knee-length skirt, and beneath it you can see full leg tights of the same material as that top. She also isn't wearing shoes. But her eyes are what draws you, set in pale skin above lips with black lipstick, surrounded by heavy eye-shadow. Red pupils, and black sclera. "I see Puck has found a new bunch of suckers to do his dirty work," she says, in a voice low, and hushed, and dangerous. A whisper that could carry a thousand miles. "As if he hasn't done enough already."

The moment she sees the woman, Sakio lets out a sound like she's been stabbed, eyes wide and fearful. She stands motionless at the top of the stairs, frozen. Almost shaking.
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Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena steps in front of Sakio. "Who are you." She holds her bat close.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “Ah, wonderful.” They look at Sakio, eyes narrowing. “Something else you’ve kept from us…?”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The woman opens her mouth to respond, then closes it again. She gazes to the side, through those cracks in the metal of the tower walls. Has the breeze picked up? Or had it always been nearly howling, quiet, like the distant sound of snarling wolves. "My father called me his little primrose, once. I would say that's the best of the names he called me." If her tone was calm before, this is anger. Fire boiling beneath every word. "But flowery language doesn't suit this place. Ugly, and garish." She looks back at you, almost through you, like you're made of paper. "You may refer to me as Prim. Or, if you like, you need not refer to me at all." Prim gives the slightest of nods towards Sakio. "Have you washed the red from your hands yet, Rose?" She chuckles, and it's probably the worst sound she's made so far.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Can we not do this. Here?"
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “I’d love if you could give us a cohesive explanation for what you mean, for what you intend to gain from us destroying these creatures. Doing your bidding is quite the loaded term, after all. What are your motivations?” Blake says, ignoring Lena. “And of course, I’m dying to know how you and our dear professor are acquainted.”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Prim laughs even harder at that. "Oh, don't misunderstand me. I don't want to stop you from killing that thing." Her eyes almost seem to glow. "I just want to pick you apart. I want to know what makes you so interesting to him. You don't belong here, and I want to understand why you insist on perpetuating this little crusade." She reaches out and traces her hand across a jagged piece of the metal wall. "If I could, I'd unhinge those skulls of yours, run my fingertips across all those pooling thoughts. But that wouldn't do any of us good now, would it?"
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy grabs onto Sakio's hand "Sakio?" they whisper. They've decided to completely ignore the scene unfolding before them to check on Sakio.
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse just stares, back and forth between Prim and Sakio, and pulls a grimace at the last words from Prim
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) Blake begins to open their mouth to speak, but Sakio’s fear connects in their head and they’re silent. It isn’t worth it to threaten this person just for the sake of their pride, especially if Sakio is this afraid of them. They can’t die here, after all.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Sakio squeezes Sammy's hand tight, and draws her rapier. "You're not going to hurt them," and her voice is shaking.
"I'm not going to hurt them," Prim repeats. "Not that you could stop me, Rose."
"Stop calling me that," Sakio replies.
"No," Prim says. And smiles, flashing just the edge of a canine between her lips.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Ok. We are not doing this." She grabs Sakio's arm. "We are going to kill that thing. We can talk after."
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) “I would appreciate it if you didn’t kill Sakio, or Rose, or whatever you call her,” Blake says, voice shaking on every syllable, so clearly desperate to sound confident. “She’s quite the frustrating ally, but for the time being she’s what we need to survive against that thing and effectively kill it, as you seem to desire. Doing anything to interfere with that now damns every one of us here to certain death.” For good measure, they step in front of Sakio, knowing full well she’s far better equipped to survive a blow than them. They assume they need to make some showing of intent.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Prim seems to size up Blake. "You must be their leader, then. Don't you know that responsibility always travels upward?" She takes a step forward, and Sakio flinches – probably the rest of you do too. That seems to be the reaction she was looking for, as she breaks into a smirk. "You've got quite red hands yourself. But as for the cause...it's all yours, isn't that right? Otherwise, you're stainless." She chuckles to herself. "Why break that streak? Why kill; and more importantly, why kill for Daedalus?" The name is a curse on her lips.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈) They instinctively take a step back, gritting their teeth, eyes narrowing. “What can you claim to know about me?” Their voice is almost a whisper, full of equal parts fear and anger. “Would you rather I do nothing?” They shake their head. “I don’t understand, anyway. Why try to convince me not to do what you seem to want to?” They tuck their book under one arm, right hand reaching over and gripping their left wrist tightly. “To answer your question. I do intend to take full responsibility for my teammates here. And if you’re intent on interfering, I ask that you…” they flinch, muttering a curse under their breath. “I ask that you go through me first.”
