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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/chewbacca-fan-turned-fire-capt-reflects-on-actors-legacy/
Chewbacca Fan-Turned-Fire Capt. Reflects on Actor's Legacy
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A Vista, California, Fire Department captain and lifelong “Star Wars” fan who famously dresses up as Chewbacca on his days off was hit hard by the death of actor Peter Mayhew, a man he said “was everything, for everyone.”
“It’s hard to put into words what Chewbacca meant to the [‘Star Wars’] community,” Vista Fire Dept. Capt. Samuel Craig told NBC 7 earlier this week. “He was the passion; the teddy bear; the loyalty. He was everything, for everyone.”
“When something bad happened on screen, you got the visceral reaction from him,” Craig added. “You got to see the raw passion and he really reflected what you saw.”
Mayhew, 74 – best known for his iconic role as Chewbacca in the “Star Wars” series – died April 30 at his home in Boyd, Texas. The 7-foot-2 actor was the man inside the Wookiee’s furry suit in five “Star Wars” films beginning with the original trilogy released from 1977 to 1983.
Mayhew put the Chewbacca suit on again in 2005 for “Revenge of the Sith,” and in 2018 for “The Force Awakens. The actor also voiced the character in cartoons and video games, and attended countless conventions, meeting fans at every turn.
One time, one of those fans was Craig.
For the fire captain, it was one of those moments in life that never leaves your heart.
Craig was wearing a life-size Chewbacca costume when he met his hero. Mayhew was impressed by the get-up and humbled to see the impact of his character on Craig’s life. They took a few photos together.
“He was so gracious,” Craig recounted. “It was a really great moment.”
Craig said he was raised on the magic of “Star Wars.” In fact, it was the very first movie he ever saw in a theater.
“My dad took me when I was young, on opening day, in 1977,” he said. “I still don’t know why he took someone that young to see the movie. Growing up, my entire life was about ‘Star Wars’ and Chewbacca was just always a favorite. He stands out; he was everything – he was the friend.”
Craig passed down his love of Chewbacca and “Star Wars” to his own son. He was able to take his son to the movies in 2015 to see “The Force Awakens.”
He also involved his son and wife in the making of his Chewbacca costume, which he has famously worn to San Diego Comic-Con International.
Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca in ‘Star Wars,’ Dies at 74
In 2015, the costume was a showstopper among Comic-Con fans who lined up to take pictures with Craig.
“Our whole family has a connection to the character,” he added.
The costume took the Craig family 18 months to make. His son was only 5 and 6 years old at the time of the crafty undertaking. Each strand of hair was painstakingly placed on the costume and colored to match Chewbacca’s appearance.
When Craig donned the costume at Comic-Con, he walked on 15-inch stilts, making him 7-foot-8 – pretty close to the height of the real Chewie.
“[My] Chewbacca costume is as close to screen-accurate as my family and I were able to make it,” Craig explained.
Today, when he’s not wearing his fire captain uniform, Craig continues to suit up in his Chewbacca costume, wearing it to community and charity events around San Diego’s North County.
In fact, he was on the phone setting up his next gig as Chewbacca earlier this week – for May the 4th, of course – when he heard news of Mayhew’s death.
He was crushed.
His son, knowing Craig’s love for Chewbacca, was worried about his dad’s feelings.
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In Memoriam: Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca of ‘Star Wars’
Although Mayhew is gone, Craig finds solace in the fact that the actor’s legacy and all that Chewbacca stands for will never fade.
All fans need to do is turn on a “Star Wars” movie to feel the powers of Chewie.
“Peter Mayhew was this wonderful man, and that really comes out in the character of Chewbacca. If you watch the performances carefully, you can occasionally see when it’s a stunt person in the costume. Peter Mayhew’s personality really came out,” Craig explained. “That could’ve so easily been a character in a furry costume. So many of the mannerisms – so much of the heart – he really created a character where I don’t really even know if it was meant to be.”
“That’s what made it an endearing character,” he added. “It wasn’t the costume, it was the man inside the costume. For me, he was loyalty. He was this friend who stuck with Han Solo through everything. He really showed the best of what that world could be, which really had a lot to do with the actor that was inside that costume.”
Craig is far from alone in his love for Mayhew. The “Star Wars” universe is grieving.
Earlier this week, “Star Wars” cast members and devoted fans of the franchise mourned the loss of the gentle giant, and the joy his footprint left on their lives forever.
