#enough to make even Akon avoid taking his phone anywhere
unohanadaydreams · 3 months
I know for a fact that the voice messages Akon has from the R&D guys are insane.
Rin probably has a panic attack waiting in Akon’s inbox if he takes too long on a smoke break. And they’re all followed by a request for him to bring back candy from the vending machine so Akon always changes it to transcript so he can just read through it.
Hiyosu is using that thing like a notes app while there is continuous, unrestrained screaming and suffering in the background (whether by staff or cadaver is unknown). (Partly so Akon has to listen to it because the screams fuck up the transcription tech)
Mayuri is just constantly flooding that thing with write ups for anyone who dare fuck up a running project Mayuri decided to pick up for himself and nitpicking bullshit that lesser men would smash their phone over.
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