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Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Teammates," she says, echoing the word, rolling it over. The way one might curiously examine an insect before flicking it off their finger. "I'll keep that offer in mind, should it come to it." And her gaze slowly turns to Ilse. "And you, little academic, the one who leaves. Have you ever stopped looking back long enough to consider the path you're on? Where that path might lead you, what sort of person you might become? Cleverness can only carry you so far, you must know that."
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse reaches for her chest, the point where the scar is. Hesitates, but looks at Blake and Sakio. “You’re too keen on hurting us to give good advice”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Prim raises an eyebrow. "I'm not looking to give you advice." Her hair pulses, almost as if shifting in the breeze. Up, standing on end, then back down. "I aim to know what sort of people Puck has placed his faith in. What sort of people he trusts with extermination." Her fingers wriggle idly by her side. "So, tell me. Why are you so special?"
Ilse Belanger (Ralu) Ilse looks at Prim and at the door behind her before answering. “As curios as you are. If we live to find it out, we could tell you”
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Prim seems almost disappointed, letting out a little breath, tutting her tongue once. "Very well. I'll expect an answer next time we meet; if you survive." Then her eyes flick towards Sammy. "Don't think I've forgotten about you. Not that you're unaccustomed to that sort of treatment. You're used to miming at invisibility, but I see you." She chuckles, and it seems to echo. "Of all here who wear masks, yours is the oldest. You've dug it back up from where it was buried; and I'm interested to know why. I wonder if you even know yourself. Do you even remember why you buried it in the first place?"
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy slowly looks at Prim, their expression turns almost sour. Their grip on Sakio's hand doesn't loosen. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." Sammy looks at Sakio again before looking back at Prim. "I have no idea....what you're getting at..." they cover their face with their other sleeve.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Shying away from the truth. What a shame." Again, she seems disappointed. "How can you expect to find what you have lost when you cannot even look?" She takes another step, and there is a flash of light on steel, and Sakio's rapier is inches from Prim's throat. 

"Not. An. Inch." Sakio snarls. Her brand is glowing bright without so much as an invocation, shining into the vestibule, sending dappled light through Prim's hair. A shadow of something dark, and primal, flickers across the far wall. 

But Prim's eyes are still on Sammy. "Well? Do you have an answer for me? If you still wish to play pretend, I won't be the one to shatter your fairy tale."
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko) Sammy lowers their sleeve just a little to look at prim. Their eyes are full of hatred, but only for a second before they remember where they are. They cover their eyes again. "haha...you're so funny..." there's pain in their voice "So so funny...haha...shattering and breaking and digging and digging...I know that already..." they grit their teeth "I know that already..." Sammy lowers their sleeve to look at Sakio, their face has changed from angry to worried again. "Sakio..."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) The moment she meets Sammy's eyes, the moment she sees that hatred, Prim smiles. She grins. It would look giddy if it wasn't so utterly twisted, almost inhuman, like the corners of her mouth shouldn't quite stretch like they do. It is an affectation, and the one word that comes to mind, beyond disgust and revulsion, is 'triumph.' And then the smile fades, back into that little knowing smirk. Prim finally looks away from Sammy, towards Lena. "And here I expected you to be the one threatening my life." She reaches up and flicks her fingernail against the rapier, Sakio flinching but trying to hold it steady, trying to keep the threat. "Violence keeps you safe, doesn't it? Keeps you warm at night, numbs the pain. It feels right, that others should hurt as you do. But you know what fire does, don't you? It burns. It takes. It consumes. It assimilates what it is, and destroys what it isn't. Fire is a disease. And you, my dear, are diseased as they come. You know that, don't you?"
Lena Tarr (Dave) Lena laughs. She's no longer holding Sakio's arm; holding just her sleeve. Her grip is so tight it can't be comfortable. "Oh, you think you're really doing something don't you? Let's go stab at these poor fucker's brains, right?! As if it's hard? As if it's not the most basic shit ever?" She wipes away a nonexistent tear. "Ah. How lame. How easy. Let us kill the Behemoth, then come back to me. With your fists, not your words."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "I'd kill you," Prim says, as if it's the simplest thing in the world. "It wouldn't even be hard. You people are so...fragile. But, don't take my word for it." She smiles, glances at Sakio for an instant. "Why don't you tell them?" A hand up, fingertips on the rapier's blade. And then along it, soft skin along its sharp edge. But it doesn't cut her. Not so much as a trace of red on that blade. "Tell them, Rose, what I'm capable of. You've seen it firsthand." 

"Do you even remember their names?" Sakio asks. Her voice is hoarse, and for the first time since you've met her, it is fearful. 