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michy-diva-blog · 6 years
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Ex Super Eagle Striker, Obafemi Martins Shares Love Up Photo With His Girlfriend, Abigail . . Obafemi Martins underwent a successful surgery in England. . . The single father of several children was injured playing for Shanghai Shenhua in the AFC Champions League. . . The former Super Eagles striker was pictured with his long-term heartthrob, Abigail Barwuah as he gradually undergoes his recovery process . . Please ease like, comment and follow @michygist_blog for all your latest gist #michygist_blog #channelstelevision #mtvbaseafrica #proudlynigerian #pulsenigeria #pulsenigeria247 #naijanewspapers #news #bbcnews #gistmania #supereagles #naija #nigeria #naijanews #supereaglesfootball #naijanewsconnect #naijanewsmag #supereaglesplayer #naijanewsroom #supereaglesofnigeria #naijanewsrave #naijaboy #celebgossip #celebritynews #supereagle #gossip #entertainment #naijapals #nigeriannews
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froshdope-blog · 7 years
Read and Discuss Latest Nigerian and Naija News On Gistmania. Topics Covered Include: Politics, Celebrity Gossip, Movies, Music and More, Enjoy!
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Read and Discuss Latest Nigerian and Naija News On Gistmania. Topics Covered Include: Politics, Celebrity Gossip, Movies, Music and More, Enjoy!
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/best-of-late-night-late-night-thinks-william-barr-should-show-up-for-work/
Best of Late Night: Late Night Thinks William Barr Should Show Up for Work
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Welcome to Best of Late Night, a rundown of the previous night’s highlights that lets you sleep — and lets us get paid to watch comedy. If you’re interested in hearing from The Times regularly about great TV, sign up for our Watching newsletter and get recommendations straight to your inbox.
Barr Loses a Game of Chicken
As promised, William Barr did not show up to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. The panel wanted him questioned about the Mueller report by staff lawyers, not just members of Congress, and he objected.
“Barr said he would not attend because of a dispute about the questioning format. Specifically, he didn’t like the part where they asked questions and he had to answer them.” — JAMES CORDEN
“At one point, he tried hiding in a White House closet, but Melania was like, ‘Hey, get your own place.’” — JIMMY FALLON
“You’re the attorney general! You can’t just skip work whenever you feel like it. The only person who can do that is the president.” — JAMES CORDEN
Democrats were not happy with Barr’s decision. One congressman, Steve Cohen, brought a chicken statue and a bucket of KFC to the hearing. He was making a point, but Trevor Noah wondered if he’d just been hungry.
“It could have just been his breakfast, and someone was, like, ‘Oh, is that KFC some kind of political statement?’ [As Cohen] ‘Oh, yeah, that’s what it is. And the drink is because we need to shake things up!’” — TREVOR NOAH
“Man, this confirms everyone’s worst fear. If you don’t show up to a party, the people who do are gonna talk [expletive] about you.” — SETH MEYERS
Something Like a Prayer
President Trump hosted a National Day of Prayer breakfast at the White House on Thursday. That amused Stephen Colbert, who says Trump “has never read one word of the Bible before.”
The “Late Show” host found it particularly funny that the president used the occasion to brag about his influence on (as Colbert put it) “this country’s No. 1 spiritual concern: mall signage.” Specifically, Trump took credit for “stores nowadays” wishing shoppers a Merry Christmas again.
“Yes, it’s true. Go to any mall in America right now and it is Christmas. We’re proudly getting ready for our Yule-time cookouts, our Noel fireworks shows, our nativity pool parties, kids selling mulled lemonade!” — STEPHEN COLBERT
Seth Meyers noted that a Christian band had performed worship songs in the Rose Garden, saying it was “nice to know that every once in a while [Trump]’s suffering, too.”
The Punchiest Punchlines (Still at the Barr Edition)
“You already know in amongst all of this that Trump is jealous about all of the attention Barr is getting right now. Do you know what I mean? Trump is like ‘What? Hey, I’ve committed way more crimes than that guy. He covered up my crimes.” — JAMES CORDEN
“Yes, when the attorney general lies to Congress, it is a crime. When the president does it, it is the State of the Union.” — STEPHEN COLBERT, on Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats calling for Barr to resign
The Bits Worth Watching
At the Billboard Music Awards this week, Taylor Swift’s live performance of her new single “ME!” was oddly similar to Beyoncé’s 2018 Coachella show (recently released as part of her Netflix documentary “Homecoming”). On Thursday, “Desus & Mero” weighed in on Swift’s marching band, which, they pointed out, had decidedly less rhythm than Beyoncé’s.
In the new Netflix series “Dead to Me,” Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini form a friendship after meeting in a support group for grieving widows. In a Times review, Mike Hale writes that the show’s creator, Liz Feldman (“2 Broke Girls,” “Hot in Cleveland”), has updated the traditional odd-couple sitcom, counterpointing “the comedy of female friendship with the tragedy of male condescension and predation.”
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/jamie-durie-on-the-difficulties-of-working-with-charlize-theron/
Jamie Durie on the difficulties of working with Charlize Theron
‘It was a tough job’: Celebrity horticulturalist Jamie Durie on the difficulties of working with ‘passionate’ Charlize Theron
By Daily Mail Australia Reporter
Published: 02:25 EDT, 27 April 2019 | Updated: 02:25 EDT, 27 April 2019
He’s the celebrity horticulturalist who’s worked with some of Hollywood’s biggest names.