Prim quirks the corner of her mouth, eyes up, as if she's scouring her mind. "Vladamir," she says, "Amelie, and Roland, wasn't it? Those were the names on their uniforms, at least." And she smiles, sweet and sickly. "Do you remember the name of every Behemoth you've slaughtered?" 

Sakio doesn't have a response for that.
Lena Tarr (Dave) "They have names? Proper names? Can they be reasoned with?" Lena glances between Sakio and Prim, uncertain.
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) "Yes," Sakio says. "No. I mean...names, yes. Reasoned with, no." The last word seems directed at Prim. 

"For once, we agree. Conversing with a raging god is a faster route to malignancy than peace." Prim lowers her hand from the rapier, staring at Lena. "But you would prefer that? You, who drowns the world in monochrome to justify your pain. You would want to, what, befriend a beast as it tears at your neck? Would you apologize for the sour taste in its mouth as it bites down?" She chuckles. "If you wish to be a butcher or a pacifist, why straddle the aisle? Are you really so ashamed of your impulses, your desires?"
Lena Tarr (Dave) "Blah, fucking blah." She looks at Prim, boredom clear on her face. "Fight us or go away. Be our friend or go away. White and black thinking won't get me far, that's true." She readies her bat. "But it'll get me through right now."
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Her smirk twitches. Like a hint of honest amusement. “Good enough,” she says. Her gaze slowly shifts, over and past, to Camellia. “Oh, and let’s not forget about you, passerine. The odd one out.” She smirks, glancing at her hand as if idly admiring the dirt under her fingernails. “I do wonder what a person like you - a person who takes - could want in a place where lost things fester." Her eyebrow quirks. "Or, was it lost people?" And Prim chuckles. "Whichever. But surely you should have come to know: that which does not belong to you can never replace that which has been taken. Wouldn't you agree?” And those black-red eyes focus on you once more.
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia sneers and grips their axe tighter. "What would you know?"
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) More than you might think," Prim says, almost a whisper. "But do you really want to play chicken with your own secrets with that?" She hums, like rolling a thought around her mouth. "You don't seem the type to resist the tide. Hardly obedient, but you know the consequences of independence in a world that does not value it. A shame, but nothing more than a typical tragedy in a world full of them." Prim chuckles. "Should I go on, then?"
Camellia Pavel (Rhela) Camellia's soft yet distant gaze was hardened and steely at the woman in front of them, but despite their attempt and appearing threatening, terror seemed to reverb in every quickened breath they took. 
Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Prim's eyes seem to glow. "Silence is hardly a response. If you won't reply–" And she leans forward ever so slightly, and there's distortion between you, like a physical pressure. Prim seems to recoil from it, blinking, caught ever so slightly off guard. She tilts her head, staring at you with something newfound. For a time, she says nothing. "How curious. And here I thought he didn’t pick favorites.” Prim's hair curls up and around itself, undulating in an invisible tide, like she's calling something. And laughs, and her form settles. “Very well. Far be it for me to pluck the buds before they’ve bloomed. Whatever he has planned for you, I’m sure it’s lovely.” Her voice is dripping with venom. "I, for one, can't wait to see it." 
Then, she turns away, and towards Sakio. "I could pick you apart too, Rose. Right here and now. I've barely even started to breach the surface, and you're already sweating. But...I don't need to." Prim makes a sound in the back of her throat, like a gurgling laugh. "Puck knows you're unworthy. And so do I." And with that, she reaches up one hand, and snaps her fingers.
Lena and Blake, you see something ethereal hanging in the air behind Prim. Something dark, obscuring the air like a heat wave, an odd glow to that pitch. You know the texture. You've seen it every single time you've summoned your Persona.

And before you have any time to think about that, there's a blur of motion, and a chunk of the vestibule's wall tears away, the rest of the wall curving towards the opening. As if struck with some impossible force, enough to rip apart sheet metal. The wind hits you all hard, and you cannot keep your eyes open, and when the air pressure settles in the vestibule...

Prim is gone.
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daxieoclock · 2 years
(*points at u*) how would Sakio get along with the Phantom Thieves, go-
oh! heck wow djhfbgjh jane ask :D thank uuuu
i thiiiink Sakio would feel very nervous about the Phantom Thieves but also like. very proud of them! She would try her best to be kind to them, though she'd definitely come off as naggy. Like I think the PT don't trust adults on principle and they'd definitely be really opposed to being told that they shouldn't like BE Phantom Thieves, but I do think that Sakio would do a really good job of like being careful and kind around their respective traumas and not actively opposing them nor getting in the way or revoking their autonomy. So I think it would be messy at first but they'd ultimately get along really well. I think a lot of the Hunters' animosity comes from Sakio knowing more than them and refusing to divulge that information, but if she's in a world where she doesn't know anything more than anyone else then djfbgjhb like. i think she'd be a lot easier to be around.
Also she'd probably get along especially well with Ryuji, Makoto and Futaba. Just on like...vibes basis. That's just the feeling I get.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Exploration and Audience: Hunters Highlights
I ran out of energy right after the session so I couldn’t make this until now, but hoooo boy yesterday’s sesh was really really fucking good. I couldn’t not make an HH for it!
The Hunters have taken on their second mission – infiltrate a dungeon in Fractals known as the Cable Canopy, where nature and technology war against each other, to find and slay one of the two Behemoths who reside there. While Blake possesses notes from a previous team’s exploration of the canopy, they have been somewhat inaccurate and distinctly lackluster. The dungeon’s first chamber contained warring Shadows, and the Hunters took out the technologically-minded ones while earning the favor of the nature-minded ones. In the second chamber, thanks to some quick thinking by Blake and Ilse, they were able to solve a switch puzzle using a series of computer consoles, though it caused the foliage within that chamber to wilt. Now, they travel farther into the dungeon, without realizing they’ve ended up earning the attention of both Behemoths. And one, in particular, has opened up the path for an audience...
Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
so you walk through the door and into a slightly better lit hallway, a short and tense walk until you reach a fork in the road. in front of you is yet again blocked by wires and vines, and there is a series of metal stairs to the right and a natural downward slope to the left.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Blake flips open their journal. “The downward slope likely leads us to the basement. The stairs lead us to a balcony where the previous group met the Behemoth Magistrate. Neither option sounds particularly enticing. Thoughts?”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Sakio reaches out with her rapier and taps the vine-wire mesh. "Either way, it doesn't seem as if we are able to proceed without choosing a path."
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed.” Their tone is dripping with sarcasm
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"Uh. Hm. Why not fight the Behemoth? We are already like. Here."
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
"Basement..." Sammy repeats, staring in its direction.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Behemoth Magistrate. It isn’t the Behemoth itself,” they say. “Whatever it is, apparently the group became sick after speaking with him and refused to share what they learned in their notes.”
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"Hm. Maybe it can tell us where the Behemoth is. Bee-line to them."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Buzz buzz," Camellia mumbles, adjusting their axe on their shoulder.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena points to them, very serious, like they were making a good point. "Buzz buzz."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Camellia grins and reaches out their axe to smack against Lena's bat. Clunk.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“I’d also like to speak to the magistrate,” they mumble. “It frustrates me that the previous group refused to share whatever they learned.”
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
“I’m curious about what the Magistrate is like…” Ilse mumbles, lost in thought. Then abruptly turns turns to Sammy. “What do you think?”
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy is still looking in the direction of the basement. "Hmm...If you want to see the Magistrate, that's okay." Sammy fiddles with their sleeves, "The little guy...can wait..."
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena puts a hand on their shoulder. "We can come back right after we talk with the. The mage. For sure."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
You climb up a small flight of stairs to reach a simple balcony, a platform of sorts jutting out of the side of the wall something like thirty feet off the ground of an enormous chamber. There's a raised railing keeping you from falling, but it's probably still a little disorienting. But the chamber is hardly empty. There's an enormous thing in the direct center, shaped like a tree and something like fifty feet tall, but it isn't really a plant. You've never seen a tree with wings before, bright and stiff and glowing with neon phosphorescence. The roots below look almost like massive cables, with pulses of little greenish-blue light pulsing along them, up that dark trunk and up to the leaves above, that canopy shifting endlessly as if swarming in circles from a breeze that does not touch this stale air.
Identify yourselves.
A voice comes from nowhere, odd and stilted, echoing in this place. It seems distinctly false, the way your phone's personal assistant or automated text reading might. Human-adjacent, but not human.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Blake shakes their head, trying to reorient themselves. “You’re the behemoth magistrate, I take it.”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
There's a hum, like the whir of computation.
That is my identification, not yours. Identify yourselves.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
A flash of irritation across Blake’s face. “Collectively, we are known as the hunters. Is that satisfactory for you?”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
The Magistrate is silent, whirring once more.
One who searches. Or, one who kills. The title implies both the existence of prey, and your relationship to it.
A pulse of light ignites one of the wings, flickering off in a shower of sparks.
Analysis: your Persona identifies itself as one known as 'Artemis.' Artemis is said to be a virginal maiden, a patron protector, and the stainless butcher. Query: which of these titles best describes you?