And now Jamie Durie has revealed details about one of his most famous former clients, Charlize Theron.
Speaking to Mediaweek, the 48-year-old confessed that working on the star’s garden presented a unique set of challenges.
‘She’s very passionate’: Celebrity horticulturalist Jamie Durie (L) has opened up about the difficulties of working with Charlize Theron (R)
When asked if ‘extra pressure’ comes with working with a Hollywood star, Jamie admitted: ‘Well, yes, in a way…’
He added: ‘I don’t think I had any grey hairs when I started working with Charlize!’
‘It was a tough job,’ he continued. ‘But I worked with her for a couple of years and she’s very passionate about design and very clever.’
‘It was a tough job,’ he admitted. ‘But I worked with her for a couple of years and she’s very passionate about design and very clever’
Jamie went on to call the actress ‘very pro-environment,’ and said that she was incredibly involved in the design process.
‘I think for her, this had to be a replication of her own character and example of her own taste and style,’ he added.
‘As designers, we’re really privileged shepherds who are here to hold their hands through the process and allow them to feel like they’re designing their own homes.’
Boss: Jamie went on to call the actress ‘very pro-environment’ and said that she was incredibly involved in the design process
Jamie has worked with a number of A-list celebrities over the years, including Bruce Willis and Anne Heche.
He’s also designed ‘100 pieces of furniture’ for comedian Chelsea Handler. 
Jamie is now preparing to return to the small screen as one of the judges on the upcoming season of Channel Seven’s House Rules.
Comeback: Jamie is now preparing to return to the small screen as one of the judges on the upcoming season of Channel Seven’s House Rules
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michy-diva-blog · 6 years
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South African President Ramaphosa arrives in Nigeria for working visit. . . #michygist_blog #southafrica #Nigerian #bbcnews #naijanewspapers #news #pulsenigeria #proudlynigerian #mtvbaseafrica #channelstelevision #pulsenigeria247 #naija #naijanews #naijanewsconnect #naijanewsmag #nigeria #naijanewsroom #naijanewsrave #naijaboy #celebgossip #celebritynews #skelewu #gossip #entertainment #beats #naijapals #nigeriannews #americana #gistmania #black
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michy-diva-blog · 6 years
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Nigerian lady arrested with cocaine concealed in her vagina . . A Nigerian woman has been arrested by detectives of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in Kolkata, India, with 20 LSD blots and cocaine concealed in her private parts. . . David Blessing, 30, was picked up, on Monday, at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, after landing from Mumbai. . . Speaking to News18, NCB Kolkata Zonal Head, Dilip Kumar Srivastava, said, “During the search, our lady officers found only 20 LSD blots from her bag. But later she took out 12 grams of Cocaine from her private parts. . . She was having pain in her lower abdomen and revealed that more contraband substances were concealed inside her vagina. We immediately rushed her to a nearby hospital where her trans-vaginal USG report confirmed our hunch.” . . Preliminary investigations revealed that Blessing was staying in Mumbai for the last two years on business visa and the consignment seized from her possession was meant for a person in Kolkata. . . #michygist_blog #Nigerian #nigerianwedding #bellanaijaonline #skelewu #americana #pulsenigeria #proudlynigerian #mtvbaseafrica #channelstelevision #pulsenigeria247 #naijanewspapers #news #bbcnews #naija #naijanews #naijanewsconnect #naijanewsmag #nigeria #naijanewsroom #naijanewsrave #naijaboy #celebgossip #celebritynews #gossip #entertainment #naijapals #nigeriannews #gistmania #black
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michy-diva-blog · 6 years
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Obasanjo makes surprise appearance at PDP rally in Ogun . . A former President, Chief  Olusegun Obasanjo, on Monday stormed the rally of one of the governorship aspirants on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party in Ogun State, Oladipupo Adebutu. Adebutu currently representing Remo Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, and his supporters were at the rally held within the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library ground when the former President arrived in his Toyota jeep,  in a convoy of other cars. . . . This threw the supporters into a wild jubilation,  as the Obasanjo alighted from the vehicle. The former President, who is also an in-law, to the aspirant said, “I am just passing by and decided to say hello and wish you well.” Immediately, he extended his pleasantries,  he jumped into the jeep and left with the convoy of cars to his residence, situated within the premises. . . #michygist_blog #pdp #pulsenigeria #proudlynigerian #mtvbaseafrica #channelstelevision #pulsenigeria247 #naijanewspapers #news #bbcnews #naija #naijanews #naijanewsconnect #naijanewsmag #nigeria #naijanewsroom #naijanewsrave #naijaboy #celebgossip #celebritynews #gossip #entertainment #naijapals #nigeriannews #gistmania #black
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