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Blake’s eyes widen for a moment, and they’re quiet for awhile. None of those titles are exactly correct, nor are they necessarily wrong… They can’t call themselves a protector, they don’t have the right to such a claim. Someone who spends a lifetime looking out for themselves at the cost of others can’t claim such a title. But they can’t refer to themselves as a butcher, an outright admission of guilt for that of which they are innocent. Admitting that is a slap in the face of all their efforts up to this point, up until now. It is unacceptable.
And they’re quiet for awhile, and they look at the floor, and they look at this creature, and they close their eyes. Say it and be done. “I suppose,” they begin, their voice oddly shaking. “Of the choices you’ve given me… the first… is perhaps the most accurate.” Do they owe this creature honesty? Or perhaps, it’s easy to write off as a lie. But they could not bring themselves to say either of the other options. Even a liar like them dares not lie that boldly.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena grunts. "You don't have to. Say that."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
There's another resonant hum. Sakio shifts to stand in front of you, Blake, and puts an arm out like she's shielding you from the Magistrate. There's a horrid, shuddering tension in her, a silent fury. Like she doesn't know what to say, simply stewing in bitterness.
Analysis: you whose Persona has identified itself as 'Chorus,' you are the oldest of these 'Hunters,' yet you hold yourself within a lesser rank. You are a teacher, and yet your students guide you. Query: why is this?
Sakio is silent further, like she's contemplating her answer carefully. "My students are not children," she says, low and strained. "Many of them have already suffered at the hands of those I cannot reach, and they've all grown up faster than they should have. Should I coddle them, they will never boom, never learn what they need to in order to survive." She swallows, an unsteady breath escaping her. "I cannot protect them from the world, or from my mistakes. But I can protect them from you." Her brand flickers with barely-contained brilliance.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena drags her hands across her face.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Feels like we've done this song and dance before, huh?" Camellia kicks a small rock across the balcony. "I'm pretty sure I liked it better when Prim did it."
There's an odd pulse of light, tinged a slightly different color, the phosphorescence shifting slightly. Define 'Prim.'
Camellia quirks an eyebrow. "Prim? Uh...she said her name was...Primrose?"
Primrose. Yet another whir. Results: Primula Vulgaris, common Primrose. Primula from the Latin word 'prime,' meaning first, and Vulgaris, meaning widespread. Eyes in the dark. The final words come as almost a whisper, an unnatural addition, nearly another voice entirely. Conclusion: Unknown factor.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"Can you please stop fucking. Google searching shit. Where's the behemoth?"
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
The hums grow louder and resonant, stacking atop each other. You realize, it's laughing at you.
Reiterating: I am the Behemoth. The balcony shakes, and the entire tree adjusts itself, seeming to inflate with a deep breath. I am the one who wields the dream of Justice, heir to the Cable Canopy. This place is my birthright. I am its ruler, and its maker, and its progenitor. I am the Alpha and Omega of this realm.
Blake, your journal snaps open. Red ink scars itself across the page. The Behemoth Magistrate Justice Arcana T U L G E Y W O O D S
That is, excepting a single tumorous growth. The tree deflates again. Statement: the beast scars my world. Statement: you are hunters. Suggestion: you should...hunt.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“We should hunt, you say?” Blake will summon Artemis, bow aimed at the magistrate. “Consider it done.”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Artemis's arrow slams into the bark of the tree a solid few inches, stays there, and then vanishes.
Suggestion: do not do that.
The wings are going to shudder and pulse, igniting with sparks of voltage, and then the glow fades color completely.
Invoke: Megido Pulse.
One of the wings swipes towards the platform, and a distortion tears through the air. Sakio, who is still in front of Blake, pushes the other Hunters away and then braces herself.
@Everyone Else (DaxieVane) Result: 4d6 (5, 6, 2, 1) + 12 Total: 26
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
sakio takes 21 points of damage
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Does she survive that?
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
yeah she's about half health right now
"I told you," she says, through grit teeth. "You're not going to hurt them."
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"Ok, ok, ok. Let's. Think. We do that."
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
As the attack hits and they’re shoved back by Sakio, Blake yells out. ”Fuck.” And they push themselves, calling on Artemis again through the strain. As the smoke clears, Artemis fires an arrow into Sakio, and she’s reinvigorated.
“Don’t die,” they whisper at her through gritted teeth. “Don’t you fucking dare die for me.”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Sakio nods, but doesn't face you. "I won't," she says, quiet again, soft. "Thank you."
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy is startled, but finds the courage to face Tulgey and ask, "Uhm...excuse me..." They're trying to act polite, but they keep looking around the room at their friends. "Hm...nevermind..." Sammy looks to Sakio, worried, but not saying anything at all.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
You have my attention. Query: what is that you want?
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy pulls at their hoodie, like they weren't expecting that. "Uh...uhm...you're the ruler of this place, as we can see..." They start fiddling with their sleeves, "So uhm...you should know all that goes on around here. Do you know..." What we're hunting. The rooms. Puck. They look at Blake for reassurance, but quickly forgets about it and decides to go with something else. "...about the little guy? I heard there's a little guy...in the...basement..."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Another hum, this one a little louder than the others.
Analysis: basement refers to lower level occupied by the minions of the Rapacious Behemoth. Conclusion: 'little guy' would refer to the minions of– Tulgy stops talking. The hum picks up again, warping and warbling.
Results: Tangerine is a small citrus fruit hybridized from mandarin oranges. Results: Tango is a South American dance requiring two partnered participants. Query: why do these two words produce identical reactions within your heart?
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy winces. "What--?" They can feel their stomach turning. "Why did you say that all of a sudden? Y-You're..." They look really upset, they're practically clawing at their sleeves. "THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I ASKED YOU! YOU DIDN'T EVEN--" They're physically shaking now, but they try their best to calm down by looking around the room. New friends. Good friends. Can't see you...upset. They take a deep breath. "Isn't that what the words mean? A T-Tango is a dance between two people and a T-Tangerine is a fruit, they're actually really good, you should try some..." They're trying to joke around, "Maybe we can share some later and be...friends...or something..."
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
Ilse takes a step closer and Sammy’s hand
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena gets closer to them and very carefully puts a hand around their shoulders. Then she turns her head and glares with all her fucking might at the bastard upsetting her friend. "Do you wanna fucking die?"
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Sakio similarly reaches out and rests a light touch on their shoulder.
No. While my directive requires death, it is not my death which I desire to enact.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
”Tango, wasn’t it? What you said back then, at the spire. I’m assuming who or whatever that was is one such secret.”
…so they weren’t wrong, after all. How interesting. Blake looks at Sammy, then back up at the magistrate, and then turns and walks back over to Sammy, standing between them and the magistrate. “If I need not bare my soul,” they say with a shrug. “Nor do you.” Eyes dart back up toward the magistrate, then to the stairs. “Let’s go. We can return here after we examine the basement. You wanted to go there, after all, didn’t you?” And they smile fondly. After all… they didn’t want this creature revealing everything. The one to pull apart the masks of the other hunters and reveal their secrets would be Blake, and no one else.
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
Ilse stares at the Magistrate, unmoving or unwilling to. “You speak of justice but I think you are not fair with this, even if you are just curious. You bare our souls and remain opaque. So allow me to be curious myself: What’s with your voices? Where do you get your knowledge from? It can’t be just our hearts”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Rhetorical query: what is a Behemoth? Another chorus of hums, like a cascade of laughter. Definition: a Behemoth is a dream who exists to spin the world around them, whose existence warps Fractals to suit their nature. As I am my father's son, I have inherited a fragment of his world.
Sakio's eyes widen at that. She mouths the word 'father,' eyes glazed over with thought, brow furrowed, like she's trying to piece together an equation in her head.
The Dream at my core is 'Omnipotence.' It shapes my form, my essence, my very self. This world bends itself to provide me knowledge, and my roots have grown so very far indeed. I can taste your truths in the air, sample them like pollen or your sickening pheromones. Query: does this assuage your curiosity?
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
“Partially.” Ilse grins but not amused. “It also disappoints me a bit. I’ve heard of omnipotence quite a lot in my life, but I’ve never got to speak to someone with that goal in reach. Just one old question: Isn’t it…boring?”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
To know all things is to know oneself, as each individual is macrocosmically reflected unto reality. Observation: you have strived to understand your own identity and your place in the world you call 'home.' In order to achieve that result, you have sacrificed a comfortable lie in order to achieve a more complex and dangerous truth. This truth has brought you no end to difficulty, and suffering. Query: would you describe the results of that search as dull? Further query: would you describe that truth as worth the cost you paid for it?
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
Ilse gives Blake a look, mostly to signal that they are ready to go, almost. They grit their teeth and turn back to to Tulgey. “Rhetorical query, I assume? But it’s only fair bare both souls. No, I don’t consider it dull. Yes, it is worth the price, always will be. But I disagree with the unspoken premise. To know is not to change anything outside of yourself. Though…” The tree, the walls, the Behemoth somewhere close… “that distinction may not be the same for you.”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
...registered. Tulgey's wings wave in a nonexistent wind, and you hear a light almost screeching noise coming all the way down from the base of the stairs. Hunters. Observation: there is yet knowledge you posses that may prove useful to me. Offer: should you linger within my domain, I shall not cause you harm, so long as none of you act against me or my subjects. Should you decide to act upon your namesake and hunt the Rapacious Behemoth, I will provide you assistance and guidance. Conversation concluded. Bit by bit, the humming silences itself. And it is quiet in the chamber again.
"Let's take our leave," Sakio says, a quiet note to her tone, something far more somber than earlier today. She wipes a bit of blood off the corner of her mouth and turns towards the staircase. "Our work is not yet done."
You all reach the bottom of the stairs again, where you see that the cables have retreated from the pathway, leaving only a mess of thick vines too close to squeeze through. Sakio turns back to all of you. "Does anyone need a breather? There's no shame in taking some rest, especially after something that..." She trails off, like she's not sure what word to use.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Farce,” Blake completes for her, no shortage of poison dripping off their their voice.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Yes," Sakio agrees, quietly.
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
"I've breathed enough." They mumble.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"... Maybe the little guy will be our friend?" She smiles encouragingly, if a little strained.
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
“I”m fine” Ilse almost sounds like it is true
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Camellia just glances around the rest, and raises a hand like they're about to say something, but aborts the motion halfway and just scratches the back of their head. "Fuck it, basement time."
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy crosses their arms, "That little guy has been waiting long enough. They're dying for a can of peaches right now!" They say this mainly to Lena, as if to reassure her that everything is okay, but their expression stays neutral.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"... Yeah. Sorry." And she starts walking towards the basement.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
As you lower yourselves down the side of the hill, probably remembering any forest hikes you might have been on, the cacophany hits you first. An incredibly familiar chant, a mantra on infinite repeat. It doesn't quite sound exactly as it did back then though, more like a work song than an idosyncratic tic.
"Hee-ho. Hee-ho. Hee-ho."
"Oh for fuck's sake," Sakio mumbles.
Finally, you reach the bottom, and you all take in the sight as you come to realize that Blake's notes contain another sizable inaccuracy. This place isn't a basement. It's a farm. There are dozens of pieces of jagged wood assembled into large rectangles, holding beds of darkened, fertilized dirt, being tilled and planted and harvested by a swarm of small, round Shadows. They're snow-white besides for their mossy hats, the ring of leaves and acorns around their necks, their wooden shoes, and their large green-yellow eyes. Out of the dirt sprouts every type of plant and vegetable you can imagine, and quite a few you can't, in all different stages of growth. And at the very bottom of the hill, in front of you all, is yet another Shadow, this one wearing a cape of leaves and holding a staff almost as big as they are, rather than the farming implements the others have. "Gree-heetings, guests of the Rapacious One! Do you come to bring us further sacrifices?"
Blake, your journal snaps open. Jack Moss Magician Arcana
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Remind me,” Blake groans. “To have a word with whoever composed these notes…” They sigh.
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy's eyes light up, as if they were never feeling down in the first place. "Cute..."
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
lena is gonna hunt down the most fucked up plant growing here and try to eat it
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
are you going to attempt to walk past the Moss in front of you? there's no other way into the farm that you can see
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy is gonna try to pet the jack moss
Lena Tarr (Dave)
oh yes absolutely. not even like. in a rude way lena just rlly thinks that she can go wherever and no one can tell her shit
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
The Moss just sort of reacts nonchalantly when you touch him. "This is very unorthodox, hee-ho!" But when Lena tries to walk past, he sticks out the staff in front of her, blocking her way. "No outsiders allowed! This is the sacred farm, hee-ho, where we grow sacrifices to appease our Rapacious goddess. Her hunger is endless, hee-ho!"
Camellia shudders. "Never thought aggressive cheeriness would make me feel sick to my stomach, but here we are."
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
"... This is a cult, huh."
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Indeed,” Blake says with a grin. “The cuteness is somewhat undermined by their sinister intentions…”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"I don't know what that word mea-hee-ns!"
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy beams at the Jack Moss "You're so cute!" Sammy wants to pet them more but is holding back.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Okay!" He holds out a little hand. "If you don't have any sacrifices for the Rapacious one, we-hee will have to make you-ho the sacrifices. Sacrifices are necessary!"
"I think we should provide...sustenance?" Sakio says, already reaching into her bag.
Camellia quick-snaps a plastic-bagged bagel out of theirs and basketball tosses it across the group to the Moss. It bounces off his head. "Thank you for your sacrifice, hee-ho!" he says, endlessly cheery.
Another Moss rushes behind and picks up the bagel before scurrying off.
Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy quickly reaches under their poncho into what you can only assume is a pocket or bag. They pull out a can of peaches. "If I give you this, can we be friends? Can I give you another pet and we can be friends?"
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane) — Yesterday at 5:49 PM
"I don't know what that word means e-hee-ther!"
"Give him the peaches!" Camellia calls from the back of the group.
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy gently places the can of peaches in front of their new friend.
"It just means I can call you my friend and I can pet you and you're my buddy now." They grin, as if to say, the pact is sealed.
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Okay!" He picks up the can of peaches and tosses it over his shoulder to another Moss. "Thank you for your sacrifice, hee-ho." And he tilts his head expectantly at the rest of you.
Sakio is gonna hand over some basic snacks as well, which are unceremoniously chucked to an awaiting Moss.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Blake scoffs. “I don’t have anything to give to this creature.”
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
“Do you want one of my snacks for him?” Ilse grabs two light snacks out of their bag and hands one to Blake
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
The Jack Moss nods excitedly at you, Blake, and turns to some of the other Shadows. "Get the spear please, hee-ho! We have another–"
"No that's quite alright, I have their sacrifice right here," Sakio says quickly, pulling another few snacks out of her bag and handing them over.
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena rummages through her pockets. She finds a few mint candies. The discolored wrappers show that they've been through many a wash. She gives them to the Moss anyway.
Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Ah.” They twitch for a moment with something approximating guilt, but it’s hard to tell. “Thank you,” they mumble, to whichever character gave up their snacks for them-
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Everyone but Blake, you lose 1x Basic Snack
 Lena Tarr (Dave)
ill give em a theo snack if they let me in on a fucked up veggie
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
"Thank you for your sacrifices, hee-ho!" The Moss stands up proudly, smacking his stick down into the dirt. "As the Voice of the Rapacious One, I hereby decree-hee that for their generous sacrifices, and for helping our fellow pe-hee-ons, that these ho-humans shall be guests in our goddess's realm. All hail the Rapacious One!" "All hail, hee-ho!" comes the resounding cacophony.
Lena. if you wanna try convincing them to let you take a vegetable. i will let you do a weighted charm roll. and i will let you know that things will go Very Bad if you fail.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Lena,” Blake mutters, unmoving in their place on the slope. “Please, do not.”
Lena Tarr (Dave)
Lena does not.
But unhappily so.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
:Oc I thought she would anyway
 Lena Tarr (Dave
fdfgdfgdf she cares a lot abt her teammates. more than abt eating very suspicious stuff that she shouldnt eat gdfgfdgfd
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
i know this and i love her
 Ilse Belanger (Ralu)
Ilse joins Sammy in giving the main Moss some pets, visibly delighted
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Idiots,” Blake mutters quietly. “The lot of you.”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
the Moss feels kinda soft, a little spongy, honestly a bit damp. but it kinda humid down here, so that last part isn't that unexpected.
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy looks at Blake with a stare that could kill. "You know you want to join us"
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
Blake looks between Sammy and the Moss, quirking an eyebrow. “No,” they say. “I… don’t think I do.”
 Sammy Cabra (Nyanko)
Sammy whines, "But it's so cool...and cute..."
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
Sakio looks around the farm, rubbing her chin. "I'm going to make a reasonable assumption, I believe. These Shadows are acting in service of a Behemoth, and the Magistrate mentioned a Rapacious–"
"Do you work for the Magistrate, hee-ho?" The Moss's voice is lower now, still almost cheery, but ever so slightly darker.
 Blake Leto (Jane 🐈)
“Magistrate?” they ask with a feigned look of ignorant curiosity. “Not familiar, no. Why do you ask?”
 Everyone Else (DaxieVane)
“Oh, whew!” The Moss wipes off his brow dramatically. “I was worried you were another hee-heretic, ho! Like those other humans who came here.” You can see a few Mosses creeping up nearer to you, collectively carrying a single huge jousting lance, but as soon as they hear that, they scurry off back out of sight.
Camellia points after them, looking around at the rest of you with a very ‘everyone just saw that, right?’ sort of expression, but doesn’t have a chance to say anything before the Moss speaks again.
“The Magistrate is a very bad and very evil false idol, hee-ho! He keeps sending his minions to take over our goddess’s land, probably to steal her sacrifices and make us his slaves!” The entire farm erupts in a cacophony of hee-hisses and ho-boos. “Say…you humans are pretty strong right?” The Voice Moss’s empty grin seems to grow wider. “If you kill that false idol, hee-ho, I will decree you a place in the Rapacious One’s great kingdom! I could even show you where his weak-hee point is, ho. So-ho? What do you think?”
0 notes